/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * Copyright 2011, Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.jboss.as.web; import org.jboss.logging.Messages; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message; import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageBundle; /** * This module is using message IDs in the range 18000-18099 and 18200-18399. * <p/> * This file is using the subset 18000-18199 for non-logger messages. * <p/> * See <a href="http://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-16810">http://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-16810</a> for the full * list of currently reserved JBAS message id blocks. * <p/> * Date: 05.11.2011 * * @author <a href="mailto:jperkins@redhat.com">James R. Perkins</a> */ @MessageBundle(projectCode = "JBAS") public interface WebMessages { /** * The messages */ WebMessages MESSAGES = Messages.getBundle(WebMessages.class); @Message(id = 18000, value = "Name and value are required to add mime mapping") String nameAndValueRequiredForAddMimeMapping(); /* @Message(id = 18001, value = "Name is required to remove mime mapping") String nameRequiredForRemoveMimeMapping(); @Message(id = 18002, value = "Failed to get metrics %s") String failedToGetMetrics(String reason); @Message(id = 18003, value = "No metrics available") String noMetricsAvailable(); @Message(id = 18005, value = "Non HTTP connectors do not support SSL") String noSSLWithNonHTTPConnectors(); @Message(id = 18006, value = "SSL configuration failed") String failedSSLConfiguration(); @Message(id = 18007, value = "Error starting web connector") String connectorStartError(); @Message(id = 18008, value = "Null service value") IllegalStateException nullValue(); @Message(id = 18009, value = "Error starting web container") String errorStartingWeb(); @Message(id = 18010, value = "A default web module can not be specified when the welcome root has been enabled") String noRootWebappWithWelcomeWebapp(); */ @Message(id = 18011, value = "The welcome root can not be enabled on a host that has the default web module") String noWelcomeWebappWithDefaultWebModule(); /* @Message(id = 18012, value = "Failed to create welcome context") String createWelcomeContextFailed(); @Message(id = 18013, value = "Failed to start welcome context") String startWelcomeContextFailed(); @Message(id = 18014, value = "Failed to parse XML descriptor %s at [%s,%s]") String failToParseXMLDescriptor(VirtualFile xmlFile, int line, int column); @Message(id = 18015, value = "Failed to parse XML descriptor %s") String failToParseXMLDescriptor(VirtualFile xmlFile); @Message(id = 18016, value = "@WebServlet is only allowed at class level %s") String invalidWebServletAnnotation(AnnotationTarget target); @Message(id = 18017, value = "@WebInitParam requires name and value on %s") String invalidWebInitParamAnnotation(AnnotationTarget target); @Message(id = 18018, value = "@WebFilter is only allowed at class level %s") String invalidWebFilterAnnotation(AnnotationTarget target); @Message(id = 18019, value = "@WebListener is only allowed at class level %s") String invalidWebListenerAnnotation(AnnotationTarget target); @Message(id = 18020, value = "@RunAs needs to specify a role name on %s") String invalidRunAsAnnotation(AnnotationTarget target); @Message(id = 18021, value = "@DeclareRoles needs to specify role names on %s") String invalidDeclareRolesAnnotation(AnnotationTarget target); @Message(id = 18022, value = "@MultipartConfig is only allowed at class level %s") String invalidMultipartConfigAnnotation(AnnotationTarget target); @Message(id = 18023, value = "@ServletSecurity is only allowed at class level %s") String invalidServletSecurityAnnotation(AnnotationTarget target); @Message(id = 18024, value = "Null default host") IllegalArgumentException nullDefaultHost(); @Message(id = 18025, value = "Null host name") IllegalStateException nullHostName(); @Message(id = 18026, value = "Failed to resolve module for deployment %s") String failedToResolveModule(Object deploymentHandle); @Message(id = 18027, value = "Failed to add JBoss Web deployment service") String failedToAddWebDeployment(); @Message(id = 18028, value = "Duplicate others in absolute ordering") String invalidMultipleOthers(); @Message(id = 18029, value = "Could not resolve name in absolute ordering: %s") String invalidAbsoluteOrdering(String name); @Message(id = 18030, value = "Invalid relative ordering") String invalidRelativeOrdering(); @Message(id = 18031, value = "Conflict occurred processing web fragment in JAR: %s") String invalidWebFragment(String jar); @Message(id = 18032, value = "Relative ordering processing error with JAR: %s") String invalidRelativeOrdering(String jar); @Message(id = 18033, value = "Ordering includes both before and after others in JAR: %s") String invalidRelativeOrderingBeforeAndAfter(String jar); @Message(id = 18034, value = "Duplicate name declared in JAR: %s") String invalidRelativeOrderingDuplicateName(String jar); @Message(id = 18035, value = "Unknown name declared in JAR: %s") String invalidRelativeOrderingUnknownName(String jar); @Message(id = 18036, value = "Relative ordering conflict with JAR: %s") String invalidRelativeOrderingConflict(String jar); @Message(id = 18037, value = "Failed to process WEB-INF/lib: %s") String failToProcessWebInfLib(VirtualFile xmlFile); @Message(id = 18038, value = "Root contexts can not be deployed when the virtual host configuration has the welcome root enabled, disable it and redeploy") IllegalStateException conflictOnDefaultWebapp(); @Message(id = 18039, value = "Failed to create context") String createContextFailed(); @Message(id = 18040, value = "Failed to start context") String startContextFailed(); @Message(id = 18041, value = "Servlet components must have exactly one view: %s") RuntimeException servletsMustHaveOneView(String componentName); @Message(id = 18042, value = "Not implemented") String notImplemented(); @Message(id = 18043, value = "%s has the wrong component type, it cannot be used as a web component") RuntimeException wrongComponentType(String clazz); @Message(id = 18044, value = "Resource not found: %s") String resourceNotFound(String resourceName); @Message(id = 18045, value = "Failed to load annotated class: %s") String classLoadingFailed(DotName clazz); @Message(id = 18046, value = "Annotation %s in class %s is only allowed on classes") String invalidAnnotationLocation(Object annotation, AnnotationTarget classInfo); @Message(id = 18047, value = "Thread local injection container not set") IllegalStateException noThreadLocalInjectionContainer(); @Message(id = 18048, value = "Instance creation failed") RuntimeException instanceCreationFailed(@Cause Throwable t); @Message(id = 18049, value = "Instance destruction failed") RuntimeException instanceDestructionFailed(@Cause Throwable t); @Message(id = 18051, value = "Authentication Manager has not been set") IllegalStateException noAuthenticationManager(); @Message(id = 18052, value = "Authorization Manager has not been set") IllegalStateException noAuthorizationManager(); @Message(id = 18053, value = "No security context found") IllegalStateException noSecurityContext(); @Message(id = 18054, value = "Principal class %s is not a subclass of GenericPrincipal") IllegalStateException illegalPrincipalType(Class<?> clazz); @Message(id = 18055, value = "Security context creation failed") RuntimeException failToCreateSecurityContext(@Cause Throwable t); @Message(id = 18056, value = "Catalina Context is null while creating JACC permissions") IllegalStateException noCatalinaContextForJacc(); @Message(id = 18096, value = "Error instantiating container component: %s") String failToCreateContainerComponentInstance(String className); @Message(id = 18097, value = "TLD file %s not contained in root %s") String tldFileNotContainedInRoot(String tldPath, String rootPath); @Message(id = 18098, value = "Unknown metric %s") String unknownMetric(Object metric); @Message(id = 18100, value = "Timeout context service activation: %s") TimeoutException timeoutContextActivation(ServiceName service); */ @Message(id = 18101, value = "Version 1.1.0 of the web subsystem had a bug meaning referencing virtual-server from connector is not supported. See https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBPAPP-9314") String transformationVersion_1_1_0_JBPAPP_9314(); /* @Message(id = 18102, value = "Error loading SCI from module: %s") DeploymentUnitProcessingException errorLoadingSCIFromModule(ModuleIdentifier identifier, @Cause Exception e); @Message(id = 18103, value = "Unable to resolve annotation index for deployment unit: %s") DeploymentUnitProcessingException unableToResolveAnnotationIndex(DeploymentUnit deploymentUnit); @Message(id = 18104, value = "Deployment error processing SCI for jar: %s") DeploymentUnitProcessingException errorProcessingSCI(String jar, @Cause Exception e); @Message(id = 18105, value = "Not applicable") RuntimeException notApplicable();*/ @Message(id = 18106, value = "Param-name and param-value are required to add parameter") String paramNameAndParamValueRequiredForAddParam(); @Message(id = 18107, value = "Param-name is required to remove parameter") String paramNameRequiredForRemoveParam(); }