package; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javastory.registry.WorldRegistry; import javastory.rmi.ChannelWorldInterface; import javastory.rmi.GenericRemoteObject; import javastory.rmi.LoginWorldInterface; import javastory.rmi.WorldChannelInterface; import javastory.server.Location; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class WorldChannelInterfaceImpl extends GenericRemoteObject implements WorldChannelInterface { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5568606556235590482L; private final ChannelWorldInterface channel; private static final WorldRegistry registry = WorldRegistryImpl.getInstance(); private boolean ready = false; public WorldChannelInterfaceImpl(final ChannelWorldInterface channelInterface, final int dbId) throws RemoteException { super(); = channelInterface; } @Override public void serverReady() throws RemoteException { this.ready = true; for (final LoginWorldInterface wli : registry.getLoginServer()) { try { wli.channelOnline(; } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterLoginServer(wli); } } System.out.println(":: Channel " + + " is online ::"); } public boolean isReady() { return this.ready; } @Override public String getIP(final int channel) throws RemoteException { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(channel); if (cwi == null) { return ""; } else { try { return cwi.getIP(); } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(channel); return ""; } } } @Override public void whisper(final String sender, final String target, final int channel, final String message) throws RemoteException { for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { cwi.whisper(sender, target, channel, message); } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } } @Override public boolean isConnected(final String charName) throws RemoteException { for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { if (cwi.isConnected(charName)) { return true; } } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } return false; } @Override public boolean isCharacterListConnected(final List<String> charName) throws RemoteException { for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { if (cwi.isCharacterListConnected(charName)) { return true; } } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } return false; } @Override public void broadcastMessage(final GamePacket packet) throws RemoteException { for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { cwi.broadcastMessage(packet); } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } } @Override public void broadcastSmega(final GamePacket packet) throws RemoteException { for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { cwi.broadcastSmega(packet); } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } } @Override public void broadcastGMMessage(final GamePacket packet) throws RemoteException { for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { cwi.broadcastGMMessage(packet); } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } } @Override public void toggleMegaphoneMuteState() throws RemoteException { for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { cwi.toggleMegaphoneMuteState(); } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } } @Override public boolean hasMerchant(final int accountId) throws RemoteException { for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { return cwi.hasMerchant(accountId); } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } return false; } @Override public int find(final String charName) throws RemoteException { for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { if (cwi.isConnected(charName)) { return cwi.getChannelId(); } } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } return -1; } // can we generify this @Override public int find(final int characterId) throws RemoteException { for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { if (cwi.isConnected(characterId)) { return cwi.getChannelInfo().getId(); } } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } return -1; } @Override public void shutdownLogin() throws RemoteException { for (final LoginWorldInterface lwi : registry.getLoginServer()) { try { lwi.shutdown(); } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterLoginServer(lwi); } } } @Override public void shutdown(final int time) throws RemoteException { for (final LoginWorldInterface lwi : registry.getLoginServer()) { try { lwi.shutdown(); } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterLoginServer(lwi); } } for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { cwi.shutdown(time); } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } } @Override public Map<Integer, Integer> getConnected() throws RemoteException { final Map<Integer, Integer> ret = Maps.newHashMap(); int total = 0; for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { final int curConnected = cwi.getConnected(); ret.put(i, curConnected); total += curConnected; } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } ret.put(0, total); return ret; } @Override public void loggedOn(final String name, final int characterId, final int channel, final int[] buddies) throws RemoteException { for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { cwi.loggedOn(name, characterId, channel, buddies); } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } } @Override public void loggedOff(final String name, final int characterId, final int channel, final int[] buddies) throws RemoteException { for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { cwi.loggedOff(name, characterId, channel, buddies); } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } } //TODO only notify channels where partymembers are? @Override public void updateParty(final int partyid, final PartyOperation operation, final PartyMember target) throws RemoteException { final Party party = registry.getParty(partyid); if (party == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("no party with the specified partyid exists"); } switch (operation) { case JOIN: party.addMember(target); break; case EXPEL: case LEAVE: party.removeMember(target); break; case DISBAND: registry.disbandParty(partyid); break; case SILENT_UPDATE: case LOG_ONOFF: party.updateMember(target); break; case CHANGE_LEADER: party.setLeader(target); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unhandeled updateParty operation " +; } for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { cwi.updateParty(party, operation, target); } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } } @Override public Party createParty() throws RemoteException { return registry.createParty(); } @Override public Party getParty(final int partyid) throws RemoteException { return registry.getParty(partyid); } @Override public void partyChat(final int partyid, final String chattext, final String namefrom) throws RemoteException { final Party party = registry.getParty(partyid); if (party == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("no party with the specified partyid exists"); } for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { cwi.partyChat(party, chattext, namefrom); } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } } public boolean isAvailable() throws RemoteException { return true; } @Override public Location getLocation(final String charName) throws RemoteException { for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { if (cwi.isConnected(charName)) { return new Location(cwi.getLocation(charName), (byte) cwi.getChannelId()); } } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } return null; } @Override public List<CheaterData> getCheaters() throws RemoteException { final List<CheaterData> allCheaters = Lists.newArrayList(); for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { allCheaters.addAll(cwi.getCheaters()); } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } Collections.sort(allCheaters); return CollectionUtil.copyFirst(allCheaters, 20); } @Override public ChannelWorldInterface getChannelInterface(final int channel) throws RemoteException { return registry.getChannel(channel); } @Override public void buddyChat(final int[] recipientCharacterIds, final int cidFrom, final String nameFrom, final String chattext) throws RemoteException { for (final ChannelWorldInterface cwi : registry.getAllChannelServers()) { cwi.buddyChat(recipientCharacterIds, cidFrom, nameFrom, chattext); } } @Override public CharacterIdChannelPair[] multiBuddyFind(final int charIdFrom, final int[] characterIds) throws RemoteException { final List<CharacterIdChannelPair> foundsChars = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(characterIds.length); for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); for (final int charid : cwi.multiBuddyFind(charIdFrom, characterIds)) { foundsChars.add(new CharacterIdChannelPair(charid, i)); } } return foundsChars.toArray(new CharacterIdChannelPair[foundsChars.size()]); } @Override public void transfer(final CharacterTransfer Data, final int characterid, final int toChannel) throws RemoteException { for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { if (i == toChannel) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { cwi.ChannelChange_Data(Data, characterid); } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } } } @Override public Guild getGuild(final int id) throws RemoteException { return registry.getGuild(id); } @Override public void setGuildMemberOnline(final GuildMember mgc, final boolean bOnline, final int channel) throws RemoteException { registry.setGuildMemberOnline(mgc, bOnline, channel); } @Override public boolean addGuildMember(final GuildMember mgc) throws RemoteException { return registry.addGuildMember(mgc); } @Override public void guildChat(final int gid, final String name, final int cid, final String msg) throws RemoteException { registry.guildChat(gid, name, cid, msg); } @Override public void leaveGuild(final GuildMember mgc) throws RemoteException { registry.leaveGuild(mgc); } @Override public void changeRank(final int gid, final int cid, final MemberRank newRank) throws RemoteException { registry.changeRank(gid, cid, newRank); } @Override public void expelMember(final GuildMember initiator, final int cid) throws RemoteException { registry.expelMember(initiator, cid); } @Override public void setGuildNotice(final int gid, final String notice) throws RemoteException { registry.setGuildNotice(gid, notice); } @Override public void updateGuildMemberJob(final int guildId, final int characterId, final int jobId) throws RemoteException { registry.updateGuildMemberJob(guildId, characterId, jobId); } @Override public void updateGuildMemberLevel(final int guildId, final int characterId, final int level) throws RemoteException { registry.updateGuildMemberLevel(guildId, characterId, level); } @Override public void changeRankTitle(final int gid, final String[] ranks) throws RemoteException { registry.changeRankTitle(gid, ranks); } @Override public int createGuild(final int leaderId, final String name) throws RemoteException { return registry.createGuild(leaderId, name); } @Override public void setGuildEmblem(final int gid, final short bg, final byte bgcolor, final short logo, final byte logocolor) throws RemoteException { registry.setGuildEmblem(gid, bg, bgcolor, logo, logocolor); } @Override public void disbandGuild(final int gid) throws RemoteException { registry.disbandGuild(gid); } @Override public boolean increaseGuildCapacity(final int gid) throws RemoteException { return registry.increaseGuildCapacity(gid); } @Override public void gainGuildPoints(final int gid, final int amount) throws RemoteException { registry.gainGP(gid, amount); } @Override public Messenger createMessenger(final MessengerMember chrfor) throws RemoteException { return registry.createMessenger(chrfor); } @Override public Messenger getMessenger(final int messengerid) throws RemoteException { return registry.getMessenger(messengerid); } @Override public void messengerInvite(final String sender, final int messengerid, final String target, final int fromchannel) throws RemoteException { for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { cwi.messengerInvite(sender, messengerid, target, fromchannel); } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } } @Override public void leaveMessenger(final int messengerid, final MessengerMember target) throws RemoteException { final Messenger messenger = registry.getMessenger(messengerid); if (messenger == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No messenger with the specified messengerid exists"); } final int position = messenger.getPositionByName(target.getName()); messenger.removeMember(target); for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { cwi.removeMessengerPlayer(messenger, position); } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } } @Override public void joinMessenger(final int messengerid, final MessengerMember target, final String from, final int fromchannel) throws RemoteException { final Messenger messenger = registry.getMessenger(messengerid); if (messenger == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No messenger with the specified messengerid exists"); } messenger.addMember(target); for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { cwi.addMessengerPlayer(messenger, from, fromchannel, target.getPosition()); } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } } @Override public void messengerChat(final int messengerid, final String namefrom, final String chattext) throws RemoteException { final Messenger messenger = registry.getMessenger(messengerid); if (messenger == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No messenger with the specified messengerid exists"); } for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { cwi.messengerChat(messenger, chattext, namefrom); } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } } @Override public void declineChat(final String target, final String namefrom) throws RemoteException { for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { cwi.declineChat(target, namefrom); } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } } @Override public void updateMessenger(final int messengerid, final String namefrom, final int fromchannel) throws RemoteException { final Messenger messenger = registry.getMessenger(messengerid); final int position = messenger.getPositionByName(namefrom); for (final int i : registry.getActiveChannels()) { final ChannelWorldInterface cwi = registry.getChannel(i); try { cwi.updateMessenger(messenger, namefrom, position, fromchannel); } catch (final RemoteException e) { registry.deregisterChannelServer(i); } } } @Override public void silentLeaveMessenger(final int messengerid, final MessengerMember target) throws RemoteException { final Messenger messenger = registry.getMessenger(messengerid); if (messenger == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No messenger with the specified messengerid exists"); } messenger.silentRemoveMember(target); } @Override public void silentJoinMessenger(final int messengerid, final MessengerMember target, final int position) throws RemoteException { final Messenger messenger = registry.getMessenger(messengerid); if (messenger == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No messenger with the specified messengerid exists"); } messenger.silentAddMember(target, position); } @Override public void addBuffsToStorage(final int chrid, final List<PlayerBuffValueHolder> toStore) throws RemoteException { registry.getPlayerBuffStorage().addBuffsToStorage(chrid, toStore); } @Override public Collection<PlayerBuffValueHolder> getBuffsFromStorage(final int chrid) throws RemoteException { return registry.getPlayerBuffStorage().getBuffsFromStorage(chrid); } @Override public void addCooldownsToStorage(final int chrid, final List<PlayerCooldownValueHolder> toStore) throws RemoteException { registry.getPlayerBuffStorage().addCooldownsToStorage(chrid, toStore); } @Override public Collection<PlayerCooldownValueHolder> getCooldownsFromStorage(final int chrid) throws RemoteException { return registry.getPlayerBuffStorage().getCooldownsFromStorage(chrid); } @Override public void addDiseaseToStorage(final int chrid, final List<PlayerDiseaseValueHolder> toStore) throws RemoteException { registry.getPlayerBuffStorage().addDiseaseToStorage(chrid, toStore); } @Override public Collection<PlayerDiseaseValueHolder> getDiseaseFromStorage(final int chrid) throws RemoteException { return registry.getPlayerBuffStorage().getDiseaseFromStorage(chrid); } }