/* Copyright 2011-2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.yfileswrap.gui.zygraph; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.general.ListenerProvider; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.gui.zygraph.AbstractZyGraphSettings; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.gui.zygraph.CDefaultLabelEventHandler; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.gui.zygraph.CGraphSettingsSynchronizer; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.gui.zygraph.IZyGraphSelectionListener; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.gui.zygraph.IZyGraphVisibilityListener; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.gui.zygraph.helpers.IEdgeCallback; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.gui.zygraph.helpers.IEdgeIterableGraph; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.gui.zygraph.helpers.IIterableGraph; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.gui.zygraph.helpers.INodeCallback; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.gui.zygraph.nodes.IGroupNode; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.gui.zygraph.nodes.IViewNode; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.gui.zygraph.proximity.ProximityRangeCalculator; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.gui.zygraph.settings.IProximitySettings; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.types.common.IterationMode; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.yfileswrap.gui.zygraph.edges.ZyGraphEdge; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.yfileswrap.gui.zygraph.editmode.ZyEditMode; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.yfileswrap.gui.zygraph.functions.LayoutFunctions; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.yfileswrap.gui.zygraph.grouping.GroupHelpers; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.yfileswrap.gui.zygraph.helpers.ZoomHelpers; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.yfileswrap.gui.zygraph.nodes.ZyGraphNode; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.yfileswrap.gui.zygraph.proximity.ZyDefaultProximityBrowser; import y.base.Edge; import y.base.Node; import y.layout.LayoutGraphWriter; import y.view.Graph2D; import y.view.Graph2DView; import y.view.hierarchy.GroupNodeRealizer; import y.view.hierarchy.HierarchyManager; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.event.FocusListener; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Base class that provides all kinds of management functions for working with yfiles Graph2D * graphs. * * @param <NodeType> Base type of all nodes that are present in the graph. * @param <EdgeType> Base type of all edges that are present in the graph. */ public abstract class AbstractZyGraph<NodeType extends ZyGraphNode<?>, EdgeType extends ZyGraphEdge<?, ?, ?>> implements IIterableGraph<NodeType>, IEdgeIterableGraph<EdgeType> { private static final double STANDARD_ZOOM_FACTOR = 0.8; /** * List of listeners that are notified about click events. */ private final ListenerProvider<IZyGraphListener<NodeType, EdgeType>> m_graphListeners = new ListenerProvider<IZyGraphListener<NodeType, EdgeType>>(); private final ListenerProvider<IZyGraphVisibilityListener> m_visibilityListener = new ListenerProvider<IZyGraphVisibilityListener>(); private final AbstractZyGraphSettings m_settings; /** * The proximity browser that is responsible for hiding and showing elements of the graph if * necessary. */ private ZyDefaultProximityBrowser<NodeType, EdgeType> m_proximityBrowser; /** * The yfiles graph that provides the elements of this graph. */ private final Graph2D m_graph; /** * The view where the graph is shown. */ private final ZyGraph2DView m_view; /** * The edit mode that describes the GUI behavior of the graph. */ private final ZyEditMode<NodeType, EdgeType> m_editMode; private final ZyGraphSelectionObserver m_selectionObserver = new ZyGraphSelectionObserver(); private final ZyGraphMappings<NodeType, EdgeType> m_mappings; private InternalEditModeListener<NodeType, EdgeType> m_editModeListener; private final CGraphSettingsSynchronizer m_settingsSynchronizer; /** * Creates a new AbstractZyGraph object. Each AbstractZyGraph object is linked to a view. This * view is the view where all operations on the graph are executed. * * @param view The view where the graph is displayed. * @param nodeMap A mapping that links the ynode objects of the graph with the node objects. * @param edgeMap A mapping that links yedge objects of the graph with the edge objects. * @param settings Settings used by the graph. */ protected AbstractZyGraph(final ZyGraph2DView view, final LinkedHashMap<Node, NodeType> nodeMap, final LinkedHashMap<Edge, EdgeType> edgeMap, final AbstractZyGraphSettings settings) { m_view = Preconditions.checkNotNull(view, "Error: View argument can't be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(nodeMap, "Error: Node map argument can't be null"); m_graph = m_view.getGraph2D(); m_view.setGraph2DRenderer(new ZyGraphLayeredRenderer<ZyGraph2DView>(m_view)); m_settings = settings; m_mappings = new ZyGraphMappings<NodeType, EdgeType>(m_graph, nodeMap, edgeMap); setProximityBrowser(new ZyDefaultProximityBrowser<NodeType, EdgeType>(this, m_settings)); m_editMode = createEditMode(); // NOTE: DO NOT MOVE THIS UP m_settingsSynchronizer = new CGraphSettingsSynchronizer(m_editMode, m_settings); initializeListeners(); initializeView(); setupHierarchyManager(); } /** * Initializes the graph selection listeners that convert internal selection events into proper * selection events. */ private void initializeListeners() { m_graph.addGraph2DSelectionListener(m_selectionObserver); m_graph.addGraphListener(m_selectionObserver); } /** * Initializes various things like proximity browsing, edit mode, ... */ private void initializeView() { // Initialize the default edit mode. getView().addViewMode(m_editMode); m_editModeListener = new InternalEditModeListener<NodeType, EdgeType>(m_graphListeners); m_editMode.addListener(m_editModeListener); // Make sure the painted view looks nice. getView().setAntialiasedPainting(true); } private void notifyVisibilityListeners() { for (final IZyGraphVisibilityListener listener : m_visibilityListener) { // ESCA-JAVA0166: Catch Exception because we are calling a listener function try { listener.visibilityChanged(); } catch (final Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } } private void setupHierarchyManager() { if (m_graph.getHierarchyManager() == null) { final HierarchyManager hierarchyManager = new HierarchyManager(m_graph); m_graph.setHierarchyManager(hierarchyManager); hierarchyManager.addHierarchyListener(new GroupNodeRealizer.StateChangeListener()); } } private void showNeighbors(final Collection<NodeType> toShow) { final Set<NodeType> all = ProximityRangeCalculator.getNeighbors(this, toShow, getSettings().getProximitySettings() .getProximityBrowsingChildren(), getSettings().getProximitySettings() .getProximityBrowsingParents()); showNodesInternal(all); } private void showNodesInternal(final Collection<NodeType> all) { for (final NodeType node : all) { Preconditions .checkNotNull(node, "Error: The list of nodes to show contained an invalid node"); if (!((IViewNode<?>) node.getRawNode()).isVisible()) { ((IViewNode<?>) node.getRawNode()).setVisible(true); } } } private Collection<NodeType> sortLayers(final Collection<NodeType> nodes) { final List<NodeType> sortedNodes = new ArrayList<NodeType>(nodes); Collections.sort(sortedNodes, new Comparator<NodeType>() { private boolean isInsideGroup(final IViewNode<?> node, final IGroupNode<?, ?> group) { final IGroupNode<?, ?> parentGroup = node.getParentGroup(); if (parentGroup == null) { return false; } if (parentGroup == group) { return true; } return isInsideGroup(node, group.getParentGroup()); } @Override public int compare(final NodeType lhs, final NodeType rhs) { final IViewNode<?> rawLhs = lhs.getRawNode(); final IViewNode<?> rawRhs = rhs.getRawNode(); if ((rawLhs instanceof IGroupNode<?, ?>) && (rawRhs instanceof IGroupNode<?, ?>)) { if (isInsideGroup(rawRhs, (IGroupNode<?, ?>) rawLhs)) { // RHS is in group LHS => RHS must be hidden first return 1; } if (isInsideGroup(rawLhs, (IGroupNode<?, ?>) rawRhs)) { // LHS is in group RHS => LHS must be hidden first return -1; } return 0; } if (rawLhs instanceof IGroupNode<?, ?>) { // If the node is inside the group node, the node must be hidden first return isInsideGroup(rawRhs, (IGroupNode<?, ?>) rawLhs) ? 1 : 0; } if (rhs instanceof IGroupNode<?, ?>) { // If the node is inside the group node, the node must be hidden first return isInsideGroup(rawLhs, (IGroupNode<?, ?>) rawRhs) ? 1 : 0; } return 0; } }); return sortedNodes; } protected ZyEditMode<NodeType, EdgeType> createEditMode() { return new ZyEditMode<NodeType, EdgeType>(this); } protected void notifyDeletionListeners() { for (final IZyGraphVisibilityListener listener : m_visibilityListener) { // ESCA-JAVA0166: Catch Exception because we are calling a listener function try { listener.nodeDeleted(); } catch (final Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } } protected void removeNode(final NodeType node) { if (node.getNode().getGraph() == null) { m_graph.reInsertNode(node.getNode()); } final HierarchyManager manager = m_graph.getHierarchyManager(); final Node n = node.getNode(); if (manager.isNormalNode(n)) { m_graph.removeNode(node.getNode()); } else if (getGraph().getHierarchyManager().isFolderNode(node.getNode())) { GroupHelpers.extractFolder(m_graph, node.getNode()); m_graph.removeNode(node.getNode()); } else if (getGraph().getHierarchyManager().isGroupNode(node.getNode())) { GroupHelpers.extractGroup(m_graph, node.getNode()); m_graph.removeNode(node.getNode()); } m_mappings.removeNode(node); } /** * Adds a graph listener that is notified when something in the graph changes. * * @param listener The listener to add. */ public void addListener(final IZyGraphListener<NodeType, EdgeType> listener) { m_graphListeners.addListener(listener); } /** * Adds a graph selection listener that is notified when the selection of the graph changes. * * @param listener The listener to add. */ public void addListener(final IZyGraphSelectionListener listener) { m_selectionObserver.addListener(listener); } public void addListener(final IZyGraphVisibilityListener listener) { m_visibilityListener.addListener(listener); } public void dispose() { m_settingsSynchronizer.dispose(); } /** * Layouts the graph using the last set layouter that was passed to setLayouter. */ public void doLayout() { LayoutFunctions.doLayout(this, m_settings.getLayoutSettings().getCurrentLayouter()); } public EdgeType getEdge(final Edge edge) { return m_mappings.getEdge(edge); } public EdgeType getEdge(final Object rawEdge) { return m_mappings.getEdge(rawEdge); } // TODO(cblichmann): iterateEdges() can do the same thing public Collection<EdgeType> getEdges() { return getMappings().getEdges(); } public ZyEditMode<NodeType, ?> getEditMode() { return m_editMode; } /** * Returns the Graph2D object managed by the AbstractZyGraph. Be careful with this function - * do not use it from code that lives outside of the yfileswrap/ folders, because it introduces * dependency on yFiles. * * @return The Graph2D object. */ public Graph2D getGraph() { return m_graph; } public void updateGraphViews() { m_graph.updateViews(); } public int getEdgeCount() { return m_graph.edgeCount(); } public ZyGraphMappings<NodeType, EdgeType> getMappings() { return m_mappings; } /** * Given a ynode object, this function returns the corresponding node. * * @param node The ynode object. * * @return The node object that corresponds to the ynode object. */ public NodeType getNode(final Node node) { return m_mappings.getNode(node); } public NodeType getNode(final Object rawNode) { return m_mappings.getNode(rawNode); } public Collection<NodeType> getNodes() { return getMappings().getNodes(); } public ZyDefaultProximityBrowser<NodeType, EdgeType> getProximityBrowser() { return m_proximityBrowser; } public abstract Set<NodeType> getSelectedNodes(); public AbstractZyGraphSettings getSettings() { return m_settings; } public Graph2DView getView() { return m_view; } // A set of methods implemented to allow other files to talk to the Graph2DView without // introducting an explicit yFiles dependency. public Cursor getViewCursor() { return m_view.getCursor(); } public void removeViewFocusListener(FocusListener focusListener) { m_view.removeFocusListener(focusListener); } public void addViewFocusListener(FocusListener focusListener) { m_view.addFocusListener(focusListener); } public void setViewCursor(Cursor cursor) { m_view.setCursor(cursor); } public void addViewCanvasKeyListener(CDefaultLabelEventHandler handler) { m_view.getCanvasComponent().addKeyListener(handler); } public void removeViewCanvasKeyListener(CDefaultLabelEventHandler handler) { m_view.getCanvasComponent().removeKeyListener(handler); } public Edge getYEdge(final Object rawEdge) { return m_mappings.getYEdge(rawEdge); } public Node getYNode(final Object rawNode) { return m_mappings.getYNode(rawNode); } /** * Iterates over all nodes in the graph. * * @param callback Callback object that is invoked once for each node in the graph. */ @Override public void iterate(final INodeCallback<NodeType> callback) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(callback, "Callback argument can't be null"); for (final NodeType node : m_mappings.getNodes()) { if (callback.next(node) == IterationMode.STOP) { return; } } } /** * Iterates over all edges in the graph. * * @param callback Callback object that is invoked once for each edge in the graph. */ @Override public void iterateEdges(final IEdgeCallback<EdgeType> callback) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(callback, "Callback argument can't be null"); for (final EdgeType edge : m_mappings.getEdges()) { if (callback.nextEdge(edge) == IterationMode.STOP) { return; } } } public void removeListener(final IZyGraphListener<NodeType, EdgeType> listener) { m_graphListeners.removeListener(listener); } /** * Removes a selection listener from the graph. * * @param listener The listener to remove. */ public void removeListener(final IZyGraphSelectionListener listener) { m_selectionObserver.removeListener(listener); } public void removeListener(final IZyGraphVisibilityListener listener) { m_visibilityListener.removeListener(listener); } public void saveGraphAsGML(final File file) throws IOException { final LayoutGraphWriter layoutGraphWriter = new LayoutGraphWriter(m_graph); String path = file.getPath(); if (path.toLowerCase().endsWith(".gml")) { path += ".gml"; } layoutGraphWriter.write(path); } /** * Selects or unselects a single node. * * @param node The node to select or unselect. * @param selected True, to select the node. False, to unselect the node. */ public void selectNode(final NodeType node, final boolean selected) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(node, "Node argument can't be null"); m_graph.firePreEvent(); ((IViewNode<?>) node.getRawNode()).setSelected(selected); m_graph.firePostEvent(); } /** * Selects or unselects a list of nodes. * * @param nodes The nodes to select or unselect. * @param selected True, to select the nodes. False, to unselect the nodes. */ public void selectNodes(final Collection<NodeType> nodes, final boolean selected) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(nodes, "Nodes argument can't be null"); m_graph.firePreEvent(); for (final NodeType node : nodes) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(node, "Error: The list of nodes to select contained an invalid node."); ((IViewNode<?>) node.getRawNode()).setSelected(selected); } m_graph.firePostEvent(); } /** * Selects a list of nodes and unselects another list of nodes. * * @param toSelect The list of nodes to select. * @param toUnselect The list of nodes to unselect. */ public void selectNodes(final Collection<NodeType> toSelect, final Collection<NodeType> toUnselect) { m_graph.firePreEvent(); for (final NodeType node : toSelect) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(node, "Error: The list of nodes to select contained an invalid node"); ((IViewNode<?>) node.getRawNode()).setSelected(true); } for (final NodeType node : toUnselect) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(node, "Error: The list of nodes to unselect contained an invalid node"); ((IViewNode<?>) node.getRawNode()).setSelected(false); } m_graph.firePostEvent(); } public void setProximityBrowser( final ZyDefaultProximityBrowser<NodeType, EdgeType> proximityBrowser) { if (m_proximityBrowser != null) { m_proximityBrowser.dispose(); } m_proximityBrowser = proximityBrowser; } public void showNode(final NodeType node, final boolean show) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(node, "Node argument can't be null"); ((IViewNode<?>) node.getRawNode()).setVisible(show); if (show) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final ArrayList<NodeType> nodes = Lists.newArrayList(node); showNeighbors(nodes); } notifyVisibilityListeners(); } public void showNodes(final Collection<NodeType> toShow, final boolean addNeighbours) { for (final NodeType node : toShow) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(node, "The list of nodes to show contained an invalid node"); ((IViewNode<?>) node.getRawNode()).setVisible(true); } if (addNeighbours) { showNeighbors(toShow); } notifyVisibilityListeners(); } public void showNodes(final Collection<NodeType> toShow, final Collection<NodeType> toHide) { final IProximitySettings proxiSettings = getSettings().getProximitySettings(); final Set<NodeType> neighbors = ProximityRangeCalculator.getNeighbors(this, toShow, proxiSettings.getProximityBrowsingChildren(), proxiSettings.getProximityBrowsingParents()); toHide.removeAll(neighbors); for (final NodeType node : sortLayers(toHide)) { Preconditions .checkNotNull(node, "Error: The list of nodes to hide contained an invalid node"); ((IViewNode<?>) node.getRawNode()).setVisible(false); } showNeighbors(toShow); notifyVisibilityListeners(); } public void showNodes(final Collection<NodeType> toShow, final Collection<NodeType> toHide, final boolean addNeighbours) { if (addNeighbours) { final IProximitySettings proxiSettings = getSettings().getProximitySettings(); final Set<NodeType> neighbors = ProximityRangeCalculator.getNeighbors(this, toShow, proxiSettings.getProximityBrowsingChildren(), proxiSettings.getProximityBrowsingParents()); toHide.removeAll(neighbors); } for (final NodeType node : sortLayers(toHide)) { Preconditions .checkNotNull(node, "Error: The list of nodes to hide contained an invalid node"); ((IViewNode<?>) node.getRawNode()).setVisible(false); } if (addNeighbours) { showNeighbors(toShow); } else { for (final NodeType node : toShow) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(node, "The list of nodes to show contained an invalid node"); ((IViewNode<?>) node.getRawNode()).setVisible(true); } } notifyVisibilityListeners(); } public void updateViews() { m_graph.updateViews(); } public void zoom(final double factor) { final double zoom = m_view.getZoom() * factor; m_view.setZoom(zoom); ZoomHelpers.keepZoomValid(m_view); m_graph.updateViews(); } /** * Zooms the graph in by the standard zoom factor. */ public void zoomIn() { m_view.setZoom((m_view.getZoom() * 1.0) / STANDARD_ZOOM_FACTOR); ZoomHelpers.keepZoomValid(m_view); m_graph.updateViews(); } /** * Zooms the graph out by the standard zoom factor. */ public void zoomOut() { m_view.setZoom(m_view.getZoom() * STANDARD_ZOOM_FACTOR); ZoomHelpers.keepZoomValid(m_view); m_graph.updateViews(); } }