/* * Copyright (c) 1997, 2003, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package com.sun.corba.se.impl.activation; /** * * @author Anita Jindal * @since JDK1.2 */ import org.omg.CORBA.CompletionStatus; import com.sun.corba.se.spi.activation.Server; import com.sun.corba.se.spi.activation.EndPointInfo; import com.sun.corba.se.spi.activation.ORBAlreadyRegistered; import com.sun.corba.se.spi.activation.ORBPortInfo; import com.sun.corba.se.spi.activation.InvalidORBid; import com.sun.corba.se.spi.activation.ServerHeldDown; import com.sun.corba.se.spi.activation.RepositoryPackage.ServerDef; import com.sun.corba.se.spi.activation.IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT; import com.sun.corba.se.spi.orb.ORB ; import com.sun.corba.se.impl.orbutil.ORBConstants; import com.sun.corba.se.impl.logging.ActivationSystemException ; import java.io.File; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; public class ServerTableEntry { private final static int DE_ACTIVATED = 0; private final static int ACTIVATING = 1; private final static int ACTIVATED = 2; private final static int RUNNING = 3; private final static int HELD_DOWN = 4; private String printState() { String str = "UNKNOWN"; switch (state) { case (DE_ACTIVATED) : str = "DE_ACTIVATED"; break; case (ACTIVATING ) : str = "ACTIVATING "; break; case (ACTIVATED ) : str = "ACTIVATED "; break; case (RUNNING ) : str = "RUNNING "; break; case (HELD_DOWN ) : str = "HELD_DOWN "; break; default: break; } return str; } private final static long waitTime = 2000; private static final int ActivationRetryMax = 5; // state of each entry private int state; private int serverId; private HashMap orbAndPortInfo; private Server serverObj; private ServerDef serverDef; private Process process; private int activateRetryCount=0; private String activationCmd; private ActivationSystemException wrapper ; public String toString() { return "ServerTableEntry[" + "state=" + printState() + " serverId=" + serverId + " activateRetryCount=" + activateRetryCount + "]" ; } // get the string needed to make the activation command private static String javaHome, classPath, fileSep, pathSep; static { javaHome = System.getProperty("java.home"); classPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path"); fileSep = System.getProperty("file.separator"); pathSep = System.getProperty("path.separator"); } ServerTableEntry( ActivationSystemException wrapper, int serverId, ServerDef serverDef, int initialPort, String dbDirName, boolean verify, boolean debug ) { this.wrapper = wrapper ; this.serverId = serverId; this.serverDef = serverDef; this.debug = debug ; // create a HashMap with capacity 255 // Since all methods are synchronized, we don't need any // additional synchronization mechanisms orbAndPortInfo = new HashMap(255); activateRetryCount = 0; state = ACTIVATING; // compute the activation command activationCmd = // add path to the java vm javaHome + fileSep + "bin" + fileSep + "java " + // add any arguments to the server Java VM serverDef.serverVmArgs + " " + // add ORB properties "-Dioser=" + System.getProperty( "ioser" ) + " " + "-D" + ORBConstants.INITIAL_PORT_PROPERTY + "=" + initialPort + " " + "-D" + ORBConstants.DB_DIR_PROPERTY + "=" + dbDirName + " " + "-D" + ORBConstants.ACTIVATED_PROPERTY + "=true " + "-D" + ORBConstants.SERVER_ID_PROPERTY + "=" + serverId + " " + "-D" + ORBConstants.SERVER_NAME_PROPERTY + "=" + serverDef.serverName + " " + // we need to pass in the verify flag, so that the server is not // launched, when we try to validate its definition during registration // into the RepositoryImpl (verify ? "-D" + ORBConstants.SERVER_DEF_VERIFY_PROPERTY + "=true ": "") + // add classpath to the server "-classpath " + classPath + (serverDef.serverClassPath.equals("") == true ? "" : pathSep) + serverDef.serverClassPath + // add server class name and arguments " com.sun.corba.se.impl.activation.ServerMain " + serverDef.serverArgs // Add the debug flag, if any + (debug ? " -debug" : "") ; if (debug) System.out.println( "ServerTableEntry constructed with activation command " + activationCmd); } /** * Verify whether the server definition is valid. */ public int verify() { try { if (debug) System.out.println("Server being verified w/" + activationCmd); process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(activationCmd); int result = process.waitFor(); if (debug) printDebug( "verify", "returns " + ServerMain.printResult( result ) ) ; return result ; } catch (Exception e) { if (debug) printDebug( "verify", "returns unknown error because of exception " + e ) ; return ServerMain.UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } private void printDebug(String method, String msg) { System.out.println("ServerTableEntry: method =" + method); System.out.println("ServerTableEntry: server =" + serverId); System.out.println("ServerTableEntry: state =" + printState()); System.out.println("ServerTableEntry: message =" + msg); System.out.println(); } synchronized void activate() throws org.omg.CORBA.SystemException { state = ACTIVATED; try { if (debug) printDebug("activate", "activating server"); process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(activationCmd); } catch (Exception e) { deActivate(); if (debug) printDebug("activate", "throwing premature process exit"); throw wrapper.unableToStartProcess() ; } } synchronized void register(Server server) { if (state == ACTIVATED) { serverObj = server; //state = RUNNING; //notifyAll(); if (debug) printDebug("register", "process registered back"); } else { if (debug) printDebug("register", "throwing premature process exit"); throw wrapper.serverNotExpectedToRegister() ; } } synchronized void registerPorts( String orbId, EndPointInfo [] endpointList) throws ORBAlreadyRegistered { // find if the ORB is already registered, then throw an exception if (orbAndPortInfo.containsKey(orbId)) { throw new ORBAlreadyRegistered(orbId); } // store all listener ports and their types int numListenerPorts = endpointList.length; EndPointInfo [] serverListenerPorts = new EndPointInfo[numListenerPorts]; for (int i = 0; i < numListenerPorts; i++) { serverListenerPorts[i] = new EndPointInfo (endpointList[i].endpointType, endpointList[i].port); if (debug) System.out.println("registering type: " + serverListenerPorts[i].endpointType + " port " + serverListenerPorts[i].port); } // put this set of listener ports in the HashMap associated // with the orbId orbAndPortInfo.put(orbId, serverListenerPorts); if (state == ACTIVATED) { state = RUNNING; notifyAll(); } // _REVISIT_, If the state is not equal to ACTIVATED then it is a bug // need to log that error, once the Logging framework is in place // for rip-int. if (debug) printDebug("registerPorts", "process registered Ports"); } void install() { Server localServerObj = null; synchronized ( this ) { if (state == RUNNING) localServerObj = serverObj; else throw wrapper.serverNotRunning() ; } if (localServerObj != null) { localServerObj.install() ; } } void uninstall() { Server localServerObj = null; Process localProcess = null; synchronized (this) { localServerObj = serverObj; localProcess = process; if (state == RUNNING) { deActivate(); } else { throw wrapper.serverNotRunning() ; } } try { if (localServerObj != null) { localServerObj.shutdown(); // shutdown the server localServerObj.uninstall() ; // call the uninstall } if (localProcess != null) { localProcess.destroy(); } } catch (Exception ex) { // what kind of exception should be thrown } } synchronized void holdDown() { state = HELD_DOWN; if (debug) printDebug( "holdDown", "server held down" ) ; notifyAll(); } synchronized void deActivate() { state = DE_ACTIVATED; if (debug) printDebug( "deActivate", "server deactivated" ) ; notifyAll(); } synchronized void checkProcessHealth( ) { // If the State in the ServerTableEntry is RUNNING and the // Process was shut down abnormally, The method will change the // server state as De-Activated. if( state == RUNNING ) { try { int exitVal = process.exitValue(); } catch (IllegalThreadStateException e1) { return; } synchronized ( this ) { // Clear the PortInformation as it is old orbAndPortInfo.clear(); // Move the state to De-Activated, So that the next // call to this server will re-activate. deActivate(); } } } synchronized boolean isValid() { if ((state == ACTIVATING) || (state == HELD_DOWN)) { if (debug) printDebug( "isValid", "returns true" ) ; return true; } try { int exitVal = process.exitValue(); } catch (IllegalThreadStateException e1) { return true; } if (state == ACTIVATED) { if (activateRetryCount < ActivationRetryMax) { if (debug) printDebug("isValid", "reactivating server"); activateRetryCount++; activate(); return true; } if (debug) printDebug("isValid", "holding server down"); holdDown(); return true; } deActivate(); return false; } synchronized ORBPortInfo[] lookup(String endpointType) throws ServerHeldDown { while ((state == ACTIVATING) || (state == ACTIVATED)) { try { wait(waitTime); if (!isValid()) break; } catch(Exception e) {} } ORBPortInfo[] orbAndPortList = null; if (state == RUNNING) { orbAndPortList = new ORBPortInfo[orbAndPortInfo.size()]; Iterator setORBids = orbAndPortInfo.keySet().iterator(); try { int numElements = 0; int i; int port; while (setORBids.hasNext()) { String orbId = (String) setORBids.next(); // get an entry corresponding to orbId EndPointInfo [] serverListenerPorts = (EndPointInfo []) orbAndPortInfo.get(orbId); port = -1; // return the port corresponding to the endpointType for (i = 0; i < serverListenerPorts.length; i++) { if (debug) System.out.println("lookup num-ports " + serverListenerPorts.length + " " + serverListenerPorts[i].endpointType + " " + serverListenerPorts[i].port ); if ((serverListenerPorts[i].endpointType).equals(endpointType)) { port = serverListenerPorts[i].port; break; } } orbAndPortList[numElements] = new ORBPortInfo(orbId, port); numElements++; } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { // have everything in the table } return orbAndPortList; } if (debug) printDebug("lookup", "throwing server held down error"); throw new ServerHeldDown( serverId ) ; } synchronized EndPointInfo[] lookupForORB(String orbId) throws ServerHeldDown, InvalidORBid { while ((state == ACTIVATING) || (state == ACTIVATED)) { try { wait(waitTime); if (!isValid()) break; } catch(Exception e) {} } EndPointInfo[] portList = null; if (state == RUNNING) { try { // get an entry corresponding to orbId EndPointInfo [] serverListenerPorts = (EndPointInfo []) orbAndPortInfo.get(orbId); portList = new EndPointInfo[serverListenerPorts.length]; // return the port corresponding to the endpointType for (int i = 0; i < serverListenerPorts.length; i++) { if (debug) System.out.println("lookup num-ports " + serverListenerPorts.length + " " + serverListenerPorts[i].endpointType + " " + serverListenerPorts[i].port ); portList[i] = new EndPointInfo(serverListenerPorts[i].endpointType, serverListenerPorts[i].port); } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { // no element in HashMap corresponding to ORBid found throw new InvalidORBid(); } return portList; } if (debug) printDebug("lookup", "throwing server held down error"); throw new ServerHeldDown( serverId ) ; } synchronized String[] getORBList() { String [] orbList = new String[orbAndPortInfo.size()]; Iterator setORBids = orbAndPortInfo.keySet().iterator(); try { int numElements = 0; while (setORBids.hasNext()) { String orbId = (String) setORBids.next(); orbList[numElements++] = orbId ; } } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { // have everything in the table } return orbList; } int getServerId() { return serverId; } boolean isActive() { return (state == RUNNING) || (state == ACTIVATED); } synchronized void destroy() { Server localServerObj = null; Process localProcess = null; synchronized (this) { localServerObj = serverObj; localProcess = process; deActivate(); } try { if (localServerObj != null) localServerObj.shutdown(); if (debug) printDebug( "destroy", "server shutdown successfully" ) ; } catch (Exception ex) { if (debug) printDebug( "destroy", "server shutdown threw exception" + ex ) ; // ex.printStackTrace(); } try { if (localProcess != null) localProcess.destroy(); if (debug) printDebug( "destroy", "process destroyed successfully" ) ; } catch (Exception ex) { if (debug) printDebug( "destroy", "process destroy threw exception" + ex ) ; // ex.printStackTrace(); } } private boolean debug = false; }