/* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package javax.xml.bind.helpers; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ResourceBundle; /** * Formats error messages. */ class Messages { static String format( String property ) { return format( property, null ); } static String format( String property, Object arg1 ) { return format( property, new Object[]{arg1} ); } static String format( String property, Object arg1, Object arg2 ) { return format( property, new Object[]{arg1,arg2} ); } static String format( String property, Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3 ) { return format( property, new Object[]{arg1,arg2,arg3} ); } // add more if necessary. /** Loads a string resource and formats it with specified arguments. */ static String format( String property, Object[] args ) { String text = ResourceBundle.getBundle(Messages.class.getName()).getString(property); return MessageFormat.format(text,args); } // // // Message resources // // static final String INPUTSTREAM_NOT_NULL = // 0 args "AbstractUnmarshallerImpl.ISNotNull"; static final String MUST_BE_BOOLEAN = // 1 arg "AbstractMarshallerImpl.MustBeBoolean"; static final String MUST_BE_STRING = // 1 arg "AbstractMarshallerImpl.MustBeString"; static final String SEVERITY_MESSAGE = // 3 args "DefaultValidationEventHandler.SeverityMessage"; static final String LOCATION_UNAVAILABLE = // 0 args "DefaultValidationEventHandler.LocationUnavailable"; static final String UNRECOGNIZED_SEVERITY = // 1 arg "DefaultValidationEventHandler.UnrecognizedSeverity"; static final String WARNING = // 0 args "DefaultValidationEventHandler.Warning"; static final String ERROR = // 0 args "DefaultValidationEventHandler.Error"; static final String FATAL_ERROR = // 0 args "DefaultValidationEventHandler.FatalError"; static final String ILLEGAL_SEVERITY = // 0 args "ValidationEventImpl.IllegalSeverity"; static final String MUST_NOT_BE_NULL = // 1 arg "Shared.MustNotBeNull"; }