package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.Dataset; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.DatasetFactory; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.DoubleDataset; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.IDataset; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.Random; import; import; import; import; /** * Automatic Multiscale Peak Detector * * Best for noisy and periodic peak data. Will not work in other * environments. * * Having large plateau regions will result in less peaks detected, * increasing regression strength could help with this or sectioning * data. * * Reference Paper: Scholkmann, F., Boss, J., & Wolf, M. (2012). An * efficient algorithm for automatic peak detection in noisy periodic * and quasi-periodic signals. Algorithms, 5(4), 588–603. * * * XXX: when large datasets are passed (10000 points) peak finder no longer performs well. * * TODO: laxyDataset * * @author Dean P. Ottewell * * */ public class AutoPeakFinder extends AbstractPeakFinder { private Integer fitDegree; private DoubleDataset detrendSignal; private DoubleDataset fitSignal; private final static String NAME = "Auto Peakfinder"; private String FITDEGREENAME = "Fit Degree"; @Override protected void setName() { = NAME; } public DoubleDataset getDetrendSignal() { return detrendSignal; } public AutoPeakFinder() { super(); try { initialiseParameter(FITDEGREENAME, true, 6); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); logger.error("Problem initialising " + this.getName() + " peak finder: e"); } loadParam(); } public void loadParam() { try { fitDegree = (Integer) getParameterValue(FITDEGREENAME); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Could not find specified peak finding parameters"); } } // TODO: maxPeaks is also not used in AMPD, nPeaks is used no where!??!??? @Override public Map<Integer, Double> findPeaks(IDataset xData, IDataset yData, Integer maxPeaks) { detrendSignal = detrendSignal(xData, yData, fitDegree); int wHeight = detrendSignal.getSize(); int wWidth = (int) Math.ceil(wHeight / 2.0) - 1; // L is max window width DoubleDataset mpk = generateLMS(yData, wWidth, wHeight); // Row wise sum of LMS DoubleDataset gammaMatrix = (DoubleDataset) mpk.sum(1); // Find global minimum in the gamma sum int pkLambda = gammaMatrix.argMin(); // Pick submatrix from LMS matrix DoubleDataset subMatrix = (DoubleDataset) mpk.getSlice(new int[] { 0, 0 }, new int[] { pkLambda, wHeight }, new int[] { 1, 1 }); DoubleDataset stdResultsTest = (DoubleDataset) subMatrix.stdDeviation(0); Map<Integer, Double> peakPosnsSigs = new TreeMap<Integer, Double>(); // Pick indices values where standard devision==0 for (int j = 0; j < stdResultsTest.getSize(); ++j) { if (stdResultsTest.getDouble(j) == 0) { // This is a pick position add to pick list peakPosnsSigs.put(j, yData.getDouble(j)); } } return peakPosnsSigs; } /** * Produces a local maxima scalogram of data set given a window to decide if * value is significant. * * @param dataSeries 1D Data set of values wish to create matrix based on * @param windowWidth * @param windowHeight * * @return 2D matrix of values from 0 - 1 filtered on local max conditions. */ public DoubleDataset generateLMS(IDataset dataSeries, int windowWidth, int windowHeight) { DoubleDataset mpk = generateDistributedMatrix(windowWidth, windowHeight); // Generate LMS of the signal for (int k = 1; k <= windowWidth; ++k) { for (int i = k + 1; i < windowHeight - k + 1; ++i) { // Check if exists outside window kernal bounds if ((dataSeries.getDouble(i - 1) > dataSeries.getDouble(i - k - 1)) && (dataSeries.getDouble(i - 1) > dataSeries.getDouble(i + k - 1))) { // set matrix val to zero mpk.set(0, k - 1, i - 1); } } } return mpk; } /** * Creates uniformed distributed matrix from 0.0, 1.0 * * Then increases on a constant factor of aplha=1. * * @param width * @param height * @return 2D matrix values 0 - 1 */ public DoubleDataset generateDistributedMatrix(int width, int height) { // Require a uniformly random number set r from [0,1] to begin DoubleDataset mpk = Random.rand(0.0, 1.0, new int[] { width, height }); // TODO: link with alpha constant parameter instead DoubleDataset ones = DatasetFactory.ones(new int[] { width, height }); mpk.iadd(ones); return mpk; } /** * * Linearly detrend signal using a polyfit as regression method. * * @param xData * @param yData * @return dataset based on yData peaks that resultant should be regressed. xData values ultimately the same so are not changed */ public DoubleDataset detrendSignal(IDataset xData, IDataset yData, int degree) { // TODO: use different ployfit this is this in review below ApacheOptimizer optimizer = new ApacheOptimizer(Optimizer.LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT); Polynomial ply = new Polynomial(3); try { optimizer.optimize(new Dataset[] { (Dataset) xData },yData,ply); optimizer.getData(); IDataset testResults = optimizer.calculateValues(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug("Could not detrend signal ", e); e.printStackTrace(); } // Polyfit not fitting Polynomial fit = Fitter.polyFit(new Dataset[] { (Dataset) xData }, (Dataset) yData, 1e-15, degree); fitSignal = fit.calculateValues(xData); List<Double> dSig = new ArrayList<Double>(); for (int i = 0; i < fitSignal.getSize(); ++i) { Double detr = yData.getDouble(i) - fitSignal.getDouble(i); dSig.add(detr); } return fitSignal; } }