/* * Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package com.sun.source.util; import com.sun.source.tree.CompilationUnitTree; import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement; import javax.tools.JavaFileObject; /** * Provides details about work that has been done by the JDK Java Compiler, javac. * * @author Jonathan Gibbons * @since 1.6 */ public final class TaskEvent { /** * Kind of task event. * @since 1.6 */ public enum Kind { /** * For events related to the parsing of a file. */ PARSE, /** * For events relating to elements being entered. **/ ENTER, /** * For events relating to elements being analyzed for errors. **/ ANALYZE, /** * For events relating to class files being generated. **/ GENERATE, /** * For events relating to overall annotaion processing. **/ ANNOTATION_PROCESSING, /** * For events relating to an individual annotation processing round. **/ ANNOTATION_PROCESSING_ROUND }; public TaskEvent(Kind kind) { this(kind, null, null, null); } public TaskEvent(Kind kind, JavaFileObject sourceFile) { this(kind, sourceFile, null, null); } public TaskEvent(Kind kind, CompilationUnitTree unit) { this(kind, unit.getSourceFile(), unit, null); } public TaskEvent(Kind kind, CompilationUnitTree unit, TypeElement clazz) { this(kind, unit.getSourceFile(), unit, clazz); } private TaskEvent(Kind kind, JavaFileObject file, CompilationUnitTree unit, TypeElement clazz) { this.kind = kind; this.file = file; this.unit = unit; this.clazz = clazz; } public Kind getKind() { return kind; } public JavaFileObject getSourceFile() { return file; } public CompilationUnitTree getCompilationUnit() { return unit; } public TypeElement getTypeElement() { return clazz; } public String toString() { return "TaskEvent[" + kind + "," + file + "," // the compilation unit is identified by the file + clazz + "]"; } private Kind kind; private JavaFileObject file; private CompilationUnitTree unit; private TypeElement clazz; }