package photogrammetry.util; import; import; import Jama.Matrix; import photogrammetry.util.model.HasCoordinates2d; import photogrammetry.util.model.Point2d; /** * Holds intrinsic camera parameters and performs undistortion. * * @author johannes */ public class Camera { private final Matrix intrinsics; private final Matrix distCoeffs; private final Matrix invIntrinsics; private final double cx, cy, fx, fy; private final double k1, k2, p1, p2; /** * Create a new camera. * * @param intr * the file where the camera's intrinsic matrix is stored * @param dist * the file where the camera's distortion coefficients are stored. If null, (0,0,0,0) * will be assumed. * @throws IOException * if one of the files couldn't be read */ public Camera(File intr, File dist) throws IOException { intrinsics = new Matrix(MatrixUtils.loadMatrix(intr), 3).transpose(); distCoeffs = new Matrix(dist == null ? new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 } : MatrixUtils.loadMatrix(dist), 1); invIntrinsics = intrinsics.inverse(); cx = intrinsics.get(0, 2); cy = intrinsics.get(1, 2); fx = intrinsics.get(0, 0); fy = intrinsics.get(1, 1); k1 = distCoeffs.get(0, 0); k2 = distCoeffs.get(0, 1); p1 = distCoeffs.get(0, 2); p2 = distCoeffs.get(0, 3); } /** * Create a new camera with a given camera matrix and no distortion. * * @param intr * the camera matrix */ public Camera(Matrix intr) { intrinsics = intr; distCoeffs = new Matrix(new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, 1); invIntrinsics = intr.inverse(); cx = intrinsics.get(0, 2); cy = intrinsics.get(1, 2); fx = intrinsics.get(0, 0); fy = intrinsics.get(1, 1); k1 = k2 = p1 = p2 = 0; } /** * Performs undistortion on a point. * * @param p * the point in image coordinates (observed point coordinates) * @return the ideal point coordinates */ public synchronized Point2d undistort(HasCoordinates2d p) { double x = (p.getX() - cx) / fx; double y = (p.getY() - cy) / fy; final double r2 = x * x + y * y; final double r4 = r2 * r2; final double a = 1 + k1 * r2 + k2 * r4; double xp = x * a + 2 * p1 * x * y + p2 * (r2 + 2 * x * x); double yp = y * a + 2 * p2 * x * y + p1 * (r2 + 2 * y * y); return new Point2d(fx * xp + cx, fy * yp + cy); } /** * Return the inverse of the intrinsic matrix. * * @return the inverse of the camera matrix */ public Matrix getInvIntrinsics() { return invIntrinsics; } /** * Return the intrinsic matrix. * * @return the camera matrix */ public Matrix getIntrinsics() { return intrinsics; } /** * Check whether a point is behind the camera. See *, slide 17. * * @param pt * the point to check * @param t * the position of the world frame's origin in the camera frame * @param r * the rotation matrix describing the world frame in the camera's frame * @return true iff the point lies behind the camera. */ public boolean isPointBehindCamera(Matrix pt, Matrix t, Matrix r) { return r.times(pt).get(2, 0) + t.get(2, 0) <= 0; } }