package com.eas.client.scripts; import com.eas.client.AppElementFiles; import com.eas.client.Application; import com.eas.client.AsyncProcess; import com.eas.client.ModuleStructure; import com.eas.client.ServerModuleInfo; import com.eas.client.cache.PlatypusFiles; import com.eas.client.queries.QueriesProxy; import com.eas.client.queries.Query; import com.eas.client.settings.SettingsConstants; import com.eas.client.threetier.http.Cookie; import com.eas.client.threetier.http.PlatypusHttpConstants; import com.eas.script.Scripts; import com.eas.util.BinaryUtils; import com.eas.util.FileUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import javax.script.ScriptException; import jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.JSObject; import jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.NashornException; /** * * @author vv */ public class ScriptedResource { private static final Pattern HTTP_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("https?://.*"); protected static volatile Application<?> app; /** * Initializes a static fields. * * @param aApp * @param aAbsoluteApiPath * @param aGlobalAPI * @throws Exception If something goes wrong */ public static void init(Application<?> aApp, Path aAbsoluteApiPath, boolean aGlobalAPI) throws Exception { assert app == null : "Platypus application resource may be initialized only once."; app = aApp; Scripts.init(aAbsoluteApiPath, aGlobalAPI); } public static Application<?> getApp() { return app; } /** * Do not use. Only for tests. * * @param aClient * @param aPrincipalHost * @throws Exception * * public static void initForTests(Client aClient, PrincipalHost * aPrincipalHost) throws Exception { client = aClient; principalHost = * aPrincipalHost; } */ /** * Gets an principal provider. * * @return Principal host instance * * public static PrincipalHost getPrincipalHost() { return principalHost; } */ /** * Gets an absolute path to the application's directory. * * @return Application's directory full path or null if not path is not * avaliable * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public static String getApplicationPath() throws Exception { return app.getModules().getLocalPath().toString(); } /** * Part of manual dependencies resolving process * * @param aRemotesNames * @param aOnSuccess * @param aOnFailure * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public static void loadRemotes(String[] aRemotesNames, JSObject aOnSuccess, JSObject aOnFailure) throws Exception { sRequire(aRemotesNames, Scripts.getSpace(), aOnSuccess != null ? (Void v) -> {, new Object[]{}); } : null, aOnFailure != null ? (Exception aReason) -> {, new Object[]{aReason.getMessage()}); } : null); } /** * Part of manual dependencies resolving process * * @param aQueriesNames * @param aOnSuccess * @param aOnFailure * @throws java.lang.Exception */ public static void loadEntities(String[] aQueriesNames, JSObject aOnSuccess, JSObject aOnFailure) throws Exception { qRequire(aQueriesNames, Scripts.getSpace(), aOnSuccess != null ? (Void v) -> {, new Object[]{}); } : null, aOnFailure != null ? (Exception aReason) -> {, new Object[]{aReason.getMessage()}); } : null); } public static Object load(final String aResourceName, String aCalledFromFile) throws Exception { return load(aResourceName, aCalledFromFile, (JSObject) null, (JSObject) null); } public static Object load(final String aResourceName, String aCalledFromFile, JSObject aOnSuccess) throws Exception { return load(aResourceName, aCalledFromFile, aOnSuccess, (JSObject) null); } public static Object load(final String aResourceName, String aCalledFromFile, JSObject aOnSuccess, JSObject aOnFailure) throws Exception { Scripts.Space space = Scripts.getSpace(); return _load(aResourceName, aCalledFromFile, space, aOnSuccess != null ? (Object aLoaded) -> {, new Object[]{space.toJs(aLoaded)}); } : null, aOnFailure != null ? (Exception ex) -> {, new Object[]{space.toJs(ex.getMessage())}); } : null); } public static Object _load(final String aResourceName, String aCalledFromFile, Scripts.Space aSpace) throws Exception { return _load(aResourceName, aCalledFromFile, aSpace, null, null); } public static Object _load(final String aResourceName, String aCalledFromFile, Scripts.Space aSpace, Consumer<Object> onSuccess, Consumer<Exception> onFailure) throws Exception { if (onSuccess != null) { Matcher htppMatcher = HTTP_PATTERN.matcher(aResourceName); if (htppMatcher.matches()) { Scripts.startBIO(() -> { try { SEHttpResponse httpResponse = requestHttpResource(aResourceName, null, null, null); try { aSpace.process(() -> { onSuccess.accept(httpResponse.getBody() != null ? httpResponse.getBody() : httpResponse.getBodyBuffer()); }); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(ScriptedResource.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (onFailure != null) { aSpace.process(() -> { onFailure.accept(ex); }); } else { Logger.getLogger(ScriptedResource.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } }); } else { Path apiPath = Scripts.getAbsoluteApiPath(); Path appPath = getAbsoluteAppPath(); Path calledFromFile = aCalledFromFile != null ? resolveApiApp(aCalledFromFile, apiPath, appPath) : null; String resourceName = calledFromFile != null ? relativizeApiApp(aResourceName, calledFromFile, apiPath, calledFromFile.getParent(), appPath) : aResourceName; app.getModules().getResource(resourceName, aSpace, (File resourceFile) -> { try { if (resourceFile.exists() && !resourceFile.isDirectory()) { byte[] data = FileUtils.readBytes(resourceFile); String fileExt = FileUtils.getFileExtension(resourceFile); String encoding; if (PlatypusFiles.isPlatypusProjectFileExt(fileExt) && !PlatypusFiles.REPORT_LAYOUT_EXTENSION.equalsIgnoreCase(fileExt) && !PlatypusFiles.REPORT_LAYOUT_EXTENSION_X.equalsIgnoreCase(fileExt)) { encoding = SettingsConstants.COMMON_ENCODING; } else { String contentType = Files.probeContentType(resourceFile.toPath()); if (contentType != null && contentType.toLowerCase().startsWith("text/")) { encoding = SettingsConstants.COMMON_ENCODING; } else { encoding = null;// assume binary content } } onSuccess.accept(encoding != null ? new String(data, encoding) : data); } else { Exception ex = new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Resource %s not found", resourceName)); if (onFailure != null) { onFailure.accept(ex); } else { throw ex; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(ScriptedResource.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }, (Exception ex) -> { if (onFailure != null) { onFailure.accept(ex); } }); } return null; } else { return loadSync(aResourceName, aCalledFromFile, aSpace); } } /** * Loads a resource as text for UTF-8 encoding. * * @param aResourceName An relative path to the resource * @param aCalledFromFile .js file, the code is invoked from * @param aSpace * @return Resource's text * @throws Exception If some error occurs when reading the resource */ protected static Object loadSync(String aResourceName, String aCalledFromFile, Scripts.Space aSpace) throws Exception { byte[] data = null; String encoding; Matcher htppMatcher = HTTP_PATTERN.matcher(aResourceName); if (htppMatcher.matches()) { SEHttpResponse httpResponse = requestHttpResource(aResourceName, null, null, null); return httpResponse.getBody() != null ? httpResponse.getBody() : httpResponse.getBodyBuffer(); } else { Path apiPath = Scripts.getAbsoluteApiPath(); Path appPath = getAbsoluteAppPath(); Path calledFromFile = aCalledFromFile != null ? resolveApiApp(aCalledFromFile, apiPath, appPath) : null; String resourceName = calledFromFile != null ? relativizeApiApp(aResourceName, calledFromFile, apiPath, calledFromFile.getParent(), appPath) : aResourceName; File resourceFile = app.getModules().getResource(resourceName, aSpace, null, null); if (resourceFile.exists() && !resourceFile.isDirectory()) { data = FileUtils.readBytes(resourceFile); String fileExt = FileUtils.getFileExtension(resourceFile); if (PlatypusFiles.isPlatypusProjectFileExt(fileExt) && !PlatypusFiles.REPORT_LAYOUT_EXTENSION.equalsIgnoreCase(fileExt) && !PlatypusFiles.REPORT_LAYOUT_EXTENSION_X.equalsIgnoreCase(fileExt)) { encoding = SettingsConstants.COMMON_ENCODING; } else { String contentType = Files.probeContentType(resourceFile.toPath()); if (contentType != null && contentType.toLowerCase().startsWith("text/")) { encoding = SettingsConstants.COMMON_ENCODING; } else { encoding = null;// assume binary content } } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Resource %s not found", resourceName)); } return encoding != null ? new String(data, encoding) : data; } } public static JSObject jsRequestHttpResource(String aUrl, String aMethod, String aRequestBody, JSObject aHeaders, JSObject aOnSuccess, JSObject aOnFailure) throws Exception { Scripts.Space space = Scripts.getSpace(); Map<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<>(); if (aHeaders != null) { aHeaders.keySet().stream().forEach((String aKey) -> { Object oValue = space.toJava(aHeaders.getMember(aKey)); if (oValue != null) { headers.put(aKey.toLowerCase(), oValue); } }); } if (aOnSuccess != null) { Scripts.startBIO(() -> { try { SEHttpResponse httResponse = requestHttpResource(aUrl, aMethod, aRequestBody, headers); space.process(() -> { JSObject jsResponse = httResponse.toJs(space);, new Object[]{jsResponse}); }); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(ScriptedResource.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); space.process(() -> {, new Object[]{space.toJs(ex.getMessage())}); }); } }); return null; } else { SEHttpResponse httResponse = requestHttpResource(aUrl, aMethod, aRequestBody, headers); return httResponse.toJs(space); } } public static String toModuleId(Path apiPath, Path appPath, String aScriptName, String aCalledFromFile) throws URISyntaxException { if (aScriptName != null && !aScriptName.isEmpty()) { Path calledFromFile = resolveApiApp(aCalledFromFile, apiPath, appPath); Path calledFromDir = calledFromFile.getParent(); return relativizeApiApp(aScriptName, calledFromFile, apiPath, calledFromDir, appPath); } else { return aScriptName; } } protected static String relativizeApiApp(String relative, Path calledFromFile, Path apiPath, Path calledFromDir, Path appPath) { String absolute; if (relative.startsWith("./") || relative.startsWith("../")) { if (calledFromFile.startsWith(apiPath)) {// api relative Path apiFile = calledFromDir.resolve(relative).normalize(); absolute = apiPath.relativize(apiFile).toString().replace(File.separator, "/"); } else if (calledFromFile.startsWith(appPath)) {// application relative Path appFile = calledFromDir.resolve(relative).normalize(); absolute = appPath.relativize(appFile).toString().replace(File.separator, "/"); } else { absolute = relative; } } else { absolute = relative; } return absolute; } protected static Path resolveApiApp(String aCalledFromFile, Path apiPath, Path appPath) { Path calledFromFile = Paths.get(aCalledFromFile.replace("/", File.separator)); Path apiResolvedCallPoint = apiPath.resolve(calledFromFile); Path appResolvedCallPoint = appPath.resolve(calledFromFile); if (apiResolvedCallPoint.toFile().exists()) { calledFromFile = apiResolvedCallPoint.normalize(); } else if (appResolvedCallPoint.toFile().exists()) { calledFromFile = appResolvedCallPoint.normalize(); } return calledFromFile; } public static Path lookupPlatypusJs() throws URISyntaxException { URL platypusURL = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(Scripts.INTERNALS_JS_FILENAME); if (platypusURL != null) { Path apiPath = Paths.get(platypusURL.toURI()); apiPath = apiPath.getParent(); return apiPath; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Couldn't find Platypus.js API script " + Scripts.INTERNALS_JS_FILENAME); } } protected static class SEHttpResponse { protected int status; protected String statusText; protected String characterEncoding; protected List<Cookie> cookies = new ArrayList<>(); protected Map<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<>(); protected byte[] bodyContent; protected String body; public SEHttpResponse() { super(); } public int getStatus() { return status; } public void setStatus(int status) { this.status = status; } public String getStatusText() { return statusText; } public void setStatusText(String statusText) { this.statusText = statusText; } public String getCharacterEncoding() { return characterEncoding; } public void setCharacterEncoding(String characterEncoding) { this.characterEncoding = characterEncoding; } public String getBody() { return body; } public void setBody(String body) { this.body = body; } public List<Cookie> getCookies() { return cookies; } public void setCookies(List<Cookie> cookies) { this.cookies = cookies; } public Map<String, Object> getHeaders() { return headers; } public void setHeaders(Map<String, Object> headers) { this.headers = headers; } public byte[] getBodyBuffer() { return bodyContent; } public void setBodyContent(byte[] bodyContent) { this.bodyContent = bodyContent; } public JSObject toJs(Scripts.Space aSpace) { JSObject jsResp = aSpace.makeObj(); // general jsResp.setMember("status", getStatus()); jsResp.setMember("statusText", getStatusText()); jsResp.setMember("contentType", getHeaders().get(PlatypusHttpConstants.HEADER_CONTENTTYPE)); jsResp.setMember("body", getBody()); jsResp.setMember("bodyBuffer", getBodyBuffer()); jsResp.setMember("characterEncoding", getCharacterEncoding()); // headers JSObject jsHeaders = aSpace.makeObj(); getHeaders().entrySet().stream().forEach((Map.Entry<String, Object> aEntry) -> { jsHeaders.setMember(aEntry.getKey(), aSpace.toJs(aEntry.getValue())); }); jsResp.setMember("headers", jsHeaders); // cookies JSObject jsCookies = aSpace.makeObj(); getCookies().forEach((Cookie aCookie) -> { JSObject jsCookie = aSpace.makeObj(); jsCookie.setMember("name", aCookie.getName()); jsCookie.setMember("domain", aCookie.getDomain()); jsCookie.setMember("expires", aSpace.toJs(aCookie.getExpires())); jsCookie.setMember("maxAge", (double) aCookie.getMaxAge()); jsCookie.setMember("path", aCookie.getPath()); jsCookie.setMember("value", aCookie.getValue()); jsCookies.setMember(aCookie.getName(), jsCookie); }); jsResp.setMember("cookies", jsCookies); return jsResp; } } public static SEHttpResponse requestHttpResource(String aUrl, String aMethod, String aRequestBody, Map<String, Object> aHeaders) throws Exception { byte[] data; String encoding; Callable<HttpURLConnection> connFactory = () -> { try { return (HttpURLConnection) new URL(aUrl).openConnection(); } catch (IOException ex) { URL encodedUrl = encodeUrl(new URL(aUrl)); return (HttpURLConnection) encodedUrl.openConnection(); } }; final HttpURLConnection conn =; if (aMethod != null && !aMethod.isEmpty()) { conn.setRequestMethod(aMethod); } conn.setDoInput(true); conn.setRequestProperty("accept-encoding", "deflate"); if (aHeaders != null) { aHeaders.entrySet().stream().forEach((Map.Entry<String, Object> aHeader) -> { Object oValue = aHeader.getValue(); if (oValue instanceof Number) { conn.setRequestProperty(aHeader.getKey(), "" + ((Number) oValue).intValue()); } else if (oValue instanceof Date) { DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(PlatypusHttpConstants.HTTP_DATE_FORMAT); df.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); conn.setRequestProperty(aHeader.getKey(), df.format((Date) oValue)); } else if (oValue != null) { conn.setRequestProperty(aHeader.getKey(), "" + oValue); } }); } if (aRequestBody != null && !aRequestBody.isEmpty()) { conn.setRequestProperty(PlatypusHttpConstants.HEADER_CONTENTTYPE, aHeaders != null && aHeaders.containsKey(PlatypusHttpConstants.HEADER_CONTENTTYPE.toLowerCase()) ? "" + aHeaders.get(PlatypusHttpConstants.HEADER_CONTENTTYPE.toLowerCase()) : "text/plain;charset=" + SettingsConstants.COMMON_ENCODING); byte[] body = aRequestBody.getBytes(SettingsConstants.COMMON_ENCODING); conn.setRequestProperty(PlatypusHttpConstants.HEADER_CONTENTLENGTH, "" + body.length); conn.setDoOutput(true); try (OutputStream os = conn.getOutputStream()) { os.write(body); } } SEHttpResponse resp = new SEHttpResponse(); resp.setStatus(conn.getResponseCode()); resp.setStatusText(conn.getResponseMessage()); InputStream is = conn.getInputStream(); String contentEncoding = conn.getContentEncoding(); if (contentEncoding != null) { if (contentEncoding.contains("gzip") || contentEncoding.contains("zip")) { is = new GZIPInputStream(is); } else if (contentEncoding.contains("deflate")) { is = new InflaterInputStream(is); } } try (InputStream _is = is) { data = BinaryUtils.readStream(_is, -1); String contentType = conn.getContentType(); if (contentType != null) { contentType = contentType.replaceAll("\\s+", "").toLowerCase(); if (contentType.startsWith("text/") || contentType.contains("charset") || contentType.startsWith("application/json")) { if (contentType.contains(";charset=")) { String[] typeCharset = contentType.split(";charset="); if (typeCharset.length == 2 && typeCharset[1] != null) { encoding = typeCharset[1]; } else { Logger.getLogger(ScriptedResource.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, CHARSET_MISSING_MSG); encoding = SettingsConstants.COMMON_ENCODING; } } else { Logger.getLogger(ScriptedResource.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, CHARSET_MISSING_MSG); encoding = SettingsConstants.COMMON_ENCODING; } } else { encoding = null;// assume binary response } } else { Logger.getLogger(ScriptedResource.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, CHARSET_MISSING_MSG); encoding = SettingsConstants.COMMON_ENCODING; } } if (encoding != null) { resp.setCharacterEncoding(encoding); resp.setBody(new String(data, encoding)); } else { resp.setBodyContent(data); } Map<String, List<String>> headers = conn.getHeaderFields(); headers.entrySet().stream().forEach((Map.Entry<String, List<String>> aEntry) -> { /* Crazy J2SE Http client!*/ if (aEntry.getKey() != null && !aEntry.getValue().isEmpty()) { resp.getHeaders().put(aEntry.getKey().toLowerCase(), aEntry.getValue().get(0)); } }); List<String> cookieHeaders = headers.get(PlatypusHttpConstants.HEADER_SETCOOKIE); if (cookieHeaders != null) { -> { try { Cookie cookie = Cookie.parse(setCookieHeaderValue.toLowerCase()); resp.getCookies().add(cookie); } catch (ParseException | NumberFormatException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ScriptedResource.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage()); } }); } long contentLength = conn.getContentLengthLong(); if (contentLength != -1) { resp.getHeaders().put(PlatypusHttpConstants.HEADER_CONTENTLENGTH, contentLength); } long date = conn.getDate(); if (date != 0) { resp.getHeaders().put(PlatypusHttpConstants.HEADER_DATE, new Date(date)); } long expires = conn.getExpiration(); if (expires != 0) { resp.getHeaders().put(PlatypusHttpConstants.HEADER_EXPIRES, new Date(expires)); } long lastModified = conn.getLastModified(); if (lastModified != 0) { resp.getHeaders().put(PlatypusHttpConstants.HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED, new Date(lastModified)); } return resp; } public static final String CHARSET_MISSING_MSG = "Charset missing in http response. Falling back to " + SettingsConstants.COMMON_ENCODING; private static URL encodeUrl(URL url) throws URISyntaxException, MalformedURLException { String file = ""; if (url.getPath() != null && !url.getPath().isEmpty()) { file += (new URI(null, null, url.getPath(), null)).toASCIIString(); } if (url.getQuery() != null && !url.getQuery().isEmpty()) { file += "?" + url.getQuery(); } if (url.getRef() != null && !url.getRef().isEmpty()) { file += "#" + url.getRef(); } url = new URL(url.getProtocol(), IDN.toASCII(url.getHost()), url.getPort(), file); return url; } protected static class RequireProcess extends AsyncProcess<String, Void> { public RequireProcess(int aExpected, Consumer<Void> aOnSuccess, Consumer<Exception> aOnFailure) { super(aExpected, aOnSuccess, aOnFailure); } @Override public void complete(String aValue, Exception aFailureCause) { if (aFailureCause != null) { exceptions.add(aFailureCause); } if (++completed == expected) { doComplete(null); } } } private static final Map<String, ModuleStructure> scriptsOfModulesStructures = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private static void loadScriptOfModule(String aModuleName, String aCalledFromFile, Scripts.Space aSpace, Set<String> aCyclic, Path apiPath, Consumer<Path> onSuccess, Consumer<Exception> onFailure) { // API content is not compressible into bundles and so API module name is transformed into a script file name directly // Also API files can't have global dependencies and can't have prefetched resources Path apiLocalPath = apiPath.resolve(aModuleName + PlatypusFiles.JAVASCRIPT_FILE_END); if (apiLocalPath != null && apiLocalPath.toFile().exists() && !apiLocalPath.toFile().isDirectory()) { // network activity simulation aSpace.process(() -> { onSuccess.accept(apiLocalPath.normalize()); }); } else {// Module is application module, so let's discover what file contains the module. Consumer<ModuleStructure> withModuleStructure = (ModuleStructure structure) -> { if (structure != null) { scriptsOfModulesStructures.put(aModuleName, structure); try { AppElementFiles files = structure.getParts(); File sourceFile = files.findFileByExtension(PlatypusFiles.JAVASCRIPT_EXTENSION); RequireProcess moduleProcess = new RequireProcess(3, (Void v) -> { Path appLocalPath = Paths.get(sourceFile.toURI()); onSuccess.accept(appLocalPath); }, (Exception ex) -> { onFailure.accept(ex); }); if (files.isModule()) { try { // 1 qRequire(structure.getQueryDependencies().toArray(new String[]{}), aSpace, (Void v) -> { moduleProcess.complete(aModuleName + ".q", null); }, (Exception ex) -> { moduleProcess.complete(aModuleName + ".q", ex); }); // 2 sRequire(structure.getServerDependencies().toArray(new String[]{}), aSpace, (Void v) -> { moduleProcess.complete(aModuleName + ".s", null); }, (Exception ex) -> { moduleProcess.complete(aModuleName + ".s", ex); }); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(ScriptedResource.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "{0} - Failed {1}", new Object[]{checkedModuleName(aModuleName), ex.toString()}); } } else { // 1 moduleProcess.complete(aModuleName + ".q", null);// instead of qRequire // 2 moduleProcess.complete(aModuleName + ".s", null);// instead of sRequire } // 3 _require(structure.getClientDependencies().toArray(new String[]{}), aCalledFromFile, aSpace, aCyclic, (Void v) -> { moduleProcess.complete(null, null); }, (Exception ex) -> { moduleProcess.complete(null, ex); }); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(ScriptedResource.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "{0} - Failed {1}", new Object[]{checkedModuleName(aModuleName), ex.toString()}); } } else { Exception ex = new FileNotFoundException(aModuleName); onFailure.accept(ex); } }; ModuleStructure cached = scriptsOfModulesStructures.get(aModuleName); if (cached != null) { // network activity simulation aSpace.process(() -> { withModuleStructure.accept(cached); }); } else { try { app.getModules().getModule(aModuleName, aSpace, withModuleStructure, (Exception ex) -> { onFailure.accept(ex); }); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(ScriptedResource.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "{0} - Failed {1}", new Object[]{aModuleName, ex.toString()}); } } } } private static Object checkedModuleName(String aScriptName) { return aScriptName != null && !aScriptName.isEmpty() ? aScriptName : "[start]"; } public static void require(String[] aModulesNames, String aCalledFromFile, JSObject onSuccess, JSObject onFailure) throws Exception { Scripts.Space space = Scripts.getSpace(); _require(aModulesNames, aCalledFromFile, space, new HashSet<>(), (Void v) -> { if (onSuccess != null) {, new Object[]{}); } }, (Exception ex) -> { if (onFailure != null) {, new Object[]{ex.getMessage()}); } }); } public static void _require(String[] aModulesNames, String aCalledFromFile, Scripts.Space aSpace, Set<String> aCyclic, Consumer<Void> onSuccess, Consumer<Exception> onFailure) throws Exception { String[] modulesNames = aModulesNames != null ? new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(aModulesNames)).toArray(new String[]{}) : null; if (modulesNames != null && modulesNames.length > 0) { Path apiPath = Scripts.getAbsoluteApiPath(); Path appPath = getAbsoluteAppPath(); RequireProcess process = new RequireProcess(modulesNames.length, (Void v) -> { aSpace.process(() -> { onSuccess.accept(v); }); }, (Exception ex) -> { aSpace.process(() -> { onFailure.accept(ex); }); }); for (String moduleName : modulesNames) { if (aSpace.getDefined().containsKey(moduleName)) { process.complete(moduleName, null); } else if (aCyclic.contains(moduleName)) { Logger.getLogger(ScriptedResource.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "Cyclic dependency detected: {0}", checkedModuleName(moduleName)); process.complete(moduleName, null); } else { aCyclic.add(moduleName); // add callbacks to pendings aSpace.pendOn(moduleName, new Scripts.Pending((Void v) -> { process.complete(moduleName, null); }, (Exception ex) -> { process.complete(moduleName, ex); })); Logger.getLogger(ScriptedResource.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "Loading {0} ...", checkedModuleName(moduleName)); loadScriptOfModule(moduleName, aCalledFromFile, aSpace, aCyclic, apiPath, (Path aScriptFile) -> { try { // sync require may occur while pending if (!aSpace.getDefined().containsKey(moduleName)) { URL scriptURL = aScriptFile.toUri().toURL(); Set<String> amdNames; if (!aSpace.getExecuted().containsKey(scriptURL)) { Path relativeLocalPath; if (aScriptFile.startsWith(apiPath)) { relativeLocalPath = apiPath.relativize(aScriptFile); } else if (aScriptFile.startsWith(appPath)) { relativeLocalPath = appPath.relativize(aScriptFile); } else { relativeLocalPath = aScriptFile; } aSpace.exec(relativeLocalPath.toString().replace(File.separator, "/"), scriptURL); amdNames = aSpace.getExecuted().get(scriptURL); Collection<Scripts.AmdDefine> amdDefines = aSpace.consumeAmdDefines(); // Amd in action... for (Scripts.AmdDefine amdDefine : amdDefines) { assert amdDefine.getModuleName() != null : DEFAULT_MODULE_NAME_ASSERT_MSG; amdNames.add(amdDefine.getModuleName()); final String amdModuleName = amdDefine.getModuleName(); String[] amdDependencies = amdDefine.getAmdDependencies(); JSObject amdModuleDefiner = amdDefine.getModuleDefiner(); _require(amdDependencies, null, aSpace, new HashSet<>(), (Void v) -> { try {, new Object[]{amdModuleName}); // If module is still not defined because of buggy definer in script, // we have to put it definition as undefined by hand. if (!aSpace.getDefined().containsKey(amdModuleName)) { aSpace.getDefined().put(amdModuleName, null); } Logger.getLogger(ScriptedResource.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "{0} - Loaded", checkedModuleName(amdModuleName)); aSpace.notifyLoaded(amdModuleName); } catch (NashornException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ScriptedResource.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "{0} - Failed {1}", new Object[]{checkedModuleName(amdModuleName), ex.toString()}); aSpace.notifyFailed(amdModuleName, ex); } }, (Exception ex) -> { Logger.getLogger(ScriptedResource.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "{0} - Failed {1}", new Object[]{checkedModuleName(amdModuleName), ex.toString()}); aSpace.notifyFailed(amdModuleName, ex); }); } } else { amdNames = aSpace.getExecuted().get(scriptURL); } if (!amdNames.contains(moduleName)) { Logger.getLogger(ScriptedResource.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "{0} - Loaded", checkedModuleName(moduleName)); aSpace.notifyLoaded(moduleName); // If module is global or it is a plain *.js file, we have to put its definition as undefined // in AMD structure. if (!aSpace.getDefined().containsKey(moduleName)) { aSpace.getDefined().put(moduleName, null); } else { Logger.getLogger(ScriptedResource.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "Module {0} is defined multiple times. May be it exists both as AMD module and as a global function.", checkedModuleName(moduleName)); } } } else { aSpace.notifyLoaded(moduleName); } } catch (NashornException | ScriptException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ScriptedResource.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "{0} - Failed {1}", new Object[]{checkedModuleName(moduleName), ex.toString()}); aSpace.notifyFailed(moduleName, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(ScriptedResource.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }, (Exception ex) -> { Logger.getLogger(ScriptedResource.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "{0} - Failed {1}", new Object[]{checkedModuleName(moduleName), ex.toString()}); aSpace.notifyFailed(moduleName, ex); }); } } } else { aSpace.process(() -> { onSuccess.accept(null); }); } } private static final String DEFAULT_MODULE_NAME_ASSERT_MSG = "Default module name assumption failed"; public static void require(String[] aModulesNames, String aCalledFromFile) throws Exception { Scripts.Space space = Scripts.getSpace(); _require(aModulesNames, aCalledFromFile, space, new HashSet<>()); } public static void _require(String[] aModulesNames, String aCalledFromFile, Scripts.Space aSpace, Set<String> aCyclic) throws Exception { if (aModulesNames != null && aModulesNames.length > 0) { Path apiPath = Scripts.getAbsoluteApiPath(); Path appPath = getAbsoluteAppPath(); for (String moduleName : aModulesNames) { if (!aSpace.getDefined().containsKey(moduleName)) { if (aCyclic.contains(moduleName)) { Logger.getLogger(ScriptedResource.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "Cyclic dependency detected: {0}", checkedModuleName(moduleName)); } else { aCyclic.add(moduleName); Path apiLocalPath = apiPath.resolve(moduleName + PlatypusFiles.JAVASCRIPT_FILE_END); if (apiLocalPath != null && apiLocalPath.toFile().exists() && !apiLocalPath.toFile().isDirectory()) { URL scriptURL = apiLocalPath.toUri().toURL(); aSpace.exec(moduleName, scriptURL); } else { ModuleStructure structure = app.getModules().getModule(moduleName, null, null, null); if (structure != null) { AppElementFiles files = structure.getParts(); File sourceFile = files.findFileByExtension(PlatypusFiles.JAVASCRIPT_EXTENSION); URL scriptURL = sourceFile.toURI().toURL(); if (!aSpace.getExecuted().containsKey(scriptURL)) { if (files.isModule()) { qRequire(structure.getQueryDependencies().toArray(new String[]{}), null, null, null); sRequire(structure.getServerDependencies().toArray(new String[]{}), null, null, null); } String[] autoDiscoveredDependencies = structure.getClientDependencies().toArray(new String[]{}); _require(autoDiscoveredDependencies, null, aSpace, aCyclic); Path fileToLoad = Paths.get(scriptURL.toURI()); Path appRelative = appPath.relativize(fileToLoad); aSpace.exec(appRelative.toString().replace(File.separator, "/"), scriptURL); } } else { throw new FileNotFoundException(moduleName); } } Collection<Scripts.AmdDefine> amdDefines = aSpace.consumeAmdDefines(); Collection<String> amdNames = new HashSet<>(); for (Scripts.AmdDefine amdDefine : amdDefines) { assert amdDefine.getModuleName() != null : DEFAULT_MODULE_NAME_ASSERT_MSG; amdNames.add(amdDefine.getModuleName()); final String amdModuleName = amdDefine.getModuleName(); final String[] amdDependencies = amdDefine.getAmdDependencies(); final JSObject amdModuleDefiner = amdDefine.getModuleDefiner(); _require(amdDependencies, null, aSpace, aCyclic);, new Object[]{amdModuleName}); // If module is still not defined (buggy definer in script, etc.) // we have to put it definition as undefined by hand. if (!aSpace.getDefined().containsKey(amdModuleName)) { aSpace.getDefined().put(amdModuleName, null); } } // If module is global or it is a plain *.js file, we have to // put it as undefined in AMD structure. if (!amdNames.contains(moduleName)) { if (!aSpace.getDefined().containsKey(moduleName)) { aSpace.getDefined().put(moduleName, null); } else { Logger.getLogger(ScriptedResource.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "Module {0} is defined multiple times. May be it exists both as AMD module and as a global function", checkedModuleName(moduleName)); } } } } } } } public static Path getAbsoluteAppPath() { return app.getModules().getLocalPath(); } protected static void qRequire(String[] aQueriesNames, Scripts.Space aSpace, Consumer<Void> onSuccess, Consumer<Exception> onFailure) throws Exception { if (onSuccess != null) { if (aQueriesNames != null && aQueriesNames.length > 0) { RequireProcess process = new RequireProcess(aQueriesNames.length, onSuccess, onFailure); for (String queryName : aQueriesNames) { ((QueriesProxy<Query>) app.getQueries()).getQuery(queryName, aSpace, (Query query) -> { process.complete(queryName, null); }, (Exception ex) -> { process.complete(queryName, ex); }); } } else { aSpace.process(() -> { onSuccess.accept(null); }); } } else { for (String queryName : aQueriesNames) { app.getQueries().getQuery(queryName, null, null, null); } } } protected static void sRequire(String[] aModulesNames, Scripts.Space aSpace, Consumer<Void> onSuccess, Consumer<Exception> onFailure) throws Exception { if (onSuccess != null) { if (aModulesNames != null && aModulesNames.length > 0) { RequireProcess process = new RequireProcess(aModulesNames.length, onSuccess, onFailure); for (String moduleName : aModulesNames) { app.getServerModules().getServerModuleStructure(moduleName, aSpace, (ServerModuleInfo info) -> { process.complete(moduleName, null); }, (Exception ex) -> { process.complete(moduleName, ex); }); } } else { aSpace.process(() -> { onSuccess.accept(null); }); } } else { for (String moduleName : aModulesNames) { app.getServerModules().getServerModuleStructure(moduleName, null, null, null); } } } }