package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import org.dawb.passerelle.common.DatasetConstants; import org.dawb.passerelle.common.actors.AbstractDataMessageSource; import org.dawb.passerelle.common.actors.ActorUtils; import org.dawb.passerelle.common.message.DataMessageException; import org.dawb.passerelle.common.message.IVariable; import org.dawb.passerelle.common.message.IVariable.VARIABLE_TYPE; import org.dawb.passerelle.common.message.MessageUtils; import org.dawb.passerelle.common.message.Variable; import org.dawb.passerelle.common.parameter.ParameterUtils; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import; import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.api.message.DataMessageComponent; import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.api.processing.IOperationContext; import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.dataset.slicer.ISliceViewIterator; import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.dataset.slicer.SliceFromSeriesMetadata; import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.dataset.slicer.SliceViewIterator; import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.dataset.slicer.Slicer; import org.eclipse.dawnsci.analysis.dataset.slicer.SourceInformation; import org.eclipse.january.DatasetException; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.IDataset; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.ILazyDataset; import org.eclipse.january.metadata.MetadataType; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import ptolemy.kernel.CompositeEntity; import ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException; import ptolemy.kernel.util.Moveable; import ptolemy.kernel.util.NameDuplicationException; import; import; import; import com.isencia.passerelle.core.ErrorCode; import com.isencia.passerelle.core.PasserelleException; import com.isencia.passerelle.message.ManagedMessage; import com.isencia.passerelle.message.MessageException; import com.isencia.passerelle.message.MessageFactory; import com.isencia.passerelle.util.EnvironmentUtils; import com.isencia.passerelle.util.ptolemy.IAvailableChoices; import com.isencia.passerelle.util.ptolemy.ResourceParameter; import com.isencia.passerelle.util.ptolemy.StringChoiceParameter; import com.isencia.util.StringConvertor; /** * TODO This class is not currently editable in the UI. * This task can be completed by creating attributes which edit the * slice setup @see DataImportSource * * For now the class is created in memory to run the operation service pipeline. * * To avoid too much data in memory the Q size is defaulted on this class * * @author Matthew Gerring * TODO Move {@link ISliceInformationProvider} out of {@link org.dawb.passerelle.actors.ui} an put in a more common location */ public class OperationSource extends AbstractDataMessageSource implements ISliceInformationProvider { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OperationSource.class); private ISliceViewIterator generator; private ManagedMessage message; // private Queue<SliceInfo> queue; private IOperationContext context; // Might be null if pipeline rerun from UI // a counter for indexing each generated message in the complete sequence that this source generates private long msgCounter; // a unique sequence identifier for each execution of this actor within a single parent workflow execution private long msgSequenceID; // Attributes public final ResourceParameter path; public final StringParameter datasetPath; public final JSONSliceParameter slicing; /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -1014225092138237014L; public OperationSource(CompositeEntity container, String name) throws NameDuplicationException, IllegalActionException { super(container, name); // Data file path = new ResourceParameter(this, "Data File", "Data File", LoaderFactory.getSupportedExtensions().toArray(new String[0])); setDescription(path, Requirement.ESSENTIAL, VariableHandling.EXPAND, "The path to the data to read. May be an external file (full path to file) or a file in the workspace ('relative' file) or a folder which will iterate over all contained files and use the filter."); try { URI baseURI = new File(StringConvertor.convertPathDelimiters(EnvironmentUtils.getApplicationRootFolder())).toURI(); path.setBaseDirectory(baseURI); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Cannot set base directory for "+getClass().getName(), e); } registerConfigurableParameter(path); // Its data datasetPath = new StringChoiceParameter(this, "Data Set", new IAvailableChoices() { @Override public String[] getChoices() { try { return LoaderFactory.getData(getSourcePath()).getNames(); } catch (Exception ne) { return new String[]{"Please select a Data File"}; } } @Override public Map<String,String> getVisibleChoices() { return null; } }, 1 << 2); // Single selection bit setDescription(datasetPath, Requirement.ESSENTIAL, VariableHandling.EXPAND, "A dataset name to read for slicing. Please set the path before setting the dataset names. If the path is an expand, use a temperary (but typical) file so that the name list can be determined in the builder."); registerConfigurableParameter(datasetPath); // Slicing // * TODO use OSGi instead of having to use directly the implementation slicing = new JSONSliceParameter(this, "Data Set Slice"); registerConfigurableParameter(slicing); setDescription(slicing, Requirement.ESSENTIAL, VariableHandling.NONE, "Slicing can only be done if one dataset is being exctracted from the data at a time. Set the '"+datasetPath.getDisplayName()+"' attribute first. You can use expands inside the slicing dialog."); } @Override public void doPreInitialize() { generator = null; } @Override protected void doInitialize() throws InitializationException { msgCounter = 0; msgSequenceID = MessageFactory.getInstance().createSequenceID(); try { if (!isTriggerConnected()) createQueue(null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InitializationException(ErrorCode.FATAL, e.getMessage(), this, e); } super.doInitialize(); } private void createQueue(ManagedMessage msg) throws Exception { message = msg; if (context!=null) { generator = new SliceViewIterator(context.getData(), context.getSlicing(),context.getDataDimensions()); } else { final IDataHolder dh = LoaderFactory.getData(getSourcePath(msg)); final ILazyDataset lz = dh.getLazyDataset(getDatasetPath(msg)); generator = Slicer.getSliceViewGenerator(lz, slicing.getValue(HashMap.class)); } } public boolean hasNoMoreMessages() { if (generator == null) return true; return super.hasNoMoreMessages(); } protected ManagedMessage getDataMessage() throws ProcessingException { if (generator == null) return null; if (!generator.hasNext()) { generator = null; return null; } if (isFinishRequested()) { generator = null; return null; } // Required to stop too many slugs going into a threading actor. ActorUtils.waitWhileLocked(); ILazyDataset lazy =; if (lazy == null) return null; final SliceInfo info = new SliceInfo(lazy, message); ManagedMessage msg = MessageFactory.getInstance().createMessageInSequence(msgSequenceID, msgCounter++, hasNoMoreMessages(), getStandardMessageHeaders()); try { msg.setBodyHeader("TITLE", info.getName()); msg.setBodyContent(getData(info), DatasetConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_DATA); } catch (MessageException e) { msg = MessageFactory.getInstance().createErrorMessage(new PasserelleException(ErrorCode.MSG_CONSTRUCTION_ERROR, "Cannot set map of data in message body!", this, e)); generator = null; } catch (Exception ne) { generator = null; throw new DataMessageException("Cannot read data from '"+info.getName()+"'", this, ne); } return msg; } public boolean isFinishRequested() { if (super.isFinishRequested()) return true; if (context!=null && context.getMonitor()!=null && context.getMonitor().isCancelled()) return true; return false; } private DataMessageComponent getData(SliceInfo info) throws Exception { DataMessageComponent ret = new DataMessageComponent(); final IDataset slice = info.getSlice(); ret.setList(slice); if (getSourcePath()!=null) { ret.putScalar("file_path", getSourcePath()); ret.putScalar("file_name", new File(getSourcePath(info.getTrigger())).getName()); ret.putScalar("file_dir", new File(getSourcePath(info.getTrigger())).getParentFile().getAbsolutePath()); ret.putScalar("dataset_path", getDatasetPath(info.getTrigger())); ret.putScalar("slice_name", info.getName()); } return ret; } @Override protected boolean mustWaitForTrigger() { return false; } public IOperationContext getContext() { return context; } /** * Until there are attributes available for setting this run up in the UI, * you must define the message using this setter. * * @param context * @throws Exception */ public void setContext(IOperationContext context) throws Exception { this.context = context; if (context.getFilePath()!=null && context.getDatasetPath()!=null) { path.setExpression(context.getFilePath()); datasetPath.setExpression(context.getDatasetPath()); } else { ILazyDataset lz = context.getData(); List<SliceFromSeriesMetadata> md = lz.getMetadata(SliceFromSeriesMetadata.class); if (md!=null) { // This means they cannot open up the workflow and have it run directly. SourceInformation sinfo = md.get(0).getSourceInfo(); if (sinfo!=null) { path.setExpression(sinfo.getFilePath()); datasetPath.setExpression(sinfo.getDatasetName()); } } } //FIXME // slicing.setValue(context.getSlicing()); } /** * "callback"-method that can be overridden by TriggeredSource implementations, * if they want to act e.g. on the contents of a received trigger message. * * @param triggerMsg */ protected void acceptTriggerMessage(ManagedMessage triggerMsg) { try { createQueue(triggerMsg); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public String[] getDataSetNames() { try { return new String[]{getDatasetPath(null)}; } catch (Exception ne) { return new String[]{"Please select a Data File"}; } } @Override public String getSourcePath() { return getSourcePath(null); } private String getSourcePath(final ManagedMessage manMsg) { try { final DataMessageComponent comp = manMsg!=null ? MessageUtils.coerceMessage(manMsg) : null; String sourcePath = ParameterUtils.getSubstituedValue(path, comp); try { final IResource res = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().findMember(sourcePath, true); sourcePath = res.getLocation().toOSString(); return sourcePath; } catch (NullPointerException ne) { } final File file = new File(sourcePath); if (!file.exists()) return null; return file.getAbsolutePath(); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } private String getDatasetPath(final ManagedMessage manMsg) { try { final DataMessageComponent comp = manMsg!=null ? MessageUtils.coerceMessage(manMsg) : null; return ParameterUtils.getSubstituedValue(datasetPath, comp); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } @Override public List<IVariable> getOutputVariables() { final List<IVariable> ret = new ArrayList<IVariable>(7); if (getSourcePath()==null) { final String msg = "Invalid Path '"+path.getExpression()+"'"; ret.add(new Variable("file_path", VARIABLE_TYPE.PATH, msg, String.class)); ret.add(new Variable("file_name", VARIABLE_TYPE.SCALAR, msg, String.class)); ret.add(new Variable("file_dir", VARIABLE_TYPE.PATH, msg, String.class)); ret.add(new Variable("dataset_path", VARIABLE_TYPE.SCALAR, msg, String.class)); ret.add(new Variable("slice_name", VARIABLE_TYPE.SCALAR, msg, String.class)); return ret; } ret.add(new Variable("file_path", VARIABLE_TYPE.PATH, getSourcePath(), String.class)); ret.add(new Variable("file_name", VARIABLE_TYPE.SCALAR, new File(getSourcePath()).getName(), String.class)); ret.add(new Variable("file_dir", VARIABLE_TYPE.PATH, new File(getSourcePath()).getParentFile().getAbsolutePath(), String.class)); ret.add(new Variable("dataset_path", VARIABLE_TYPE.SCALAR, datasetPath.getExpression(), String.class)); ret.add(new Variable("slice_name", VARIABLE_TYPE.SCALAR, String.class)); return ret; } private class SliceInfo { private ILazyDataset slice; private ManagedMessage trigger; public SliceInfo(ILazyDataset slice, ManagedMessage trigger) { super(); this.slice = slice; this.trigger = trigger; } public List<? extends MetadataType> getMetadata(Class<? extends MetadataType> class1) throws Exception { return slice.getMetadata(class1); } public String getName() { return slice.getName(); } public IDataset getSlice() throws DatasetException { IDataset s = slice.getSlice(); return s; } public void setSlice(ILazyDataset slice) { this.slice = slice; } public ManagedMessage getTrigger() { return trigger; } public void setTrigger(ManagedMessage trigger) { this.trigger = trigger; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + getOuterType().hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((slice == null) ? 0 : slice.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((trigger == null) ? 0 : trigger.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; SliceInfo other = (SliceInfo) obj; if (!getOuterType().equals(other.getOuterType())) return false; if (slice == null) { if (other.slice != null) return false; } else if (!slice.equals(other.slice)) return false; if (trigger == null) { if (other.trigger != null) return false; } else if (!trigger.equals(other.trigger)) return false; return true; } private OperationSource getOuterType() { return OperationSource.this; } } }