package com.eas.client.metadata; import com.eas.script.AlreadyPublishedException; import com.eas.script.HasPublished; import com.eas.script.NoPublisherException; import com.eas.script.ScriptFunction; import com.eas.script.Scripts; import com.eas.util.IdGenerator; import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport; import java.util.Date; import jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.JSObject; /** * This class is table field representation. It holds information about field * name, description, typeInfo, size and information about primary and foreign * keys. If <code>isPk()</code> returns true, than this field is the primary key * in corresponding table. If <code>getFk()</code> returns reference to a * <code>PrimaryKeySpec</code>, than it is a foreign key in corresponding table, * and it references to returning <code>PrimaryKeySpec</code>. * * @author mg */ public class Field implements HasPublished { public static final String NAME_PROPERTY = "name"; public static final String DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY = "description"; public static final String ORIGINAL_NAME_PROPERTY = "originalName"; public static final String TABLE_NAME_PROPERTY = "tableName"; public static final String TYPE_PROPERTY = "type"; public static final String READONLY_PROPERTY = "readonly"; public static final String NULLABLE_PROPERTY = "nullable"; public static final String PK_PROPERTY = "pk"; public static final String FK_PROPERTY = "fk"; protected String name = ""; // In queries, such as select t1.f1 as f11, t2.f1 as f21 to preserve output fields' names unique, // but be able to generate right update sql clauses for multiple tables. protected String originalName = ""; protected String tableName; protected String description; protected String type;// Null value will be used as "unknown" type protected boolean readonly; protected boolean nullable = true; protected boolean pk; protected ForeignKeySpec fk; protected PropertyChangeSupport changeSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport(this); protected JSObject published; /** * The default constructor. */ public Field() { super(); } /** * Constructor with name. * * @param aName Name of the created field. */ public Field(String aName) { this(); name = aName; } /** * Constructor with name and description. * * @param aName Name of the created field. * @param aDescription Description of the created field. */ public Field(String aName, String aDescription) { this(aName); description = aDescription; } /** * Constructor with name, description and typeInfo. * * @param aName Name of the created field. * @param aDescription Description of the created field. * @param aType Type name of the created field. */ public Field(String aName, String aDescription, String aType) { this(aName, aDescription); type = aType; } /** * Copy constructor of <code>Field</code> class. * * @param aSourceField Source of created field. */ public Field(Field aSourceField) { super(); assignFrom(aSourceField); } private static final String ORIGINAL_NAME_JS_DOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * The original name of the field.\n" + " * In queries, such as select t1.f1 as f11, t2.f1 as f21 to preserve output fields' names unique,\n" + " * but be able to generate right update sql clauses for multiple tables.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = ORIGINAL_NAME_JS_DOC) public String getOriginalName() { return originalName; } @ScriptFunction public void setOriginalName(String aValue) { String oldValue = originalName; originalName = aValue; changeSupport.firePropertyChange(ORIGINAL_NAME_PROPERTY, oldValue, originalName); } private static final String TABLE_NAME_JS_DOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * This field table's name.\n" + " */"; /** * Returns the field's table name. * * @return The field's table name. */ @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = TABLE_NAME_JS_DOC) public String getTableName() { return tableName; } /** * Sets table name. * * @param aValue The table name to be set. */ @ScriptFunction public void setTableName(String aValue) { String oldValue = tableName; tableName = aValue; changeSupport.firePropertyChange(TABLE_NAME_PROPERTY, oldValue, aValue); } public PropertyChangeSupport getChangeSupport() { return changeSupport; } private static final String FK_JS_DOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * Indicates that this field is a foreign key to another table or it is a self-reference key.\n" + " */"; /** * Returns if this field is foreign key to another table or it is a * self-reference key. * * @return If this field is foreign key to another table or it is * self-reference key. */ @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = FK_JS_DOC) public boolean isFk() { return fk != null; } private static final String PK_JS_DOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * Determines that this field is a primary key.\n" + " */"; /** * Returns if this field is primary key. * * @return If this field is primary key. */ @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = PK_JS_DOC) public boolean isPk() { return pk; } /** * Sets indicating primary key state of this field. * * @param aValue Flag, indicating primary key state of this field. */ @ScriptFunction public void setPk(boolean aValue) { boolean oldValue = pk; pk = aValue; changeSupport.firePropertyChange(PK_PROPERTY, oldValue, aValue); } /** * Returns foreign key specification of this field if it references to some * table. * * @return Foreign key specification of this field if it references to some * table. */ public ForeignKeySpec getFk() { return fk; } /** * Sets foreign key specification to this field, making it the reference to * some table. * * @param aValue Foreign key specification to be set to this field. */ public void setFk(ForeignKeySpec aValue) { ForeignKeySpec oldValue = fk; fk = aValue; changeSupport.firePropertyChange(FK_PROPERTY, oldValue, aValue); } private static final String READOLNY_JS_DOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * Determines if this field is readonly.\n" + " */"; /** * Returns if this field is readonly. * * @return If true this field is readonly. */ @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = READOLNY_JS_DOC) public boolean isReadonly() { return readonly; } /** * Sets readonly flag to this field. * * @param aValue Flag to be set to this field. */ @ScriptFunction public void setReadonly(boolean aValue) { boolean oldValue = readonly; readonly = aValue; changeSupport.firePropertyChange(READONLY_PROPERTY, oldValue, aValue); } /** * Tests the equality of this field to another object. * * @param obj Object to be tested as equal or n ot equal. * @return The equality of this field to another object. */ public boolean isEqual(Object obj) { if (obj != null && obj instanceof Field) { Field other = (Field) obj; String rfDescription = other.getDescription(); String rfName = other.getName(); String rfTableName = other.getTableName(); String rfOriginalName = other.getOriginalName(); String rfType = other.getType(); return nullable == other.isNullable() && pk == other.isPk() && readonly == other.isReadonly() && (fk == null ? other.getFk() == null : fk.equals(other.getFk())) && (description == null ? rfDescription == null : description.equals(rfDescription)) && (name == null ? rfName == null : name.equals(rfName)) && (originalName == null ? rfOriginalName == null : originalName.equals(rfOriginalName)) && (tableName == null ? rfTableName == null : tableName.equals(rfTableName)) && (type == null ? rfType == null : type.equals(rfType)); } return false; } private static final String NAME_JS_DOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * The name of the field.\n" + " */"; /** * Returns the name of the field. * * @return The name of the field. */ @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = NAME_JS_DOC) public String getName() { return name; } /** * Set the name to this field. * * @param aValue A name to be set. */ @ScriptFunction public void setName(String aValue) { String oldValue = name; name = aValue; changeSupport.firePropertyChange(NAME_PROPERTY, oldValue, aValue); } private static final String DESCRIPTION_JS_DOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * The description of the field.\n" + " */"; /** * Returns description of the field. * * @return Description of the field. */ @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = DESCRIPTION_JS_DOC) public String getDescription() { return description; } /** * Set the description to this field. * * @param aValue A description to be set. */ @ScriptFunction public void setDescription(String aValue) { String oldValue = description; description = aValue; changeSupport.firePropertyChange(DESCRIPTION_PROPERTY, oldValue, aValue); } private static final String TYPE_INFO_JS_DOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * The field's type information.\n" + " */"; /** * Returns the field's type information * * @return The field's type information */ @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = TYPE_INFO_JS_DOC) public String getType() { return type; } /** * Sets the field's type description * * @param aValue The filed's type description */ @ScriptFunction public void setType(String aValue) { String oldValue = type; type = aValue; changeSupport.firePropertyChange(TYPE_PROPERTY, oldValue, type); } public Object generateValue() { Object value; if (type != null) { switch (type) { case Scripts.NUMBER_TYPE_NAME: value = IdGenerator.genId(); break; case Scripts.STRING_TYPE_NAME: value = IdGenerator.genStringId(); break; case Scripts.DATE_TYPE_NAME: value = new Date(); break; case Scripts.BOOLEAN_TYPE_NAME: value = false; break; default: value = null; break; } } else { value = null; } return value; } private static final String NULLABLE_JS_DOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * Determines if field is nullable.\n" + " */"; /** * Returns whether this field is nullable. * * @return Whether this field is nullable. */ @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = NULLABLE_JS_DOC) public boolean isNullable() { return nullable; } /** * Sets the field's nullable state. * * @param aValue Field's nullable flag. */ @ScriptFunction public void setNullable(boolean aValue) { boolean oldValue = nullable; nullable = aValue; changeSupport.firePropertyChange(NULLABLE_PROPERTY, oldValue, aValue); } /** * Copies this feld's information to another instance. * * @return Another instance of <code>Field</code> class, initialized with * this field information. */ public Field copy() { return new Field(this); } /** * Assignes <code>aSourceField</code> information to this <code>Field</code> * instance. * * @param aSourceField <code>Field</code> instance used as a source for * assigning. */ public void assignFrom(Field aSourceField) { if (aSourceField != null) { setName(aSourceField.getName()); setOriginalName(aSourceField.getOriginalName()); setTableName(aSourceField.getTableName()); setType(aSourceField.getType()); setDescription(aSourceField.getDescription()); setNullable(aSourceField.isNullable()); setReadonly(aSourceField.isReadonly()); setPk(aSourceField.isPk()); setFk(aSourceField.getFk() != null ? (ForeignKeySpec) aSourceField.getFk().copy() : null); } } protected static boolean equalsOrNulls(Object o1, Object o2) { return (o1 == null && o2 == null) || (o1 != null && o1.equals(o2)) || (o2 != null && o2.equals(o1)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (tableName != null && !tableName.isEmpty()) { sb.append(tableName).append("."); } if (originalName != null && !originalName.isEmpty()) { sb.append(originalName); } else { sb.append(name); } if (description != null && !description.isEmpty()) { sb.append(" (").append(description).append(")"); } if (pk) { sb.append(", primary key"); } if (fk != null && fk.getReferee() != null) { PrimaryKeySpec rf = fk.getReferee(); sb.append(", foreign key to "); if (rf.schema != null && !rf.schema.isEmpty()) { sb.append(rf.schema).append("."); } if (rf.table != null && !rf.table.isEmpty()) { sb.append(rf.table).append("."); } sb.append(rf.field); } sb.append(", ").append(type); if (nullable) { sb.append(", nullable"); } if (readonly) { sb.append(", readonly"); } return sb.toString(); } @Override public JSObject getPublished() { if (published == null) { JSObject publisher = Scripts.getSpace().getPublisher(this.getClass().getName()); if (publisher == null || !publisher.isFunction()) { throw new NoPublisherException(); } published = (JSObject), new Object[]{this}); } return published; } @Override public void setPublished(JSObject aValue) { if (published != null) { throw new AlreadyPublishedException(); } published = aValue; } }