package; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import; public class GameConstants { public static final List<GameMapObjectType> rangedMapObjectTypes = Arrays.asList( GameMapObjectType.ITEM, GameMapObjectType.MONSTER, GameMapObjectType.DOOR, GameMapObjectType.REACTOR, GameMapObjectType.SUMMON, GameMapObjectType.NPC, GameMapObjectType.MIST); private static final int[] EXP_TABLE = { 0, 15, 34, 57, 92, 135, 372, 560, 840, 1242, 1144, 1573, 2144, 2800, 3640, 4700, 5893, 7360, 9144, 11120, 13478, 16268, 19320, 22881, 27009, 31478, 36601, 42446, 48722, 55816, 76560, 86784, 98208, 110932, 124432, 139372, 155865, 173280, 192400, 213345, 235372, 259392, 285532, 312928, 342624, 374760, 408336, 444544, 483532, 524160, 567772, 598886, 631704, 666321, 702836, 741351, 781976, 824828, 870028, 917705, 967995, 1021040, 1076993, 1136012, 1198265, 1263930, 1333193, 1406252, 1483314, 1564600, 1650340, 1740778, 1836172, 1936794, 2042930, 2154882, 2272969, 2397528, 2528912, 2667496, 2813674, 2967863, 3130501, 3302052, 3483004, 3673872, 3875200, 4087561, 4311559, 4547832, 4797052, 5059931, 5337215, 5629694, 5938201, 6263614, 6606860, 6968915, 7350811, 7753635, 8178534, 8626717, 9099461, 9598112, 10124088, 10678888, 11264090, 11881362, 12532460, 13219239, 13943652, 14707764, 15513749, 16363902, 17260644, 18206527, 19204244, 20256636, 21366700, 22537594, 23772654, 25075395, 26449526, 27898960, 29427822, 31040466, 32741483, 34535716, 36428272, 38424541, 40530206, 42751261, 45094030, 47565183, 50171755, 52921167, 55821246, 58880250, 62106888, 65510344, 69100311, 72887008, 76881216, 81094306, 85538273, 90225770, 95170142, 100385465, 105886588, 111689173, 117809740, 124265713, 131075474, 138258409, 145834970, 153826726, 162256430, 171148082, 180526996, 190419876, 200854884, 211861732, 223471754, 235718006, 248635352, 262260569, 276632448, 291791906, 307782102, 324648561, 342439302, 361204976, 380999008, 401877753, 423900654, 447130409, 471633156, 497478652, 524740482, 553496260, 583827855, 615821621, 649568646, 685165008, 722712050, 762316670, 804091623, 848155844, 894634784, 943660769, 995373379, 1049919840, 1107455447, 1168144005, 1232158296, 1299680571, 1370903066, 1446028554, 1525270918, 1608855764, 1767659560 }; private static final int[] CLOSENESS_TABLE = { 0, 1, 3, 6, 14, 31, 60, 108, 181, 287, 434, 632, 891, 1224, 1642, 2161, 2793, 3557, 4467, 5542, 6801, 8263, 9950, 11882, 14084, 16578, 19391, 22547, 26074, 30000 }; private static final int[] MOUNT_EXP_TABLE = { 0, 6, 25, 50, 105, 134, 196, 254, 263, 315, 367, 430, 543, 587, 679, 725, 897, 1146, 1394, 1701, 2247, 2543, 2898, 3156, 3313, 3584, 3923, 4150, 4305, 4550 }; public static int getExpNeededForLevel(final int level) { return EXP_TABLE[level]; } public static int getClosenessNeededForLevel(final int level) { return CLOSENESS_TABLE[level - 1]; } public static int getMountExpNeededForLevel(final int level) { return MOUNT_EXP_TABLE[level - 1]; } public static int getBookLevel(final int level) { return 5 * level * (level + 1); } public static int getTimelessRequiredEXP(final int level) { return 70 + level * 10; } public static int getReverseRequiredEXP(final int level) { return 60 + level * 5; } public static int maxViewRangeSq() { // 800 * 800 return 800000; } public static boolean isThrowingStar(final int itemId) { return itemId >= 2070000 && itemId < 2080000; } public static boolean isBullet(final int itemId) { final int id = itemId / 10000; if (id == 233) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static boolean isRechargable(final int itemId) { final int id = itemId / 10000; switch (id) { case 233: case 207: return true; default: return false; } } public static boolean isOverall(final int itemId) { return itemId >= 1050000 && itemId < 1060000; } public static boolean isPet(final int itemId) { return itemId >= 5000000 && itemId <= 5000100; } public static boolean isCrossbowArrow(final int itemId) { return itemId >= 2061000 && itemId < 2062000; } public static boolean isBowArrow(final int itemId) { return itemId >= 2060000 && itemId < 2061000; } public static boolean isMagicWeapon(final int itemId) { final int s = itemId / 10000; return s == 137 || s == 138; } public static boolean isWeapon(final int itemId) { return itemId >= 1302000 && itemId < 1500000; } public static InventoryType getInventoryType(final int itemId) { final byte type = (byte) (itemId / 1000000); if (type < 1 || type > 5) { return InventoryType.UNDEFINED; } return InventoryType.fromNumber(type); } public static WeaponType getWeaponType(final int itemId) { int cat = itemId / 10000; cat = cat % 100; switch (cat) { case 30: return WeaponType.SWORD1H; case 31: return WeaponType.AXE1H; case 32: return WeaponType.BLUNT1H; case 33: return WeaponType.DAGGER; case 34: return WeaponType.KATARA; case 37: return WeaponType.WAND; case 38: return WeaponType.STAFF; case 40: return WeaponType.SWORD2H; case 41: return WeaponType.AXE2H; case 42: return WeaponType.BLUNT2H; case 43: return WeaponType.SPEAR; case 44: return WeaponType.POLE_ARM; case 45: return WeaponType.BOW; case 46: return WeaponType.CROSSBOW; case 47: return WeaponType.CLAW; case 48: return WeaponType.KNUCKLE; case 49: return WeaponType.GUN; default: return WeaponType.NOT_A_WEAPON; } } public static boolean isShield(final int itemId) { int cat = itemId / 10000; cat = cat % 100; return cat == 9; } public static boolean isEquip(final int itemId) { return itemId / 1000000 == 1; } public static boolean isCleanSlate(final int itemId) { return itemId / 100 == 20490; } public static boolean isChaosScroll(final int itemId) { return itemId / 100 == 20491; } public static boolean isSpecialScroll(final int scrollId) { switch (scrollId) { case 2040727: // Spikes on show case 2041058: // Cape for Cold protection return true; } return false; } public static boolean isTwoHanded(final int itemId) { switch (getWeaponType(itemId)) { case AXE2H: case GUN: case KNUCKLE: case BLUNT2H: case BOW: case CLAW: case CROSSBOW: case POLE_ARM: case SPEAR: case SWORD2H: return true; default: return false; } } public static boolean isTownScroll(final int id) { return id >= 2030000 && id < 2030020; } public static boolean isGun(final int id) { return id >= 1492000 && id <= 1500000; } public static boolean isUseableItem(final int id) { return id >= 2000000 && id <= 2490000; } public static boolean isSummonSack(final int id) { return id / 10000 == 210; } public static boolean isMonsterCard(final int id) { return id / 10000 == 238; } public static boolean isSpecialCard(final int id) { return id / 100 >= 2388; } public static int getCardShortId(final int id) { return id % 10000; } public static boolean isGem(final int id) { return id >= 4250000 && id <= 4251402; } public static boolean isCustomQuest(final int id) { if (id > 99999) { return true; } switch (id) { case 7200: // Papulatus record and count case 20022: // Cygnus tutor quest case 20021: // Cygnus tutor quest case 20020: // Cygnus tutor quest return true; } return false; } public static int getTaxAmount(final int meso) { if (meso >= 100000000) { return (int) Math.round(0.06 * meso); } else if (meso >= 25000000) { return (int) Math.round(0.05 * meso); } else if (meso >= 10000000) { return (int) Math.round(0.04 * meso); } else if (meso >= 5000000) { return (int) Math.round(0.03 * meso); } else if (meso >= 1000000) { return (int) Math.round(0.018 * meso); } else if (meso >= 100000) { return (int) Math.round(0.008 * meso); } return 0; } public static int EntrustedStoreTax(final int meso) { if (meso >= 100000000) { return (int) Math.round(0.03 * meso); } else if (meso >= 25000000) { return (int) Math.round(0.025 * meso); } else if (meso >= 10000000) { return (int) Math.round(0.02 * meso); } else if (meso >= 5000000) { return (int) Math.round(0.015 * meso); } else if (meso >= 1000000) { return (int) Math.round(0.009 * meso); } else if (meso >= 100000) { return (int) Math.round(0.004 * meso); } return 0; } public static short getSummonAttackDelay(final int id) { switch (id) { case 15001004: // Lightning case 14001005: // Darkness case 13001004: // Storm case 12001004: // Flame case 11001004: // Soul case 3221005: // Freezer case 3211005: // Golden Eagle case 3121006: // Phoenix case 3111005: // Silver Hawk case 2321003: // Bahamut case 2311006: // Summon Dragon case 2221005: // Infrit case 2121005: // Elquines return 3030; case 5211001: // Octopus case 5211002: // Gaviota case 5220002: // Support Octopus return 1530; case 3211002: // Puppet case 3111002: // Puppet case 1321007: // Beholder // case 4341006: return 0; } return 3030; } public static short getAttackDelay(final int id) { switch (id) { // Assume it's faster(2) case 3121004: // Storm of Arrow case 13111002: // Storm of Arrow case 5221004: // Rapidfire case 4221001: // Assassinate? case 5201006: // Recoil shot/ Back stab shot return 120; case 13101005: // Storm Break return 360; case 5001003: // Double Fire return 390; case 5001001: // Straight/ Flash Fist case 15001001: // Straight/ Flash Fist case 1321003: // Rush case 1221007: // Rush case 1121006: // Rush return 450; case 5211004: // Flamethrower case 5211005: // Ice Splitter return 480; case 0: // Normal Attack, TODO delay for each weapon type case 5111002: // Energy Blast case 15101005: // Energy Blast case 1001004: // Power Strike case 11001002: // Power Strike case 1001005: // Slash Blast case 11001003: // Slash Blast case 1311005: // Sacrifice return 570; case 3111006: // Strafe case 311004: // Arrow Rain case 13111000: // Arrow Rain case 3111003: // Inferno case 3101005: // Arrow Bomb case 4001344: // Lucky Seven case 14001004: // Lucky seven case 4121007: // Triple Throw case 14111005: // Triple Throw case 4111004: // Shadow Meso case 4101005: // Drain case 4211004: // Band of Thieves case 4201004: // Steal case 4001334: // Double Stab case 5221007: // Battleship Cannon case 1211002: // Charged blow case 2301002: // Heal case 1311003: // Dragon Fury : Spear case 1311004: // Dragon Fury : Pole Arm case 3211006: // Strafe case 3211004: // Arrow Eruption case 3211003: // Blizzard Arrow case 3201005: // Iron Arrow case 3221001: // Piercing case 4111005: // Avenger case 14111002: // Avenger case 5201001: // Invisible shot case 5101004: // Corkscrew Blow case 15101003: // Corkscrew Blow case 1121008: // Brandish case 11111004: // Brandish case 1221009: // Blast return 600; case 5201004: // Blank Shot/ Fake shot case 5211000: // Burst Fire/ Triple Fire case 5001002: // Sommersault Kick case 15001002: // Sommersault Kick case 4221007: // Boomerang Stab case 1311001: // Spear Crusher, 16~30 pts = 810 case 1311002: // PA Crusher, 16~30 pts = 810 case 2221006: // Chain Lightning return 660; case 4121008: // Ninja Storm case 4201005: // Savage blow case 5211006: // Homing Beacon case 5221008: // Battleship Torpedo case 5101002: // Backspin Blow case 2001005: // Magic Claw case 12001003: // Magic Claw case 2001004: // Energy Bolt case 2301005: // Holy Arrow case 2121001: // Big Bang case 2221001: // Big Bang case 2321001: // Big Bang case 2321007: // Angel's Ray case 2101004: // Fire Arrow case 12101002: // Fire Arrow case 2101005: // Poison Breath case 2121003: // Fire Demon case 2221003: // Ice Demon case 2121006: // Paralyze case 2201005: // Thunderbolt case 2201004: // Cold Beam case 4211006: // Meso Explosion case 5121005: // Snatch case 12111006: // Fire Strike case 11101004: // Soul Blade return 750; case 15111007: // Shark Wave case 2111006: // Elemental Composition case 2211006: // Elemental Composition return 810; case 13111006: // Wind Piercing case 4211002: // Assaulter case 5101003: // Double Uppercut return 900; case 5121003: // Energy Orb case 2311004: // Shining Ray case 2211002: // Ice Strike return 930; case 13111007: // Wind Shot return 960; case 14101006: // Vampire case 4121003: // Showdown case 4221003: // Showdown return 1020; case 12101006: // Fire Pillar return 1050; case 5121001: // Dragon Strike return 1060; case 2211003: // Thunder Spear case 1311006: // Dragon Roar return 1140; case 11111006: // Soul Driver return 1230; case 12111005: // Flame Gear return 1260; case 2111003: // Poison Mist return 1320; case 5111006: // Shockwave case 15111003: // Shockwave case 2111002: // Explosion return 1500; case 5121007: // Barrage case 15111004: // Barrage return 1830; case 5221003: // Ariel Strike case 5121004: // Demolition return 2160; case 2321008: // Genesis return 2700; case 2121007: // Meteor Shower case 10001011: // Meteo Shower case 2221007: // Blizzard return 3060; } // TODO delay for final attack, weapon type, swing,stab etc return 330; // Default usually } public static byte gachaponRareItem(final int id) { switch (id) { case 2000005: // Power Elixir case 2040105: // Scroll for Face Eqp. for Eva case 2040605: // Cursed Scroll for Bottomwear for DEF case 2040609: // Cursed Scroll for Bottomwear for HP case 2040607: // Cursed Scroll for Bottomwear for Jump case 2044505: // Cursed Scroll for Bow for ATT case 2041031: // Cursed Scroll for Cape for HP case 2041037: // Cursed Scroll for Cape for INT case 2041041: // Cursed Scroll for Cape for LUK case 2044705: // Cursed Scroll for Claw for ATT case 2043305: // Cursed Scroll for Dagger for ATT case 2040309: // Cursed scroll for Earring for DEF case 2040103: // Cursed Scroll for Face Eqp. for HP case 2040811: // Cursed Scroll for Gloves for ATT case 2040815: // Cursed scroll for Glove for INT case 2040015: // Cursed scroll for Helmet for ACC case 2040011: // Cursed Scroll for Helmet for HP case 2040511: // Cursed Scroll for Overall Armor for DEF case 2040509: // Cursed Scroll for Overall Armor for DEX case 2040521: // Cursed Scroll for Overall Armor for LUK case 2044405: // Cursed Scroll for Pole Arm for ATT case 2040713: // Cursed Scroll for Shoes for DEX case 2040717: // Cursed Scroll for Shoes for Speed case 2043805: // Cursed Scroll for Staff for Magic Att case 2040407: // Cursed Scroll for Topwear for STR case 2040206: // Scroll for Eye Eqp. for INT case 2040106: // Scroll for Face Eqp. for Eva case 2040101: // Scroll for Face Eqp. for HP case 2040606: // Cursed Scroll for Bottomwear for Jump case 2041036: // Cursed Scroll for Cape for INT case 2041034: // Cursed Scroll for Cape for STR case 2044604: // Cursed Scroll for Crossbow for ATT case 2043304: // Cursed Scroll for Dagger for ATT case 2040306: // Cursed Scroll for Earring for DEX case 2040814: // Cursed scroll for Glove for INT case 2040008: // Cursed Scroll for Helmet for DEF case 2043006: // Cursed scroll for One handed sword for Magic ATT case 2040508: // Cursed Scroll for Overall Armor for DEX case 2040520: // Cursed Scroll for Overall Armor for LUK case 2044404: // Cursed Scroll for Pole Arm for ATT case 2040904: // Cursed Scroll for Shield for DEF case 2040908: // Cursed Scroll for Shield for HP case 2040921: // Cursed Scroll for Shield for Magic Att case 2040916: // Cursed Scroll for Shield for Weapon Att case 2040410: // Cursed scroll for Top wear for LUK case 2040404: // Scroll for Topwear for DEF case 1012070: // Strawberry Icecream Bar case 1012071: // Chocolate Icecream Bar case 1012072: // Melon Icecream Bar case 1012073: // Watermelon Icecream Bar case 2022179: // Onyx Apple case 2049100: // Chaos Scroll 60$ case 2340000: // White Scroll case 1132004: // Black Belt case 2049000: // Reverse Scroll case 2049001: // Reverse Scroll case 2049002: // Reverse Scroll case 2040006: // Miracle case 2040007: // Miracle case 2040303: // Miracle case 2040403: // Miracle case 2040506: // Miracle case 2040507: // Miracle case 2040603: // Miracle case 2040709: // Miracle case 2040710: // Miracle case 2040711: // Miracle case 2040806: // Miracle case 2040903: // Miracle case 2041024: // Miracle case 2041025: // Miracle case 2043003: // Miracle case 2043103: // Miracle case 2043203: // Miracle case 2043303: // Miracle case 2043703: // Miracle case 2043803: // Miracle case 2044003: // Miracle case 2044103: // Miracle case 2044203: // Miracle case 2044303: // Miracle case 2044403: // Miracle case 2044503: // Miracle case 2044603: // Miracle case 2044908: // Miracle case 2044815: // Miracle case 2044019: // Miracle case 2044703: // Miracle case 1372039: // Elemental wand lvl 130 case 1372040: // Elemental wand lvl 130 case 1372041: // Elemental wand lvl 130 case 1372042: // Elemental wand lvl 130 case 1092049: // Dragon Khanjar return 2; case 1382037: // Blade Staff case 1102084: // Pink Gaia Cape case 1102041: // Pink Adventurer Cape case 1402044: // Pumpkin Lantern case 1082149: // Brown Work glove case 1102086: // Purple Gaia Cape case 1102042: // Purple Adventurer Cape case 3010065: // Pink Parasol case 3010064: // Brown Sand Bunny Cushion case 3010063: // Starry Moon Cushion case 3010068: // Teru Teru Chair case 3010054: // Baby Bear's Dream case 3012001: // Round the Campfire case 3012002: // Rubber Ducky Bath case 3010020: // Portable Meal Table case 3010041: // Skull Throne return 2; } return 0; } public final static int[] goldrewards = { 1402037, 1, // Rigbol Sword 2290096, 1, // Maple Warrior 20 2290049, 1, // Genesis 30 2290041, 1, // Meteo 30 2290047, 1, // Blizzard 30 2290095, 1, // Smoke 30 2290017, 1, // Enrage 30 2290075, 1, // Snipe 30 2290085, 1, // Triple Throw 30 2290116, 1, // Areal Strike 1302059, 3, // Dragon Carabella 2049100, 1, // Chaos Scroll 2340000, 1, // White Scroll 1092049, 1, // Dragon Kanjar 1102041, 1, // Pink Cape 1432018, 3, // Sky Ski 1022047, 3, // Owl Mask 3010051, 1, // Chair 3010020, 1, // Portable meal table 2040914, 1, // Shield for Weapon Atk 1432011, 3, // Fair Frozen 1442020, 3, // HellSlayer 1382035, 3, // Blue Marine 1372010, 3, // Dimon Wand 1332027, 3, // Varkit 1302056, 3, // Sparta 1402005, 3, // Bezerker 1472053, 3, // Red Craven 1462018, 3, // Casa Crow 1452017, 3, // Metus 1422013, 3, // Lemonite 1322029, 3, // Ruin Hammer 1412010, 3, // Colonian Axe 1472051, 1, // Green Dragon Sleeve 1482013, 1, // Emperor's Claw 1492013, 1, // Dragon fire Revlover 1382050, 1, // Blue Dragon Staff 1382045, 1, // Fire Staff, Level 105 1382047, 1, // Ice Staff, Level 105 1382048, 1, // Thunder Staff 1382046, 1, // Poison Staff 1332032, 4, // Christmas Tree 1482025, 3, // Flowery Tube 4001011, 4, // Lupin Eraser 4001010, 4, // Mushmom Eraser 4001009, 4, // Stump Eraser 2030008, 5, // Bottle, return scroll 1442012, 4, // Sky Snowboard 1442018, 3, // Frozen Tuna 2040900, 4, // Shield for DEF 2000005, 10, // Power Elixir 2000004, 10, // Elixir 4280000, 4 }; // Gold Box public final static int[] silverrewards = { 1002452, 3, // Starry Bandana 1002455, 3, // Starry Bandana 2290084, 1, // Triple Throw 20 2290048, 1, // Genesis 20 2290040, 1, // Meteo 20 2290046, 1, // Blizzard 20 2290074, 1, // Sniping 20 2290064, 1, // Concentration 20 2290094, 1, // Smoke 20 2290022, 1, // Berserk 20 2290056, 1, // Bow Expert 30 2290066, 1, // xBow Expert 30 2290020, 1, // Sanc 20 1102082, 1, // Black Raggdey Cape 1302049, 1, // Glowing Whip 2340000, 1, // White Scroll 1102041, 1, // Pink Cape 1452019, 2, // White Nisrock 4001116, 3, // Hexagon Pend 4001012, 3, // Wraith Eraser 1022060, 2, // Foxy Racoon Eye 1432011, 3, // Fair Frozen 1442020, 3, // HellSlayer 1382035, 3, // Blue Marine 1372010, 3, // Dimon Wand 1332027, 3, // Varkit 1302056, 3, // Sparta 1402005, 3, // Bezerker 1472053, 3, // Red Craven 1462018, 3, // Casa Crow 1452017, 3, // Metus 1422013, 3, // Lemonite 1322029, 3, // Ruin Hammer 1412010, 3, // Colonian Axe 1002587, 3, // Black Wisconsin 1402044, 1, // Pumpkin lantern 2101013, 4, // Summoning Showa boss 1442046, 1, // Super Snowboard 1422031, 1, // Blue Seal Cushion 1332054, 3, // Lonzege Dagger 1012056, 3, // Dog Nose 1022047, 3, // Owl Mask 3012002, 1, // Bathtub 1442012, 3, // Sky snowboard 1442018, 3, // Frozen Tuna 1432010, 3, // Omega Spear 1432036, 1, // Fishing Pole 2000005, 10, // Power Elixir 2000004, 10, // Elixir 4280001, 4 }; // Silver Box public static final int[] fishingReward = { 0, 80, // Meso 1, 60, // EXP 2022179, 1, // Onyx Apple 1302021, 5, // Pico Pico Hammer 1072238, 1, // Voilet Snowshoe 1072239, 1, // Yellow Snowshoe 2049100, 1, // Chaos Scroll 1302000, 3, // Sword 1442011, 1, // Surfboard 4000517, 8, // Golden Fish 4000518, 25, // Golden Fish Egg 4031627, 2, // White Bait (3cm) 4031628, 1, // Sailfish (120cm) 4031630, 1, // Carp (30cm) 4031631, 1, // Salmon(150cm) 4031632, 1, // Shovel 4031633, 2, // Whitebait (3.6cm) 4031634, 1, // Whitebait (5cm) 4031635, 1, // Whitebait (6.5cm) 4031636, 1, // Whitebait (10cm) 4031637, 2, // Carp (53cm) 4031638, 2, // Carp (60cm) 4031639, 1, // Carp (100cm) 4031640, 1, // Carp (113cm) 4031641, 2, // Sailfish (128cm) 4031642, 2, // Sailfish (131cm) 4031643, 1, // Sailfish (140cm) 4031644, 1, // Sailfish (148cm) 4031645, 2, // Salmon (166cm) 4031646, 2, // Salmon (183cm) 4031647, 1, // Salmon (227cm) 4031648, 1, // Salmon (288cm) 4031629, 1 // Pot }; public static boolean isKatara(final int itemId) { return itemId / 10000 == 134; } public static boolean isDagger(final int itemId) { return itemId / 10000 == 133; } public static boolean isApplicableSkill(final int skillId) { return skillId < 22190000 && (skillId % 10000 < 8000 || skillId % 10000 > 8003); // no // additional/resistance/db/decent // skills } public static boolean isApplicableSkill_(final int skillId) { // not applicable to // saving but is // more of temporary return skillId >= 90000000 || skillId % 10000 >= 8000 && skillId % 10000 <= 8003; } public static boolean isEvanDragonItem(final int itemId) { return itemId >= 1940000 && itemId < 1980000; // 194 = mask, 195 = // pendant, 196 = wings, // 197 = tail } }