/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Dr. John Lindsay <jlindsay@uoguelph.ca> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package plugins; import java.util.ArrayList; import whitebox.geospatialfiles.ShapeFile; import whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.*; import static whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.ShapeType.MULTIPOINT; import static whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.ShapeType.MULTIPOINTM; import static whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.ShapeType.MULTIPOINTZ; import static whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.ShapeType.POINT; import static whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.ShapeType.POINTM; import static whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.ShapeType.POINTZ; import whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.attributes.DBFField; import whitebox.interfaces.WhiteboxPluginHost; import whitebox.interfaces.WhiteboxPlugin; import whitebox.structures.BoundingBox; import whitebox.structures.XYPoint; /** * This tool can be used to locate the principal point in an aerial photograph based on four or eight digitized fiducial marks. * * @author Dr. John Lindsay email: jlindsay@uoguelph.ca */ public class LocatePrincipalPoint implements WhiteboxPlugin { private WhiteboxPluginHost myHost = null; private String[] args; /** * Used to retrieve the plugin tool's name. This is a short, unique name * containing no spaces. * * @return String containing plugin name. */ @Override public String getName() { return "LocatePrincipalPoint"; } /** * Used to retrieve the plugin tool's descriptive name. This can be a longer * name (containing spaces) and is used in the interface to list the tool. * * @return String containing the plugin descriptive name. */ @Override public String getDescriptiveName() { return "Locate Principal Point"; } /** * Used to retrieve a short description of what the plugin tool does. * * @return String containing the plugin's description. */ @Override public String getToolDescription() { return "Locates the principal point in an aerial photograph from fiducial marks."; } /** * Used to identify which toolboxes this plugin tool should be listed in. * * @return Array of Strings. */ @Override public String[] getToolbox() { String[] ret = {"Photogrammetry"}; return ret; } /** * Sets the WhiteboxPluginHost to which the plugin tool is tied. This is the * class that the plugin will send all feedback messages, progress updates, * and return objects. * * @param host The WhiteboxPluginHost that called the plugin tool. */ @Override public void setPluginHost(WhiteboxPluginHost host) { myHost = host; } /** * Used to communicate feedback pop-up messages between a plugin tool and * the main Whitebox user-interface. * * @param feedback String containing the text to display. */ private void showFeedback(String message) { if (myHost != null) { myHost.showFeedback(message); } else { System.out.println(message); } } /** * Used to communicate a return object from a plugin tool to the main * Whitebox user-interface. * * @return Object, such as an output WhiteboxRaster. */ private void returnData(Object ret) { if (myHost != null) { myHost.returnData(ret); } } private int previousProgress = 0; private String previousProgressLabel = ""; /** * Used to communicate a progress update between a plugin tool and the main * Whitebox user interface. * * @param progressLabel A String to use for the progress label. * @param progress Float containing the progress value (between 0 and 100). */ private void updateProgress(String progressLabel, int progress) { if (myHost != null && ((progress != previousProgress) || (!progressLabel.equals(previousProgressLabel)))) { myHost.updateProgress(progressLabel, progress); } previousProgress = progress; previousProgressLabel = progressLabel; } /** * Used to communicate a progress update between a plugin tool and the main * Whitebox user interface. * * @param progress Float containing the progress value (between 0 and 100). */ private void updateProgress(int progress) { if (myHost != null && progress != previousProgress) { myHost.updateProgress(progress); } previousProgress = progress; } /** * Sets the arguments (parameters) used by the plugin. * * @param args An array of string arguments. */ @Override public void setArgs(String[] args) { this.args = args.clone(); } private boolean cancelOp = false; /** * Used to communicate a cancel operation from the Whitebox GUI. * * @param cancel Set to true if the plugin should be canceled. */ @Override public void setCancelOp(boolean cancel) { cancelOp = cancel; } private void cancelOperation() { showFeedback("Operation cancelled."); updateProgress("Progress: ", 0); } private boolean amIActive = false; /** * Used by the Whitebox GUI to tell if this plugin is still running. * * @return a boolean describing whether or not the plugin is actively being * used. */ @Override public boolean isActive() { return amIActive; } /** * Used to execute this plugin tool. */ @Override public void run() { amIActive = true; if (args.length <= 0) { showFeedback("Plugin parameters have not been set."); return; } String fiducialHeader = args[0]; String outputHeader = args[1]; // check to see that the inputHeader and outputHeader are not null. if (fiducialHeader.isEmpty() || outputHeader.isEmpty()) { showFeedback("One or more of the input parameters have not been set properly."); return; } try { int progress = 0; ArrayList<XYPoint> fiducialMarks = new ArrayList<>(); ShapeFile fiducials = new ShapeFile(fiducialHeader); if (fiducials.getShapeType().getBaseType() != ShapeType.POINT && fiducials.getShapeType().getBaseType() != ShapeType.MULTIPOINT) { showFeedback("The input shapefile must be of a 'POINT' or 'MULTIPOINT' data type."); return; } DBFField[] fields = new DBFField[1]; fields[0] = new DBFField(); fields[0].setName("FID"); fields[0].setDataType(DBFField.DBFDataType.NUMERIC); fields[0].setDecimalCount(0); fields[0].setFieldLength(10); ShapeFile output = new ShapeFile(outputHeader, ShapeType.POINT, fields); // read in the fiducial marks int oldProgress = -1; int n = 0; int numRecords = fiducials.getNumberOfRecords(); progress = 0; for (ShapeFileRecord record : fiducials.records) { if (record.getShapeType() != ShapeType.NULLSHAPE) { double[][] vertices; ShapeType shapeType = record.getShapeType(); switch (shapeType) { case POINT: whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.Point recPoint = (whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.Point) (record.getGeometry()); vertices = recPoint.getPoints(); fiducialMarks.add(new XYPoint(vertices[0][0], vertices[0][1])); break; case POINTZ: PointZ recPointZ = (PointZ) (record.getGeometry()); vertices = recPointZ.getPoints(); fiducialMarks.add(new XYPoint(vertices[0][0], vertices[0][1])); break; case POINTM: PointM recPointM = (PointM) (record.getGeometry()); vertices = recPointM.getPoints(); fiducialMarks.add(new XYPoint(vertices[0][0], vertices[0][1])); break; case MULTIPOINT: MultiPoint recMultiPoint = (MultiPoint) (record.getGeometry()); vertices = recMultiPoint.getPoints(); for (int j = 0; j < vertices.length; j++) { fiducialMarks.add(new XYPoint(vertices[j][0], vertices[j][1])); } break; case MULTIPOINTZ: MultiPointZ recMultiPointZ = (MultiPointZ) (record.getGeometry()); vertices = recMultiPointZ.getPoints(); for (int j = 0; j < vertices.length; j++) { fiducialMarks.add(new XYPoint(vertices[j][0], vertices[j][1])); } break; case MULTIPOINTM: MultiPointM recMultiPointM = (MultiPointM) (record.getGeometry()); vertices = recMultiPointM.getPoints(); for (int j = 0; j < vertices.length; j++) { fiducialMarks.add(new XYPoint(vertices[j][0], vertices[j][1])); } break; } } if (cancelOp) { cancelOperation(); return; } n++; progress = (int) ((n * 100.0) / numRecords); if (progress > oldProgress) { oldProgress = progress; updateProgress(progress); } } int numMarks = fiducialMarks.size(); if (numMarks == 8) { double psi = 0; double x, y; double DegreeToRad = Math.PI / 180; double[] axes = new double[2]; double[][] axesEndPoints = new double[4][2]; double newXAxis = 0; double newYAxis = 0; double longAxis; double shortAxis; final double rightAngle = Math.toRadians(90); double[] newBoundingBox = new double[4]; double slope; double boxCentreX, boxCentreY; double[][] verticesRotated = new double[8][2]; double east = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; double west = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double north = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; double south = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; XYPoint pt; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { pt = fiducialMarks.get(i); if (pt.x > east) { east = pt.x; } if (pt.x < west) { west = pt.x; } if (pt.y > north) { north = pt.y; } if (pt.y < south) { south = pt.y; } } double midX = west + (east - west) / 2.0; double midY = south + (north - south) / 2.0; axes[0] = 9999999; axes[1] = 9999999; slope = 0; boxCentreX = 0; boxCentreY = 0; // Rotate the edge cells in 0.5 degree increments. for (int m = 0; m <= 180; m++) { psi = -m * 0.5 * DegreeToRad; // rotation in clockwise direction // Rotate each edge cell in the array by m degrees. for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { pt = fiducialMarks.get(i); x = pt.x - midX; y = pt.y - midY; verticesRotated[i][0] = (x * Math.cos(psi)) - (y * Math.sin(psi)); verticesRotated[i][1] = (x * Math.sin(psi)) + (y * Math.cos(psi)); } // calculate the minimum bounding box in this coordinate // system and see if it is less newBoundingBox[0] = Double.MAX_VALUE; // west newBoundingBox[1] = Double.MIN_VALUE; // east newBoundingBox[2] = Double.MAX_VALUE; // north newBoundingBox[3] = Double.MIN_VALUE; // south for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) { x = verticesRotated[n][0]; y = verticesRotated[n][1]; if (x < newBoundingBox[0]) { newBoundingBox[0] = x; } if (x > newBoundingBox[1]) { newBoundingBox[1] = x; } if (y < newBoundingBox[2]) { newBoundingBox[2] = y; } if (y > newBoundingBox[3]) { newBoundingBox[3] = y; } } newXAxis = newBoundingBox[1] - newBoundingBox[0]; newYAxis = newBoundingBox[3] - newBoundingBox[2]; if ((newXAxis * newYAxis) < (axes[0] * axes[1])) { // minimize the area of the bounding box. axes[0] = newXAxis; axes[1] = newYAxis; if (axes[0] > axes[1]) { slope = -psi; } else { slope = -(rightAngle + psi); } x = newBoundingBox[0] + newXAxis / 2; y = newBoundingBox[2] + newYAxis / 2; boxCentreX = midX + (x * Math.cos(-psi)) - (y * Math.sin(-psi)); boxCentreY = midY + (x * Math.sin(-psi)) + (y * Math.cos(-psi)); } } longAxis = Math.max(axes[0], axes[1]); shortAxis = Math.min(axes[0], axes[1]); axesEndPoints[0][0] = boxCentreX + longAxis / 2.0 * Math.cos(slope); axesEndPoints[0][1] = boxCentreY + longAxis / 2.0 * Math.sin(slope); axesEndPoints[1][0] = boxCentreX - longAxis / 2.0 * Math.cos(slope); axesEndPoints[1][1] = boxCentreY - longAxis / 2.0 * Math.sin(slope); axesEndPoints[2][0] = boxCentreX + shortAxis / 2.0 * Math.cos(rightAngle + slope); axesEndPoints[2][1] = boxCentreY + shortAxis / 2.0 * Math.sin(rightAngle + slope); axesEndPoints[3][0] = boxCentreX - shortAxis / 2.0 * Math.cos(rightAngle + slope); axesEndPoints[3][1] = boxCentreY - shortAxis / 2.0 * Math.sin(rightAngle + slope); // find the nearest point to each of the axes end points double dist; XYPoint p1 = new XYPoint(); XYPoint p2 = new XYPoint(); XYPoint p3 = new XYPoint(); XYPoint p4 = new XYPoint(); XYPoint p5 = new XYPoint(); XYPoint p6 = new XYPoint(); XYPoint p7 = new XYPoint(); XYPoint p8 = new XYPoint(); double minDist = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { pt = fiducialMarks.get(i); x = pt.x; y = pt.y; dist = (axesEndPoints[0][0] - x) * (axesEndPoints[0][0] - x) + (axesEndPoints[0][1] - y) * (axesEndPoints[0][1] - y); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; p1 = pt; } } // whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.Point PP = new whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.Point(p1.x, p1.y); // Object[] rowData = new Object[1]; // rowData[0] = new Double(1); // output.addRecord(PP, rowData); minDist = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { pt = fiducialMarks.get(i); x = pt.x; y = pt.y; dist = (axesEndPoints[1][0] - x) * (axesEndPoints[1][0] - x) + (axesEndPoints[1][1] - y) * (axesEndPoints[1][1] - y); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; p2 = pt; } } // PP = new whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.Point(p2.x, p2.y); // rowData = new Object[1]; // rowData[0] = new Double(1); // output.addRecord(PP, rowData); minDist = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { pt = fiducialMarks.get(i); x = pt.x; y = pt.y; dist = (axesEndPoints[2][0] - x) * (axesEndPoints[2][0] - x) + (axesEndPoints[2][1] - y) * (axesEndPoints[2][1] - y); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; p3 = pt; } } // PP = new whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.Point(p3.x, p3.y); // rowData = new Object[1]; // rowData[0] = new Double(2); // output.addRecord(PP, rowData); minDist = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { pt = fiducialMarks.get(i); x = pt.x; y = pt.y; dist = (axesEndPoints[3][0] - x) * (axesEndPoints[3][0] - x) + (axesEndPoints[3][1] - y) * (axesEndPoints[3][1] - y); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; p4 = pt; } } // PP = new whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.Point(p4.x, p4.y); // rowData = new Object[1]; // rowData[0] = new Double(2); // output.addRecord(PP, rowData); double[][] cornerPoints = new double[4][2]; cornerPoints[0][0] = axesEndPoints[0][0] + shortAxis / 2.0 * Math.cos(rightAngle + slope); cornerPoints[0][1] = axesEndPoints[0][1] + shortAxis / 2.0 * Math.sin(rightAngle + slope); cornerPoints[1][0] = axesEndPoints[0][0] - shortAxis / 2.0 * Math.cos(rightAngle + slope); cornerPoints[1][1] = axesEndPoints[0][1] - shortAxis / 2.0 * Math.sin(rightAngle + slope); cornerPoints[2][0] = axesEndPoints[1][0] - shortAxis / 2.0 * Math.cos(rightAngle + slope); cornerPoints[2][1] = axesEndPoints[1][1] - shortAxis / 2.0 * Math.sin(rightAngle + slope); cornerPoints[3][0] = axesEndPoints[1][0] + shortAxis / 2.0 * Math.cos(rightAngle + slope); cornerPoints[3][1] = axesEndPoints[1][1] + shortAxis / 2.0 * Math.sin(rightAngle + slope); minDist = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { pt = fiducialMarks.get(i); x = pt.x; y = pt.y; dist = (cornerPoints[0][0] - x) * (cornerPoints[0][0] - x) + (cornerPoints[0][1] - y) * (cornerPoints[0][1] - y); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; p5 = pt; } } // PP = new whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.Point(p5.x, p5.y); // rowData = new Object[1]; // rowData[0] = new Double(3); // output.addRecord(PP, rowData); minDist = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { pt = fiducialMarks.get(i); x = pt.x; y = pt.y; dist = (cornerPoints[2][0] - x) * (cornerPoints[2][0] - x) + (cornerPoints[2][1] - y) * (cornerPoints[2][1] - y); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; p6 = pt; } } // PP = new whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.Point(p6.x, p6.y); // rowData = new Object[1]; // rowData[0] = new Double(3); // output.addRecord(PP, rowData); minDist = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { pt = fiducialMarks.get(i); x = pt.x; y = pt.y; dist = (cornerPoints[1][0] - x) * (cornerPoints[1][0] - x) + (cornerPoints[1][1] - y) * (cornerPoints[1][1] - y); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; p7 = pt; } } // PP = new whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.Point(p7.x, p7.y); // rowData = new Object[1]; // rowData[0] = new Double(4); // output.addRecord(PP, rowData); minDist = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { pt = fiducialMarks.get(i); x = pt.x; y = pt.y; dist = (cornerPoints[3][0] - x) * (cornerPoints[3][0] - x) + (cornerPoints[3][1] - y) * (cornerPoints[3][1] - y); if (dist < minDist) { minDist = dist; p8 = pt; } } // PP = new whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.Point(p8.x, p8.y); // rowData = new Object[1]; // rowData[0] = new Double(4); // output.addRecord(PP, rowData); // intersection 1 XYPoint intersection = new XYPoint(); double denominator = (p1.x - p2.x) * (p3.y - p4.y) - (p1.y - p2.y) * (p3.x - p4.x); if (denominator != 0) { double xNumerator = (p1.x * p2.y - p1.y * p2.x) * (p3.x - p4.x) - (p1.x - p2.x) * (p3.x * p4.y - p3.y * p4.x); double yNumerator = (p1.x * p2.y - p1.y * p2.x) * (p3.y - p4.y) - (p1.y - p2.y) * (p3.x * p4.y - p3.y * p4.x); intersection.x = xNumerator / denominator; intersection.y = yNumerator / denominator; } else { showFeedback("Something is wrong with the fiducial marks. Fiducial lines do not intersect"); return; } // PP = new whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.Point(intersection.x, intersection.y); // rowData = new Object[1]; // rowData[0] = new Double(5); // output.addRecord(PP, rowData); XYPoint intersection2 = new XYPoint(); denominator = (p5.x - p6.x) * (p7.y - p8.y) - (p5.y - p6.y) * (p7.x - p8.x); if (denominator != 0) { double xNumerator = (p5.x * p6.y - p5.y * p6.x) * (p7.x - p8.x) - (p5.x - p6.x) * (p7.x * p8.y - p7.y * p8.x); double yNumerator = (p5.x * p6.y - p5.y * p6.x) * (p7.y - p8.y) - (p5.y - p6.y) * (p7.x * p8.y - p7.y * p8.x); intersection2.x = xNumerator / denominator; intersection2.y = yNumerator / denominator; } else { showFeedback("Something is wrong with the fiducial marks. Fiducial lines do not intersect"); return; } // PP = new whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.Point(intersection2.x, intersection2.y); // rowData = new Object[1]; // rowData[0] = new Double(6); // output.addRecord(PP, rowData); whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.Point PP = new whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.Point((intersection.x + intersection2.x) / 2, (intersection.y + intersection2.y) / 2); Object[] rowData = new Object[1]; rowData[0] = new Double(1); output.addRecord(PP, rowData); output.write(); } else if (numMarks == 4) { // are the fiducials arranged by the diagonal corners or the centres of sides? XYPoint p1 = fiducialMarks.get(0); XYPoint p2 = new XYPoint(); XYPoint pt; double dist; double maxDist = 0; int k = 0; for (int a = 1; a < 4; a++) { pt = fiducialMarks.get(a); dist = Math.sqrt((pt.x - p1.x) * (pt.x - p1.x) + (pt.y - p1.y) * (pt.y - p1.y)); if (dist > maxDist) { maxDist = dist; p2 = pt; k = a; } } int i = 0, j = 0; switch (k) { case 1: i = 2; j = 3; break; case 2: i = 1; j = 3; break; case 3: i = 1; j = 2; break; } XYPoint p3 = fiducialMarks.get(i); XYPoint p4 = fiducialMarks.get(j); XYPoint intersection = new XYPoint(); double denominator = (p1.x - p2.x) * (p3.y - p4.y) - (p1.y - p2.y) * (p3.x - p4.x); if (denominator != 0) { double xNumerator = (p1.x * p2.y - p1.y * p2.x) * (p3.x - p4.x) - (p1.x - p2.x) * (p3.x * p4.y - p3.y * p4.x); double yNumerator = (p1.x * p2.y - p1.y * p2.x) * (p3.y - p4.y) - (p1.y - p2.y) * (p3.x * p4.y - p3.y * p4.x); intersection.x = xNumerator / denominator; intersection.y = yNumerator / denominator; } else { showFeedback("Something is wrong with the fiducial marks. Fiducial lines do not intersect"); return; } whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.Point PP = new whitebox.geospatialfiles.shapefile.Point(intersection.x, intersection.y); Object[] rowData = new Object[1]; rowData[0] = new Double(1); output.addRecord(PP, rowData); output.write(); } else { showFeedback("There should be either 4 or 8 fiducial marks. \nThere is something wrong with the input file. \nThe operation will be terminated."); return; } // returning a header file string displays the image. returnData(outputHeader); } catch (OutOfMemoryError oe) { myHost.showFeedback("An out-of-memory error has occurred during operation."); } catch (Exception e) { myHost.showFeedback("An error has occurred during operation. See log file for details."); myHost.logException("Error in " + getDescriptiveName(), e); } finally { updateProgress("Progress: ", 0); // tells the main application that this process is completed. amIActive = false; myHost.pluginComplete(); } } // /** // * This method is only used during testing. // */ // // // This method is only used during testing. // public static void main(String[] args) { // args = new String[2]; // //args[0] = "/Users/johnlindsay/Documents/Teaching/GEOG2420/airphotos/Guelph_A19409-82 fiducials2.shp"; // args[0] = "/Users/johnlindsay/Documents/Teaching/GEOG2420/airphotos/GuelphCampus_C6430-74072-L9_253 fiducials.shp"; // args[1] = "/Users/johnlindsay/Documents/Teaching/GEOG2420/airphotos/tmp6.shp"; // LocatePrincipalPoint lpp = new LocatePrincipalPoint(); // lpp.setArgs(args); // lpp.run(); // } }