package; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Queue; /** * Countdown tracker with capabilities similar to SE CountDownLatch, but allowing threads * to mark and unmark themselves as privileged. Privileged threads, when entering await method, * will immediately proceed without checking latch's state. This reentrant behaviour allows to work around situations * where there is a possibility of a deadlock. * @author Fedor Gavrilov */ public final class StartupCountdown { private static final ThreadLocal<Frame> frames = new ThreadLocal<>(); private volatile int count; private final Queue<Runnable> callbacks = new LinkedList<Runnable>(); public StartupCountdown(int count) { this.count = count; } public void countDown() { synchronized (this) { if (-- count == 0) { try { while (!callbacks.isEmpty()) callbacks.poll().run(); } finally { notifyAll(); } } } } public void countUp(final int count) { synchronized (this) { this.count += count; } } public void await() throws InterruptedException { if (isPrivileged()) return; if (count != 0) { synchronized (this) { while (count != 0) wait(); } } } /** * Executes a lightweight action when the countdown reaches 0. * If StartupCountdown is not at zero when the method is called, passed callback will be executed by the last thread to call countDown. * If StartupCountdown is at zero already, passed callback will be executed immediately by the caller thread. * @param callback to execute. Should not be null. */ public void addCallback(final Runnable callback) { synchronized (this) { if (count != 0) callbacks.add(callback); else; } } public boolean isPrivileged() { final Frame frame = frames.get(); return frame != null && frame.contains(this); } public Frame enter() { final Frame frame = frames.get(); frames.set(new Frame(frame, this)); return frame; } public static Frame current() { return frames.get(); } public static void restore(Frame frame) { frames.set(frame); } public static final class Frame { private final Frame prev; private final StartupCountdown countdown; Frame(final Frame prev, final StartupCountdown countdown) { this.prev = prev; this.countdown = countdown; } boolean contains(StartupCountdown countdown) { return countdown == this.countdown || prev != null && prev.contains(countdown); } } }