package; import; import java.util.Collection; import javax.ejb.Timer; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.Deployment; import org.jboss.arquillian.junit.Arquillian; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Archive; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.ShrinkWrap; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.EnterpriseArchive; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.JavaArchive; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; /** * Testcase for the {@link javax.ejb.TimerService#getAllTimers()} API introduced in EJB 3.2 spec * * @author: Jaikiran Pai */ @RunWith(Arquillian.class) public class ActiveTimerServiceCountTestCase { private static final String APP_NAME = "ejb-3.2-active-timers"; private static final String MODULE_ONE_NAME = "ejb-3.2-active-timers-one"; private static final String MODULE_TWO_NAME = "ejb-3.2-active-timers-two"; @Deployment public static Archive createDeployment() { final JavaArchive ejbJarOne = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, MODULE_ONE_NAME + ".jar"); ejbJarOne.addClasses(ActiveTimerServiceCountTestCase.class, SimpleTimerBean.class, OtherTimerBeanInSameModule.class, StatefulBean.class); final JavaArchive ejbJarTwo = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, MODULE_TWO_NAME + ".jar"); ejbJarTwo.addClasses(TimerBeanInOtherModule.class); final EnterpriseArchive ear = ShrinkWrap.create(EnterpriseArchive.class, APP_NAME + ".ear"); ear.addAsModules(ejbJarOne, ejbJarTwo); return ear; } /** * Tests that the {@link javax.ejb.TimerService#getAllTimers()} API introduced in EJB 3.2 works as expected * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testActiveTimersCountInEJBModule() throws Exception { final SimpleTimerBean timerBean = InitialContext.doLookup("java:module/" + SimpleTimerBean.class.getSimpleName() + "!" + SimpleTimerBean.class.getName()); final String infoOne = "gangnam style"; timerBean.createTimerForNextDay(false, infoOne); final String infoTwo = "PSY"; timerBean.createTimerForNextDay(true, infoTwo); final OtherTimerBeanInSameModule otherTimerBean = InitialContext.doLookup("java:module/" + OtherTimerBeanInSameModule.class.getSimpleName() + "!" + OtherTimerBeanInSameModule.class.getName()); final String infoThree = "hello world!"; otherTimerBean.createTimerForNextDay(false, infoThree); final TimerBeanInOtherModule timerBeanInOtherModule = InitialContext.doLookup("java:global/" + APP_NAME + "/" + MODULE_TWO_NAME + "/" + TimerBeanInOtherModule.class.getSimpleName() + "!" + TimerBeanInOtherModule.class.getName()); final String infoForTimerBeanInOtherModule = "irrelevant"; timerBeanInOtherModule.createTimerForNextDay(false, infoForTimerBeanInOtherModule); final Collection<Timer> activeTimers = timerBean.getAllActiveTimersInEJBModule(); // now start testing Assert.assertFalse("No active timers found in EJB module " + MODULE_ONE_NAME, activeTimers.isEmpty()); // now make sure that the active timers are indeed the one we expected Assert.assertTrue("@Schedule timer on " + SimpleTimerBean.class.getSimpleName() + " not found in active timers", this.removeSheduleOneTimerOfSimpleTimerBean(activeTimers)); Assert.assertTrue("@Schedule timer on " + SimpleTimerBean.class.getSimpleName() + " not found in active timers", this.removeSheduleTwoTimerOfSimpleTimerBean(activeTimers)); Assert.assertTrue("@Schedule timer on " + OtherTimerBeanInSameModule.class.getSimpleName() + " not found in active timers", this.removeSheduleOneTimerOfOtherTimerBean(activeTimers)); Assert.assertTrue("Programmatic timer on " + SimpleTimerBean.class.getSimpleName() + " not found in active timers", this.removeProgramaticTimer(activeTimers, infoOne, false)); Assert.assertTrue("Programmatic timer on " + SimpleTimerBean.class.getSimpleName() + " not found in active timers", this.removeProgramaticTimer(activeTimers, infoTwo, true)); Assert.assertTrue("Programmatic timer on " + OtherTimerBeanInSameModule.class.getSimpleName() + " not found in active timers", this.removeProgramaticTimer(activeTimers, infoThree, false)); // make sure there isn't an unexpected timer in the active timers for (final Timer remainingTimer : activeTimers) { Assert.assertNotEquals("Unexpectedly found a timer from other EJB module " + MODULE_TWO_NAME, TimerBeanInOtherModule.SCHEDULE_ONE_INFO.equals(remainingTimer.getInfo())); Assert.assertNotEquals("Unexpectedly found a timer from other EJB module " + MODULE_TWO_NAME, infoForTimerBeanInOtherModule.equals(remainingTimer.getInfo())); } // Now fetch the same info, this time from the SFSB. We expect the same number of active timers in the module. final StatefulBean statefulBean = InitialContext.doLookup("java:module/" + StatefulBean.class.getSimpleName() + "!" + StatefulBean.class.getName()); final Collection<Timer> activeTimersReturnedFromSFSB = statefulBean.getAllActiveTimersInEJBModule(); Assert.assertFalse("No active timers found in EJB module " + MODULE_ONE_NAME + " when queried from a stateful bean", activeTimersReturnedFromSFSB.isEmpty()); // now make sure that the active timers are indeed the one we expected Assert.assertTrue("@Schedule timer on " + SimpleTimerBean.class.getSimpleName() + " not found in active timers when queried from a stateful bean", this.removeSheduleOneTimerOfSimpleTimerBean(activeTimersReturnedFromSFSB)); Assert.assertTrue("@Schedule timer on " + SimpleTimerBean.class.getSimpleName() + " not found in active timers when queried from a stateful bean", this.removeSheduleTwoTimerOfSimpleTimerBean(activeTimersReturnedFromSFSB)); Assert.assertTrue("@Schedule timer on " + OtherTimerBeanInSameModule.class.getSimpleName() + " not found in active timers when queried from a stateful bean", this.removeSheduleOneTimerOfOtherTimerBean(activeTimersReturnedFromSFSB)); Assert.assertTrue("Programmatic timer on " + SimpleTimerBean.class.getSimpleName() + " not found in active timers when queried from a stateful bean", this.removeProgramaticTimer(activeTimersReturnedFromSFSB, infoOne, false)); Assert.assertTrue("Programmatic timer on " + SimpleTimerBean.class.getSimpleName() + " not found in active timers when queried from a stateful bean", this.removeProgramaticTimer(activeTimersReturnedFromSFSB, infoTwo, true)); Assert.assertTrue("Programmatic timer on " + OtherTimerBeanInSameModule.class.getSimpleName() + " not found in active timers when queried from a stateful bean", this.removeProgramaticTimer(activeTimersReturnedFromSFSB, infoThree, false)); // make sure there isn't an unexpected timer in the active timers for (final Timer remainingTimer : activeTimersReturnedFromSFSB) { Assert.assertNotEquals("Unexpectedly found a timer from other EJB module " + MODULE_TWO_NAME + " when queried from a stateful bean", TimerBeanInOtherModule.SCHEDULE_ONE_INFO.equals(remainingTimer.getInfo())); Assert.assertNotEquals("Unexpectedly found a timer from other EJB module " + MODULE_TWO_NAME + " when queried from a stateful bean", infoForTimerBeanInOtherModule.equals(remainingTimer.getInfo())); } } private boolean removeSheduleOneTimerOfSimpleTimerBean(final Collection<Timer> timers) { for (final Timer activeTimer : timers) { // see if it's @Schedule one in SimpleTimerBean final Serializable info = activeTimer.getInfo(); if (SimpleTimerBean.SCHEDULE_ONE_INFO.equals(info)) { Assert.assertTrue("Unexpected timer type of timer on " + SimpleTimerBean.class.getSimpleName(), activeTimer.isCalendarTimer()); Assert.assertFalse("Unexpected persistence type of timer on " + SimpleTimerBean.class.getSimpleName(), activeTimer.isPersistent()); // remove this matched timer from the collection return timers.remove(activeTimer); } } return false; } private boolean removeSheduleTwoTimerOfSimpleTimerBean(final Collection<Timer> timers) { for (final Timer activeTimer : timers) { // see if it's @Schedule two in SimpleTimerBean final Serializable info = activeTimer.getInfo(); if (SimpleTimerBean.SCHEDULE_TWO_INFO.equals(info)) { Assert.assertTrue("Unexpected timer type of timer on " + SimpleTimerBean.class.getSimpleName(), activeTimer.isCalendarTimer()); Assert.assertTrue("Unexpected persistence type of timer on " + SimpleTimerBean.class.getSimpleName(), activeTimer.isPersistent()); // remove this matched timer from the collection return timers.remove(activeTimer); } } return false; } private boolean removeSheduleOneTimerOfOtherTimerBean(final Collection<Timer> timers) { for (final Timer activeTimer : timers) { // see if it's @Schedule one in OtherTimerBeanInSameModule final Serializable info = activeTimer.getInfo(); if (OtherTimerBeanInSameModule.SCHEDULE_ONE_INFO.equals(info)) { Assert.assertTrue("Unexpected timer type of timer on " + OtherTimerBeanInSameModule.class.getSimpleName(), activeTimer.isCalendarTimer()); Assert.assertFalse("Unexpected persistence type of timer on " + OtherTimerBeanInSameModule.class.getSimpleName(), activeTimer.isPersistent()); // remove this matched timer from the collection return timers.remove(activeTimer); } } return false; } private boolean removeProgramaticTimer(final Collection<Timer> timers, final String timerInfo, final boolean persistent) { for (final Timer activeTimer : timers) { // see if it's the programatic timer we are looking for final Serializable info = activeTimer.getInfo(); if (timerInfo.equals(info)) { Assert.assertFalse("Unexpected timer type of timer", activeTimer.isCalendarTimer()); Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected persistence type of timer", persistent, activeTimer.isPersistent()); // remove this matched timer from the collection return timers.remove(activeTimer); } } return false; } }