/** * Copyright 2009 Rednaxela * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the * use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it * freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim * that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, * an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is * not required. * * 2. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ package whitebox.structures; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; /** * An efficient well-optimized kd-tree * * @author Rednaxela; modified by John Lindsay * @param <T> */ public abstract class KdTree<T> { // Static variables private static final int bucketSize = 24; // All types private final int dimensions; private final KdTree<T> parent; // Root only private final LinkedList<double[]> locationStack; private final Integer sizeLimit; // Leaf only private double[][] locations; private Object[] data; private int locationCount; // Stem only private KdTree<T> left, right; private int splitDimension; private double splitValue; // Bounds private double[] minLimit, maxLimit; private boolean singularity; // Temporary private Status status; /** * Construct a KdTree with a given number of dimensions and a limit on * maxiumum size (after which it throws away old points) */ private KdTree(int dimensions, Integer sizeLimit) { this.dimensions = dimensions; // Init as leaf this.locations = new double[bucketSize][]; this.data = new Object[bucketSize]; this.locationCount = 0; this.singularity = true; // Init as root this.parent = null; this.sizeLimit = sizeLimit; if (sizeLimit != null) { this.locationStack = new LinkedList<>(); } else { this.locationStack = null; } } /** * Constructor for child nodes. Internal use only. */ private KdTree(KdTree<T> parent, boolean right) { this.dimensions = parent.dimensions; // Init as leaf this.locations = new double[Math.max(bucketSize, parent.locationCount)][]; this.data = new Object[Math.max(bucketSize, parent.locationCount)]; this.locationCount = 0; this.singularity = true; // Init as non-root this.parent = parent; this.locationStack = null; this.sizeLimit = null; } /** * Get the number of points in the tree */ public int size() { return locationCount; } /** * Add a point and associated value to the tree */ public void addPoint(float[] location, T value) { double[] doubleLocation = new double[location.length]; for (int a = 0; a < location.length; a++) { doubleLocation[a] = location[a]; } addPoint(doubleLocation, value); } /** * Add a point and associated value to the tree */ public void addPoint(double[] location, T value) { try { KdTree<T> cursor = this; while (cursor.locations == null || cursor.locationCount >= cursor.locations.length) { if (cursor.locations != null) { cursor.splitDimension = cursor.findWidestAxis(); cursor.splitValue = (cursor.minLimit[cursor.splitDimension] + cursor.maxLimit[cursor.splitDimension]) * 0.5; // Never split on infinity or NaN if (cursor.splitValue == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { cursor.splitValue = Double.MAX_VALUE; } else if (cursor.splitValue == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { cursor.splitValue = -Double.MAX_VALUE; } else if (Double.isNaN(cursor.splitValue)) { cursor.splitValue = 0; } // Don't split node if it has no width in any axis. Double the // bucket size instead if (cursor.minLimit[cursor.splitDimension] == cursor.maxLimit[cursor.splitDimension]) { double[][] newLocations = new double[cursor.locations.length * 2][]; System.arraycopy(cursor.locations, 0, newLocations, 0, cursor.locationCount); cursor.locations = newLocations; Object[] newData = new Object[newLocations.length]; System.arraycopy(cursor.data, 0, newData, 0, cursor.locationCount); cursor.data = newData; break; } // Don't let the split value be the same as the upper value as // can happen due to rounding errors! if (cursor.splitValue == cursor.maxLimit[cursor.splitDimension]) { cursor.splitValue = cursor.minLimit[cursor.splitDimension]; } // Create child leaves KdTree<T> left = new ChildNode(cursor, false); KdTree<T> right = new ChildNode(cursor, true); // Move locations into children for (int i = 0; i < cursor.locationCount; i++) { double[] oldLocation = cursor.locations[i]; Object oldData = cursor.data[i]; if (oldLocation[cursor.splitDimension] > cursor.splitValue) { // Right right.locations[right.locationCount] = oldLocation; right.data[right.locationCount] = oldData; right.locationCount++; right.extendBounds(oldLocation); } else { // Left left.locations[left.locationCount] = oldLocation; left.data[left.locationCount] = oldData; left.locationCount++; left.extendBounds(oldLocation); } } // Make into stem cursor.left = left; cursor.right = right; cursor.locations = null; cursor.data = null; } cursor.locationCount++; cursor.extendBounds(location); if (location[cursor.splitDimension] > cursor.splitValue) { cursor = cursor.right; } else { cursor = cursor.left; } } cursor.locations[cursor.locationCount] = location; cursor.data[cursor.locationCount] = value; cursor.locationCount++; cursor.extendBounds(location); if (this.sizeLimit != null) { this.locationStack.add(location); if (this.locationCount > this.sizeLimit) { this.removeOld(); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } } /** * Extends the bounds of this node to include a new location */ private final void extendBounds(double[] location) { if (minLimit == null) { minLimit = new double[dimensions]; System.arraycopy(location, 0, minLimit, 0, dimensions); maxLimit = new double[dimensions]; System.arraycopy(location, 0, maxLimit, 0, dimensions); return; } for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) { if (Double.isNaN(location[i])) { minLimit[i] = Double.NaN; maxLimit[i] = Double.NaN; singularity = false; } else if (minLimit[i] > location[i]) { minLimit[i] = location[i]; singularity = false; } else if (maxLimit[i] < location[i]) { maxLimit[i] = location[i]; singularity = false; } } } /** * Find the widest axis of the bounds of this node */ private final int findWidestAxis() { int widest = 0; double width = (maxLimit[0] - minLimit[0]) * getAxisWeightHint(0); if (Double.isNaN(width)) { width = 0; } for (int i = 1; i < dimensions; i++) { double nwidth = (maxLimit[i] - minLimit[i]) * getAxisWeightHint(i); if (Double.isNaN(nwidth)) { nwidth = 0; } if (nwidth > width) { widest = i; width = nwidth; } } return widest; } /** * Remove the oldest value from the tree. Note: This cannot trim the bounds * of nodes, nor empty nodes, and thus you can't expect it to perfectly * preserve the speed of the tree as you keep adding. */ private void removeOld() { double[] location = this.locationStack.removeFirst(); KdTree<T> cursor = this; // Find the node where the point is while (cursor.locations == null) { if (location[cursor.splitDimension] > cursor.splitValue) { cursor = cursor.right; } else { cursor = cursor.left; } } for (int i = 0; i < cursor.locationCount; i++) { if (cursor.locations[i] == location) { System.arraycopy(cursor.locations, i + 1, cursor.locations, i, cursor.locationCount - i - 1); cursor.locations[cursor.locationCount - 1] = null; System.arraycopy(cursor.data, i + 1, cursor.data, i, cursor.locationCount - i - 1); cursor.data[cursor.locationCount - 1] = null; do { cursor.locationCount--; cursor = cursor.parent; } while (cursor.parent != null); return; } } // If we got here... we couldn't find the value to remove. Weird... } /** * Enumeration representing the status of a node during the running */ private static enum Status { NONE, LEFTVISITED, RIGHTVISITED, ALLVISITED } /** * Stores a distance and value to output */ public static class Entry<T> implements Comparable<Entry> { public final double distance; public final T value; private Entry(double distance, T value) { this.distance = distance; this.value = value; } @Override public int compareTo(Entry o) { if (this.distance < o.distance) { return 1; } else if (this.distance > o.distance) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } } /** * finds all points within 'range' distance to 'location' */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Entry<T>> neighborsWithinRange(float[] location, double range) { double[] doubleLocation = new double[location.length]; for (int a = 0; a < location.length; a++) { doubleLocation[a] = location[a]; } return neighborsWithinRange(doubleLocation, range); } /** * finds all points within 'range' distance to 'location' */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Entry<T>> neighborsWithinRange(double[] location, double range) { KdTree<T> cursor = this; cursor.status = Status.NONE; range = range * range; ArrayList<Entry<T>> results = new ArrayList<>(); // if (range <= 0) { // return results; // } do { if (cursor.status == Status.ALLVISITED) { // At a fully visited part. Move up the tree cursor = cursor.parent; continue; } if (cursor.status == Status.NONE && cursor.locations != null) { // At a leaf. Use the data. if (cursor.locationCount > 0) { if (cursor.singularity) { double dist = pointDist(cursor.locations[0], location); if (dist <= range) { for (int i = 0; i < cursor.locationCount; i++) { results.add(new Entry<>(dist, (T) cursor.data[i])); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < cursor.locationCount; i++) { double dist = pointDist(cursor.locations[i], location); if (dist <= range) { results.add(new Entry<>(dist, (T) cursor.data[i])); } } } } if (cursor.parent == null) { break; } cursor = cursor.parent; continue; } // Going to descend KdTree<T> nextCursor = null; if (cursor.status == Status.NONE) { // At a fresh node, descend the most probably useful direction if (location[cursor.splitDimension] > cursor.splitValue) { // Descend right nextCursor = cursor.right; cursor.status = Status.RIGHTVISITED; } else { // Descend left; nextCursor = cursor.left; cursor.status = Status.LEFTVISITED; } } else if (cursor.status == Status.LEFTVISITED) { // Left node visited, descend right. nextCursor = cursor.right; cursor.status = Status.ALLVISITED; } else if (cursor.status == Status.RIGHTVISITED) { // Right node visited, descend left. nextCursor = cursor.left; cursor.status = Status.ALLVISITED; } // Check if it's worth descending. Assume it is if it's sibling has // not been visited yet. if (cursor.status == Status.ALLVISITED) { if (nextCursor.locationCount == 0 || (!nextCursor.singularity && pointRegionDist(location, nextCursor.minLimit, nextCursor.maxLimit) > range)) { continue; } } // Descend down the tree cursor = nextCursor; cursor.status = Status.NONE; } while (cursor.parent != null || cursor.status != Status.ALLVISITED); return results; } /** * Calculates the nearest 'count' points to 'location' * @param location * @param count * @param sequentialSorting * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Entry<T>> nearestNeighbor(float[] location, int count, boolean sequentialSorting) { double[] doubleLocation = new double[location.length]; for (int a = 0; a < location.length; a++) { doubleLocation[a] = location[a]; } return nearestNeighbor(doubleLocation, count, sequentialSorting); } /** * Calculates the nearest 'count' points to 'location' * * @param location * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Entry<T> nearestNeighbor(double[] location) { KdTree<T> cursor = this; cursor.status = Status.NONE; double range = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; ResultHeap resultHeap = new ResultHeap(1); do { if (cursor.status == Status.ALLVISITED) { // At a fully visited part. Move up the tree cursor = cursor.parent; continue; } if (cursor.status == Status.NONE && cursor.locations != null) { // At a leaf. Use the data. if (cursor.locationCount > 0) { if (cursor.singularity) { double dist = pointDist(cursor.locations[0], location); if (dist <= range) { for (int i = 0; i < cursor.locationCount; i++) { resultHeap.addValue(dist, cursor.data[i]); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < cursor.locationCount; i++) { double dist = pointDist(cursor.locations[i], location); resultHeap.addValue(dist, cursor.data[i]); } } range = resultHeap.getMaxDist(); } if (cursor.parent == null) { break; } cursor = cursor.parent; continue; } // Going to descend KdTree<T> nextCursor = null; if (cursor.status == Status.NONE) { // At a fresh node, descend the most probably useful direction if (location[cursor.splitDimension] > cursor.splitValue) { // Descend right nextCursor = cursor.right; cursor.status = Status.RIGHTVISITED; } else { // Descend left; nextCursor = cursor.left; cursor.status = Status.LEFTVISITED; } } else if (cursor.status == Status.LEFTVISITED) { // Left node visited, descend right. nextCursor = cursor.right; cursor.status = Status.ALLVISITED; } else if (cursor.status == Status.RIGHTVISITED) { // Right node visited, descend left. nextCursor = cursor.left; cursor.status = Status.ALLVISITED; } // Check if it's worth descending. Assume it is if it's sibling has // not been visited yet. if (cursor.status == Status.ALLVISITED) { if (nextCursor.locationCount == 0 || (!nextCursor.singularity && pointRegionDist(location, nextCursor.minLimit, nextCursor.maxLimit) > range)) { continue; } } // Descend down the tree cursor = nextCursor; cursor.status = Status.NONE; } while (cursor.parent != null || cursor.status != Status.ALLVISITED); return new Entry<>(resultHeap.distance[0], (T) resultHeap.data[0]); } /** * Calculates the nearest 'count' points to 'location' * * @param location * @param count * @param sequentialSorting * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Entry<T>> nearestNeighbor(double[] location, int count, boolean sequentialSorting) { KdTree<T> cursor = this; cursor.status = Status.NONE; double range = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; ResultHeap resultHeap = new ResultHeap(count); do { if (cursor.status == Status.ALLVISITED) { // At a fully visited part. Move up the tree cursor = cursor.parent; continue; } if (cursor.status == Status.NONE && cursor.locations != null) { // At a leaf. Use the data. if (cursor.locationCount > 0) { if (cursor.singularity) { double dist = pointDist(cursor.locations[0], location); if (dist <= range) { for (int i = 0; i < cursor.locationCount; i++) { resultHeap.addValue(dist, cursor.data[i]); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < cursor.locationCount; i++) { double dist = pointDist(cursor.locations[i], location); resultHeap.addValue(dist, cursor.data[i]); } } range = resultHeap.getMaxDist(); } if (cursor.parent == null) { break; } cursor = cursor.parent; continue; } // Going to descend KdTree<T> nextCursor = null; if (cursor.status == Status.NONE) { // At a fresh node, descend the most probably useful direction if (location[cursor.splitDimension] > cursor.splitValue) { // Descend right nextCursor = cursor.right; cursor.status = Status.RIGHTVISITED; } else { // Descend left; nextCursor = cursor.left; cursor.status = Status.LEFTVISITED; } } else if (cursor.status == Status.LEFTVISITED) { // Left node visited, descend right. nextCursor = cursor.right; cursor.status = Status.ALLVISITED; } else if (cursor.status == Status.RIGHTVISITED) { // Right node visited, descend left. nextCursor = cursor.left; cursor.status = Status.ALLVISITED; } // Check if it's worth descending. Assume it is if it's sibling has // not been visited yet. if (cursor.status == Status.ALLVISITED) { if (nextCursor.locationCount == 0 || (!nextCursor.singularity && pointRegionDist(location, nextCursor.minLimit, nextCursor.maxLimit) > range)) { continue; } } // Descend down the tree cursor = nextCursor; cursor.status = Status.NONE; } while (cursor.parent != null || cursor.status != Status.ALLVISITED); ArrayList<Entry<T>> results = new ArrayList<>(resultHeap.values); if (sequentialSorting) { while (resultHeap.values > 0) { resultHeap.removeLargest(); results.add(new Entry<>(resultHeap.removedDist, (T) resultHeap.removedData)); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < resultHeap.values; i++) { results.add(new Entry<>(resultHeap.distance[i], (T) resultHeap.data[i])); } } return results; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Entry<T>> nearestNeighbor(double[] location, int count, boolean sequentialSorting, boolean useQuadBasedSearch) { if (!useQuadBasedSearch) { return nearestNeighbor(location, count, sequentialSorting); } else { ArrayList<Entry<T>> results = new ArrayList(); for (int q = 1; q < 5; q++) { List<Entry<T>> quadResults = nearestNeighbor(location, count / 4, (byte)q, sequentialSorting); for (Entry<T> entry : quadResults) { results.add(entry); } } return results; } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Entry<T>> nearestNeighbor(double[] location, int count, byte quadrant, boolean sequentialSorting) { KdTree<T> cursor = this; cursor.status = Status.NONE; double range = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; ResultHeap resultHeap = new ResultHeap(count); do { if (cursor.status == Status.ALLVISITED) { // At a fully visited part. Move up the tree cursor = cursor.parent; continue; } if (cursor.status == Status.NONE && cursor.locations != null) { // At a leaf. Use the data. if (cursor.locationCount > 0) { if (cursor.singularity) { double dist = pointDist(cursor.locations[0], location); if (dist <= range) { for (int i = 0; i < cursor.locationCount; i++) { if (getQuadrant(location, cursor.locations[i]) == quadrant) { resultHeap.addValue(dist, cursor.data[i]); } } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < cursor.locationCount; i++) { double dist = pointDist(cursor.locations[i], location); if (getQuadrant(location, cursor.locations[i]) == quadrant) { resultHeap.addValue(dist, cursor.data[i]); } } } range = resultHeap.getMaxDist(); } if (cursor.parent == null) { break; } cursor = cursor.parent; continue; } // Going to descend KdTree<T> nextCursor = null; if (cursor.status == Status.NONE) { // At a fresh node, descend the most probably useful direction if (location[cursor.splitDimension] > cursor.splitValue) { // Descend right nextCursor = cursor.right; cursor.status = Status.RIGHTVISITED; } else { // Descend left; nextCursor = cursor.left; cursor.status = Status.LEFTVISITED; } } else if (cursor.status == Status.LEFTVISITED) { // Left node visited, descend right. nextCursor = cursor.right; cursor.status = Status.ALLVISITED; } else if (cursor.status == Status.RIGHTVISITED) { // Right node visited, descend left. nextCursor = cursor.left; cursor.status = Status.ALLVISITED; } // Check if it's worth descending. Assume it is if it's sibling has // not been visited yet. if (cursor.status == Status.ALLVISITED) { if (nextCursor.locationCount == 0 || (!nextCursor.singularity && pointRegionDist(location, nextCursor.minLimit, nextCursor.maxLimit) > range)) { continue; } } // Descend down the tree cursor = nextCursor; cursor.status = Status.NONE; } while (cursor.parent != null || cursor.status != Status.ALLVISITED); ArrayList<Entry<T>> results = new ArrayList<>(resultHeap.values); if (sequentialSorting) { while (resultHeap.values > 0) { resultHeap.removeLargest(); results.add(new Entry<>(resultHeap.removedDist, (T) resultHeap.removedData)); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < resultHeap.values; i++) { results.add(new Entry<>(resultHeap.distance[i], (T) resultHeap.data[i])); } } return results; } private int getQuadrant(double[] location1, double[] location2) { double val1 = location2[0] - location1[0]; // difference in x double val2 = location2[1] - location1[1]; // difference in y if (val1 > 0.0 && val2 > 0.0) { return 1; } else if (val1 <= 0.0 && val2 > 0.0) { return 2; } else if (val1 <= 0.0 && val2 <= 0.0) { return 3; } else { return 4; } } // Override in subclasses protected abstract double pointDist(double[] p1, double[] p2); protected abstract double pointRegionDist(double[] point, double[] min, double[] max); protected double getAxisWeightHint(int i) { return 1.0; } /** * Internal class for child nodes */ private class ChildNode extends KdTree<T> { private ChildNode(KdTree<T> parent, boolean right) { super(parent, right); } // Distance measurements are always called from the root node @Override protected double pointDist(double[] p1, double[] p2) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } @Override protected double pointRegionDist(double[] point, double[] min, double[] max) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } /** * Class for tree with Weighted Squared Euclidean distancing */ public static class WeightedSqrEuclid<T> extends KdTree<T> { private double[] weights; public WeightedSqrEuclid(int dimensions, Integer sizeLimit) { super(dimensions, sizeLimit); this.weights = new double[dimensions]; Arrays.fill(this.weights, 1.0); } public void setWeights(double[] weights) { this.weights = weights; } @Override protected double getAxisWeightHint(int i) { return weights[i]; } @Override protected double pointDist(double[] p1, double[] p2) { double d = 0; for (int i = 0; i < p1.length; i++) { double diff = (p1[i] - p2[i]) * weights[i]; if (!Double.isNaN(diff)) { d += diff * diff; } } return d; } @Override protected double pointRegionDist(double[] point, double[] min, double[] max) { double d = 0; for (int i = 0; i < point.length; i++) { double diff = 0; if (point[i] > max[i]) { diff = (point[i] - max[i]) * weights[i]; } else if (point[i] < min[i]) { diff = (point[i] - min[i]) * weights[i]; } if (!Double.isNaN(diff)) { d += diff * diff; } } return d; } } /** * Class for tree with Unweighted Squared Euclidean distancing */ public static class SqrEuclid<T> extends KdTree<T> { public SqrEuclid(int dimensions, Integer sizeLimit) { super(dimensions, sizeLimit); } @Override protected double pointDist(double[] p1, double[] p2) { double d = 0; for (int i = 0; i < p1.length; i++) { double diff = (p1[i] - p2[i]); if (!Double.isNaN(diff)) { d += diff * diff; } } return d; } @Override protected double pointRegionDist(double[] point, double[] min, double[] max) { double d = 0; for (int i = 0; i < point.length; i++) { double diff = 0; if (point[i] > max[i]) { diff = (point[i] - max[i]); } else if (point[i] < min[i]) { diff = (point[i] - min[i]); } if (!Double.isNaN(diff)) { d += diff * diff; } } return d; } } /** * Class for tree with Weighted Manhattan distancing */ public static class WeightedManhattan<T> extends KdTree<T> { private double[] weights; public WeightedManhattan(int dimensions, Integer sizeLimit) { super(dimensions, sizeLimit); this.weights = new double[dimensions]; Arrays.fill(this.weights, 1.0); } public void setWeights(double[] weights) { this.weights = weights; } @Override protected double getAxisWeightHint(int i) { return weights[i]; } @Override protected double pointDist(double[] p1, double[] p2) { double d = 0; for (int i = 0; i < p1.length; i++) { double diff = (p1[i] - p2[i]); if (!Double.isNaN(diff)) { d += ((diff < 0) ? -diff : diff) * weights[i]; } } return d; } @Override protected double pointRegionDist(double[] point, double[] min, double[] max) { double d = 0; for (int i = 0; i < point.length; i++) { double diff = 0; if (point[i] > max[i]) { diff = (point[i] - max[i]); } else if (point[i] < min[i]) { diff = (min[i] - point[i]); } if (!Double.isNaN(diff)) { d += diff * weights[i]; } } return d; } } /** * Class for tree with Manhattan distancing */ public static class Manhattan<T> extends KdTree<T> { public Manhattan(int dimensions, Integer sizeLimit) { super(dimensions, sizeLimit); } @Override protected double pointDist(double[] p1, double[] p2) { double d = 0; for (int i = 0; i < p1.length; i++) { double diff = (p1[i] - p2[i]); if (!Double.isNaN(diff)) { d += (diff < 0) ? -diff : diff; } } return d; } @Override protected double pointRegionDist(double[] point, double[] min, double[] max) { double d = 0; for (int i = 0; i < point.length; i++) { double diff = 0; if (point[i] > max[i]) { diff = (point[i] - max[i]); } else if (point[i] < min[i]) { diff = (min[i] - point[i]); } if (!Double.isNaN(diff)) { d += diff; } } return d; } } /** * Class for tracking up to 'size' closest values */ private static class ResultHeap { private final Object[] data; private final double[] distance; private final int size; private int values; public Object removedData; public double removedDist; public ResultHeap(int size) { this.data = new Object[size]; this.distance = new double[size]; this.size = size; this.values = 0; } public void addValue(double dist, Object value) { // If there is still room in the heap if (values < size) { // Insert new value at the end data[values] = value; distance[values] = dist; upHeapify(values); values++; } // If there is no room left in the heap, and the new entry is lower // than the max entry else if (dist < distance[0]) { // Replace the max entry with the new entry data[0] = value; distance[0] = dist; downHeapify(0); } } public void removeLargest() { if (values == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } removedData = data[0]; removedDist = distance[0]; values--; data[0] = data[values]; distance[0] = distance[values]; downHeapify(0); } private void upHeapify(int c) { for (int p = (c - 1) / 2; c != 0 && distance[c] > distance[p]; c = p, p = (c - 1) / 2) { Object pData = data[p]; double pDist = distance[p]; data[p] = data[c]; distance[p] = distance[c]; data[c] = pData; distance[c] = pDist; } } private void downHeapify(int p) { for (int c = p * 2 + 1; c < values; p = c, c = p * 2 + 1) { if (c + 1 < values && distance[c] < distance[c + 1]) { c++; } if (distance[p] < distance[c]) { // Swap the points Object pData = data[p]; double pDist = distance[p]; data[p] = data[c]; distance[p] = distance[c]; data[c] = pData; distance[c] = pDist; } else { break; } } } public double getMaxDist() { if (values < size) { return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } return distance[0]; } } }