/* Copyright 2011-2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.types.graphs; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.general.Pair; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.gui.zygraph.helpers.INodeFilter; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.types.graphs.algorithms.LengauerTarjan; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.types.graphs.algorithms.MalformedGraphException; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.types.trees.ITreeNode; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.types.trees.TreeAlgorithms; /** * Provides a number of generic algorithms for working with graphs. */ public class GraphAlgorithms { private GraphAlgorithms() { // You are not supposed to instantiate this class. } /** * Helper function that supports the public getPredecessors function. * * @param <NodeType> The type of the nodes in the graph. * * @param node The node which is the starting point for finding the predecessors. * @param predecessors List of predecessors of the start node. * @param visited List of nodes in the graph that were already visited. */ private static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> void getPredecessors( final IGraphNode<NodeType> node, final Set<NodeType> predecessors, final Set<NodeType> visited) { node.getParents().stream() .filter(parent -> !visited.contains(parent)) // Make sure that each node is only visited once. .forEach(parent -> { visited.add(parent); // Recursively find the predecessors of all parent nodes. getPredecessors(parent, predecessors, visited); }); } private static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> void getPredecessorsInternal( final NodeType node, final int depth, final List<NodeType> nodes, final Set<NodeType> visited) { if (depth <= 0) { return; } node.getParents().stream() .filter(parent -> !visited.contains(parent)) // Make sure that each node is only visited once. .forEach(parent -> { visited.add(parent); nodes.add(parent); getPredecessorsInternal(parent, depth - 1, nodes, visited); }); } /** * Helper function that supports the public getSuccessors function. * * @param <NodeType> The type of the nodes in the graph. * * @param node The node which is the starting point for finding the successors. * @param successors List of successors of the start node. * @param visited List of nodes in the graph that were already visited. */ private static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> void getSuccessors( final IGraphNode<NodeType> node, final Set<NodeType> successors, final Set<NodeType> visited) { node.getChildren().stream() .filter(child -> !visited.contains(child)) // Make sure that each node is only visited once. .forEach(child -> { visited.add(child); successors.add(child); // Recursively find the successors of all child nodes. getSuccessors(child, successors, visited); }); } private static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> void getSuccessorsInternal( final NodeType node, final int depth, final List<NodeType> nodes, final HashSet<NodeType> visited) { if (depth <= 0) { return; } node.getChildren().stream() .filter(child -> !visited.contains(child)) // Make sure that each node is only visited once. .forEach(child -> { visited.add(child); nodes.add(child); getSuccessorsInternal(child, depth - 1, nodes, visited); }); } /** * Finds all children of a given node that pass the check by a given node filter. * * @param <NodeType> The type of the nodes in the graph. * * @param node The parent node of all the child nodes. * @param filter The filter that provides the node check. * * @return All child nodes of the parent node that passed the filter check. */ public static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> Collection<NodeType> collectChildren( final NodeType node, final INodeFilter<NodeType> filter) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(node, "Error: Node argument can't be null"); return collectNodes(node.getChildren(), filter); } /** * Filters all nodes from a list of nodes that pass a filter check. * * @param <NodeType> The type of nodes in the list. * * @param nodes The unfiltered list of nodes. * @param filter The filter that provides the node check. * * @return All nodes that pass the filter check. */ public static <NodeType> Collection<NodeType> collectNodes( final Collection<? extends NodeType> nodes, final INodeFilter<NodeType> filter) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(nodes, "Error: Nodes argument can't be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(filter, "Error: Filter argument can't be null"); final Collection<NodeType> filteredNodes = new ArrayList<NodeType>(); // Don't bother to re-select the nodes that are already selected for (final NodeType child : nodes) { // Don't bother to re-select the nodes that are already selected if (filter.qualifies(child)) { filteredNodes.add(child); } } return filteredNodes; } /** * Finds all parents of a given node that pass the check by a given node filter. * * @param <NodeType> The type of the nodes in the graph. * * @param node The child node of all the parent nodes. * @param filter The filter that provides the node check. * * @return All parent nodes of the child node that passed the filter check. */ public static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> Collection<NodeType> collectParents( final NodeType node, final INodeFilter<NodeType> filter) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(node, "Error: Node argument can't be null"); return collectNodes(node.getParents(), filter); } /** * Calculates the back edges of the current graph. * * @param graph The input graph. * @param <NodeType> rootNode The root node of the graph. * * @return A HashMap which contains the relation of nodes and their respective back edges. * * @throws MalformedGraphException Thrown if the graph has more then one entry node. */ public static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> HashMap<NodeType, ArrayList<NodeType>> getBackEdges( final IDirectedGraph<NodeType, ?> graph, final NodeType rootNode) throws MalformedGraphException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(graph, "Error: Graph argument can not be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(rootNode, "Error: Root Node argument can not be null"); final HashMap<NodeType, ArrayList<NodeType>> nodeToBackedges = new HashMap<>(); final Pair<com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.types.trees.Tree<NodeType>, HashMap<NodeType, ITreeNode<NodeType>>> dominatorPair = LengauerTarjan.calculate(graph, rootNode); final HashMap<NodeType, ITreeNode<NodeType>> dominatorTreeMapping = dominatorPair.second(); final HashMap<ITreeNode<NodeType>, Set<ITreeNode<NodeType>>> treeNodeDominateRelation = TreeAlgorithms.getDominateRelation(dominatorPair.first().getRootNode()); for (final NodeType t : graph.getNodes()) { final ArrayList<NodeType> currentNodesBackedges = new ArrayList<>(); final Set<ITreeNode<NodeType>> currentTreeNodeDominateRelation = treeNodeDominateRelation.get(dominatorTreeMapping.get(t)); if (currentTreeNodeDominateRelation != null) { for (final NodeType graphNode : t.getChildren()) { if (currentTreeNodeDominateRelation.contains(dominatorTreeMapping.get(graphNode))) { currentNodesBackedges.add(graphNode); } } } nodeToBackedges.put(t, currentNodesBackedges); } return nodeToBackedges; } /** * Calculates the loops contained in a graph. * * @param graph the input graph * * @return A List of Sets where each set contains the nodes of one loop. * * @throws MalformedGraphException Thrown if the graph has more than one entry node. */ public static <T extends IGraphNode<T>> ArrayList<Set<T>> getGraphLoops( final IDirectedGraph<T, ?> graph) throws MalformedGraphException { T rootNode = null; final ArrayList<Set<T>> resultList = new ArrayList<Set<T>>(); for (final T currentNode : graph.getNodes()) { if (currentNode.getParents().size() == 0) { rootNode = currentNode; break; } } if (rootNode == null) { return null; } final HashMap<T, ArrayList<T>> nodeToBackEdges = getBackEdges(graph, rootNode); for (final T graphNode : graph.getNodes()) { final ArrayList<T> nodesBackEdges = nodeToBackEdges.get(graphNode); for (final T backEdgeNode : nodesBackEdges) { resultList.add(getLoopNodes(graphNode, backEdgeNode)); } } return resultList; } /** * Gets the nodes of a loop * * @param sourceNode The source node of the loop where the back edge originates from. * @param destinationNode The destination node of the loop where the back edge points to. * * @return The Set of nodes which belong to the loop. */ public static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> Set<NodeType> getLoopNodes( final NodeType sourceNode, final NodeType destinationNode) { if (sourceNode == destinationNode) { final ArrayList<NodeType> nodeList = new ArrayList<>(); nodeList.add(sourceNode); return new HashSet<>(nodeList); } final ArrayList<NodeType> upwardsNodes = new ArrayList<>(); upwardsNodes.add(destinationNode); final Set<NodeType> resolveUpwards = new HashSet<>(upwardsNodes); final Stack<NodeType> upwardsWorkingList = new Stack<>(); upwardsWorkingList.push(sourceNode); while (!upwardsWorkingList.empty()) { final NodeType currentNode = upwardsWorkingList.pop(); resolveUpwards.add(currentNode); for (final NodeType currentParentNode : currentNode.getParents()) { if (!resolveUpwards.contains(currentParentNode)) { resolveUpwards.add(currentParentNode); upwardsWorkingList.push(currentParentNode); } } } final ArrayList<NodeType> downwardsNodes = new ArrayList<>(); final Set<NodeType> resolveDownwards = new HashSet<>(downwardsNodes); final Stack<NodeType> downwardsWorkingList = new Stack<>(); downwardsWorkingList.push(destinationNode); while (!downwardsWorkingList.empty()) { final NodeType currentNode = downwardsWorkingList.pop(); resolveDownwards.add(currentNode); for (final NodeType currentChildNode : currentNode.getChildren()) { if (!resolveDownwards.contains(currentChildNode)) { resolveDownwards.add(currentChildNode); downwardsWorkingList.push(currentChildNode); } } } resolveUpwards.retainAll(resolveDownwards); return resolveUpwards; } /** * Finds all predecessors of a collection of nodes. Those are all the nodes that have a direct or * indirect path to the node. * * @param <NodeType> The node type of all nodes in the collection. * * @param nodes The collection of input nodes. * * @return All predecessors of the input nodes. */ public static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> Collection<NodeType> getPredecessors( final Collection<NodeType> nodes) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(nodes, "Error: Nodes argument can't be null"); final HashSet<NodeType> predecessors = new HashSet<NodeType>(); for (final NodeType zyGraphNode : nodes) { predecessors.addAll(getPredecessors(zyGraphNode)); } return predecessors; } /** * Finds all predecessors of a node. Those are all the nodes that have a direct or indirect path * to the node. * * @param <NodeType> The type parameter that specifies the type of the nodes in the graph. * * @param node The start node. * * @return A list containing all predecessor nodes of the node. */ public static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> Set<NodeType> getPredecessors( final IGraphNode<NodeType> node) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(node, "Error: Start node can't be null"); final HashSet<NodeType> predecessors = new HashSet<>(); final HashSet<NodeType> visited = new HashSet<>(); getPredecessors(node, predecessors, visited); return predecessors; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> Set<NodeType> getPredecessorsUpToNode( final IGraphNode<NodeType> childNode, final IGraphNode<NodeType> maximumParentNode) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(childNode, "Error: endNode argument can not be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(maximumParentNode, "Error: startNode argument can not be null"); final HashSet<NodeType> predecessors = Sets.newHashSet(); final HashSet<NodeType> visited = Sets.newHashSet(); visited.add((NodeType) maximumParentNode); getPredecessors(childNode, predecessors, visited); return predecessors; } public static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> List<NodeType> getPredecessors( final Iterable<NodeType> selectedNodes, final int depth) { final List<NodeType> nodes = new ArrayList<>(); for (final NodeType node : selectedNodes) { nodes.addAll(getPredecessors(node, depth)); } return nodes; } public static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> List<NodeType> getPredecessors( final NodeType node, final int depth) { final List<NodeType> nodes = new ArrayList<>(); getPredecessorsInternal(node, depth, nodes, new HashSet<NodeType>()); return nodes; } /** * Finds all successors of a collection of nodes. Those are all the nodes that have a direct or * indirect path from the node. * * @param <NodeType> The node type of all nodes in the collection. * * @param nodes The collection of input nodes. * * @return All successors of the input nodes. */ public static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> Collection<NodeType> getSuccessors( final Collection<NodeType> nodes) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(nodes, "Error: Nodes argument can't be null"); final HashSet<NodeType> successors = new HashSet<>(); for (final NodeType zyGraphNode : nodes) { successors.addAll(getSuccessors(zyGraphNode)); } return successors; } /** * Finds all successors of a node. Those are all the nodes that have a direct or indirect path * from the node. * * @param <NodeType> The type parameter that specifies the type of the nodes in the graph. * @param node The start node. * * @return A list containing all successor nodes of the node. */ public static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> Set<NodeType> getSuccessors( final IGraphNode<NodeType> node) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(node, "Error: Start node can't be null"); final Set<NodeType> successors = new HashSet<>(); final Set<NodeType> visited = new HashSet<>(); getSuccessors(node, successors, visited); return successors; } public static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> Set<NodeType> getSuccessorsDownToNode( final IGraphNode<NodeType> parentNode, final IGraphNode<NodeType> maximumChildNode) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(parentNode, "Error: parent node can't be null"); Preconditions .checkNotNull(maximumChildNode, "Error: maximumChildNode argument can not be null"); final Set<NodeType> successors = new HashSet<>(); final Set<NodeType> visited = new HashSet<>(); getSuccessors(parentNode, successors, visited); return successors; } public static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> List<NodeType> getSuccessors( final Iterable<NodeType> selectedNodes, final int depth) { final List<NodeType> nodes = new ArrayList<>(); for (final NodeType node : selectedNodes) { nodes.addAll(getSuccessors(node, depth)); } return nodes; } public static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> List<NodeType> getSuccessors( final NodeType node, final int depth) { final List<NodeType> nodes = new ArrayList<>(); getSuccessorsInternal(node, depth, nodes, new HashSet<NodeType>()); return nodes; } /** * Determines whether a given node is a root node. * * @param <NodeType> Type of the node. * * @param node The node in question. * * @return True, if the node is a root node. False, otherwise. */ public static <NodeType extends IGraphNode<NodeType>> boolean isRootNode(final NodeType node) { return node.getParents().size() == 0; } }