package com.eas.client.metadata; import com.eas.core.Utils; import; import java.util.*; /** * This class is intended to hold rowset's fields information. Supports clone, * copy operations. Supports factory method for new fields creation. Supports * field search, operations with primary and foreign keys. */ public class Fields { public static class OrmDef { private final String baseName;// if not null, -> property is a scalar orm expanding private final String name; private final String oppositeName; private final JavaScriptObject jsDef; public OrmDef(String aName, String aOppositeName, JavaScriptObject aJsDef) { this(null, aName, aOppositeName, aJsDef); } public OrmDef(String aBaseName, String aName, String aOppositeName, JavaScriptObject aDef) { baseName = aBaseName; name = aName; oppositeName = aOppositeName; jsDef = aDef; } public String getBaseName() { return baseName; } public String getOppositeName() { return oppositeName; } public String getName() { return name; } public JavaScriptObject getJsDef() { return jsDef; } } private static final String DEFAULT_PARAM_NAME_PREFIX = "Field"; protected String tableDescription; protected List<Field> fields = new ArrayList<>(); // Map of field name to it's index (0-based) protected Map<String, Integer> fieldsHash; // protected JavaScriptObject instanceConstructor; protected Map<String, OrmDef> ormScalarDefinitions = new HashMap<>(); protected Map<String, OrmDef> ormCollectionsDefinitions = new HashMap<>(); protected Map<String, Set<OrmDef>> ormScalarExpandings = new HashMap<>(); /** * The default constructor. */ public Fields() { super(); } /** * The copy constructor. * * @param aSource * Instance of <code>Fields</code> class to be used as the * information source. */ public Fields(Fields aSource) { this(); if (aSource != null) { for (int i = 0; i < aSource.getFieldsCount(); i++) { if (aSource.get(i + 1) != null) { Field copied = aSource.get(i + 1).copy(); fields.add(i, copied); } else { fields.add(i, null); } } assert fields.size() == aSource.getFieldsCount(); String sDesc = aSource.getTableDescription(); if (sDesc != null) { setTableDescription(new String(sDesc.toCharArray())); } } } public JavaScriptObject getInstanceConstructor() { return instanceConstructor; } public void setInstanceConstructor(JavaScriptObject aValue) { instanceConstructor = aValue; } public void putOrmScalarDefinition(String aName, OrmDef aDefinition) { if (aName != null && !aName.isEmpty() && aDefinition != null) { if (!ormScalarDefinitions.containsKey(aName)) { ormScalarDefinitions.put(aName, aDefinition); Set<OrmDef> expandings = ormScalarExpandings.get(aDefinition.getBaseName()); if(expandings == null){ expandings = new HashSet<>(); ormScalarExpandings.put(aDefinition.getBaseName(), expandings); } expandings.add(aDefinition); } } } public Map<String, OrmDef> getOrmScalarDefinitions() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(ormScalarDefinitions); } public Map<String, Set<OrmDef>> getOrmScalarExpandings() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(ormScalarExpandings); } public void forEachOrmScalarExpandings(String anExpandingsName, Utils.JsObject aProcesssor){ Set<OrmDef> expandings = ormScalarExpandings.get(anExpandingsName); if(expandings != null){ for(OrmDef def : expandings){, def); } } } public void putOrmCollectionDefinition(String aName, OrmDef aDefinition) { if (aName != null && !aName.isEmpty() && aDefinition != null) { if (!ormCollectionsDefinitions.containsKey(aName)) { ormCollectionsDefinitions.put(aName, aDefinition); } } } public Map<String, OrmDef> getOrmCollectionsDefinitions() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(ormCollectionsDefinitions); } /** * Rebuild hashmap with fields by name mapping. */ protected void validateFieldsHash() { if (fieldsHash == null) { fieldsHash = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { String fieldName = fields.get(i).getName(); if (fieldName != null) { fieldsHash.put(fieldName.toLowerCase(), i); } } } } /** * Invlidates inner fields hash. Fields are hashed by field name. It's not * recomended to call it directly. It's intended for internal use. */ public void invalidateFieldsHash() { fieldsHash = null; } /** * Returns if the <code>Fields</code> contains no fields. * * @return <code>True</code> if this instance contains no fields. */ public boolean isEmpty() { return fields.isEmpty(); } /** * Returns default name prefix for generating new field names. * * @return New (unique) name for this instance of <code>Fields</code>. * @see #generateNewName() * @see #generateNewName(String) */ public String getDefaultNamePrefix() { return DEFAULT_PARAM_NAME_PREFIX; } /** * Returns table description if this <code>Fields</code> instance represents * database table fields set. * * @return Table description. */ public String getTableDescription() { return tableDescription; } /** * Sets the table description if this <code>Fields</code> instance * represents database table fields set. * * @param aValue * Table description value. */ public void setTableDescription(String aValue) { tableDescription = aValue; } /** * Generates and returns new(unique) field name for this fields set. * * @return New(unique) field name for this fields set. * @see #getDefaultNamePrefix() * @see #generateNewName(String) * @see #isNameAlreadyPresent(String aName, Field aField2Skip) */ public String generateNewName() { return generateNewName(null); } /** * Generates and returns new(unique) field name for this fields set. New * name will start with <code>aPrefix</code> value. * * @param aPrefix * A string value new name will start with. * @return New(unique) field name for this fields set. * @see #getDefaultNamePrefix() * @see #generateNewName() * @see #isNameAlreadyPresent(String aName, Field aField2Skip) */ public String generateNewName(String aPrefix) { if (aPrefix == null || aPrefix.isEmpty()) { aPrefix = getDefaultNamePrefix(); } int paramNumber = 0; for (int i = 0; i < getFieldsCount(); i++) { Field param = fields.get(i); String paramName = param.getName(); if (paramName != null && paramName.toLowerCase().startsWith(aPrefix.toLowerCase())) { int existingNumber = 1; String maybeNumber = paramName.substring(aPrefix.length()); if (maybeNumber != null && !maybeNumber.isEmpty()) { try { existingNumber = Integer.valueOf(maybeNumber); if (existingNumber > paramNumber) { paramNumber = existingNumber; } } catch (NumberFormatException fe) { // no op } } } } return aPrefix + String.valueOf(paramNumber + 1); } /** * Tests whether the name already present in this fields set skipping * particular field instance. * * @param aName * Name to test. * @param aField2Skip * <code>Field</code> to skip. * @return <code>True</code> if the aspecified name already present. * @see #getDefaultNamePrefix() * @see #generateNewName() * @see #generateNewName(String) */ public boolean isNameAlreadyPresent(String aName, Field aField2Skip) { if (aName == null) { aName = ""; } for (int i = 0; i < getFieldsCount(); i++) { Field field = fields.get(i); if (field == aField2Skip) { continue; } String paramName = field.getName(); if (paramName == null) { paramName = ""; } if (aName.toLowerCase().equals(paramName.toLowerCase())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Creates new field * * @return New <code>Field</code> instance. */ public Field createNewField() { return createNewField(null); } /** * Creates new field with the specified name. * * @return New <code>Field</code> instance. * @see #createNewField() * @see #getDefaultNamePrefix() * @see #generateNewName() * @see #generateNewName(String) * @see #isNameAlreadyPresent(String aName, Field aField2Skip) */ public Field createNewField(String aName) { if (aName == null || aName.isEmpty()) { aName = generateNewName(); } Field lfield = new Field(aName, null); lfield.setType("String"); return lfield; } /** * Returns fields count, contained in this fields set. * * @return Fields count, contained in this fields set. */ public int getFieldsCount() { if (fields != null) { return fields.size(); } return 0; } /** * Clears all fields from this set. */ public void clear() { if (fields != null) { fields.clear(); invalidateFieldsHash(); } } /** * Returns fields, representing primary keys. * * @return A vector comprised of <code>Field</code> instances. */ public List<Field> getPrimaryKeys() { List<Field> pks = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < getFieldsCount(); i++) { Field lfield = fields.get(i); if (lfield != null && lfield.isPk()) { pks.add(lfield); } } return pks; } /** * Returns fields, representing foreign keys. * * @return A vector comprised of <code>Field</code> instances. */ public List<Field> getForeinKeys() { List<Field> fks = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < getFieldsCount(); i++) { Field lfield = fields.get(i); if (lfield != null && lfield.isFk()) { fks.add(lfield); } } return fks; } /** * Returns indicies of primary-key fields. Values of indicies are 1-based; * * @return A vector comprised of <code>Field</code> indicies. */ public List<Integer> getPrimaryKeysIndicies() { List<Integer> pksIndicies = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < getFieldsCount(); i++) { Field lfield = fields.get(i); if (lfield != null && lfield.isPk()) { pksIndicies.add(i + 1); } } return pksIndicies; } /** * Adds particular <code>Field</code> instance to this fields set. * * @param aField * A <code>Field</code> to add. * @return <code>True</code> if adding have succeded. */ public boolean add(Field aField) { if (aField != null && fields != null) { boolean res = fields.add(aField); invalidateFieldsHash(); return res; } return false; } /** * Adds particular <code>Field</code> instance to this fields set at the * specified position. * * @param index * An index at which aField is to be added. * @param aField * A <code>Field</code> to add. */ public void add(int index, Field aField) { if (aField != null && fields != null) { fields.add(index - 1, aField); invalidateFieldsHash(); } } /** * Removes a particular <code>Field</code> instance from this fields set. * * @param aField * <code>Field</code> instance to remove. * @return <code>True</code> if removing succeeded. */ public boolean remove(Field aField) { int oldSize = fields.size(); fields.remove(aField); invalidateFieldsHash(); return oldSize > fields.size(); } /** * Returns <code>Field</code> instance at the specified index. Index is 1 * based. * * @param index * Index of <code>Field</code> instance you are interested in. * @return <code>Field</code> instance at the specified index. If wrong * index specified, than null is returned. */ public Field get(int index) { if (fields != null && index > 0 && index <= fields.size()) { return fields.get(index - 1); } return null; } /** * Returns <code>Field</code> instance with the specified name. * * @param aFieldName * Field name of <code>Field</code> instance you are interested * in. * @return <code>Field</code> instance with the specified name. If absent * name is specified, than null is returned. */ public Field get(String aFieldName) { if (fields != null && aFieldName != null) { return get(find(aFieldName)); } return null; } /** * Returns ordinal position of <code>Field</code> instance with the * specified name. * * @param aFieldName * Field name of <code>Field</code> instance you are interested * in. * @return 1 based ordinal position of <code>Field</code> instance with the * specified name. If absent name is specified, than 0 is returned. */ public int find(String aFieldName) { if (fields != null && aFieldName != null) { validateFieldsHash(); assert fieldsHash != null; Integer fIndex = fieldsHash.get(aFieldName.toLowerCase()); if (fIndex != null && fIndex >= 0 && fIndex < fields.size()) { return fIndex + 1; } } return 0; } /** * Test if this <code>Fields</code> object contains a field with the * <code>aFieldName</code> name. * * @param aFieldName * Name to test. * @return True if fields contains a field with such name. */ public boolean contains(String aFieldName) { return find(aFieldName) > 0; } /** * Copies this <code>Fields</code> instance, creating a new one. * * @return New instance of <code>Fields</code>. * @see #clone() */ public Fields copy() { return new Fields(this); } /** * Returns the fields vector as an abstract collection. * * @return Fields vector as an abstract collection. */ public List<Field> toCollection() { return fields; } protected JavaScriptObject jsPublished; public void setPublished(JavaScriptObject aPublished) { jsPublished = aPublished; } public JavaScriptObject getPublished() { return jsPublished; } public static native JavaScriptObject publishFacade(Fields aFields) throws Exception/*-{ if(aFields != null){ var published = aFields.@com.eas.client.metadata.Fields::getPublished()(); if(published == null){ published = { unwrap : function(){ return aFields; } }; Object.defineProperty(published, "empty", { get : function(){ return aFields.@com.eas.client.metadata.Fields::isEmpty()(); }}); Object.defineProperty(published, "tableDescription", { get : function(){ return aFields.@com.eas.client.metadata.Fields::getTableDescription()()}}); var fieldsCount = aFields.@com.eas.client.metadata.Fields::getFieldsCount()(); var lengthMet = false; for(var i = 0; i < fieldsCount; i++){ (function(){ var nField = aFields.@com.eas.client.metadata.Fields::get(I)(i + 1); var nFieldName = nField.@com.eas.client.metadata.Field::getName()(); if('length' == nFieldName){ lengthMet = true; } var pField = @com.eas.client.metadata.Field::publishFacade(Lcom/eas/client/metadata/Field;)(nField); if(!published[nFieldName]) Object.defineProperty(published, nFieldName, { get : function(){ return pField; }}); Object.defineProperty(published, i+"", { get : function(){ return pField; }}); })(); } if(!lengthMet){ Object.defineProperty(published, 'length', {value : fieldsCount}); } aFields.@com.eas.client.metadata.Fields::setPublished(Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JavaScriptObject;)(published); } return published; }else return null; }-*/; }