/* Copyright 2011-2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.gui.zygraph.realizers; import java.awt.AlphaComposite; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.font.TextLayout; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import com.google.common.base.Preconditions; import com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.yfileswrap.gui.zygraph.realizers.IZyNodeRealizer; public class ZyLabelContent implements Iterable<ZyLineContent> { private static final int FONTSIZE = 11; private static final int LINEHEIGHT = 15; private int m_leftPadding = 10; private int m_rightPadding = 10; private int m_topPadding = 10; private int m_bottomPadding = 10; private final IZyEditableObject m_model; private IZyLineEditor m_lineEditor = null; private final ZyCaret m_caret = new ZyCaret(this); private boolean m_selectable = true; private boolean m_editable = false; private boolean m_showCaret = false; private Color m_selectionColor = Color.WHITE; /** * List of line content objects that form the label content. */ private final ArrayList<ZyLineContent> m_content = new ArrayList<ZyLineContent>(); /** * Boolean which indicates if the sloppy paint modus is on or not. */ private boolean m_sloppy = false; public ZyLabelContent(final IZyEditableObject nodeModel) { m_model = nodeModel; } public ZyLabelContent(final IZyEditableObject nodeModel, final boolean selectable, final boolean editable) { m_model = Preconditions.checkNotNull(nodeModel, "Error: Node model can't be null."); m_selectable = selectable; m_editable = editable; } private AffineTransform calcSelectionTransformationMatrix(final AffineTransform currentMatrix, final double xOffset, final double yOffset, final int linenr) { final double scaleX = currentMatrix.getScaleX(); final double scaleY = currentMatrix.getScaleY(); final double translateX = currentMatrix.getTranslateX() + (xOffset * scaleX); final double translateY = currentMatrix.getTranslateY() + ((yOffset + (linenr * getLineHeight())) * scaleY); return new AffineTransform(scaleX, 0, 0, scaleY, translateX, translateY); } /** * Adds another line add the end of the label content. * * @param line The line to add. */ public void addLineContent(final ZyLineContent line) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(line, "Internal Error: Line content can't be null"); m_content.add(line); } public void draw(final Graphics2D gfx, final double xpos, final double ypos) { if (m_sloppy) { return; } if (!m_selectable || !m_showCaret) { final float x = (float) xpos + m_leftPadding; float y = (float) ypos + m_topPadding + FONTSIZE; for (final ZyLineContent line : getContent()) { line.draw(gfx, x, y); y += LINEHEIGHT; } return; } final AffineTransform affineTrans = gfx.getTransform(); final Color color = gfx.getColor(); final float x = (float) xpos + getPaddingLeft(); final float y = (float) ypos + getPaddingTop() + getFontSize(); final double lineheight = getLineHeight(); gfx.setColor(Color.BLACK); for (int linenr = 0; linenr < getLineCount(); ++linenr) { final TextLayout textLayout = getLineContent(linenr).getTextLayout(); if (!getLineContent(linenr).isEmpty()) { textLayout.draw(gfx, x, (float) (y + (linenr * lineheight))); } if (linenr == m_caret.getYmousePressed()) { gfx.setTransform(calcSelectionTransformationMatrix(affineTrans, x, y, linenr)); if (getLineContent(linenr).isEmpty()) { m_caret.setCaretStartPos(0); } else if (m_caret.getCaretStartPos() >= textLayout.getCharacterCount()) { m_caret.setCaretStartPos(textLayout.getCharacterCount()); } final Shape[] startCarets = textLayout.getCaretShapes(m_caret.getCaretStartPos()); gfx.setColor(m_selectionColor.darker()); gfx.draw(startCarets[0]); gfx.setTransform(affineTrans); } if (linenr == m_caret.getYmouseReleased()) { gfx.setTransform(calcSelectionTransformationMatrix(affineTrans, x, y, linenr)); if (getLineContent(linenr).isEmpty()) { m_caret.setCaretEndPos(0); } else if (m_caret.getCaretEndPos() >= textLayout.getCharacterCount()) { m_caret.setCaretEndPos(textLayout.getCharacterCount()); } final Shape[] endCarets = textLayout.getCaretShapes(m_caret.getCaretEndPos()); gfx.setColor(m_selectionColor.darker().darker()); gfx.draw(endCarets[0]); gfx.setTransform(affineTrans); } } if (m_caret.getXmousePressed() != m_caret.getXmouseReleased()) { int pl = m_caret.getYmousePressed(); int rl = m_caret.getYmouseReleased(); if (pl > rl) { pl = m_caret.getYmouseReleased(); rl = m_caret.getYmousePressed(); } int pp = m_caret.getXmousePressed(); int rp = m_caret.getXmouseReleased(); if (pp > rp) { pp = m_caret.getXmouseReleased(); rp = m_caret.getXmousePressed(); } gfx.setColor(m_selectionColor); gfx.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 0.5f)); for (int linenr = pl; linenr <= rl; ++linenr) { gfx.setTransform(calcSelectionTransformationMatrix(affineTrans, x, y, linenr)); final TextLayout textLayout = getLineContent(linenr).getTextLayout(); int rp2 = rp; if (pp > textLayout.getCharacterCount()) { continue; } if (getLineContent(linenr).isEmpty()) { rp2 = pp; } else if (rp > textLayout.getCharacterCount()) { rp2 = textLayout.getCharacterCount(); } final Shape selection = textLayout.getLogicalHighlightShape(pp, rp2); gfx.fill(selection); } gfx.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, 1f)); gfx.setTransform(affineTrans); } gfx.setColor(color); gfx.setTransform(affineTrans); } /** * Returns the bounds of the label content. * * @return The bounds of the label content. */ public Rectangle2D getBounds() { double maxWidth = 0; double height = m_topPadding + m_bottomPadding; for (final ZyLineContent content : getContent()) { if (content.getBounds().getWidth() > maxWidth) { maxWidth = content.getBounds().getWidth(); } height += LINEHEIGHT; } return new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, maxWidth + m_rightPadding + m_leftPadding, height); } public ZyCaret getCaret() { return m_caret; } public List<ZyLineContent> getContent() { return new ArrayList<ZyLineContent>(m_content); } public int getFirstLineIndexOfModelAt(final int lineYPos) { final ZyLineContent lineContent = getLineContent(lineYPos); if (lineContent != null) { final IZyEditableObject lineModel = lineContent.getLineObject(); int indexCopy = lineYPos; while (--indexCopy >= 0) { if (m_content.get(indexCopy).getLineObject() != lineModel) { return indexCopy + 1; } } } return lineYPos; // - 1 } // TODO: Get rid of this function because the font size is not constant between lines public int getFontSize() { return FONTSIZE; } public int getLastLineIndexOfModelAt(final int lineYPos) { final ZyLineContent lineContent = getLineContent(lineYPos); if (lineContent != null) { final IZyEditableObject lineModel = lineContent.getLineObject(); int indexCopy = lineYPos; while (++indexCopy < m_content.size()) { if (m_content.get(indexCopy).getLineObject() != lineModel) { return indexCopy - 1; } } return m_content.size() - 1; } return lineYPos; } /** * Returns the line content of the given line. * * @param line The line index. * * @return The line content of that line. */ public ZyLineContent getLineContent(final int line) { return m_content.get(line); } /** * Returns the number of lines in the label content. * * @return The number of lines in the label content. */ public int getLineCount() { return m_content.size(); } public IZyLineEditor getLineEditor() { return m_lineEditor; } // TODO: Get rid of this function because the font size is not constant between lines public double getLineHeight() { return LINEHEIGHT; } public int getLineIndex(final ZyLineContent line) { return m_content.indexOf(line); } public IZyEditableObject getModel() { return m_model; } public int getNonPureCommentLineIndexOfModelAt(final int lineYPos) { // e.g. if it's a basicblock it the instruction line index final ZyLineContent lineContent = getLineContent(lineYPos); if (lineContent != null) { final int firstModelLine = getFirstLineIndexOfModelAt(lineYPos); final int lastModelLine = getLastLineIndexOfModelAt(lineYPos); for (int index = firstModelLine; index <= lastModelLine; index++) { final ZyLineContent curLineContent = getLineContent(index); final List<IZyEditableObject> lineObjects = curLineContent.getLineFragmentObjectList(); if ((curLineContent.getLineObject() != null) && curLineContent.getLineObject().isPlaceholder()) { continue; } if (lineObjects.size() == 0) { return index; } if (lineObjects.get(0).isCommentDelimiter() && (lineObjects.get(0).getStart() > 0)) { return index; } } } return -1; } /** * Returns the padding on the left side of the content. * * @return The padding on the left side of the content. */ public int getPaddingLeft() { return m_leftPadding; } /** * Returns the padding at the top side of the label content * * @return The padding at the top side of the label content */ public int getPaddingTop() { return m_topPadding; } public int getRightPadding() { return m_rightPadding; } public String getSelectedText() { if (!m_caret.isSelection()) { return ""; } int lp = m_caret.getYmousePressed(); int lr = m_caret.getYmouseReleased(); if (lp > lr) { lp = m_caret.getYmouseReleased(); lr = m_caret.getYmousePressed(); } int pp = m_caret.getXmousePressed(); int pr = m_caret.getXmouseReleased(); if (pp > m_caret.getXmouseReleased()) { pp = m_caret.getXmouseReleased(); pr = m_caret.getXmousePressed(); } final StringBuilder selectedString = new StringBuilder(); for (int y = lp; y <= lr; ++y) { final String line = getLineContent(y).getText(); if ((line == null) || (line.length() < 1) || (line.length() < pp)) { selectedString.append("\n"); continue; } if (line.length() < pr) { selectedString.append(line.substring(pp)); if (!"\n".equals(line) && (y < lr)) { selectedString.append("\n"); } continue; } selectedString.append(line.substring(pp, pr)); if (!"\n".equals(line) && (y < lr)) { selectedString.append("\n"); } } return selectedString.toString(); } public void insertLine(final ZyLineContent insertLine, final int insertIndex) { final ArrayList<ZyLineContent> newContent = new ArrayList<ZyLineContent>(); if (insertIndex >= m_content.size()) { m_content.add(insertLine); } else { int index = 0; for (final ZyLineContent line : getContent()) { if (index++ == insertIndex) { newContent.add(insertLine); } newContent.add(line); } m_content.clear(); m_content.addAll(newContent); } } public boolean isEditable() { return m_editable; } public boolean isSelectable() { return m_selectable; } @Override public Iterator<ZyLineContent> iterator() { return m_content.iterator(); } public void removeLine(final int removeIndex) { m_content.remove(removeIndex); } public void selectAll(final IZyNodeRealizer r) { m_caret.selectAll(); r.repaint(); } public void setEditable(final boolean editable) { if ((m_model == null) || (m_lineEditor == null)) { return; } m_editable = editable; if (m_editable) { m_selectable = true; } } public void setLineEditor(final IZyLineEditor creator) { m_lineEditor = creator; } public void setPadding(final int top, final int left, final int bottom, final int right) { m_leftPadding = left; m_rightPadding = right; m_topPadding = top; m_bottomPadding = bottom; } public void setPaddingLeft(final int padding) { m_leftPadding = padding; } public void setRightPadding(final int right) { m_rightPadding = right; } public void setSelectable(final boolean selectionMode) { if (m_model == null) { return; } m_selectable = selectionMode; } public void setSelectionColor(final Color c) { m_selectionColor = c; } public void setSloppy(final boolean isSloppy) { m_sloppy = isSloppy; } public void showCaret(final boolean show) { m_showCaret = show; } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (final ZyLineContent content : m_content) { builder.append(content.toString()); builder.append('\n'); } return builder.toString(); } public void updateContentSelectionColor(final Color fillColor, final boolean isSelected) { final Color nodeSelectionColor = fillColor.darker(); if (isSelected) { setSelectionColor(nodeSelectionColor.darker()); } else { setSelectionColor(nodeSelectionColor); } } }