/* Copyright 2011-2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.gui.JStackView; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.Timer; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.common.base.Strings; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.gui.GuiHelper; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.gui.JHexPanel.JHexView.DefinitionStatus; /** * This class can be used to display the stack of a target process. */ public final class JStackPanel extends JPanel { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7850318708757157383L; private static final int PADDING_OFFSETVIEW = 20; private static final int PADDING_LEFT = 10; private static final int SIZEOF_DWORD = 4; private static final int SIZEOF_QWORD = 8; /** * Provides the stack data that is displayed in the view. */ private final IStackModel m_model; /** * Font used to draw the data. */ private final Font m_font = new Font(GuiHelper.getMonospaceFont(), 0, 12); /** * Height of individual rows in the display. */ private int m_rowHeight; /** * Height of a single char in the display. */ private int m_charHeight; /** * Width of a single char in the view. */ private int m_charWidth; /** * Width of the offset view. */ private int m_offsetViewWidth; private boolean m_firstDraw = true; private static final int m_hexElementWidth = 10; /** * Default internal listener that is used to handle various events. */ private final InternalListener m_listener = new InternalListener(); /** * The first visible row. */ private int m_firstRow = 0; /** * Top-padding of all views in pixels. */ private static final int m_paddingTop = 16; /** * Font color of the offset view. */ private final Color m_fontColorOffsets = Color.WHITE; private final Color m_fontColorValues = Color.BLACK; /** * Color that is used to draw all text in disabled components. */ private final Color m_disabledColor = Color.GRAY; /** * Background color of the offset view. */ private final Color m_bgColorOffset = Color.GRAY; /** * Timer that is used to refresh the component if no data for the selected range is available. */ private Timer m_updateTimer; private DefinitionStatus m_status = DefinitionStatus.UNDEFINED; private final AddressMode m_addressMode = AddressMode.BIT32; private int m_firstColumn = 0; /** * Creates a new stack view. * * @param model The model that provides the data displayed in the view. */ public JStackPanel(final IStackModel model) { super(new BorderLayout()); Preconditions.checkNotNull(model, "Error: Model argument can not be null"); m_model = model; m_model.addListener(m_listener); // Necessary to receive input setFocusable(true); // Set the initial font setFont(m_font); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 400)); } /** * Returns the character size of a single character on the given graphics context. * * @param g The graphics context. * * @return The size of a single character. */ private static int getCharacterWidth(final Graphics g) { return (int) g.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds("0", g).getWidth(); } /** * Determines the height of a character in a graphical context. * * @param g The graphical context. * * @return The height of a character in the graphical context. */ private static int getCharHeight(final Graphics g) { return g.getFontMetrics().getAscent(); } /** * Determines the height of the current font in a graphical context. * * @param g The graphical context. * * @return The height of the current font in the graphical context. */ private static int getRowHeight(final Graphics g) { return g.getFontMetrics().getHeight(); } /** * Calculates current character and row sizes. * * @param g The graphical context. */ private void calculateSizes(final Graphics g) { m_rowHeight = getRowHeight(g); m_charHeight = getCharHeight(g); m_charWidth = getCharacterWidth(g); } /** * Draws the background of the view. * * @param g The graphics context of the view. */ private void drawBackground(final Graphics g) { // Draw the background of the offset view g.setColor(m_bgColorOffset); g.fillRect(-m_firstColumn * m_charWidth, 0, m_offsetViewWidth, getHeight()); } /** * Draws the stack values onto the screen. * * @param g The graphics context to paint on. */ private void drawElements(final Graphics g) { if (isEnabled()) { // Choose the right color for the offset text g.setColor(m_fontColorValues); } else { g.setColor(m_disabledColor != m_bgColorOffset ? m_disabledColor : Color.WHITE); } final int x = (10 + m_offsetViewWidth) - (m_charWidth * m_firstColumn); int linesToDraw = getNumberOfVisibleRows(); if ((m_firstRow + linesToDraw) >= m_model.getNumberOfEntries()) { linesToDraw = m_model.getNumberOfEntries() - m_firstRow; // TODO: This can make linesToDraw // negative if (linesToDraw < 0) { // FIXME: This is a workaround for case 2337. The issue is real // but reproducing it can take hours. For this reason I am now // implementing this workaround, but in the future the underlying // cause of this behavior should be determined and fixed. return; } } if (m_model.getStartAddress() == -1) { return; } final long elementSize = getElementSize(); if (m_status == DefinitionStatus.DEFINED) { final long startAddress = m_model.getStartAddress() + (m_firstRow * elementSize); final long numberOfBytes = linesToDraw * elementSize; if (!m_model.hasData(startAddress, numberOfBytes)) { setDefinitionStatus(DefinitionStatus.UNDEFINED); setEnabled(false); if (m_updateTimer != null) { m_updateTimer.setRepeats(false); m_updateTimer.stop(); } m_updateTimer = new Timer(1000, new WaitingForDataAction(startAddress, numberOfBytes)); m_updateTimer.setRepeats(true); m_updateTimer.start(); return; } // Iterate over the data and print the offsets for (int i = 0; i < linesToDraw; i++) { final long elementAddress = startAddress + (i * elementSize); g.drawString(m_model.getElement(elementAddress), x, m_paddingTop + (i * m_rowHeight)); } } else { // Iterate over the data and print the offsets for (int i = 0; i < linesToDraw; i++) { g.drawString( Strings.repeat("?", 2 * getElementSize()), x, m_paddingTop + (i * m_rowHeight)); } } } /** * Draws the offsets in the offset view. * * @param g The graphics context of the hex panel. */ private void drawOffsets(final Graphics g) { final int linesToDraw = getNumberOfVisibleRows(); final String formatString = m_addressMode == AddressMode.BIT32 ? "%08X" : "%016X"; final long elementSize = getElementSize(); final long baseAddress = m_model.getStartAddress() == -1 ? 0 : m_model.getStartAddress(); // Iterate over the data and print the offsets for (int i = 0; i < linesToDraw; i++) { final int elementIndex = m_firstRow + i; final long elementAddress = baseAddress + (elementIndex * elementSize); final String offsetString = String.format(formatString, elementAddress); if (elementAddress == m_model.getStackPointer()) { highlightStackPointer(g, i); } if (isEnabled()) { g.setColor(m_fontColorOffsets); } else { g.setColor(m_disabledColor != m_bgColorOffset ? m_disabledColor : Color.WHITE); } g.drawString(offsetString, PADDING_LEFT - (m_charWidth * m_firstColumn), m_paddingTop + (i * m_rowHeight)); } } /** * Returns the size in bytes of a single stack element. * * @return The size in bytes of a single stack element. */ private int getElementSize() { return m_addressMode == AddressMode.BIT32 ? SIZEOF_DWORD : SIZEOF_QWORD; } /** * Highlights the address of the stack pointer. * * @param g The graphics context to draw to. * @param row Row where the stack pointer is shown. */ private void highlightStackPointer(final Graphics g, final int row) { g.setColor(Color.RED); final double width = g.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(Strings.repeat("0", 2 * getElementSize()), g).getWidth(); g.fillRect(PADDING_LEFT - 2 - (m_charWidth * m_firstColumn), (m_paddingTop + (row * m_rowHeight)) - m_charHeight, (int) width + 4, m_charHeight + 2); } /** * Calculates and sets the size of the offset view depending on the currently selected address * mode. */ private void updateOffsetViewWidth() { final int addressBytes = m_addressMode == AddressMode.BIT32 ? 8 : 16; m_offsetViewWidth = PADDING_OFFSETVIEW + (m_charWidth * addressBytes); } /** * Calculates and sets the preferred size of the component. */ private void updatePreferredSize() { // TODO: Improve this final int width = m_offsetViewWidth + m_hexElementWidth + (18 * m_charWidth); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width, getHeight())); revalidate(); } /** * Returns the number of visible rows. * * @return The number of visible rows. */ protected int getNumberOfVisibleRows() { if (m_rowHeight == 0) { return 0; } final int rawHeight = getHeight() - m_paddingTop; return (rawHeight / m_rowHeight) + ((rawHeight % m_rowHeight) == 0 ? 0 : 1); } protected void setFirstRow(final int value) { m_firstRow = value; repaint(); } public int getCharWidth() { return m_charWidth; } public int getOffsetViewWidth() { return m_offsetViewWidth; } public String getValueAt(final Point point) { final int line = ((point.y - m_paddingTop) + m_rowHeight) / m_rowHeight; final long elementSize = getElementSize(); final long startAddress = m_model.getStartAddress() + (m_firstRow * elementSize); final long elementAddress = startAddress + (line * elementSize); return m_model.hasData(elementAddress, elementSize) ? m_model.getElement(elementAddress) : null; } /** * Scrolls to the given offset. * * @param offset The offset to scroll to. */ public void gotoOffset(final long offset) { // setCurrentPosition(offset); } @Override public void paint(final Graphics g) { super.paint(g); // Calculate current sizes of characters and rows calculateSizes(g); updateOffsetViewWidth(); if (m_firstDraw) { m_firstDraw = false; // The first time the component is drawn, its size must be set. updatePreferredSize(); } // Draw the background of the hex panel drawBackground(g); // Draw the offsets column drawOffsets(g); drawElements(g); } /** * Changes the definition status of the view data. * * @param status The new definition status. */ public void setDefinitionStatus(final DefinitionStatus status) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(status, "Error: Status argument can not be null"); m_status = status; repaint(); } public void setFirstColumn(final int value) { m_firstColumn = value; } private class InternalListener implements IStackModelListener { @Override public void dataChanged() { repaint(); } } private class WaitingForDataAction extends AbstractAction { private static final long serialVersionUID = -610823391617272365L; private final long m_startAddress; private final long m_numberOfBytes; private WaitingForDataAction(final long startAddress, final long numberOfBytes) { m_startAddress = startAddress; m_numberOfBytes = numberOfBytes; } @Override public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent event) { if (m_model.hasData(m_startAddress, m_numberOfBytes)) { JStackPanel.this.setEnabled(true); setDefinitionStatus(DefinitionStatus.DEFINED); ((Timer) event.getSource()).stop(); } else if (!m_model.keepTrying()) { ((Timer) event.getSource()).stop(); } } } }