/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * Copyright 2016, Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors * as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the * distribution for a full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.jboss.as.test.iiopssl.basic; import org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.Deployment; import org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.OperateOnDeployment; import org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.TargetsContainer; import org.jboss.arquillian.junit.Arquillian; import org.jboss.as.network.NetworkUtils; import org.jboss.as.test.shared.FileUtils; import org.jboss.as.test.shared.PropertiesValueResolver; import org.jboss.as.test.shared.integration.ejb.security.Util; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.Archive; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.ShrinkWrap; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.asset.StringAsset; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.JavaArchive; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.security.auth.login.LoginException; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Properties; /** * A simple IIOP over SSL invocation for one server to another */ @RunWith(Arquillian.class) public class IIOPSslInvocationTestCase { @Deployment(name = "server", testable = false) @TargetsContainer("iiop-server") public static Archive<?> deployment() { final JavaArchive jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "server.jar"); jar.addClasses(IIOPSslStatelessBean.class, IIOPSslStatelessHome.class, IIOPSslStatelessRemote.class) .addAsManifestResource(IIOPSslInvocationTestCase.class.getPackage(), "jboss-ejb3.xml", "jboss-ejb3.xml"); return jar; } @Deployment(name = "legacy-server", testable = false) @TargetsContainer("iiop-legacy-server") public static Archive<?> legacyServer() { final JavaArchive jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "server.jar"); jar.addClasses(IIOPSslStatelessBean.class, IIOPSslStatelessHome.class, IIOPSslStatelessRemote.class) .addAsManifestResource(IIOPSslInvocationTestCase.class.getPackage(), "legacy-jboss-ejb3.xml", "jboss-ejb3.xml"); return jar; } @Deployment(name = "client", testable = true) @TargetsContainer("iiop-client") public static Archive<?> clientDeployment() { /* * The @EJB annotation doesn't allow to specify the address dynamically. So, istead of * @EJB(lookup = "corbaname:iiop:localhost:3628#IIOPTransactionalStatelessBean") * private IIOPTransactionalHome home; * we need to do this trick to get the ${node0} sys prop into ejb-jar.xml * and have it injected that way. */ String ejbJar = FileUtils.readFile(IIOPSslInvocationTestCase.class, "ejb-jar.xml"); final Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.putAll(System.getProperties()); if (properties.containsKey("node1")) { properties.put("node1", NetworkUtils.formatPossibleIpv6Address((String) properties.get("node1"))); } final JavaArchive jar = ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class, "client.jar"); jar.addClasses(ClientEjb.class, IIOPSslStatelessHome.class, IIOPSslStatelessRemote.class, IIOPSslInvocationTestCase.class, Util.class, NetworkUtils.class) .addAsManifestResource(IIOPSslInvocationTestCase.class.getPackage(), "jboss-ejb3.xml", "jboss-ejb3.xml") .addAsManifestResource(new StringAsset(PropertiesValueResolver.replaceProperties(ejbJar, properties)), "ejb-jar.xml"); return jar; } @Test @OperateOnDeployment("client") public void testSuccessfulInvocation() throws IOException, NamingException, LoginException { final ClientEjb ejb = client(); Assert.assertEquals("hello", ejb.getRemoteMessage()); } @Test @OperateOnDeployment("client") public void testManualLookup() throws Exception { final ClientEjb ejb = client(); Assert.assertEquals("hello", ejb.lookup(3628)); } @Test @OperateOnDeployment("client") public void testManualLookupOnLegacyNodeUsingNonSSLPort() throws Exception { final ClientEjb ejb = client(); Assert.assertEquals("hello", ejb.lookup(3728)); } @Test @OperateOnDeployment("client") public void testManualLookupOnLegacyNodeUsingSSLPort() throws Exception { final ClientEjb ejb = client(); Assert.assertEquals("hello", ejb.lookupSsl(3729)); } private ClientEjb client() throws NamingException { final InitialContext context = new InitialContext(); return (ClientEjb) context.lookup("java:module/" + ClientEjb.class.getSimpleName()); } }