/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * Copyright 2017, Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.wildfly.test.security.common.elytron; import org.jboss.as.controller.PathAddress; import org.jboss.as.controller.client.ModelControllerClient; import org.jboss.as.controller.operations.common.Util; import org.jboss.as.test.integration.management.util.CLIWrapper; import org.jboss.as.test.integration.security.common.Utils; import org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode; /** * Elytron Security domain configuration. * * @author Josef Cacek */ public class SimpleSecurityDomain extends AbstractConfigurableElement implements SecurityDomain { private final String defaultRealm; private final Boolean outflowAnonymous; private final String[] outflowSecurityDomains; private final String permissionMapper; private final String preRealmPrincipalTransformer; private final String postRealmPrincipalTransformer; private final String principalDecoder; private final String realmMapper; private final SecurityDomainRealm[] realms; private final String roleMapper; private final String securityEventListener; private final String[] trustedSecurityDomains; private SimpleSecurityDomain(Builder builder) { super(builder); this.defaultRealm = builder.defaultRealm; this.outflowAnonymous = builder.outflowAnonymous; this.outflowSecurityDomains = builder.outflowSecurityDomains; this.permissionMapper = builder.permissionMapper; this.preRealmPrincipalTransformer = builder.preRealmPrincipalTransformer; this.postRealmPrincipalTransformer = builder.postRealmPrincipalTransformer; this.principalDecoder = builder.principalDecoder; this.realmMapper = builder.realmMapper; this.realms = builder.realms; this.roleMapper = builder.roleMapper; this.securityEventListener = builder.securityEventListener; this.trustedSecurityDomains = builder.trustedSecurityDomains; } @Override public void create(ModelControllerClient client, CLIWrapper cli) throws Exception { ModelNode op = Util .createAddOperation(PathAddress.pathAddress().append("subsystem", "elytron").append("security-domain", name)); op.get("default-realm").set(defaultRealm); if (outflowAnonymous != null) { op.get("outflow-anonymous").set(outflowAnonymous); } setAttribute(op, "outflow-security-domains", outflowSecurityDomains); setAttribute(op, "permission-mapper", permissionMapper); setAttribute(op, "post-realm-principal-transformer", postRealmPrincipalTransformer); setAttribute(op, "pre-realm-principal-transformer", preRealmPrincipalTransformer); setAttribute(op, "principal-decoder", principalDecoder); setAttribute(op, "realm-mapper", realmMapper); if (realms != null) { ModelNode realmsNode = op.get("realms"); for (SecurityDomainRealm realmRef : realms) { ModelNode realmRefNode = new ModelNode(); realmRefNode.get("realm").set(realmRef.realm); setAttribute(realmRefNode, "principal-transformer", realmRef.principalTransformer); setAttribute(realmRefNode, "role-decoder", realmRef.roleDecoder); setAttribute(realmRefNode, "role-mapper", realmRef.roleMapper); realmsNode.add(realmRefNode); } } setAttribute(op, "role-mapper", roleMapper); setAttribute(op, "security-event-listener", securityEventListener); setAttribute(op, "trusted-security-domains", trustedSecurityDomains); Utils.applyUpdate(op, client); } @Override public void remove(ModelControllerClient client, CLIWrapper cli) throws Exception { Utils.applyUpdate(Util.createRemoveOperation( PathAddress.pathAddress().append("subsystem", "elytron").append("security-domain", name)), client); } private void setAttribute(ModelNode node, String attribute, String value) { if (value != null) { node.get(attribute).set(value); } } private void setAttribute(ModelNode node, String attribute, String... listValue) { if (listValue != null) { ModelNode listNode = node.get(attribute); for (String value : listValue) { listNode.add(value); } } } /** * Creates builder to build {@link SimpleSecurityDomain}. * * @return created builder */ public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } /** * Builder to build {@link SimpleSecurityDomain}. */ public static final class Builder extends AbstractConfigurableElement.Builder<Builder> { private String defaultRealm; private Boolean outflowAnonymous; private String[] outflowSecurityDomains; private String permissionMapper; private String preRealmPrincipalTransformer; private String postRealmPrincipalTransformer; private String principalDecoder; private String realmMapper; private SecurityDomainRealm[] realms; private String roleMapper; private String securityEventListener; private String[] trustedSecurityDomains; private Builder() { } public Builder withDefaultRealm(String defaultRealm) { this.defaultRealm = defaultRealm; return this; } public Builder withOutflowAnonymous(Boolean outflowAnonymous) { this.outflowAnonymous = outflowAnonymous; return this; } public Builder withOutflowSecurityDomains(String... outflowSecurityDomains) { this.outflowSecurityDomains = outflowSecurityDomains; return this; } public Builder withPermissionMapper(String permissionMapper) { this.permissionMapper = permissionMapper; return this; } public Builder withPreRealmPrincipalTransformer(String preRealmPrincipalTransformer) { this.preRealmPrincipalTransformer = preRealmPrincipalTransformer; return this; } public Builder withPostRealmPrincipalTransformer(String postRealmPrincipalTransformer) { this.postRealmPrincipalTransformer = postRealmPrincipalTransformer; return this; } public Builder withPrincipalDecoder(String principalDecoder) { this.principalDecoder = principalDecoder; return this; } public Builder withRealmMapper(String realmMapper) { this.realmMapper = realmMapper; return this; } public Builder withRealms(SecurityDomainRealm... realms) { this.realms = realms; return this; } public Builder withRoleMapper(String roleMapper) { this.roleMapper = roleMapper; return this; } public Builder withSecurityEventListener(String securityEventListener) { this.securityEventListener = securityEventListener; return this; } public Builder withTrustedSecurityDomains(String[] trustedSecurityDomains) { this.trustedSecurityDomains = trustedSecurityDomains; return this; } public SimpleSecurityDomain build() { return new SimpleSecurityDomain(this); } @Override protected Builder self() { return this; } } public static class SecurityDomainRealm { private final String realm; private final String principalTransformer; private final String roleDecoder; private final String roleMapper; private SecurityDomainRealm(Builder builder) { this.realm = builder.realm; this.principalTransformer = builder.principalTransformer; this.roleDecoder = builder.roleDecoder; this.roleMapper = builder.roleMapper; } /** * Creates builder to build {@link SecurityDomainRealm}. * * @return created builder */ public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } /** * Builder to build {@link SecurityDomainRealm}. */ public static final class Builder { private String realm; private String principalTransformer; private String roleDecoder; private String roleMapper; private Builder() { } public Builder withRealm(String realm) { this.realm = realm; return this; } public Builder withPrincipalTransformer(String principalTransformer) { this.principalTransformer = principalTransformer; return this; } public Builder withRoleDecoder(String roleDecoder) { this.roleDecoder = roleDecoder; return this; } public Builder withRoleMapper(String roleMapper) { this.roleMapper = roleMapper; return this; } public SecurityDomainRealm build() { return new SecurityDomainRealm(this); } } } }