package com.eas.client.scripts; import static jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants.*; import static*; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import jdk.nashorn.internal.codegen.CompilerConstants; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import jdk.nashorn.internal.parser.TokenType; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ECMAErrors; import jdk.nashorn.internal.runtime.ParserException; /** * This visitor assigns symbols to identifiers denoting variables. It does few * more minor calculations that are only possible after symbols have been * assigned; such is the transformation of "delete" and "typeof" operators into * runtime nodes and counting of number of properties assigned to "this" in * constructor functions. This visitor is also notable for what it doesn't do, * most significantly it does no type calculations as in JavaScript variables * can change types during runtime and as such symbols don't have types. * Calculation of expression types is performed by a separate visitor. */ public class SymbolsResolver extends SimpleNodeVisitor { private static boolean isParamOrVar(final IdentNode identNode) { final Symbol symbol = identNode.getSymbol(); return symbol.isParam() || symbol.isVar(); } /** * Checks if various symbols that were provisionally marked as needing a * slot ended up unused, and marks them as not needing a slot after all. * * @param functionNode the function node * @return the passed in node, for easy chaining */ private static FunctionNode removeUnusedSlots(final FunctionNode functionNode) { if (!functionNode.needsCallee()) { functionNode.compilerConstant(CALLEE).setNeedsSlot(false); } if (!(functionNode.hasScopeBlock() || functionNode.needsParentScope())) { functionNode.compilerConstant(SCOPE).setNeedsSlot(false); } // Named function expressions that end up not referencing themselves won't need a local slot for the self symbol. if (functionNode.isNamedFunctionExpression() && !functionNode.usesSelfSymbol()) { final Symbol selfSymbol = functionNode.getBody().getExistingSymbol(functionNode.getIdent().getName()); if (selfSymbol != null && selfSymbol.isFunctionSelf()) { selfSymbol.setNeedsSlot(false); selfSymbol.clearFlag(Symbol.IS_VAR); } } return functionNode; } private final Deque<Set<String>> thisProperties = new ArrayDeque<>(); private final Map<String, Symbol> globalSymbols = new HashMap<>(); //reuse the same global symbol public Set<String> getGlobalSymbols() { return globalSymbols.keySet(); } /** * Define symbols for all variable declarations at the top of the function * scope. This way we can get around problems like * * while (true) { break; if (true) { var s; } } * * to an arbitrary nesting depth. * * see NASHORN-73 * * @param functionNode the FunctionNode we are entering * @param body the body of the FunctionNode we are entering */ private void acceptDeclarations(final FunctionNode functionNode, final Block body) { // This visitor will assign symbol to all declared variables. body.accept(new SimpleNodeVisitor() { @Override protected boolean enterDefault(final Node node) { // Don't bother visiting expressions; var is a statement, it can't be inside an expression. // This will also prevent visiting nested functions (as FunctionNode is an expression). return !(node instanceof Expression); } @Override public Node leaveVarNode(final VarNode varNode) { final IdentNode ident = varNode.getName(); final boolean blockScoped = varNode.isBlockScoped(); if (blockScoped && lc.inUnprotectedSwitchContext()) { throw new ParserException("UnprotectedSwitchError"); } final Block block = blockScoped ? lc.getCurrentBlock() : body; final Symbol symbol = defineSymbol(block, ident.getName(), ident, varNode.getSymbolFlags()); if (varNode.isFunctionDeclaration()) { symbol.setIsFunctionDeclaration(); } return varNode.setName(ident.setSymbol(symbol)); } }); } private IdentNode compilerConstantIdentifier(final CompilerConstants cc) { return createImplicitIdentifier(cc.symbolName()).setSymbol(lc.getCurrentFunction().compilerConstant(cc)); } /** * Creates an ident node for an implicit identifier within the function (one * not declared in the script source code). These identifiers are defined * with function's token and finish. * * @param name the name of the identifier * @return an ident node representing the implicit identifier. */ private IdentNode createImplicitIdentifier(final String name) { final FunctionNode fn = lc.getCurrentFunction(); return new IdentNode(fn.getToken(), fn.getFinish(), name); } private Symbol createSymbol(final String name, final int flags) { if ((flags & Symbol.KINDMASK) == IS_GLOBAL) { //reuse global symbols so they can be hashed Symbol global = globalSymbols.get(name); if (global == null) { global = new Symbol(name, flags); globalSymbols.put(name, global); } return global; } return new Symbol(name, flags); } /** * Creates a synthetic initializer for a variable (a var statement that * doesn't occur in the source code). Typically used to create assignment of * {@code :callee} to the function name symbol in self-referential function * expressions as well as for assignment of {@code :arguments} to * {@code arguments}. * * @param name the ident node identifying the variable to initialize * @param initConstant the compiler constant it is initialized to * @param fn the function node the assignment is for * @return a var node with the appropriate assignment */ private VarNode createSyntheticInitializer(final IdentNode name, final CompilerConstants initConstant, final FunctionNode fn) { final IdentNode init = compilerConstantIdentifier(initConstant); assert init.getSymbol() != null && init.getSymbol().isBytecodeLocal(); final VarNode synthVar = new VarNode(fn.getLineNumber(), fn.getToken(), fn.getFinish(), name, init); final Symbol nameSymbol = fn.getBody().getExistingSymbol(name.getName()); assert nameSymbol != null; return (VarNode) synthVar.setName(name.setSymbol(nameSymbol)).accept(this); } private FunctionNode createSyntheticInitializers(final FunctionNode functionNode) { final List<VarNode> syntheticInitializers = new ArrayList<>(2); // Must visit the new var nodes in the context of the body. We could also just set the new statements into the // block and then revisit the entire block, but that seems to be too much double work. final Block body = functionNode.getBody(); lc.push(body); try { if (functionNode.usesSelfSymbol()) { // "var fn = :callee" syntheticInitializers.add(createSyntheticInitializer(functionNode.getIdent(), CALLEE, functionNode)); } if (functionNode.needsArguments()) { // "var arguments = :arguments" syntheticInitializers.add(createSyntheticInitializer(createImplicitIdentifier(ARGUMENTS_VAR.symbolName()), ARGUMENTS, functionNode)); } if (syntheticInitializers.isEmpty()) { return functionNode; } for (final ListIterator<VarNode> it = syntheticInitializers.listIterator(); it.hasNext();) { it.set((VarNode); } } finally { lc.pop(body); } final List<Statement> stmts = body.getStatements(); final List<Statement> newStatements = new ArrayList<>(stmts.size() + syntheticInitializers.size()); newStatements.addAll(syntheticInitializers); newStatements.addAll(stmts); return functionNode.setBody(lc, body.setStatements(lc, newStatements)); } /** * Defines a new symbol in the given block. * * @param block the block in which to define the symbol * @param name name of symbol. * @param origin origin node * @param symbolFlags Symbol flags. * * @return Symbol for given name or null for redefinition. */ private Symbol defineSymbol(final Block block, final String name, final Node origin, final int symbolFlags) { int flags = symbolFlags; final boolean isBlockScope = (flags & IS_LET) != 0 || (flags & IS_CONST) != 0; final boolean isGlobal = (flags & KINDMASK) == IS_GLOBAL; Symbol symbol; final FunctionNode function; if (isBlockScope) { // block scoped variables always live in current block, no need to look for existing symbols in parent blocks. symbol = block.getExistingSymbol(name); function = lc.getCurrentFunction(); } else { symbol = findSymbol(block, name); function = lc.getFunction(block); } // Global variables are implicitly always scope variables too. if (isGlobal) { flags |= IS_SCOPE; } if (lc.getCurrentFunction().isProgram()) { flags |= IS_PROGRAM_LEVEL; } final boolean isParam = (flags & KINDMASK) == IS_PARAM; final boolean isVar = (flags & KINDMASK) == IS_VAR; if (symbol != null) { // Symbol was already defined. Check if it needs to be redefined. if (isParam) { if (!isLocal(function, symbol)) { // Not defined in this function. Create a new definition. symbol = null; } else if (symbol.isParam()) { // Duplicate parameter. Null return will force an error. throw new AssertionError("duplicate parameter"); } } else if (isVar) { if (isBlockScope) { // Check redeclaration in same block if (symbol.hasBeenDeclared()) { throw new ParserException(ECMAErrors.getMessage("syntax.error.redeclare.variable", name)); } else { symbol.setHasBeenDeclared(); // Set scope flag on top-level block scoped symbols if (function.isProgram() && function.getBody() == block) { symbol.setIsScope(); } } } else if ((flags & IS_INTERNAL) != 0) { // Always create a new definition. symbol = null; } else { // Found LET or CONST in parent scope of same function - s SyntaxError if (symbol.isBlockScoped() && isLocal(lc.getCurrentFunction(), symbol)) { throw new ParserException(ECMAErrors.getMessage("syntax.error.redeclare.variable", name)); } // Not defined in this function. Create a new definition. if (!isLocal(function, symbol) || symbol.less(IS_VAR)) { symbol = null; } } } } if (symbol == null) { // If not found, then create a new one. final Block symbolBlock; // Determine where to create it. if (isVar && ((flags & IS_INTERNAL) != 0 || isBlockScope)) { symbolBlock = block; //internal vars are always defined in the block closest to them } else if (isGlobal) { symbolBlock = lc.getOutermostFunction().getBody(); } else { symbolBlock = lc.getFunctionBody(function); } // Create and add to appropriate block. symbol = createSymbol(name, flags); symbolBlock.putSymbol(symbol); if ((flags & IS_SCOPE) == 0) { // Initial assumption; symbol can lose its slot later symbol.setNeedsSlot(true); } } else if (symbol.less(flags)) { symbol.setFlags(flags); } return symbol; } @Override public boolean enterBlock(final Block block) { if (lc.isFunctionBody()) { assert !block.hasSymbols(); final FunctionNode fn = lc.getCurrentFunction(); if (isUnparsedFunction(fn)) { // Don't bother descending into it, it must be empty anyway. assert block.getStatements().isEmpty(); return false; } enterFunctionBody(); } return true; } private boolean isUnparsedFunction(final FunctionNode fn) { return false; } @Override public boolean enterCatchNode(final CatchNode catchNode) { final IdentNode exception = catchNode.getException(); final Block block = lc.getCurrentBlock(); // define block-local exception variable final String exname = exception.getName(); // If the name of the exception starts with ":e", this is a synthetic catch block, likely a catch-all. Its // symbol is naturally internal, and should be treated as such. final boolean isInternal = exname.startsWith(EXCEPTION_PREFIX.symbolName()); // IS_LET flag is required to make sure symbol is not visible outside catch block. However, we need to // clear the IS_LET flag after creation to allow redefinition of symbol inside the catch block. final Symbol symbol = defineSymbol(block, exname, catchNode, IS_VAR | IS_LET | (isInternal ? IS_INTERNAL : 0) | HAS_OBJECT_VALUE); symbol.clearFlag(IS_LET); return true; } private void enterFunctionBody() { final FunctionNode functionNode = lc.getCurrentFunction(); final Block body = lc.getCurrentBlock(); initFunctionWideVariables(functionNode, body); acceptDeclarations(functionNode, body); defineFunctionSelfSymbol(functionNode, body); } private void defineFunctionSelfSymbol(final FunctionNode functionNode, final Block body) { // Function self-symbol is only declared as a local variable for named function expressions. Declared functions // don't need it as they are local variables in their declaring scope. if (!functionNode.isNamedFunctionExpression()) { return; } final String name = functionNode.getIdent().getName(); assert name != null; // As it's a named function expression. if (body.getExistingSymbol(name) != null) { // Body already has a declaration for the name. It's either a parameter "function x(x)" or a // top-level variable "function x() { ... var x; ... }". return; } defineSymbol(body, name, functionNode, IS_VAR | IS_FUNCTION_SELF | HAS_OBJECT_VALUE); if (functionNode.allVarsInScope()) { // basically, has deep eval // We must conservatively presume that eval'd code can dynamically use the function symbol. lc.setFlag(functionNode, FunctionNode.USES_SELF_SYMBOL); } } @Override public boolean enterFunctionNode(final FunctionNode functionNode) { thisProperties.push(new HashSet<>()); // Every function has a body, even the ones skipped on reparse (they have an empty one). We're // asserting this as even for those, enterBlock() must be invoked to correctly process symbols that // are used in them. assert functionNode.getBody() != null; return true; } @Override public boolean enterVarNode(final VarNode varNode) { // Normally, a symbol assigned in a var statement is not live for its RHS. Since we also represent function // declarations as VarNodes, they are exception to the rule, as they need to have the symbol visible to the // body of the declared function for self-reference. if (varNode.isFunctionDeclaration()) { defineVarIdent(varNode); } return true; } @Override public Node leaveVarNode(final VarNode varNode) { if (!varNode.isFunctionDeclaration()) { defineVarIdent(varNode); } return super.leaveVarNode(varNode); } private void defineVarIdent(final VarNode varNode) { final IdentNode ident = varNode.getName(); final int flags; if (!varNode.isBlockScoped() && lc.getCurrentFunction().isProgram()) { flags = IS_SCOPE; } else { flags = 0; } defineSymbol(lc.getCurrentBlock(), ident.getName(), ident, varNode.getSymbolFlags() | flags); } private Symbol exceptionSymbol() { return newObjectInternal(EXCEPTION_PREFIX); } /** * This has to run before fix assignment types, store any type * specializations for parameters, then turn them into objects for the * generic version of this method. * * @param functionNode functionNode */ private FunctionNode finalizeParameters(final FunctionNode functionNode) { final List<IdentNode> newParams = new ArrayList<>(); final boolean isVarArg = functionNode.isVarArg(); final Block body = functionNode.getBody(); for (final IdentNode param : functionNode.getParameters()) { final Symbol paramSymbol = body.getExistingSymbol(param.getName()); assert paramSymbol != null; assert paramSymbol.isParam() : paramSymbol + " " + paramSymbol.getFlags(); newParams.add(param.setSymbol(paramSymbol)); // parameters should not be slots for a function that uses variable arity signature if (isVarArg) { paramSymbol.setNeedsSlot(false); } } return functionNode.setParameters(lc, newParams); } /** * Search for symbol in the lexical context starting from the given block. * * @param name Symbol name. * @return Found symbol or null if not found. */ private Symbol findSymbol(final Block block, final String name) { for (final Iterator<Block> blocks = lc.getBlocks(block); blocks.hasNext();) { final Symbol symbol =; if (symbol != null) { return symbol; } } return null; } /** * Marks the current function as one using any global symbol. The function * and all its parent functions will all be marked as needing parent scope. * * @see FunctionNode#needsParentScope() */ private void functionUsesGlobalSymbol() { for (final Iterator<FunctionNode> fns = lc.getFunctions(); fns.hasNext();) { lc.setFlag(, FunctionNode.USES_ANCESTOR_SCOPE); } } /** * Marks the current function as one using a scoped symbol. The block * defining the symbol will be marked as needing its own scope to hold the * variable. If the symbol is defined outside of the current function, it * and all functions up to (but not including) the function containing the * defining block will be marked as needing parent function scope. * * @see FunctionNode#needsParentScope() */ private void functionUsesScopeSymbol(final Symbol symbol) { final String name = symbol.getName(); for (final Iterator<LexicalContextNode> contextNodeIter = lc.getAllNodes(); contextNodeIter.hasNext();) { final LexicalContextNode node =; if (node instanceof Block) { final Block block = (Block) node; if (block.getExistingSymbol(name) != null) { assert lc.contains(block); lc.setBlockNeedsScope(block); break; } } else if (node instanceof FunctionNode) { lc.setFlag(node, FunctionNode.USES_ANCESTOR_SCOPE); } } } /** * Declares that the current function is using the symbol. * * @param symbol the symbol used by the current function. */ private void functionUsesSymbol(final Symbol symbol) { assert symbol != null; if (symbol.isScope()) { if (symbol.isGlobal()) { functionUsesGlobalSymbol(); } else { functionUsesScopeSymbol(symbol); } } else { assert !symbol.isGlobal(); // Every global is also scope } } private void initCompileConstant(final CompilerConstants cc, final Block block, final int flags) { defineSymbol(block, cc.symbolName(), null, flags).setNeedsSlot(true); } private void initFunctionWideVariables(final FunctionNode functionNode, final Block body) { initCompileConstant(CALLEE, body, IS_PARAM | IS_INTERNAL | HAS_OBJECT_VALUE); initCompileConstant(THIS, body, IS_PARAM | IS_THIS | HAS_OBJECT_VALUE); if (functionNode.isVarArg()) { initCompileConstant(VARARGS, body, IS_PARAM | IS_INTERNAL | HAS_OBJECT_VALUE); if (functionNode.needsArguments()) { initCompileConstant(ARGUMENTS, body, IS_VAR | IS_INTERNAL | HAS_OBJECT_VALUE); defineSymbol(body, ARGUMENTS_VAR.symbolName(), null, IS_VAR | HAS_OBJECT_VALUE); } } initParameters(functionNode, body); initCompileConstant(SCOPE, body, IS_VAR | IS_INTERNAL | HAS_OBJECT_VALUE); initCompileConstant(RETURN, body, IS_VAR | IS_INTERNAL); } /** * Initialize parameters for function node. * * @param functionNode the function node */ private void initParameters(final FunctionNode functionNode, final Block body) { final boolean isVarArg = functionNode.isVarArg(); final boolean scopeParams = functionNode.allVarsInScope() || isVarArg; for (final IdentNode param : functionNode.getParameters()) { final Symbol symbol = defineSymbol(body, param.getName(), param, IS_PARAM); if (scopeParams) { // NOTE: this "set is scope" is a poor substitute for clear expression of where the symbol is stored. // It will force creation of scopes where they would otherwise not necessarily be needed (functions // using arguments object and other variable arity functions). Tracked by JDK-8038942. symbol.setIsScope(); assert symbol.hasSlot(); if (isVarArg) { symbol.setNeedsSlot(false); } } } } /** * Is the symbol local to (that is, defined in) the specified function? * * @param function the function * @param symbol the symbol * @return true if the symbol is defined in the specified function */ private boolean isLocal(final FunctionNode function, final Symbol symbol) { final FunctionNode definingFn = lc.getDefiningFunction(symbol); assert definingFn != null; return definingFn == function; } @Override public Node leaveBinaryNode(final BinaryNode binaryNode) { if (binaryNode.isTokenType(TokenType.ASSIGN)) { return leaveASSIGN(binaryNode); } return super.leaveBinaryNode(binaryNode); } private Node leaveASSIGN(final BinaryNode binaryNode) { // If we're assigning a property of the this object (" = ..."), record it. final Expression lhs = binaryNode.lhs(); if (lhs instanceof AccessNode) { final AccessNode accessNode = (AccessNode) lhs; final Expression base = accessNode.getBase(); if (base instanceof IdentNode) { final Symbol symbol = ((IdentNode) base).getSymbol(); if (symbol.isThis()) { thisProperties.peek().add(accessNode.getProperty()); } } } return binaryNode; } @Override public Node leaveUnaryNode(final UnaryNode unaryNode) { switch (unaryNode.tokenType()) { case DELETE: return leaveDELETE(unaryNode); case TYPEOF: return leaveTYPEOF(unaryNode); default: return super.leaveUnaryNode(unaryNode); } } private Node leaveDELETE(final UnaryNode unaryNode) { final FunctionNode currentFunctionNode = lc.getCurrentFunction(); final boolean strictMode = currentFunctionNode.isStrict(); final Expression rhs = unaryNode.getExpression(); final Expression strictFlagNode = (Expression) LiteralNode.newInstance(unaryNode, strictMode).accept(this); Request request = Request.DELETE; final List<Expression> args = new ArrayList<>(); if (rhs instanceof IdentNode) { final IdentNode ident = (IdentNode) rhs; // If this is a declared variable or a function parameter, delete always fails (except for globals). final String name = ident.getName(); final Symbol symbol = ident.getSymbol(); if (symbol.isThis()) { // Can't delete "this", ignore and return true return LiteralNode.newInstance(unaryNode, true); } final Expression literalNode = LiteralNode.newInstance(unaryNode, name); final boolean failDelete = strictMode || (!symbol.isScope() && (symbol.isParam() || (symbol.isVar() && !symbol.isProgramLevel()))); if (!failDelete) { args.add(compilerConstantIdentifier(SCOPE)); } args.add(literalNode); args.add(strictFlagNode); if (failDelete) { request = Request.FAIL_DELETE; } else if ((symbol.isGlobal() && !symbol.isFunctionDeclaration()) || symbol.isProgramLevel()) { request = Request.SLOW_DELETE; } } else if (rhs instanceof AccessNode) { final Expression base = ((AccessNode) rhs).getBase(); final String property = ((AccessNode) rhs).getProperty(); args.add(base); args.add(LiteralNode.newInstance(unaryNode, property)); args.add(strictFlagNode); } else if (rhs instanceof IndexNode) { final IndexNode indexNode = (IndexNode) rhs; final Expression base = indexNode.getBase(); final Expression index = indexNode.getIndex(); args.add(base); args.add(index); args.add(strictFlagNode); } else { return LiteralNode.newInstance(unaryNode, true); } return new RuntimeNode(unaryNode, request, args); } @Override public Node leaveForNode(final ForNode forNode) { if (forNode.isForIn()) { return forNode.setIterator(lc, newObjectInternal(ITERATOR_PREFIX)); //NASHORN-73 } return forNode; } @Override public Node leaveFunctionNode(final FunctionNode functionNode) { final FunctionNode finalizedFunction; if (isUnparsedFunction(functionNode)) { finalizedFunction = functionNode; } else { finalizedFunction = markProgramBlock( removeUnusedSlots( createSyntheticInitializers( finalizeParameters( lc.applyTopFlags(functionNode)))) .setThisProperties(lc, thisProperties.pop().size())); } return finalizedFunction; } @Override public Node leaveIdentNode(final IdentNode identNode) { if (identNode.isPropertyName()) { return identNode; } final Symbol symbol = nameIsUsed(identNode.getName(), identNode); if (!identNode.isInitializedHere()) { symbol.increaseUseCount(); } IdentNode newIdentNode = identNode.setSymbol(symbol); // If a block-scoped var is used before its declaration mark it as dead. // We can only statically detect this for local vars, cross-function symbols require runtime checks. if (symbol.isBlockScoped() && !symbol.hasBeenDeclared() && !identNode.isDeclaredHere() && isLocal(lc.getCurrentFunction(), symbol)) { newIdentNode = newIdentNode.markDead(); } return newIdentNode; } private Symbol nameIsUsed(final String name, final IdentNode origin) { final Block block = lc.getCurrentBlock(); Symbol symbol = findSymbol(block, name); //If an existing symbol with the name is found, use that otherwise, declare a new one if (symbol != null) { //"Existing symbol = ", symbol); if (symbol.isFunctionSelf()) { final FunctionNode functionNode = lc.getDefiningFunction(symbol); assert functionNode != null; assert lc.getFunctionBody(functionNode).getExistingSymbol(CALLEE.symbolName()) != null; lc.setFlag(functionNode, FunctionNode.USES_SELF_SYMBOL); } // if symbol is non-local or we're in a with block, we need to put symbol in scope (if it isn't already) maybeForceScope(symbol); } else { //"No symbol exists. Declare as global: ", name); symbol = defineSymbol(block, name, origin, IS_GLOBAL | IS_SCOPE); } functionUsesSymbol(symbol); return symbol; } @Override public Node leaveSwitchNode(final SwitchNode switchNode) { // We only need a symbol for the tag if it's not an integer switch node if (!switchNode.isUniqueInteger()) { return switchNode.setTag(lc, newObjectInternal(SWITCH_TAG_PREFIX)); } return switchNode; } @Override public Node leaveTryNode(final TryNode tryNode) { return tryNode.setException(lc, exceptionSymbol()); } private Node leaveTYPEOF(final UnaryNode unaryNode) { final Expression rhs = unaryNode.getExpression(); final List<Expression> args = new ArrayList<>(); if (rhs instanceof IdentNode && !isParamOrVar((IdentNode) rhs)) { args.add(compilerConstantIdentifier(SCOPE)); args.add(LiteralNode.newInstance(rhs, ((IdentNode) rhs).getName())); //null } else { args.add(rhs); args.add(LiteralNode.newInstance(unaryNode)); //null, do not reuse token of identifier rhs, it can be e.g. 'this' } final Node runtimeNode = new RuntimeNode(unaryNode, Request.TYPEOF, args); return runtimeNode; } private FunctionNode markProgramBlock(final FunctionNode functionNode) { if (!functionNode.isProgram()) { return functionNode; } return functionNode.setBody(lc, functionNode.getBody().setFlag(lc, Block.IS_GLOBAL_SCOPE)); } /** * If the symbol isn't already a scope symbol, but it needs to be (see * {@link #symbolNeedsToBeScope(Symbol)}, it is promoted to a scope symbol * and its block marked as needing a scope. * * @param symbol the symbol that might be scoped */ private void maybeForceScope(final Symbol symbol) { if (!symbol.isScope() && symbolNeedsToBeScope(symbol)) { Symbol.setSymbolIsScope(lc, symbol); } } private Symbol newInternal(final CompilerConstants cc, final int flags) { return defineSymbol(lc.getCurrentBlock(), lc.getCurrentFunction().uniqueName(cc.symbolName()), null, IS_VAR | IS_INTERNAL | flags); //NASHORN-73 } private Symbol newObjectInternal(final CompilerConstants cc) { return newInternal(cc, HAS_OBJECT_VALUE); } /** * Determines if the symbol has to be a scope symbol. In general terms, it * has to be a scope symbol if it can only be reached from the current block * by traversing a function node, a split node, or a with node. * * @param symbol the symbol checked for needing to be a scope symbol * @return true if the symbol has to be a scope symbol. */ private boolean symbolNeedsToBeScope(final Symbol symbol) { if (symbol.isThis() || symbol.isInternal()) { return false; } final FunctionNode func = lc.getCurrentFunction(); if (func.allVarsInScope() || (!symbol.isBlockScoped() && func.isProgram())) { return true; } boolean previousWasBlock = false; for (final Iterator<LexicalContextNode> it = lc.getAllNodes(); it.hasNext();) { final LexicalContextNode node =; if (node instanceof FunctionNode || isSplitLiteral(node)) { // We reached the function boundary or a splitting boundary without seeing a definition for the symbol. // It needs to be in scope. return true; } else if (node instanceof WithNode) { if (previousWasBlock) { // We reached a WithNode; the symbol must be scoped. Note that if the WithNode was not immediately // preceded by a block, this means we're currently processing its expression, not its body, // therefore it doesn't count. return true; } previousWasBlock = false; } else if (node instanceof Block) { if (((Block) node).getExistingSymbol(symbol.getName()) == symbol) { // We reached the block that defines the symbol without reaching either the function boundary, or a // WithNode. The symbol need not be scoped. return false; } previousWasBlock = true; } else { previousWasBlock = false; } } throw new AssertionError(); } private static boolean isSplitLiteral(final LexicalContextNode expr) { return expr instanceof Splittable && ((Splittable) expr).getSplitRanges() != null; } }