/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * Copyright 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ir; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.omg.CORBA.Any; import org.omg.CORBA.DefinitionKind; import org.omg.CORBA.ExceptionDef; import org.omg.CORBA.ExceptionDefHelper; import org.omg.CORBA.ORB; import org.omg.CORBA.ParameterDescription; import org.omg.CORBA.ParameterMode; import org.omg.CORBA.Repository; import org.omg.CORBA.RepositoryHelper; import org.omg.CORBA.StructMember; import org.omg.CORBA.TCKind; import org.omg.CORBA.TypeCode; import org.omg.PortableServer.POA; import org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.logging.IIOPLogger; import org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.AttributeAnalysis; import org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ConstantAnalysis; import org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ContainerAnalysis; import org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ExceptionAnalysis; import org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.InterfaceAnalysis; import org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.OperationAnalysis; import org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ParameterAnalysis; import org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.RMIIIOPViolationException; import org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.RmiIdlUtil; import org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.Util; import org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ValueAnalysis; import org.wildfly.iiop.openjdk.rmi.ValueMemberAnalysis; /** * An Interface Repository. * * @author <a href="mailto:osh@sparre.dk">Ole Husgaard</a> * @version $Revision: 81018 $ */ public class InterfaceRepository { /** * The repository implementation. */ RepositoryImpl impl; /** * The ORB that I use. */ private ORB orb = null; /** * The POA that I use. */ private POA poa = null; /** * Maps java classes to IDL TypeCodes for parameter, result, attribute * and value member types. */ private final Map<Class<?>, TypeCode> typeCodeMap; /** * Maps java classes to IDL TypeCodes for parameter, result, attribute * and value member types. */ private final Map<Class<?>, TypeCode> constantTypeCodeMap; /** * Maps java classes to <code>InterfaceDefImpl</code>s for interfaces. */ private Map interfaceMap = new HashMap(); /** * Maps java classes to <code>ValueDefImpl</code>s for values. */ private Map valueMap = new HashMap(); /** * Maps java classes to <code>ExceptionDefImpl</code>s for exceptions. */ private Map exceptionMap = new HashMap(); /** * Maps java classes to <code>ValueBoxDefImpl</code>s for arrays. */ private Map arrayMap = new HashMap(); /** * java.io.Serializable special mapping, as per section * Do not use this variable directly, use the * <code>getJavaIoSerializable()</code> method instead, as that will * create the typedef in the IR on demand. */ private AliasDefImpl javaIoSerializable = null; /** * java.io.Externalizable special mapping, as per section * Do not use this variable directly, use the * <code>getJavaIoExternalizable()</code> method instead, as that will * create the typedef in the IR on demand. */ private AliasDefImpl javaIoExternalizable = null; /** * java.lang.Object special mapping, as per section * Do not use this variable directly, use the * <code>getJavaLang_Object()</code> method instead, as that will * create the typedef in the IR on demand. */ private AliasDefImpl javaLang_Object = null; /** * java.lang.String special mapping, as per section * Do not use this variable directly, use the * <code>getJavaLangString()</code> method instead, as that will * create the value type in the IR on demand. */ private ValueDefImpl javaLangString = null; /** * java.lang.Class special mapping, as per section * Do not use this variable directly, use the * <code>getJavaxRmiCORBAClassDesc()</code> method instead, as that will * create the value type in the IR on demand. */ private ValueDefImpl javaxRmiCORBAClassDesc = null; public InterfaceRepository(ORB orb, POA poa, String name) { this.orb = orb; this.poa = poa; impl = new RepositoryImpl(orb, poa, name); // TypeCodes for primitive types final HashMap<Class<?>, TypeCode> primitiveTypeCodeMap = new HashMap<Class<?>, TypeCode>(); primitiveTypeCodeMap.put(Void.TYPE, orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_void)); primitiveTypeCodeMap.put(Boolean.TYPE, orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_boolean)); primitiveTypeCodeMap.put(Character.TYPE, orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_wchar)); primitiveTypeCodeMap.put(Byte.TYPE, orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_octet)); primitiveTypeCodeMap.put(Short.TYPE, orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_short)); primitiveTypeCodeMap.put(Integer.TYPE, orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_long)); primitiveTypeCodeMap.put(Long.TYPE, orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_longlong)); primitiveTypeCodeMap.put(Float.TYPE, orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_float)); primitiveTypeCodeMap.put(Double.TYPE, orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_double)); this.typeCodeMap = primitiveTypeCodeMap; final HashMap<Class<?>, TypeCode> typeCodes = new HashMap<Class<?>, TypeCode>(primitiveTypeCodeMap); typeCodes.put(String.class, orb.create_wstring_tc(0)); constantTypeCodeMap = typeCodes; } /** * Add mapping for a class. */ public void mapClass(Class cls) throws RMIIIOPViolationException, IRConstructionException { // Just lookup a TypeCode for the class: That will provoke // mapping the class and adding it to the IR. getTypeCode(cls); } /** * Finish the build. */ public void finishBuild() throws IRConstructionException { impl.allDone(); } /** * Return a CORBA reference to this IR. */ public Repository getReference() { return RepositoryHelper.narrow(impl.getReference()); } /** * Deactivate all CORBA objects in this IR. */ public void shutdown() { impl.shutdown(); } /** * Returns the TypeCode suitable for an IDL constant. * * @param cls The Java class denoting the type of the constant. */ private TypeCode getConstantTypeCode(Class cls) throws IRConstructionException { if (cls == null) throw IIOPLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.invalidNullClass(); TypeCode ret = constantTypeCodeMap.get(cls); if (ret == null) throw IIOPLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.badClassForConstant(cls.getName()); return ret; } /** * Returns the TypeCode IDL TypeCodes for parameter, result, attribute * and value member types. * This may provoke a mapping of the class argument. * <p/> * Exception classes map to both values and exceptions. For these, this * method returns the typecode for the value, and you can use the * <code>getExceptionTypeCode</code> TODO method to get the typecode for the * mapping to exception. * * @param cls The Java class denoting the java type. */ private TypeCode getTypeCode(Class cls) throws IRConstructionException, RMIIIOPViolationException { if (cls == null) throw IIOPLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.invalidNullClass(); TypeCode ret = (TypeCode) typeCodeMap.get(cls); if (ret == null) { if (cls == java.lang.String.class) ret = getJavaLangString().type(); else if (cls == java.lang.Object.class) ret = getJavaLang_Object().type(); else if (cls == java.lang.Class.class) ret = getJavaxRmiCORBAClassDesc().type(); else if (cls == java.io.Serializable.class) ret = getJavaIoSerializable().type(); else if (cls == java.io.Externalizable.class) ret = getJavaIoExternalizable().type(); else { // Try adding a mapping of the the class to the IR addClass(cls); // Lookup again, it should be there now. ret = (TypeCode) typeCodeMap.get(cls); if (ret == null) throw IIOPLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.unknownTypeCodeForClass(cls.getName()); else return ret; } typeCodeMap.put(cls, ret); } return ret; } /** * Add a new IDL TypeCode for a mapped class. * * @param cls The Java class denoting the java type. * @param typeCode The IDL type code of the mapped java class. */ private void addTypeCode(Class cls, TypeCode typeCode) throws IRConstructionException { if (cls == null) throw IIOPLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.invalidNullClass(); TypeCode tc = (TypeCode) typeCodeMap.get(cls); if (tc != null) throw IIOPLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.duplicateTypeCodeForClass(cls.getName()); typeCodeMap.put(cls, typeCode); } /** * Get a reference to the special case mapping for java.io.Serializable. * This is according to "Java(TM) Language to IDL Mapping Specification", * section */ private AliasDefImpl getJavaIoSerializable() throws IRConstructionException { if (javaIoSerializable == null) { final String id = "IDL:java/io/Serializable:1.0"; final String name = "Serializable"; final String version = "1.0"; // Get module to add typedef to. ModuleDefImpl m = ensurePackageExists("java.io"); TypeCode typeCode = orb.create_alias_tc(id, name, orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_any)); // TypeCode typeCode = new TypeCodeImpl(TCKind._tk_alias, id, name, // new TypeCodeImpl(TCKind.tk_any)); javaIoSerializable = new AliasDefImpl(id, name, version, m, typeCode, impl); m.add(name, javaIoSerializable); } return javaIoSerializable; } /** * Get a reference to the special case mapping for java.io.Externalizable. * This is according to "Java(TM) Language to IDL Mapping Specification", * section */ private AliasDefImpl getJavaIoExternalizable() throws IRConstructionException { if (javaIoExternalizable == null) { final String id = "IDL:java/io/Externalizable:1.0"; final String name = "Externalizable"; final String version = "1.0"; // Get module to add typedef to. ModuleDefImpl m = ensurePackageExists("java.io"); TypeCode typeCode = orb.create_alias_tc(id, name, orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_any)); // TypeCode typeCode = new TypeCodeImpl(TCKind._tk_alias, id, name, // new TypeCodeImpl(TCKind.tk_any)); javaIoExternalizable = new AliasDefImpl(id, name, version, m, typeCode, impl); m.add(name, javaIoExternalizable); } return javaIoExternalizable; } /** * Get a reference to the special case mapping for java.lang.Object. * This is according to "Java(TM) Language to IDL Mapping Specification", * section */ private AliasDefImpl getJavaLang_Object() throws IRConstructionException { if (javaLang_Object == null) { final String id = "IDL:java/lang/_Object:1.0"; final String name = "_Object"; final String version = "1.0"; // Get module to add typedef to. ModuleDefImpl m = ensurePackageExists("java.lang"); TypeCode typeCode = orb.create_alias_tc(id, name, orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_any)); // TypeCode typeCode = new TypeCodeImpl(TCKind._tk_alias, id, name, // new TypeCodeImpl(TCKind.tk_any)); javaLang_Object = new AliasDefImpl(id, name, version, m, typeCode, impl); m.add(name, javaLang_Object); } return javaLang_Object; } /** * Get a reference to the special case mapping for java.lang.String. * This is according to "Java(TM) Language to IDL Mapping Specification", * section */ private ValueDefImpl getJavaLangString() throws IRConstructionException { if (javaLangString == null) { ModuleDefImpl m = ensurePackageExists("org.omg.CORBA"); ValueDefImpl val = new ValueDefImpl("IDL:omg.org/CORBA/WStringValue:1.0", "WStringValue", "1.0", m, false, false, new String[0], new String[0], orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_null), impl); ValueMemberDefImpl vmdi = new ValueMemberDefImpl("IDL:omg.org/CORBA/WStringValue.data:1.0", "data", "1.0", orb.create_wstring_tc(0), true, val, impl); val.add("data", vmdi); m.add("WStringValue", val); javaLangString = val; } return javaLangString; } /** * Get a reference to the special case mapping for java.lang.Class. * This is according to "Java(TM) Language to IDL Mapping Specification", * section */ private ValueDefImpl getJavaxRmiCORBAClassDesc() throws IRConstructionException, RMIIIOPViolationException { if (javaxRmiCORBAClassDesc == null) { // Just map the right value class ValueAnalysis va = ValueAnalysis.getValueAnalysis(javax.rmi.CORBA.ClassDesc.class); ValueDefImpl val = addValue(va); // Warn if it does not conform to the specification. if (!"RMI:javax.rmi.CORBA.ClassDesc:B7C4E3FC9EBDC311:CFBF02CF5294176B".equals(val.id())) IIOPLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.warnClassDescDoesNotConformToSpec(); javaxRmiCORBAClassDesc = val; } return javaxRmiCORBAClassDesc; } /** * Ensure that a package exists in the IR. * This will create modules in the IR as needed. * * @param pkgName The package that needs to be defined as a module in the IR. * @return A reference to the IR module that represents the package. */ private ModuleDefImpl ensurePackageExists(String pkgName) throws IRConstructionException { return ensurePackageExists(impl, "", pkgName); } /** * Ensure that a package exists in the IR. * This will create modules in the IR as needed. * * @param c The container that the remainder of modules should be defined in. * @param previous The IDL module name, from root to <code>c</code>. * @param remainder The java package name, relative to <code>c</code>. * @return A reference to the IR module that represents the package. */ private ModuleDefImpl ensurePackageExists(LocalContainer c, String previous, String remainder) throws IRConstructionException { if ("".equals(remainder)) return (ModuleDefImpl) c; // done int idx = remainder.indexOf('.'); String base; if (idx == -1) base = remainder; else base = remainder.substring(0, idx); base = Util.javaToIDLName(base); if (previous.equals("")) previous = base; else previous = previous + "/" + base; if (idx == -1) remainder = ""; else remainder = remainder.substring(idx + 1); LocalContainer next = null; LocalContained contained = (LocalContained) c._lookup(base); if (contained instanceof LocalContainer) next = (LocalContainer) contained; else if (contained != null) throw IIOPLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.collisionWhileCreatingPackage(); if (next == null) { String id = "IDL:" + previous + ":1.0"; // Create module ModuleDefImpl m = new ModuleDefImpl(id, base, "1.0", c, impl); c.add(base, m); if (idx == -1) return m; // done next = (LocalContainer) c._lookup(base); // Better be there now... } else // Check that next _is_ a module if (next.def_kind() != DefinitionKind.dk_Module) throw IIOPLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.collisionWhileCreatingPackage(); return ensurePackageExists(next, previous, remainder); } /** * Add a set of constants to a container (interface or value class). */ private void addConstants(LocalContainer container, ContainerAnalysis ca) throws RMIIIOPViolationException, IRConstructionException { ConstantAnalysis[] consts = ca.getConstants(); for (int i = 0; i < consts.length; ++i) { ConstantDefImpl cDef; String cid = ca.getMemberRepositoryId(consts[i].getJavaName()); String cName = consts[i].getIDLName(); Class cls = consts[i].getType(); TypeCode typeCode = getConstantTypeCode(cls); Any value = orb.create_any(); consts[i].insertValue(value); cDef = new ConstantDefImpl(cid, cName, "1.0", typeCode, value, container, impl); container.add(cName, cDef); } } /** * Add a set of attributes to a container (interface or value class). */ private void addAttributes(LocalContainer container, ContainerAnalysis ca) throws RMIIIOPViolationException, IRConstructionException { AttributeAnalysis[] attrs = ca.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attrs.length; ++i) { AttributeDefImpl aDef; String aid = ca.getMemberRepositoryId(attrs[i].getJavaName()); String aName = attrs[i].getIDLName(); Class cls = attrs[i].getCls(); TypeCode typeCode = getTypeCode(cls); aDef = new AttributeDefImpl(aid, aName, "1.0", attrs[i].getMode(), typeCode, container, impl); container.add(aName, aDef); } } /** * Add a set of operations to a container (interface or value class). */ private void addOperations(LocalContainer container, ContainerAnalysis ca) throws RMIIIOPViolationException, IRConstructionException { OperationAnalysis[] ops = ca.getOperations(); for (int i = 0; i < ops.length; ++i) { OperationDefImpl oDef; String oName = ops[i].getIDLName(); String oid = ca.getMemberRepositoryId(oName); Class cls = ops[i].getReturnType(); TypeCode typeCode = getTypeCode(cls); ParameterAnalysis[] ps = ops[i].getParameters(); ParameterDescription[] params = new ParameterDescription[ps.length]; for (int j = 0; j < ps.length; ++j) { params[j] = new ParameterDescription(ps[j].getIDLName(), getTypeCode(ps[j].getCls()), null, // filled in later ParameterMode.PARAM_IN); } ExceptionAnalysis[] exc = ops[i].getMappedExceptions(); ExceptionDef[] exceptions = new ExceptionDef[exc.length]; for (int j = 0; j < exc.length; ++j) { ExceptionDefImpl e = addException(exc[j]); exceptions[j] = ExceptionDefHelper.narrow(e.getReference()); } oDef = new OperationDefImpl(oid, oName, "1.0", container, typeCode, params, exceptions, impl); container.add(oName, oDef); } } /** * Add a set of interfaces to the IR. * * @return An array of the IR IDs of the interfaces. */ private String[] addInterfaces(ContainerAnalysis ca) throws RMIIIOPViolationException, IRConstructionException { InterfaceAnalysis[] interfaces = ca.getInterfaces(); List base_interfaces = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; ++i) { InterfaceDefImpl idi = addInterface(interfaces[i]); base_interfaces.add(idi.id()); } String[] strArr = new String[base_interfaces.size()]; return (String[]) base_interfaces.toArray(strArr); } /** * Add a set of abstract valuetypes to the IR. * * @return An array of the IR IDs of the abstract valuetypes. */ private String[] addAbstractBaseValuetypes(ContainerAnalysis ca) throws RMIIIOPViolationException, IRConstructionException { ValueAnalysis[] abstractValuetypes = ca.getAbstractBaseValuetypes(); List abstract_base_valuetypes = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < abstractValuetypes.length; ++i) { ValueDefImpl vdi = addValue(abstractValuetypes[i]); abstract_base_valuetypes.add(vdi.id()); } String[] strArr = new String[abstract_base_valuetypes.size()]; return (String[]) abstract_base_valuetypes.toArray(strArr); } /** * Map the class and add its IIOP mapping to the repository. */ private void addClass(Class cls) throws RMIIIOPViolationException, IRConstructionException { if (cls.isPrimitive()) return; // No need to add primitives. if (cls.isArray()) { // Add array mapping addArray(cls); } else if (cls.isInterface()) { if (!RmiIdlUtil.isAbstractValueType(cls)) { // Analyse the interface InterfaceAnalysis ia = InterfaceAnalysis.getInterfaceAnalysis(cls); // Add analyzed interface (which may be abstract) addInterface(ia); } else { // Analyse the value ValueAnalysis va = ValueAnalysis.getValueAnalysis(cls); // Add analyzed value addValue(va); } } else if (Exception.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) { // Exception type. // Analyse the exception ExceptionAnalysis ea = ExceptionAnalysis.getExceptionAnalysis(cls); // Add analyzed exception addException(ea); } else { // Got to be a value type. // Analyse the value ValueAnalysis va = ValueAnalysis.getValueAnalysis(cls); // Add analyzed value addValue(va); } } /** * Add an array. */ private ValueBoxDefImpl addArray(Class cls) throws RMIIIOPViolationException, IRConstructionException { if (!cls.isArray()) throw IIOPLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.classIsNotArray(cls.getName()); ValueBoxDefImpl vbDef; // Lookup: Has it already been added? vbDef = (ValueBoxDefImpl) arrayMap.get(cls); if (vbDef != null) return vbDef; // Yes, just return it. int dimensions = 0; Class compType = cls; do { compType = compType.getComponentType(); ++dimensions; } while (compType.isArray()); String typeName; String moduleName; TypeCode typeCode; if (compType.isPrimitive()) { if (compType == Boolean.TYPE) { typeName = "boolean"; typeCode = orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_boolean); } else if (compType == Character.TYPE) { typeName = "wchar"; typeCode = orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_wchar); } else if (compType == Byte.TYPE) { typeName = "octet"; typeCode = orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_octet); } else if (compType == Short.TYPE) { typeName = "short"; typeCode = orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_short); } else if (compType == Integer.TYPE) { typeName = "long"; typeCode = orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_long); } else if (compType == Long.TYPE) { typeName = "long_long"; typeCode = orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_longlong); } else if (compType == Float.TYPE) { typeName = "float"; typeCode = orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_float); } else if (compType == Double.TYPE) { typeName = "double"; typeCode = orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_double); } else { throw IIOPLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.unknownPrimitiveType(compType.getName()); } moduleName = "org.omg.boxedRMI"; } else { typeCode = getTypeCode(compType); // map the component type. if (compType == java.lang.String.class) typeName = getJavaLangString().name(); else if (compType == java.lang.Object.class) typeName = getJavaLang_Object().name(); else if (compType == java.lang.Class.class) typeName = getJavaxRmiCORBAClassDesc().name(); else if (compType == java.io.Serializable.class) typeName = getJavaIoSerializable().name(); else if (compType == java.io.Externalizable.class) typeName = getJavaIoExternalizable().name(); else if (compType.isInterface() && !RmiIdlUtil.isAbstractValueType(compType)) typeName = ((InterfaceDefImpl) interfaceMap.get(compType)).name(); else if (Exception.class.isAssignableFrom(compType)) // exception type typeName = ((ExceptionDefImpl) exceptionMap.get(compType)).name(); else // must be value type typeName = ((ValueDefImpl) valueMap.get(compType)).name(); moduleName = "org.omg.boxedRMI." + compType.getPackage().getName(); } // Get module to add array to. ModuleDefImpl m = ensurePackageExists(moduleName); // Create an array of the types for the dimensions Class[] types = new Class[dimensions]; types[dimensions - 1] = cls; for (int i = dimensions - 2; i >= 0; --i) types[i] = types[i + 1].getComponentType(); // Create boxed sequences for all dimensions. for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; ++i) { Class type = types[i]; typeCode = orb.create_sequence_tc(0, typeCode); vbDef = (ValueBoxDefImpl) arrayMap.get(type); if (vbDef == null) { String id = Util.getIRIdentifierOfClass(type); SequenceDefImpl sdi = new SequenceDefImpl(typeCode, impl); String name = "seq" + (i + 1) + "_" + typeName; // TypeCode boxTypeCode = new TypeCodeImpl(TCKind._tk_value_box, // id, name, typeCode); TypeCode boxTypeCode = orb.create_value_box_tc(id, name, typeCode); vbDef = new ValueBoxDefImpl(id, name, "1.0", m, boxTypeCode, impl); addTypeCode(type, vbDef.type()); m.add(name, vbDef); impl.putSequenceImpl(id, typeCode, sdi, vbDef); arrayMap.put(type, vbDef); // Remember we mapped this. typeCode = boxTypeCode; } else typeCode = vbDef.type(); } // Return the box of highest dimension. return vbDef; } /** * Add an interface. */ private InterfaceDefImpl addInterface(InterfaceAnalysis ia) throws RMIIIOPViolationException, IRConstructionException { InterfaceDefImpl iDef; Class cls = ia.getCls(); // Lookup: Has it already been added? iDef = (InterfaceDefImpl) interfaceMap.get(cls); if (iDef != null) return iDef; // Yes, just return it. // Get module to add interface to. ModuleDefImpl m = ensurePackageExists(cls.getPackage().getName()); // Add superinterfaces String[] base_interfaces = addInterfaces(ia); // Create the interface String base = cls.getName(); base = base.substring(base.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); base = Util.javaToIDLName(base); iDef = new InterfaceDefImpl(ia.getRepositoryId(), base, "1.0", m, base_interfaces, impl); addTypeCode(cls, iDef.type()); m.add(base, iDef); interfaceMap.put(cls, iDef); // Remember we mapped this. // Fill in constants addConstants(iDef, ia); // Add attributes addAttributes(iDef, ia); // Fill in operations addOperations(iDef, ia); return iDef; } /** * Add a value type. */ private ValueDefImpl addValue(ValueAnalysis va) throws RMIIIOPViolationException, IRConstructionException { ValueDefImpl vDef; Class cls = va.getCls(); // Lookup: Has it already been added? vDef = (ValueDefImpl) valueMap.get(cls); if (vDef != null) return vDef; // Yes, just return it. // Get module to add value to. ModuleDefImpl m = ensurePackageExists(cls.getPackage().getName()); // Add implemented interfaces String[] supported_interfaces = addInterfaces(va); // Add abstract base valuetypes String[] abstract_base_valuetypes = addAbstractBaseValuetypes(va); // Add superclass ValueDefImpl superValue = null; ValueAnalysis superAnalysis = va.getSuperAnalysis(); if (superAnalysis != null) superValue = addValue(superAnalysis); // Create the value String base = cls.getName(); base = base.substring(base.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); base = Util.javaToIDLName(base); TypeCode baseTypeCode; if (superValue == null) baseTypeCode = orb.get_primitive_tc(TCKind.tk_null); else baseTypeCode = superValue.type(); vDef = new ValueDefImpl(va.getRepositoryId(), base, "1.0", m, va.isAbstractValue(), va.isCustom(), supported_interfaces, abstract_base_valuetypes, baseTypeCode, impl); addTypeCode(cls, vDef.type()); m.add(base, vDef); valueMap.put(cls, vDef); // Remember we mapped this. // Fill in constants. addConstants(vDef, va); // Add value members ValueMemberAnalysis[] vmas = va.getMembers(); for (int i = 0; i < vmas.length; ++i) { ValueMemberDefImpl vmDef; String vmid = va.getMemberRepositoryId(vmas[i].getJavaName()); String vmName = vmas[i].getIDLName(); Class vmCls = vmas[i].getCls(); TypeCode typeCode = getTypeCode(vmCls); boolean vmPublic = vmas[i].isPublic(); vmDef = new ValueMemberDefImpl(vmid, vmName, "1.0", typeCode, vmPublic, vDef, impl); vDef.add(vmName, vmDef); } // Add attributes addAttributes(vDef, va); // TODO: Fill in operations. return vDef; } /** * Add an exception type. */ private ExceptionDefImpl addException(ExceptionAnalysis ea) throws RMIIIOPViolationException, IRConstructionException { ExceptionDefImpl eDef; Class cls = ea.getCls(); // Lookup: Has it already been added? eDef = (ExceptionDefImpl) exceptionMap.get(cls); if (eDef != null) return eDef; // Yes, just return it. // map to value ValueDefImpl vDef = addValue(ea); // map to exception ModuleDefImpl m = ensurePackageExists(cls.getPackage().getName()); String base = cls.getName(); base = base.substring(base.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); if (base.endsWith("Exception")) base = base.substring(0, base.length() - 9); base = Util.javaToIDLName(base + "Ex"); StructMember[] members = new StructMember[1]; members[0] = new StructMember("value", vDef.type(), null/*ignored*/); TypeCode typeCode = orb.create_exception_tc(ea.getExceptionRepositoryId(), base, members); eDef = new ExceptionDefImpl(ea.getExceptionRepositoryId(), base, "1.0", typeCode, vDef, m, impl); m.add(base, eDef); exceptionMap.put(cls, eDef); // Remember we mapped this. return eDef; } // Inner classes ------------------------------------------------- }