/* Copyright 2011-2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.types.graphs.algorithms; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.general.Pair; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.types.graphs.IDirectedGraph; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.types.graphs.IGraphNode; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.types.trees.ITreeNode; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.types.trees.Tree; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.types.trees.TreeNode; /** * Uses the Lengauer-Tarjan algorithm to determine the dominator tree of a directed graph. * * The implementation of this algorithm was taken from Modern Compiler Implementation in Java, pages * 452 and 453. */ public final class LengauerTarjan { private static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> int depthFirstSearch( final NodeType parent, final NodeType rootNode, final HashMap<NodeType, Integer> dfnums, final HashMap<Integer, NodeType> vertex, final HashMap<NodeType, NodeType> parents, int dfnum) { parents.put(rootNode, parent); vertex.put(dfnum, rootNode); dfnums.put(rootNode, dfnum); dfnum++; final Stack<Pair<NodeType, NodeType>> nodeStack = new Stack<Pair<NodeType, NodeType>>(); for (final NodeType child : Lists.reverse(rootNode.getChildren())) { nodeStack.push(new Pair<NodeType, NodeType>(child, rootNode)); } while (!nodeStack.empty()) { final Pair<NodeType, NodeType> currentElement = nodeStack.pop(); final NodeType currentNode = currentElement.first(); final NodeType currentParent = currentElement.second(); if (dfnums.get(currentNode) == -1) { dfnums.put(currentNode, dfnum); vertex.put(dfnum, currentNode); parents.put(currentNode, currentParent); dfnum++; for (final NodeType child : Lists.reverse(currentNode.getChildren())) { nodeStack.push(new Pair<NodeType, NodeType>(child, currentNode)); } } } return dfnum - 1; } /** * In the forest, find the non-root ancestor of n that has the lowest-numbered semidominator. */ private static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> NodeType getAncestorWithLowestSemi( final NodeType node, final HashMap<NodeType, Integer> dfnum, final HashMap<NodeType, NodeType> semi, final HashMap<NodeType, NodeType> ancestor, final HashMap<NodeType, NodeType> best) { final NodeType a = ancestor.get(node); if (ancestor.get(a) != null) { final NodeType b = getAncestorWithLowestSemi(a, dfnum, semi, ancestor, best); ancestor.put(node, ancestor.get(a)); if (dfnum.get(semi.get(b)) < dfnum.get(semi.get(best.get(node)))) { best.put(node, b); } } return best.get(node); } /** * Add edge p -> n to spanning forest implied by ancestor array. * * @param <NodeType> Type of the nodes in the directed graph. */ private static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> void link(final NodeType parent, final NodeType node, final HashMap<NodeType, NodeType> ancestor, final HashMap<NodeType, NodeType> best) { ancestor.put(node, parent); best.put(node, node); } /** * Generates the dominator tree of a list of nodes. * * @param <NodeType> Type of the nodes. * * @param nodes The list of nodes. * @param rootNode The node that is considered the root node of the graph. * * @return The dominator tree created from the node list. * * @throws MalformedGraphException Thrown if an issue in the graph was detected. */ public static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> Pair<Tree<NodeType>, HashMap<NodeType, ITreeNode<NodeType>>> calculate( final Collection<NodeType> nodes, final NodeType rootNode) throws MalformedGraphException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(nodes, "Error: Nodes argument can not be null"); if (nodes.size() == 0) { return new Pair<Tree<NodeType>, HashMap<NodeType, ITreeNode<NodeType>>>(null, null); } Preconditions.checkNotNull(rootNode, "Error: Root node argument can not be null"); Preconditions.checkArgument(nodes.contains(rootNode), "Error: Root node is not part of the graph"); int entryNodes = 0; for (final NodeType node : nodes) { if (node.getParents().size() == 0) { entryNodes++; } } if (entryNodes > 1) { throw new MalformedGraphException( "Error: Can not calculate dominator trees for graphs with more than one entry node"); } final HashMap<NodeType, Set<NodeType>> bucket = new HashMap<NodeType, Set<NodeType>>(); final HashMap<NodeType, NodeType> idom = new HashMap<NodeType, NodeType>(); final HashMap<NodeType, NodeType> best = new HashMap<NodeType, NodeType>(); final HashMap<NodeType, NodeType> semi = new HashMap<NodeType, NodeType>(); final HashMap<NodeType, NodeType> ancestor = new HashMap<NodeType, NodeType>(); final HashMap<NodeType, NodeType> samedom = new HashMap<NodeType, NodeType>(); final HashMap<Integer, NodeType> vertex = new HashMap<Integer, NodeType>(); final HashMap<NodeType, NodeType> parents = new HashMap<NodeType, NodeType>(); final HashMap<NodeType, Integer> dfnum = new HashMap<NodeType, Integer>(); for (final NodeType node : nodes) { bucket.put(node, new HashSet<NodeType>()); dfnum.put(node, -1); semi.put(node, null); ancestor.put(node, null); idom.put(node, null); samedom.put(node, null); } final int n = depthFirstSearch(null, rootNode, dfnum, vertex, parents, 0); for (int i = n; i >= 1; i--) { final NodeType node = vertex.get(i); final NodeType parent = parents.get(node); NodeType s = parent; for (final NodeType v : node.getParents()) { NodeType temps = null; if (dfnum.get(v) <= dfnum.get(node)) { temps = v; } else { temps = semi.get(getAncestorWithLowestSemi(v, dfnum, semi, ancestor, best)); } if (dfnum.get(temps) < dfnum.get(s)) { s = temps; } } semi.put(node, s); bucket.get(s).add(node); link(parent, node, ancestor, best); for (final NodeType v : bucket.get(parent)) { final NodeType y = getAncestorWithLowestSemi(v, dfnum, semi, ancestor, best); if (semi.get(y) == semi.get(v)) { idom.put(v, parent); } else { samedom.put(v, y); } } bucket.get(parent).clear(); } for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { final NodeType node = vertex.get(i); if (samedom.get(node) != null) { idom.put(node, idom.get(samedom.get(node))); } } ITreeNode<NodeType> treeRoot = null; final HashMap<NodeType, ITreeNode<NodeType>> nodeMap = new HashMap<NodeType, ITreeNode<NodeType>>(); for (final Entry<NodeType, NodeType> node : idom.entrySet()) { final TreeNode<NodeType> treeNode = new TreeNode<NodeType>(node.getKey()); nodeMap.put(node.getKey(), treeNode); if (node.getValue() == null) { treeRoot = treeNode; } } for (final Entry<NodeType, NodeType> node : idom.entrySet()) { final NodeType dominatedNode = node.getKey(); final NodeType dominatorNode = node.getValue(); if (dominatorNode != null) { nodeMap.get(dominatorNode).addChild(nodeMap.get(dominatedNode)); nodeMap.get(dominatedNode).setParent(nodeMap.get(dominatorNode)); } } return new Pair<Tree<NodeType>, HashMap<NodeType, ITreeNode<NodeType>>>(new Tree<NodeType>( treeRoot), nodeMap); } /** * Generates the dominator tree of a directed graph. * * @param <NodeType> Type of the nodes in the graph. * * @param graph The input graph. * @param rootNode The node that is considered the root node of the graph. * * @return The dominator tree created from the graph. */ public static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> Pair<Tree<NodeType>, HashMap<NodeType, ITreeNode<NodeType>>> calculate( final IDirectedGraph<NodeType, ?> graph, final NodeType rootNode) throws MalformedGraphException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(graph, "Error: Graph argument can not be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(rootNode, "Error: Root node argument can not be null"); if (graph.nodeCount() == 0) { return new Pair<Tree<NodeType>, HashMap<NodeType, ITreeNode<NodeType>>>(null, null); } return calculate(graph.getNodes(), rootNode); } }