/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * Copyright 2015, Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.jboss.as.clustering.controller.descriptions; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import org.jboss.as.controller.Extension; import org.jboss.as.controller.PathElement; import org.jboss.as.controller.descriptions.ModelDescriptionConstants; import org.jboss.as.controller.descriptions.StandardResourceDescriptionResolver; /** * Consolidates common logic when creating {@link org.jboss.as.controller.descriptions.ResourceDescriptionResolver}s for a given subsystem. * @author Paul Ferraro */ public class SubsystemResourceDescriptionResolver extends StandardResourceDescriptionResolver { private static final String RESOURCE_NAME_PATTERN = "%s.LocalDescriptions"; private final String subsystemName; private final List<PathElement> paths; protected SubsystemResourceDescriptionResolver(String subsystemName, Class<? extends Extension> extensionClass) { this(subsystemName, extensionClass, Collections.<PathElement>emptyList()); } protected SubsystemResourceDescriptionResolver(String subsystemName, Class<? extends Extension> extensionClass, PathElement... paths) { this(subsystemName, extensionClass, Arrays.asList(paths)); } protected SubsystemResourceDescriptionResolver(String subsystemName, Class<? extends Extension> extensionClass, List<PathElement> paths) { super(paths.isEmpty() ? subsystemName : getBundleKey(subsystemName, paths.get(0)), String.format(RESOURCE_NAME_PATTERN, extensionClass.getPackage().getName()), extensionClass.getClassLoader(), true, false); this.subsystemName = subsystemName; this.paths = paths; } @Override public String getResourceAttributeDescription(String attributeName, Locale locale, ResourceBundle bundle) { for (PathElement path : this.paths) { String key = this.getBundleKey(path, attributeName); if (bundle.containsKey(key)) { return bundle.getString(key); } } return super.getResourceAttributeDescription(attributeName, locale, bundle); } @Override public String getResourceAttributeValueTypeDescription(String attributeName, Locale locale, ResourceBundle bundle, String... suffixes) { for (PathElement path : this.paths) { String key = this.getBundleKey(path, attributeName, suffixes); if (bundle.containsKey(key)) { return bundle.getString(key); } } return super.getResourceAttributeValueTypeDescription(attributeName, locale, bundle, suffixes); } @Override public String getOperationDescription(String operationName, Locale locale, ResourceBundle bundle) { for (PathElement path : this.paths) { String key = this.getBundleKey(path, operationName); if (bundle.containsKey(key)) { return bundle.getString(key); } } return super.getOperationDescription(operationName, locale, bundle); } @Override public String getOperationParameterDescription(String operationName, String paramName, Locale locale, ResourceBundle bundle) { for (PathElement path : this.paths) { String key = this.getBundleKey(path, this.isReuseAttributesForAdd() && operationName.equals(ModelDescriptionConstants.ADD) ? new String[] { paramName } : new String[] { operationName, paramName }); if (bundle.containsKey(key)) { return bundle.getString(key); } } return super.getOperationParameterDescription(operationName, paramName, locale, bundle); } @Override public String getOperationParameterValueTypeDescription(String operationName, String paramName, Locale locale, ResourceBundle bundle, String... suffixes) { for (PathElement path : this.paths) { String key = this.getBundleKey(path, this.isReuseAttributesForAdd() && operationName.equals(ModelDescriptionConstants.ADD) ? new String[] { paramName } : new String[] { operationName, paramName }, suffixes); if (bundle.containsKey(key)) { return bundle.getString(key); } } return super.getOperationParameterValueTypeDescription(operationName, paramName, locale, bundle, suffixes); } @Override public String getOperationReplyDescription(String operationName, Locale locale, ResourceBundle bundle) { for (PathElement path : this.paths) { String key = this.getBundleKey(path, new String[] { operationName, REPLY }); if (bundle.containsKey(key)) { return bundle.getString(key); } } return super.getOperationReplyDescription(operationName, locale, bundle); } @Override public String getOperationReplyValueTypeDescription(String operationName, Locale locale, ResourceBundle bundle, String... suffixes) { for (PathElement path : this.paths) { String key = this.getBundleKey(path, new String[] { operationName, REPLY }, suffixes); if (bundle.containsKey(key)) { return bundle.getString(key); } } return super.getOperationReplyValueTypeDescription(operationName, locale, bundle, suffixes); } @Override public String getNotificationDescription(String notificationType, Locale locale, ResourceBundle bundle) { for (PathElement path : this.paths) { String key = this.getBundleKey(path, notificationType); if (bundle.containsKey(key)) { return bundle.getString(key); } } return super.getNotificationDescription(notificationType, locale, bundle); } @Override public String getChildTypeDescription(String childType, Locale locale, ResourceBundle bundle) { for (PathElement path : this.paths) { String key = this.getBundleKey(path, childType); if (bundle.containsKey(key)) { return bundle.getString(key); } } return super.getChildTypeDescription(childType, locale, bundle); } @Override public String getResourceDescription(Locale locale, ResourceBundle bundle) { for (PathElement path : this.paths) { String key = this.getBundleKey(path); if (bundle.containsKey(key)) { return bundle.getString(key); } } return super.getResourceDescription(locale, bundle); } @Override public String getResourceDeprecatedDescription(Locale locale, ResourceBundle bundle) { for (PathElement path : this.paths) { String key = this.getBundleKey(path, ModelDescriptionConstants.DEPRECATED); if (bundle.containsKey(key)) { return bundle.getString(key); } } return super.getResourceDeprecatedDescription(locale, bundle); } @Override public String getResourceAttributeDeprecatedDescription(String attributeName, Locale locale, ResourceBundle bundle) { for (PathElement path : this.paths) { String key = this.getBundleKey(path, attributeName, ModelDescriptionConstants.DEPRECATED); if (bundle.containsKey(key)) { return bundle.getString(key); } } return super.getResourceAttributeDeprecatedDescription(attributeName, locale, bundle); } @Override public String getOperationDeprecatedDescription(String operationName, Locale locale, ResourceBundle bundle) { for (PathElement path : this.paths) { String key = this.getBundleKey(path, operationName, ModelDescriptionConstants.DEPRECATED); if (bundle.containsKey(key)) { return bundle.getString(key); } } return super.getOperationDeprecatedDescription(operationName, locale, bundle); } @Override public String getOperationParameterDeprecatedDescription(String operationName, String paramName, Locale locale, ResourceBundle bundle) { for (PathElement path : this.paths) { String key = this.getBundleKey(path, this.isReuseAttributesForAdd() && operationName.equals(ModelDescriptionConstants.ADD) ? new String[] { paramName } : new String[] { operationName, paramName }, ModelDescriptionConstants.DEPRECATED); if (bundle.containsKey(key)) { return bundle.getString(key); } } return super.getOperationParameterDeprecatedDescription(operationName, paramName, locale, bundle); } private String getBundleKey(PathElement path) { return this.getBundleKey(path, new String[0]); } private String getBundleKey(PathElement path, String key, String... suffixes) { return this.getBundleKey(path, new String[] { key }, suffixes); } private String getBundleKey(PathElement path, String[] keys, String... suffixes) { return getBundleKey(this.subsystemName, path, keys, suffixes); } private static String getBundleKey(String subsystemName, PathElement path) { return getBundleKey(subsystemName, path, new String[0]); } private static String getBundleKey(String subsystemName, PathElement path, String[] keys, String... suffixes) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(subsystemName); for (String value : path.isWildcard() ? new String[] { path.getKey() } : path.getKeyValuePair()) { builder.append('.').append(value); } for (String key : keys) { builder.append('.').append(key); } for (String suffix : suffixes) { builder.append('.').append(suffix); } return builder.toString(); } }