package com.eas.widgets.containers; import com.eas.core.XElement; import; import; import com.eas.ui.HasImageResource; import com.eas.widgets.boxes.ImageLabel; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * * @author mg */ public class TabsDecoratedPanel extends SimplePanel implements RequiresResize, ProvidesResize, IndexedPanel, HasSelectionHandlers<Widget> { protected boolean tabsOnTop = true; protected FlowPanel chevron = new FlowPanel(); protected Button scrollLeft; protected Button scrollRight; protected Button tabsList; protected TabLayoutPanel tabs; protected double barHeight; protected Style.Unit barUnit; // protected LayoutPanel tabBarContainer; protected Widget tabBar; protected Widget tabsContent; // protected Widget selected; public TabsDecoratedPanel(double aBarHeight, Style.Unit aBarUnit) { super(); barHeight = aBarHeight; barUnit = aBarUnit; tabs = new TabLayoutPanel(barHeight, barUnit) { @Override protected void initWidget(Widget w) { super.initWidget(w); assert w instanceof LayoutPanel; tabBarContainer = (LayoutPanel) w; } @Override public void insert(Widget child, Widget aTabWidget, int beforeIndex) { child.getElement().getStyle().clearWidth(); child.getElement().getStyle().clearHeight(); child.getElement().getStyle().clearRight(); child.getElement().getStyle().setWidth(100, Style.Unit.PCT); com.eas.ui.CommonResources.INSTANCE.commons().ensureInjected(); child.getElement().addClassName(com.eas.ui.CommonResources.INSTANCE.commons().borderSized()); super.insert(child, aTabWidget, beforeIndex); Widget tab = ((FlowPanel)tabBar).getWidget(beforeIndex); tab.setStylePrimaryName("tabs-tab"); tabsList.setEnabled(true); } @Override public boolean remove(int index) { boolean res = super.remove(index); if (tabs.getWidgetCount() == 0) tabsList.setEnabled(false); return res; } @Override public void selectTab(final int index, boolean fireEvents) { super.selectTab(index, fireEvents); } }; tabs.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<Integer>() { @Override public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<Integer> event) { selected = event.getSelectedItem() != -1 ? tabs.getWidget(event.getSelectedItem()) : null; Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { if (selected instanceof RequiresResize) { ((RequiresResize) selected).onResize(); } } });, selected); } }); tabBar = tabBarContainer.getWidget(0); tabsContent = tabBarContainer.getWidget(1); tabBar.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("lineHeight", "normal"); tabBar.setStylePrimaryName("tabs-bar"); tabs.setStylePrimaryName("tabs"); // GWT Layout animations are deprecated because of CSS3 transitions tabs.setAnimationDuration(0); scrollLeft = new Button("", new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { int offsetLeft = tabBar.getElement().getOffsetLeft(); if (offsetLeft < 0) { tabBar.getElement().getStyle().setLeft(Math.min(offsetLeft + 100, 0), Style.Unit.PX); } } }); scrollLeft.setStyleName("tabs-chevron-left"); scrollLeft.addStyleName("btn"); scrollRight = new Button("", new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { int newTabBarLeft = calcNewScrollRightPosition(); tabBar.getElement().getStyle().setLeft(newTabBarLeft, Style.Unit.PX); } }); scrollRight.setStyleName("tabs-chevron-right"); scrollRight.addStyleName("btn"); tabsList = new Button("", new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { final PlatypusPopupMenu menu = new PlatypusPopupMenu(); for (int i = 0; i < tabs.getWidgetCount(); i++) { final Widget content = tabs.getWidget(i); Widget w = tabs.getTabWidget(i); if (w instanceof SimplePanel) { SimplePanel sp = (SimplePanel) w; w = sp.getWidget(); } ScheduledCommand tabSelector = new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { tabs.selectTab(content); menu.hide(); Widget targetTab = tabs.getTabWidget(content); int tabCenterX = targetTab.getParent().getElement().getOffsetLeft() + targetTab.getParent().getElement().getOffsetWidth() / 2; int tabBarParentWidth = tabBar.getElement().getParentElement().getOffsetWidth() - chevron.getElement().getOffsetWidth(); int newOffsetLeft = tabBarParentWidth / 2 - tabCenterX; Widget lastTab = tabs.getTabWidget(tabs.getWidgetCount() - 1); int rightMostX = lastTab.getParent().getElement().getOffsetLeft() + lastTab.getParent().getElement().getOffsetWidth(); int width = rightMostX + newOffsetLeft; if (width > tabBarParentWidth) { tabBar.getElement().getStyle().setLeft(Math.min(newOffsetLeft, 0), Style.Unit.PX); } else { tabBar.getElement().getStyle().setLeft(Math.min(tabBarParentWidth - rightMostX, 0), Style.Unit.PX); } } }; SafeUri imageUri = null; if (w instanceof Image) { Image image = (Image) w; imageUri = UriUtils.fromTrustedString(image.getUrl()); } else if (w instanceof HasImageResource) { HasImageResource imageHost = (HasImageResource) w; if (imageHost.getImageResource() != null) { imageUri = imageHost.getImageResource().getSafeUri(); } } if (w instanceof HasHTML) { HasHTML h = (HasHTML) w; String textAsHtml = h.getHTML(); menu.addItem(new MenuItemImageText(textAsHtml != null ? textAsHtml : h.getText(), true, imageUri, tabSelector)); } else if (w instanceof HasText) { HasText l = (HasText) w; menu.addItem(new MenuItemImageText(l.getText(), false, imageUri, tabSelector)); } } Widget lastWidget = chevron.getWidget(chevron.getWidgetCount() - 1); menu.setPopupPosition(lastWidget.getAbsoluteLeft(), lastWidget.getAbsoluteTop() + lastWidget.getElement().getOffsetHeight()); menu.showRelativeTo(lastWidget); } }); tabsList.setStyleName("tabs-chevron-list"); tabsList.addStyleName("btn"); tabsList.setEnabled(false); getElement().getStyle().setPosition(Style.Position.RELATIVE); tabs.getElement().getStyle().setPosition(Style.Position.ABSOLUTE); tabs.getElement().getStyle().setWidth(100, Style.Unit.PCT); tabs.getElement().getStyle().setHeight(100, Style.Unit.PCT); setWidget(tabs); scrollLeft.getElement().getStyle().setPadding(0, Style.Unit.PX); scrollLeft.getElement().getStyle().setMargin(0, Style.Unit.PX); scrollRight.getElement().getStyle().setPadding(0, Style.Unit.PX); scrollRight.getElement().getStyle().setMargin(0, Style.Unit.PX); tabsList.getElement().getStyle().setPadding(0, Style.Unit.PX); tabsList.getElement().getStyle().setMargin(0, Style.Unit.PX); chevron.add(scrollLeft); chevron.add(scrollRight); chevron.add(tabsList); chevron.getElement().addClassName("tabs-chevron"); chevron.getElement().getStyle().setPosition(Style.Position.ABSOLUTE); assert tabBarContainer != null; tabBarContainer.getWidgetContainerElement(tabBar).appendChild(chevron.getElement()); getElement().<XElement> cast().addResizingTransitionEnd(this); } public boolean isTabsOnTop() { return tabsOnTop; } public void setTabsOnTop(boolean aValue) { if (tabsOnTop != aValue) { tabsOnTop = aValue; applyTabsOnTop(); } } protected void applyTabsOnTop() { if (tabBar != null && tabBarContainer != null && tabsContent != null) { final String tabBarLeft = tabBar.getElement().getStyle().getLeft(); Element tabBarContainerElement = tabBarContainer.getWidgetContainerElement(tabBar); tabBarContainerElement.getStyle().clearTop(); tabBarContainerElement.getStyle().clearHeight(); tabBarContainerElement.getStyle().clearBottom(); Element tabContentContainerElement = tabBarContainer.getWidgetContainerElement(tabsContent); tabContentContainerElement.getStyle().clearTop(); tabContentContainerElement.getStyle().clearHeight(); tabContentContainerElement.getStyle().clearBottom(); if (tabsOnTop) { tabBarContainer.setWidgetTopHeight(tabBar, 0, Style.Unit.PX, barHeight, barUnit); tabBarContainer.setWidgetTopBottom(tabsContent, barHeight, barUnit, 0, Style.Unit.PX); } else { tabBarContainer.setWidgetBottomHeight(tabBar, 0, Style.Unit.PX, barHeight, barUnit); tabBarContainer.setWidgetTopBottom(tabsContent, 0, Style.Unit.PX, barHeight, barUnit); } Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { tabBar.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("left", tabBarLeft); } }); } } @Override protected void onAttach() { super.onAttach(); adopt(chevron); } @Override protected void onDetach() { orphan(chevron); super.onDetach(); } @Override public void onResize() { tabs.onResize(); } protected int calcNewScrollRightPosition() { Widget lastTab = tabs.getWidgetCount() > 0 ? tabs.getTabWidget(tabs.getWidgetCount() - 1) : null; int rightMostX = lastTab != null ? lastTab.getParent().getElement().getOffsetLeft() + lastTab.getParent().getElement().getOffsetWidth() : tabBar.getElement().getOffsetLeft(); int tabBarParentWidth = tabBar.getElement().getParentElement().getOffsetWidth() - chevron.getElement().getOffsetWidth(); int tabBarMostLeft = Math.min(tabBarParentWidth - rightMostX, 0); int nextTabBarLeft = tabBar.getElement().getOffsetLeft() - 100; if (nextTabBarLeft < tabBarMostLeft) nextTabBarLeft = tabBarMostLeft; return nextTabBarLeft; } /** * Adds a widget to the panel. If the Widget is already attached, it will be * moved to the right-most index. * * @param child * the widget to be added * @param text * the text to be shown on its tab * @param asHtml * <code>true</code> to treat the specified text as HTML */ public void add(Widget child, String text, boolean asHtml) { tabs.insert(child, text, asHtml, tabs.getWidgetCount()); } /** * Adds a widget to the panel. If the Widget is already attached, it will be * moved to the right-most index. * * @param child * the widget to be added * @param text * the text to be shown on its tab * @param asHtml * <code>true</code> to treat the specified text as HTML */ public void add(Widget child, String text, boolean asHtml, ImageResource aImage) { tabs.insert(child, new ImageLabel(text, asHtml, aImage), tabs.getWidgetCount()); } /** * Adds a widget to the panel. If the Widget is already attached, it will be * moved to the right-most index. * * @param child * the widget to be added * @param text * the text to be shown on its tab */ public void add(Widget child, String text) { tabs.insert(child, text, tabs.getWidgetCount()); } /** * Adds a widget to the panel. If the Widget is already attached, it will be * moved to the right-most index. * * @param child * the widget to be added * @param html * the html to be shown on its tab */ public void add(Widget child, SafeHtml html) { tabs.add(child, html.asString(), true); } /** * Adds a widget to the panel. If the Widget is already attached, it will be * moved to the right-most index. * * @param child * the widget to be added * @param tab * the widget to be placed in the associated tab */ public void add(Widget child, Widget tab) { tabs.insert(child, tab, tabs.getWidgetCount()); } /** * Inserts a widget into the panel. If the Widget is already attached, it * will be moved to the requested index. * * @param child * the widget to be added * @param beforeIndex * the index before which it will be inserted */ public void insert(Widget child, int beforeIndex) { tabs.insert(child, "", beforeIndex); } /** * Inserts a widget into the panel. If the Widget is already attached, it * will be moved to the requested index. * * @param child * the widget to be added * @param html * the html to be shown on its tab * @param beforeIndex * the index before which it will be inserted */ public void insert(Widget child, SafeHtml html, int beforeIndex) { tabs.insert(child, html.asString(), true, beforeIndex); } /** * Inserts a widget into the panel. If the Widget is already attached, it * will be moved to the requested index. * * @param child * the widget to be added * @param text * the text to be shown on its tab * @param asHtml * <code>true</code> to treat the specified text as HTML * @param beforeIndex * the index before which it will be inserted */ public void insert(Widget child, String text, boolean asHtml, int beforeIndex) { Widget contents; if (asHtml) { contents = new HTML(text); } else { contents = new Label(text); } tabs.insert(child, contents, beforeIndex); } /** * Inserts a widget into the panel. If the Widget is already attached, it * will be moved to the requested index. * * @param child * the widget to be added * @param text * the text to be shown on its tab * @param beforeIndex * the index before which it will be inserted */ public void insert(Widget child, String text, int beforeIndex) { tabs.insert(child, text, false, beforeIndex); } /** * Inserts a widget into the panel. If the Widget is already attached, it * will be moved to the requested index. * * @param child * the widget to be added * @param tab * the widget to be placed in the associated tab * @param beforeIndex * the index before which it will be inserted */ public void insert(Widget child, Widget tab, int beforeIndex) { tabs.insert(child, tab, beforeIndex); } /** * Set the duration of the animated transition between tabs. * * @param duration * the duration in milliseconds. */ public void setAnimationDuration(int duration) { tabs.setAnimationDuration(duration); } /** * Set whether or not transitions slide in vertically or horizontally. * * @param isVertical * true for vertical transitions, false for horizontal */ public void setAnimationVertical(boolean isVertical) { tabs.setAnimationVertical(isVertical); } /** * Sets a tab's HTML contents. * * Use care when setting an object's HTML; it is an easy way to expose * script-based security problems. Consider using * {@link #setTabHTML(int, SafeHtml)} or {@link #setTabText(int, String)} * whenever possible. * * @param index * the index of the tab whose HTML is to be set * @param html * the tab's new HTML contents */ public void setTabHTML(int index, String html) { tabs.setTabHTML(index, html); } /** * Sets a tab's HTML contents. * * @param index * the index of the tab whose HTML is to be set * @param html * the tab's new HTML contents */ public void setTabHTML(int index, SafeHtml html) { tabs.setTabHTML(index, html); } /** * Sets a tab's text contents. * * @param index * the index of the tab whose text is to be set * @param text * the object's new text */ public void setTabText(int index, String text) { tabs.setTabText(index, text); } @Override public boolean remove(Widget w) { return tabs.remove(w); } @Override public Widget getWidget(int index) { return tabs.getWidget(index); } @Override public int getWidgetCount() { return tabs.getWidgetCount(); } @Override public int getWidgetIndex(Widget child) { return tabs.getWidgetIndex(child); } @Override public boolean remove(int aIndex) { return tabs.remove(aIndex); } /** * Programmatically selects the specified tab and fires events. * * @param child * the child whose tab is to be selected */ public void selectTab(Widget child) { tabs.selectTab(child); } /** * Programmatically selects the specified tab. * * @param child * the child whose tab is to be selected * @param fireEvents * true to fire events, false not to */ public void selectTab(Widget child, boolean fireEvents) { tabs.selectTab(child, fireEvents); } /** * Programmatically selects the specified tab and fires events. * * @param index * the index of the tab to be selected */ public void selectTab(int index) { tabs.selectTab(index); } /** * Programmatically selects the specified tab. * * @param index * the index of the tab to be selected * @param fireEvents * true to fire events, false not to */ public void selectTab(int index, boolean fireEvents) { tabs.selectTab(index, fireEvents); } @Override public HandlerRegistration addSelectionHandler(SelectionHandler<Widget> handler) { return addHandler(handler, SelectionEvent.getType()); } }