package; import java.rmi.NotBoundException; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javastory.config.ChannelInfo; import javastory.config.WorldConfig; import javastory.config.WorldInfo; import; import; import; import; import; import javastory.registry.Nexus; import javastory.registry.WorldRegistry; import javastory.rmi.ChannelWorldInterface; import javastory.rmi.WorldChannelInterface; import javastory.scripting.EventScriptManager; import javastory.server.GameService; import javastory.server.TimerManager; import; import javastory.server.handling.PacketHandler; import; import; import; import; public final class ChannelServer extends GameService { private static ChannelServer instance; private ChannelWorldInterface cwi; private WorldChannelInterface wci = null; private boolean MegaphoneMuteState = false; private PlayerStorage players; private final GameMapFactory mapFactory = new GameMapFactory(); private final Map<Integer, GuildSummary> gsStore = Maps.newHashMap(); private final Map<String, Squad> mapleSquads = Maps.newHashMap(); private final Map<Integer, HiredMerchantStore> merchants = Maps.newHashMap(); private String serverMessage; private float expRate, mesoRate, itemRate; private int channelId, currentMerchantId = 0; private final ChannelInfo channelInfo; private final Lock merchantMutex = new ReentrantLock(); private EventScriptManager eventManager; private ChannelServer(final ChannelInfo info) { super(info); this.channelInfo = info; } public static synchronized boolean initialize(final ChannelInfo info) { if (instance == null) { instance = new ChannelServer(info); return true; } else { return false; } } public int getChannelId() { return this.channelInfo.getId(); } public ChannelInfo getChannelInfo() { return this.channelInfo; } public static void pingWorld() { try {; } catch (final RemoteException ex) { if (instance.isWorldReady.compareAndSet(true, false)) { instance.connectToWorld(); } } } @Override protected void connectToWorld() { try { final WorldRegistry worldRegistry = Nexus.getOrBindWorldRegistry(); // TODO: implement the interface in this class. this.cwi = new ChannelWorldInterfaceImpl(this); this.wci = worldRegistry.registerChannelServer(this.channelInfo, this.cwi); this.wci.serverReady(); } catch (NotBoundException | RemoteException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ChannelServer.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } this.isWorldReady.compareAndSet(false, true); } @Override protected final void loadSettings() { final WorldInfo info = WorldConfig.load(this.channelInfo.getWorldId()); this.expRate = (float) info.getExpRate() / 100; this.mesoRate = (float) info.getMesoRate() / 100; this.itemRate = (float) info.getItemRate() / 100; // TODO: do this one in the DB too. this.serverMessage = ""; } public void initialize() { this.connectToWorld(); this.loadSettings(); final List<String> events = this.loadEventsFromDb(); this.eventManager = new EventScriptManager(events); TimerManager.getInstance().start(); TimerManager.getInstance().register(AutobanManager.getInstance(), 60000); MapTimer.getInstance().start(); ItemMakerFactory.getInstance(); ItemInfoProvider.getInstance(); RandomRewards.getInstance(); SkillInfoProvider.getSkill(99999999); this.players = new PlayerStorage(); final PacketHandler serverHandler = new ChannelPacketHandler(this.channelId); super.bind(serverHandler); try { this.wci.serverReady(); } catch (final RemoteException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ChannelServer.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } System.out.printf(":: Channel %d : Listening on port %d ::", this.getChannelId(), super.endpointInfo.getPort()); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(new ShutdownListener())); this.eventManager.init(); } public static GameMapFactory getMapFactory() { return instance.mapFactory; } public static void addPlayer(final ChannelCharacter chr) { instance.players.registerPlayer(chr); chr.getClient().write(ChannelPackets.headerMessage(instance.serverMessage)); } public static PlayerStorage getPlayerStorage() { return instance.players; } public static void removePlayer(final ChannelCharacter chr) { instance.players.deregisterPlayer(chr); } public String getServerMessage() { return this.serverMessage; } public void setServerMessage(final String newMessage) { this.serverMessage = newMessage; this.broadcastPacket(ChannelPackets.headerMessage(this.serverMessage)); } public void broadcastPacket(final GamePacket data) { this.players.broadcastPacket(data); } public void broadcastSmegaPacket(final GamePacket data) { this.players.broadcastSmegaPacket(data); } public void broadcastGMPacket(final GamePacket data) { this.players.broadcastGMPacket(data); } public String getIP(final int channel) { try { return getWorldInterface().getIP(channel); } catch (final RemoteException e) { System.err.println("Lost connection to world server" + e); throw new RuntimeException("Lost connection to world server"); } } public static WorldChannelInterface getWorldInterface() { if (instance.isWorldReady.get()) { return instance.wci; } return null; } public final void shutdownWorld(final int time) { try { getWorldInterface().shutdown(time); } catch (final RemoteException e) { pingWorld(); } } public final void shutdownLogin() { try { getWorldInterface().shutdownLogin(); } catch (final RemoteException e) { pingWorld(); } } public final int getLoadedMaps() { return getMapFactory().getLoadedMaps(); } public final EventScriptManager getEventSM() { return this.eventManager; } public final void reloadEvents() { final List<String> events = this.loadEventsFromDb(); this.eventManager.cancel(); this.eventManager = new EventScriptManager(events); this.eventManager.init(); } private List<String> loadEventsFromDb() { // TODO: load events from DB. final List<String> events = Lists.newArrayList(); return events; } public final float getExpRate() { return this.expRate; } public final void setExpRate(final float expRate) { this.expRate = expRate; } public final float getMesoRate() { return this.mesoRate; } public final void setMesoRate(final float mesoRate) { this.mesoRate = mesoRate; } public final float getItemRate() { return this.itemRate; } public final void setItemRate(final float dropRate) { this.itemRate = dropRate; } public final Guild getGuild(final int guildId) { Guild guild = null; try { guild = getWorldInterface().getGuild(guildId); } catch (final RemoteException re) { System.err.println("RemoteException while fetching MapleGuild." + re); return null; } if (this.gsStore.get(guildId) == null) { this.gsStore.put(guildId, new GuildSummary(guild)); } return guild; } public final GuildSummary getGuildSummary(final int guildId) { if (this.gsStore.containsKey(guildId)) { return this.gsStore.get(guildId); } try { final Guild guild = ChannelServer.getWorldInterface().getGuild(guildId); if (guild != null) { this.gsStore.put(guildId, new GuildSummary(guild)); } return this.gsStore.get(guildId); } catch (final RemoteException re) { System.err.println("RemoteException while fetching GuildSummary." + re); return null; } } public final void updateGuildSummary(final int guildId, final GuildSummary summary) { this.gsStore.put(guildId, summary); } public final Squad getMapleSquad(final String type) { return this.mapleSquads.get(type); } public final boolean addMapleSquad(final Squad squad, final String type) { if (this.mapleSquads.get(type) == null) { this.mapleSquads.remove(type); this.mapleSquads.put(type, squad); return true; } return false; } public final boolean removeMapleSquad(final String type) { if (this.mapleSquads.containsKey(type)) { this.mapleSquads.remove(type); return true; } return false; } public final void closeAllMerchant() { this.merchantMutex.lock(); try { final Iterator<HiredMerchantStore> iterator = this.merchants.values().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final HiredMerchantStore merchant =; merchant.closeShop(true, false); iterator.remove(); } } finally { this.merchantMutex.unlock(); } } public final int addMerchant(final HiredMerchantStore merchant) { this.merchantMutex.lock(); int id = 0; try { id = this.currentMerchantId; this.merchants.put(id, merchant); this.currentMerchantId++; } finally { this.merchantMutex.unlock(); } return id; } public final void removeMerchant(final HiredMerchantStore merchant) { this.merchantMutex.lock(); try { this.merchants.remove(merchant.getStoreId()); } finally { this.merchantMutex.unlock(); } } public final boolean hasMerchant(final int accountId) { boolean contains = false; this.merchantMutex.lock(); try { final Iterator<HiredMerchantStore> iterator = this.merchants.values().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final HiredMerchantStore merchant =; if (merchant.getOwnerAccountId() == accountId) { contains = true; break; } } } finally { this.merchantMutex.unlock(); } return contains; } public final void toggleMegaponeMuteState() { this.MegaphoneMuteState = !this.MegaphoneMuteState; } public final boolean getMegaphoneMuteState() { return this.MegaphoneMuteState; } public final List<ChannelCharacter> getPartyMembers(final int partyId) { final List<ChannelCharacter> partym = Lists.newLinkedList(); try { final Party party = ChannelServer.getWorldInterface().getParty(partyId); for (final PartyMember partychar : party.getMembers()) { if (partychar.getChannel() == this.getChannelId()) { // Make sure the thing doesn't get duplicate plays due to // ccing bug. final ChannelCharacter chr = getPlayerStorage().getCharacterByName(partychar.getName()); if (chr != null) { partym.add(chr); } } } } catch (final RemoteException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return partym; } private class ShutdownListener implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { ChannelServer.this.shutdown(); } } @Override public final void shutdown() { if (super.getStatus() != ServerStatus.ONLINE) { throw new IllegalStateException("The server is not active."); } super.setStatus(ServerStatus.SHUTTING_DOWN); System.out.printf("Channel %d, Saving hired merchants...", this.channelId); this.closeAllMerchant(); System.out.printf("Channel %d, Saving characters...", this.channelId); this.players.disconnectAll(); System.out.printf("Channel %d, Unbinding ports...", this.channelId); super.unbind(); super.setStatus(ServerStatus.OFFLINE); this.wci = null; this.cwi = null; } public final void shutdown(final int time) { TimerManager.getInstance().schedule(new ShutdownListener(), time); } public static ChannelServer getInstance() { return instance; } }