/* Copyright 2011-2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.gui.zygraph.realizers; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import java.awt.font.TextHitInfo; import java.awt.font.TextLayout; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; public class ZyCaret { private final ZyLabelContent m_content; private int m_mouse_pressed_x = 0; private int m_mouse_pressed_y = 0; private int m_mouse_released_x = 0; private int m_mouse_released_y = 0; private int m_caret_endpos_x = 0; private int m_caret_startpos_x = 0; public ZyCaret(final ZyLabelContent content) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(content, "Error: Label content can't be null."); m_content = content; } private int calcCaretPosition(final int hitLine, final double x, final double y) { final ZyLineContent content = m_content.getLineContent(hitLine); final TextLayout textlayout = m_content.getLineContent(hitLine).getTextLayout(); final TextHitInfo hitInfo = textlayout.hitTestChar((float) x, (float) y, content.getBounds()); return hitInfo.getInsertionIndex(); } private int calcHitLine(final double y) { final int linecount = m_content.getLineCount(); final double lineHeight = m_content.getLineHeight(); int hitline = 0; if (y < m_content.getLineContent(0).getBounds().getMinY()) { hitline = 0; } else if (y > (m_content.getLineContent(linecount - 1).getBounds().getMinY() + (linecount * lineHeight))) { hitline = linecount - 1; } else { for (int line = 0; line < linecount; ++line) { Rectangle2D bounds = m_content.getLineContent(line).getBounds(); final double boundY = bounds.getY() + (line * lineHeight) + m_content.getPaddingTop(); bounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(bounds.getX(), boundY, bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getHeight()); if ((bounds.getY() < y) && ((bounds.getY() + lineHeight) > y)) { hitline = line; break; } } } return hitline; } private int calcHitPosition(final int caretPosition, final double x, final double y, final double zoomFactor) { boolean switched = false; int lp = m_mouse_pressed_y; int lr = m_mouse_released_y; if (lp > lr) { lp = m_mouse_released_y; lr = m_mouse_pressed_y; switched = true; } final int linecount = m_content.getLineCount(); final double height = (float) m_content.getLineHeight(); int maxIndex = caretPosition; for (int line = lp; line <= lr; line++) { double deltaY = 0; if (switched) { deltaY = height * zoomFactor * line; } else { deltaY = -(height * zoomFactor * (linecount - line)); } final TextLayout textLayout = m_content.getLineContent(line).getTextLayout(); final TextHitInfo hitInfo = textLayout.hitTestChar((float) x, (float) (y + deltaY), textLayout.getBounds()); final int insertionIndex = hitInfo.getInsertionIndex(); if ((caretPosition < insertionIndex) && (insertionIndex > maxIndex)) { maxIndex = insertionIndex; } } return maxIndex; } private int calcSelectedLinesMaxLength() { int lp = m_mouse_pressed_y; int lr = m_mouse_released_y; if (lp > lr) { lp = m_mouse_released_y; lr = m_mouse_pressed_y; } int length = 0; for (int y = lp; y <= lr; ++y) { length = Math.max(length, m_content.getLineContent(y).getText().length()); } return length; } private int getLastLineXPos(final int lineYPos) { final ZyLineContent lineContent = m_content.getLineContent(lineYPos); final String text = lineContent.getText(); if (text.endsWith("\n") || text.endsWith("\r")) { return text.length() - 1; } return text.length(); } public int getCaretEndPos() { return m_caret_endpos_x; } public int getCaretStartPos() { return m_caret_startpos_x; } public int getMaxLineLength(int startY, int endY) { int max = 0; if (startY > endY) { final int temp = startY; startY = endY; endY = temp; } for (int lineIndex = startY; lineIndex <= endY; ++lineIndex) { final ZyLineContent lineContent = m_content.getLineContent(lineIndex); final int length = lineContent.getText().length(); if (max < length) { max = length; } } return max; } public int getXmousePressed() { return m_mouse_pressed_x; } public int getXmouseReleased() { return m_mouse_released_x; } public int getYmousePressed() { return m_mouse_pressed_y; } public int getYmouseReleased() { return m_mouse_released_y; } public boolean isSelection() { final boolean isSingleLineSelection = (getXmousePressed() != getXmouseReleased()) && (getYmousePressed() == getYmouseReleased()); if (isSingleLineSelection) { // If only a "\n" or a "\r" is selected, it is no selection and false is returned. final int maxIndex = m_content.getLastLineIndexOfModelAt(m_mouse_pressed_y); return maxIndex >= m_mouse_pressed_y; } return (getXmousePressed() != getXmouseReleased()) || (getYmousePressed() != getYmouseReleased()); } public void selectAll() { m_mouse_pressed_x = 0; m_mouse_pressed_y = 0; m_mouse_released_y = m_content.getLineCount() - 1; m_mouse_released_x = calcSelectedLinesMaxLength(); m_caret_startpos_x = m_mouse_pressed_x; m_caret_endpos_x = m_mouse_released_x; } public void selectLine(final double labelParentY, final double mouseY) { final double y = mouseY - labelParentY - m_content.getPaddingTop(); m_mouse_released_y = calcHitLine(y); m_mouse_pressed_y = m_mouse_released_y; m_mouse_released_x = m_content.getLineContent(m_mouse_pressed_y).getTextLayout().getCharacterCount(); m_mouse_pressed_x = 0; m_caret_endpos_x = m_mouse_released_x; m_caret_startpos_x = m_mouse_pressed_x; } public void selectWord(final double labelParentX, final double labelParentY, final double mouseX, final double mouseY, final double zoomFactor) { final double x = mouseX - labelParentX - m_content.getPaddingLeft(); final double y = mouseY - labelParentY - m_content.getPaddingTop(); m_mouse_released_y = calcHitLine(y); m_mouse_pressed_y = m_mouse_released_y; m_mouse_released_x = calcHitPosition(m_caret_endpos_x, (float) x, (float) y, zoomFactor); final String s = m_content.getLineContent(m_mouse_released_y).getText(); if (m_mouse_released_x > (s.length() - 1)) { return; } if (s.charAt(m_mouse_released_x) == ' ') { return; } m_caret_endpos_x = s.length(); for (int charX = m_mouse_released_x; charX < m_caret_endpos_x; ++charX) { if (s.charAt(charX) == ' ') { m_caret_endpos_x = charX; break; } } m_caret_startpos_x = 0; for (int charX = m_mouse_released_x; charX >= 0; --charX) { if (s.charAt(charX) == ' ') { m_caret_startpos_x = charX + 1; break; } } m_mouse_pressed_x = m_caret_startpos_x; m_mouse_released_x = m_caret_endpos_x; } public void setCaret(int caretStartPos_X, int mousePressed_X, final int mousePressed_Y, int caretEndPos_X, final int mouseReleased_X, final int mouseReleased_Y) { final int lastPressedXPos = getLastLineXPos(mousePressed_Y); if (caretStartPos_X > lastPressedXPos) { caretStartPos_X = lastPressedXPos; } if (mousePressed_X > lastPressedXPos) { mousePressed_X = lastPressedXPos; } final int lastReleasedXPos = getLastLineXPos(mouseReleased_Y); if (caretEndPos_X > lastReleasedXPos) { caretEndPos_X = lastReleasedXPos; } m_caret_startpos_x = caretStartPos_X; m_mouse_pressed_x = mousePressed_X; m_mouse_pressed_y = mousePressed_Y; m_caret_endpos_x = caretEndPos_X; m_mouse_released_x = mouseReleased_X; m_mouse_released_y = mouseReleased_Y; } public void setCaretEnd(final double labelParentX, final double labelParentY, final double mouseX, final double mouseY, final double zoomFactor) { final double x = mouseX - labelParentX - m_content.getPaddingLeft(); final double y = mouseY - labelParentY; m_mouse_released_y = calcHitLine(y); m_caret_endpos_x = calcCaretPosition(m_mouse_released_y, x, y); m_mouse_released_x = calcHitPosition(m_caret_endpos_x, x, y, zoomFactor); } public void setCaretEndPos(int endPos) { final int lastReleasedXPos = getLastLineXPos(m_mouse_released_y); if (endPos > lastReleasedXPos) { endPos = lastReleasedXPos; } m_caret_endpos_x = endPos; } public void setCaretStart(final double labelParentX, final double labelParentY, final double mouseX, final double mouseY, final double zoomFactor) { final double x = mouseX - labelParentX - m_content.getPaddingLeft(); final double y = mouseY - labelParentY; m_mouse_pressed_y = calcHitLine(y); m_caret_startpos_x = calcCaretPosition(m_mouse_pressed_y, x, y); m_mouse_pressed_x = calcHitPosition(m_caret_startpos_x, x, y, zoomFactor); } public void setCaretStartPos(int startPos) { final int lastPressedXPos = getLastLineXPos(m_mouse_pressed_y); if (startPos > lastPressedXPos) { startPos = lastPressedXPos; } m_caret_startpos_x = startPos; } public void setXmousePressed(int mouseXPos) { final int lastPressedXPos = getLastLineXPos(m_mouse_pressed_y); if (mouseXPos > lastPressedXPos) { mouseXPos = lastPressedXPos; } m_mouse_pressed_x = mouseXPos; } public void setXmouseReleased(int mouseXPos) { final int lastReleasedXPos = getLastLineXPos(m_mouse_released_y); if (mouseXPos > lastReleasedXPos) { mouseXPos = lastReleasedXPos; } m_mouse_released_x = mouseXPos; } public void setYmousePressed(final int mouseYPos) { m_mouse_pressed_y = mouseYPos; } public void setYmouseReleased(final int mouseYPos) { m_mouse_released_y = mouseYPos; } }