package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import org.eclipse.january.DatasetException; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.Dataset; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.DatasetFactory; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.DatasetUtils; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.DoubleDataset; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.Maths; import junit.framework.TestCase; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class XPDFCylinderTest extends TestCase { final static private String testDataDir = "/home/rkl37156/ceria_dean_data/testData/"; public void testGetUpstreamPathLength() { // fail("Temporary fail"); //TODO: remove XPDFComponentCylinder cap = new XPDFComponentCylinder(); cap.setDistances(0.15, 0.16); cap.setStreamality(true, true); final int xSize = 64, ySize = 64; Dataset pathLengthExp = DatasetFactory.zeros(DoubleDataset.class, xSize, ySize); Dataset pathLength = DatasetFactory.zeros(pathLengthExp); Dataset r = DatasetFactory.zeros(pathLengthExp); Dataset xi = DatasetFactory.zeros(pathLengthExp); // Read the data from file String fileDirectory = testDataDir; Dataset[] datasets = {pathLengthExp, r, xi}; String[] files = {"incoming", "sample_r", "sample_xi"}; for (int k = 0; k<3; k++) { Path filePath = new File(fileDirectory+files[k]+".txt").toPath(); List<String> filelines = new ArrayList<String>(); try { filelines = Files.readAllLines(filePath); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Error reading " + filePath.toString()); } for (int i = 0; i<ySize; i++) { String[] splitline = filelines.get(i).split(" "); for (int j = 0; j< xSize; j++) { double assignee = Double.parseDouble(splitline[j]); datasets[k].set(assignee, i, j); } } } Dataset x = Maths.multiply(r, Maths.sin(xi)); Dataset z = Maths.multiply(r, Maths.cos(xi)); Dataset y = DatasetFactory.zeros(x); pathLength = cap.getUpstreamPathLength(x, y, z); double rmsError = Math.sqrt((Double) Maths.square(Maths.subtract(pathLength, pathLengthExp)).mean()); assertTrue("Error in upstream path length too large", rmsError < 1e-6); //fail("Not yet implemented"); } public void testGetDownstreamPathLength() { // fail("Temporary fail"); //TODO: remove XPDFComponentCylinder cap = new XPDFComponentCylinder(); cap.setDistances(0.15, 0.16); cap.setStreamality(true, true); final int xSize = 64, ySize = 64; Dataset pathLengthExp = DatasetFactory.zeros(DoubleDataset.class, xSize, ySize); Dataset pathLength = DatasetFactory.zeros(pathLengthExp); Dataset r = DatasetFactory.zeros(DoubleDataset.class, xSize, ySize); Dataset xi = DatasetFactory.zeros(r); String[] angles = {"0.0", "15.0", "28.5", "29.5", "47.0"}; int nAngles = angles.length; for (String angle : angles) { // Read the data from file String fileDirectory = testDataDir; Dataset[] datasets = {pathLengthExp, r, xi}; String[] files = {"outgoing"+angle, "sample_r", "sample_xi"}; for (int k = 0; k<3; k++) { Path filePath = new File(fileDirectory+files[k]+".txt").toPath(); List<String> filelines = new ArrayList<String>(); try { filelines = Files.readAllLines(filePath); } catch (Exception e) { fail("Error reading " + filePath.toString()); } for (int i = 0; i<ySize; i++) { String[] splitline = filelines.get(i).split(" "); for (int j = 0; j< xSize; j++) { double assignee = Double.parseDouble(splitline[j]); datasets[k].set(assignee, i, j); } } } Dataset x = Maths.multiply(r, Maths.sin(xi)); Dataset z = Maths.multiply(r, Maths.cos(xi)); Dataset y = DatasetFactory.zeros(x); pathLength= cap.getDownstreamPathLength(x, y, z, 0.0, Math.toRadians(Double.parseDouble(angle))); // TODO: remove temporary write command try (Writer fileWriter = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(testDataDir + "outgoing"+angle+".java.txt"), "utf-8"))) { for (int i = 0; i<ySize; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < xSize; j++) { fileWriter.write(((Double) pathLength.getDouble(i, j)).toString()+" "); } fileWriter.write(13); // Carriage return } } catch(Exception e) { ; } double rmsError = Math.sqrt((Double) Maths.square(Maths.subtract(pathLength, pathLengthExp)).mean()); assertTrue("Error in downstream path length at " + angle + " too large: " + rmsError, rmsError < 1e-6); } } public void testAbsorptionCorrections() throws DatasetException { // fail("Temporary fail"); //TODO: remove double rmsError = absorptionCorrectionCommon(true, true); double rmsErrorTarget = 1e-6; assertTrue("Error in sample-sample absorption correction too large: " + rmsError, rmsError < rmsErrorTarget); } public void testAbsorptionCorrectionsSC() throws DatasetException { // fail("Temporary fail"); //TODO: remove double rmsError = absorptionCorrectionCommon(true, false); double rmsErrorTarget = 1e-6; assertTrue("Error in sample-capillary absorption correction too large: " + rmsError, rmsError < rmsErrorTarget); } public void testAbsorptionCorrectionsCS() throws DatasetException { // fail("Temporary fail"); //TODO: remove double rmsError = absorptionCorrectionCommon(false, true); double rmsErrorTarget = 1e-6; assertTrue("Error in capillary-sample absorption correction too large: " + rmsError, rmsError < rmsErrorTarget); } public void testAbsorptionCorrectionsCC() throws DatasetException { // fail("Temporary fail"); //TODO: remove double rmsError = absorptionCorrectionCommon(false, false); double rmsErrorTarget = 1e-6; assertTrue("Error in capillary-capillary absorption correction too large: " + rmsError, rmsError < rmsErrorTarget); } public double absorptionCorrectionCommon(boolean isSampleScatterer, boolean isSampleAttenuator) throws DatasetException { // Make the two components as ComponentGeometries XPDFComponentGeometry sample = new XPDFComponentCylinder(); XPDFComponentGeometry capillary = new XPDFComponentCylinder(); sample.setDistances(0.0, 0.15); sample.setStreamality(true, true); capillary.setDistances(0.15, 0.16); capillary.setStreamality(true, true); XPDFComponentGeometry scatterer = (isSampleScatterer) ? sample : capillary; XPDFComponentGeometry attenuator = (isSampleAttenuator) ? sample : capillary; // These will be calculated by the Composition class double quartzAttenuationCoefficient = 0.0529783195963; double ceriaAttenuationCoefficient = 1.86349597825; double attenuationCoefficient = (isSampleAttenuator) ? ceriaAttenuationCoefficient : quartzAttenuationCoefficient; XPDFBeamData beamData = new XPDFBeamData(); beamData.setBeamEnergy(76.6); beamData.setBeamHeight(0.07); beamData.setBeamWidth(0.07); // Read the target data, and also the angles (in radians) to run String dataPath = testDataDir; IDataHolder dh = null; String scattererName, attenuatorName; scattererName = (isSampleScatterer) ? "sample" : "container"; attenuatorName = (isSampleAttenuator) ? "sample" : "container"; String filename = dataPath+scattererName + "_" + attenuatorName + "_abs.xy"; try { dh = LoaderFactory.getData(filename); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error reading file: " + filename); fail("Error reading file: " + filename); } Dataset delta1D = DatasetUtils.sliceAndConvertLazyDataset(dh.getLazyDataset("Column_1")); Dataset delta = DatasetFactory.zeros(DoubleDataset.class, delta1D.getSize(), 1); for (int i = 0; i<delta1D.getSize(); i++) delta.set(delta1D.getDouble(i), i, 0); Dataset gamma = DatasetFactory.zeros(delta); Dataset expected = DatasetUtils.sliceAndConvertLazyDataset(dh.getLazyDataset("Column_2")); expected.setShape(expected.getSize(), 1); Dataset calculated = scatterer.calculateAbsorptionCorrections(gamma, delta, attenuator, attenuationCoefficient, beamData, true, true); //calculated.squeeze(); Dataset difference = Maths.subtract(calculated, expected); return Math.sqrt((Double) Maths.square(difference).mean()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Tests using data from the autumn 2015 standards experiments // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void testFluorescence() throws DatasetException { XPDFSubstance ceria = new XPDFSubstance("ceria", "CeO2", 7.65, 0.6); XPDFSubstance bto = new XPDFSubstance("BTO", "BaTiO3", 6.05, 0.6); XPDFSubstance nickel = new XPDFSubstance("nickel", "Ni", 8.95, 0.6); XPDFSubstance quartz = new XPDFSubstance("quartz", "SiO2", 2.65, 1.0); double[] ceriumLines = new double[] {34.7196, 34.2788, 39.2576, 4.8401, 5.2629}; double[] bariumLines = new double[] {32.1936, 31.817, 36.3784, 4.4663, 4.8275}; double[] nickelLines = new double[] {7.4781}; // create a map between fluorescence energies and target result file names Map<Double, String> ceriaEnergyFileMap = new HashMap<Double, String>(); ceriaEnergyFileMap.put(34.720, "34720"); ceriaEnergyFileMap.put(34.279, "34279"); ceriaEnergyFileMap.put(39.258, "39258"); ceriaEnergyFileMap.put(40.236, "40236"); ceriaEnergyFileMap.put(4.840, "4840"); ceriaEnergyFileMap.put(5.263, "5263"); XPDFComponentGeometry cap1mm= new XPDFComponentCylinder(); cap1mm.setDistances(0.5, 0.51); cap1mm.setStreamality(true, true); XPDFComponentGeometry powder1mm = new XPDFComponentCylinder(); powder1mm.setDistances(0.0, 0.5); powder1mm.setStreamality(true, true); XPDFComponentForm capForm = new XPDFComponentForm(); capForm.setGeom(cap1mm); capForm.setMatName("SiO2"); XPDFTargetComponent quartzCap = new XPDFTargetComponent(); quartzCap.setForm(capForm); quartzCap.setSample(false); quartzCap.setName("quartz capillary"); XPDFBeamData beamData = new XPDFBeamData(); beamData.setBeamEnergy(76.6); beamData.setBeamHeight(0.07); beamData.setBeamWidth(0.07); List<XPDFComponentGeometry> attenuators = new ArrayList<XPDFComponentGeometry>(); attenuators.add(powder1mm); attenuators.add(cap1mm); List<Dataset> lineFluorescence = new ArrayList<Dataset>(); // for (int iLine = 0; iLine < ceriumLines.length; iLine++) { for (Map.Entry<Double, String> energyEntry : ceriaEnergyFileMap.entrySet()) { double lineEnergy = energyEntry.getKey(); List<Double> muIn = new ArrayList<Double>(); muIn.add(ceria.getAttenuationCoefficient(beamData.getBeamEnergy())); muIn.add(quartz.getAttenuationCoefficient(beamData.getBeamEnergy())); List<Double> muOut = new ArrayList<Double>(); muOut.add(ceria.getAttenuationCoefficient(lineEnergy)); muOut.add(quartz.getAttenuationCoefficient(lineEnergy)); // Read the target data, and also the angles (in radians) to run String dataPath = testDataDir; IDataHolder dh = null; String fluorName = "ceria"; String fluorNumber = energyEntry.getValue(); String fullFileName = dataPath+fluorName+ ".fluor." + fluorNumber + ".xy"; try { dh = LoaderFactory.getData(fullFileName); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error reading file: " + fullFileName); fail("Error reading file: " + fullFileName); } Dataset delta1D = DatasetUtils.sliceAndConvertLazyDataset(dh.getLazyDataset("Column_1")); Dataset delta = DatasetFactory.zeros(DoubleDataset.class, delta1D.getSize(), 1); for (int i = 0; i<delta1D.getSize(); i++) delta.set(Math.toRadians(delta1D.getDouble(i)), i, 0); Dataset gamma = DatasetFactory.zeros(delta); // convert to radians, and rotate the detector double rotationAngle = Math.toRadians(120.0); // gamma is known to be zero, so just overwrite it gamma = Maths.multiply(Math.sin(rotationAngle), delta); delta = Maths.multiply(Math.cos(rotationAngle), delta); Dataset expected = DatasetUtils.sliceAndConvertLazyDataset(dh.getLazyDataset("Column_2")); Dataset ceriaFluor1 = powder1mm.calculateFluorescence(gamma, delta, attenuators, muIn, muOut, beamData, true, true); Dataset error = Maths.divide(ceriaFluor1.squeeze(), expected); error.isubtract(1); error = Maths.square(error); double sumError = (double) error.mean(); sumError = Math.sqrt(sumError); assertTrue("Too large a difference, " + sumError + " between expected and calculated fluorescence for " + fluorName + " at " + lineEnergy + "keV.", sumError < 8e-2); lineFluorescence.add(ceriaFluor1); } } public void testCeriaAbsorption() throws DatasetException { XPDFSubstance ceria = new XPDFSubstance("ceria", "CeO2", 7.65, 0.6); XPDFComponentGeometry cap1mm= new XPDFComponentCylinder(); cap1mm.setDistances(0.5, 0.51); cap1mm.setStreamality(true, true); XPDFComponentGeometry powder1mm = new XPDFComponentCylinder(); powder1mm.setDistances(0.0, 0.5); powder1mm.setStreamality(true, true); XPDFComponentForm capForm = new XPDFComponentForm(); capForm.setGeom(cap1mm); capForm.setMatName("SiO2"); XPDFTargetComponent quartzCap = new XPDFTargetComponent(); quartzCap.setForm(capForm); quartzCap.setSample(false); quartzCap.setName("quartz capillary"); XPDFBeamData beamData = new XPDFBeamData(); beamData.setBeamEnergy(76.6); beamData.setBeamHeight(0.07); beamData.setBeamWidth(0.07); List<XPDFComponentGeometry> attenuators = new ArrayList<XPDFComponentGeometry>(); attenuators.add(powder1mm); attenuators.add(cap1mm); String[] scattererNames = {"NIST_Ceria", "QGCT_1mm"}; String[] absorberNames = scattererNames; double[] mus = {ceria.getAttenuationCoefficient(beamData.getBeamEnergy()), capForm.getAttenuationCoefficient(beamData.getBeamEnergy())}; String dataPath = "/home/rkl37156/ceria_dean_data/standards2015/absorption/"; String fileName = "NIST_Ceria"; IDataHolder dh = null; for (int iScatter = 0; iScatter < 2; iScatter++) { for (int jAbsorber = 0; jAbsorber < 2; jAbsorber++) { String fn = dataPath+fileName+"_"+scattererNames[iScatter] + "_in_" + absorberNames[jAbsorber]+ ".xy"; try { dh = LoaderFactory.getData(fn); } catch (Exception e) { fail("File not found: " + fn); } Dataset delta1D = DatasetUtils.sliceAndConvertLazyDataset(dh.getLazyDataset("Column_1")); Dataset delta = DatasetFactory.zeros(DoubleDataset.class, delta1D.getSize(), 1); for (int i = 0; i<delta1D.getSize(); i++) delta.set(delta1D.getDouble(i), i, 0); Dataset gamma = DatasetFactory.zeros(delta); Dataset expected = DatasetUtils.sliceAndConvertLazyDataset(dh.getLazyDataset("Column_2")); // Calculate a result Dataset result = attenuators.get(iScatter).calculateAbsorptionCorrections(gamma, delta, attenuators.get(jAbsorber), mus[jAbsorber], beamData, true, true); Dataset difference = Maths.subtract(result, expected); Dataset squareDifference = Maths.square(difference); double rmsDifference = Math.sqrt((double) squareDifference.mean()); double maxDifference = 2e-2; assertTrue("Absorption of " + scattererNames[iScatter] + " in " + absorberNames[jAbsorber] + " deviates too far from target values: "+ rmsDifference, rmsDifference < maxDifference); } } } }