package com.eas.client.forms; import; import com.eas.client.forms.components.DesktopPane; import com.eas.client.forms.containers.AnchorsPane; import; import; import com.eas.script.AlreadyPublishedException; import com.eas.script.EventMethod; import com.eas.script.HasPublished; import com.eas.script.NoPublisherException; import com.eas.script.ScriptFunction; import com.eas.script.ScriptObj; import com.eas.script.Scripts; import com.eas.util.IdGenerator; import com.eas.util.exceptions.ClosedManageException; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.Dialog.ModalityType; import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter; import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent; import javax.swing.event.InternalFrameListener; import jdk.nashorn.api.scripting.JSObject; /** * * @author mg */ @ScriptObj(name = "Form", jsDoc = "" + "/**\n" + " * Application form.\n" + " */") public class Form implements HasPublished { public static final String FORM_ID_AS_FIRST_REQUIRED_MSG = "First element of form key must be a valid form id."; public static final String FORM_KEY_REQUIRED_MSG = "Form key must be not null and must contain at least one element (form id)."; public static final String VIEW_SCRIPT_NAME = "view"; protected static final Map<String, Form> showingForms = new HashMap<>(); protected static JSObject onChange; public static Form[] getShownForms() { List<Form> notNullForms = new ArrayList<>(); showingForms.values().forEach((Form f) -> { if (f != null) { notNullForms.add(f); } }); return notNullForms.toArray(new Form[]{}); } public static Form getShownForm(String aFormKey) { return showingForms.get(aFormKey); } public static JSObject getOnChange() { return onChange; } public static void setOnChange(JSObject aValue) { onChange = aValue; } private void checkUndecorated(RootPaneContainer topContainer) { if (UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getClass().getName().startsWith("com.jtattoo.plaf") || UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getClass().getName().startsWith("de.javasoft.plaf.synthetica")) { if (topContainer instanceof JFrame) { ((JFrame) topContainer).setUndecorated(true); } else if (topContainer instanceof JDialog) { ((JDialog) topContainer).setUndecorated(true); } } } protected void showingFormsChanged() { if (onChange != null) { try { PublishedSourcedEvent event = new PublishedSourcedEvent(this);, new Object[]{event.getPublished()}); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(Form.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } } protected class WindowClosingReflector extends WindowAdapter implements InternalFrameListener { @Override public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) { surface = null; showingForms.remove(Form.this.getFormKey()); showingFormsChanged(); } @Override public void internalFrameOpened(InternalFrameEvent e) { } @Override public void internalFrameClosing(InternalFrameEvent e) { } @Override public void internalFrameClosed(InternalFrameEvent e) { surface = null; showingForms.remove(Form.this.getFormKey()); showingFormsChanged(); } @Override public void internalFrameIconified(InternalFrameEvent e) { } @Override public void internalFrameDeiconified(InternalFrameEvent e) { } @Override public void internalFrameActivated(InternalFrameEvent e) { } @Override public void internalFrameDeactivated(InternalFrameEvent e) { } } // From design info protected int defaultCloseOperation = JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE; protected ImageIcon icon; protected String title; protected boolean resizable = true; protected boolean minimizable = true; protected boolean maximizable = true; protected boolean closable = true; protected boolean undecorated; protected float opacity = 1.0f; protected boolean alwaysOnTop; protected boolean locationByPlatform = true; protected Point formLocation; protected Dimension designedViewSize; protected Dimension formSize; protected Dimension windowDecorSize = new Dimension(); protected WindowEventsIProxy windowHandler; // runtime protected JComponent view; protected String formKey; // protected JSObject published; // frequent runtime protected Collection<JSObject> publishedComponents = new ArrayList<>(); protected Container surface; protected Object closeCallbackParameter; public Form() throws Exception { this("form-" + IdGenerator.genId()); } public Form(String aFormKey) throws Exception { this(null, aFormKey); } public Form(JComponent aView) throws Exception { this(aView, "form-" + IdGenerator.genId()); } @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = "" + "/**\n" + " * Creates a form.\n" + " * @param aView Container instance to be used as view of created form. Optional. If it is omitted P.AnchorsPane will be created and used as view.\n" + " * @param aFormKey Form instance key for open windows accounting. Optional.\n" + " */", params = {"aView", "aFormKey"}) public Form(JComponent aView, String aFormKey) throws Exception { super(); formKey = aFormKey; windowHandler = new WindowEventsIProxy(); view = aView != null ? aView : new AnchorsPane(); view.setName(VIEW_SCRIPT_NAME); } @Override public final JSObject getPublished() { if (published == null) { JSObject publisher = Scripts.getSpace().getPublisher(this.getClass().getName()); if (publisher == null || !publisher.isFunction()) { throw new NoPublisherException(); } published = (JSObject), new Object[]{this}); } return published; } @Override public void setPublished(JSObject aValue) { if (published != null) { throw new AlreadyPublishedException(); } injectPublished(aValue); } public void injectPublished(JSObject aValue) { published = aValue; windowHandler.setEventThis(published); } // Script interface private static final String SHOW_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * Shows the form as an ordinary window.\n" + " */"; /** * Script method showing the view as ordinary frame * * @throws Exception an exception if something goes wrong */ @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = SHOW_JSDOC) public void show() throws Exception { displayAsFrame(); } public Object showDialog(JSObject onOkModalResult) throws Exception { return showModal(onOkModalResult); } private static final String SHOW_MODAL_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * Shows the form as a dialog (modal window).\n" + " * @param callback a callback handler function\n" + " */"; /** * Script method showing the view as modal dialog * * @param onOkModalResult a callback handler function * @return value of the modalResult property * @throws Exception an exception if something goes wrong */ @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = SHOW_MODAL_JSDOC, params = {"callback"}) public Object showModal(JSObject onOkModalResult) throws Exception { return displayAsDialog(onOkModalResult); } private static final String SHOW_INTERNAL_FRAME_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * Shows the form as an internal window in a desktop.\n" + " * @param desktop the parent desktop object\n" + " */"; /** * Script method showing the view as an internal frame. * * @param aDesktop Should be an instance of JDesktopPane * @throws Exception an exception if something goes wrong */ @ScriptFunction(params = {"desktop"}, jsDoc = SHOW_INTERNAL_FRAME_JSDOC) public void showInternalFrame(DesktopPane aDesktop) throws Exception { displayAsInternalFrame(aDesktop); } /* private static final String SHOW_ON_PANEL_FRAME_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * Script method showing the view in embedded mode on the panel.\n" + " * @param panel the parent panel\n" */// + " */"; /* @ScriptFunction(params = {"panel"}, jsDoc = SHOW_ON_PANEL_FRAME_JSDOC) public void showOnPanel(Object aParent) throws Exception { com.eas.client.forms.api.Container<?> hostPanel; if (aParent != null) { if (aParent instanceof NativeJavaObject) { aParent = Context.jsToJava(aParent, com.eas.client.forms.api.Container.class); } if (aParent instanceof com.eas.client.forms.api.Container<?>) { hostPanel = (com.eas.client.forms.api.Container<?>) aParent; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument should be instance of Container, not " + aParent.getClass().getName()); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument should be not null"); } displayOnContainer(ControlsWrapper.unwrap(hostPanel)); } //TODO is redundant method? public String getFormId() { return getApplicationElementId(); } */ private static final String FORM_KEY_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * The form key. Used to identify a form instance. Initialy set to the form's application element name.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = FORM_KEY_JSDOC) @Undesignable public String getFormKey() { return formKey; } @ScriptFunction public void setFormKey(String aValue) { if (formKey == null ? aValue != null : !formKey.equals(aValue)) { showingForms.remove(formKey); formKey = aValue; if (isInOpenedWindow()) { showingForms.put(formKey, this); showingFormsChanged(); } } } public JComponent getViewWidget() { return view; } public JSObject getView() { return ((HasPublished) view).getPublished(); } private static final String IS_VISIBLE_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * Checks if this form is visible.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = IS_VISIBLE_JSDOC) public boolean getVisible() { return isFrameVisible() || isDialogVisible() || isInternalFrameVisible(); } public boolean isFrameVisible() { return surface instanceof JFrame && surface.isVisible(); } public boolean isDialogVisible() { return surface instanceof JDialog && surface.isVisible(); } public boolean isInternalFrameVisible() { return surface instanceof JInternalFrame && (surface.isVisible() || ((JInternalFrame) surface).getDesktopIcon().isVisible()); } public boolean isInOpenedWindow() { return isFrameVisible() || isDialogVisible() || isInternalFrameVisible(); } public void displayAsFrame() throws Exception { if (surface == null) { close(null); final JFrame frame = new JFrame() { @Override protected void processWindowEvent(WindowEvent e) { try { super.processWindowEvent(e); } catch (ClosedManageException ex) { // no op } } }; frame.addWindowListener(new WindowClosingReflector()); frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // configure frame frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(defaultCloseOperation); frame.setIconImage(icon != null ? icon.getImage() : null); frame.setTitle(title); frame.setResizable(resizable); frame.setUndecorated(undecorated); if (frame.isUndecorated()) { frame.setOpacity(opacity); } checkUndecorated(frame); frame.setAlwaysOnTop(alwaysOnTop); frame.setLocationByPlatform(locationByPlatform); frame.getContentPane().add(view, BorderLayout.CENTER); // add window listener // for unknown reasons, control events are also working windowHandler.setHandlee(frame); // JSObject windowOpenedHandler = windowHandler.getHandlers().get(WindowEventsIProxy.windowOpened); windowHandler.getHandlers().remove(WindowEventsIProxy.windowOpened); try { showingForms.put(formKey, this); frame.setVisible(true); Insets decorInsets = frame.getInsets(); windowDecorSize = new Dimension(decorInsets.left + decorInsets.right, + decorInsets.bottom); if (formSize != null) { frame.setSize(formSize.width + windowDecorSize.width, formSize.height + windowDecorSize.height); } else if (designedViewSize != null) { frame.setSize(designedViewSize.width + windowDecorSize.width, designedViewSize.height + windowDecorSize.height); } else { frame.pack(); } formSize = new Dimension(frame.getSize().width - windowDecorSize.width, frame.getSize().height - windowDecorSize.height); if (formLocation != null && !locationByPlatform) { frame.setLocation(formLocation); } } finally { windowHandler.getHandlers().put(WindowEventsIProxy.windowOpened, windowOpenedHandler); } surface = frame; formLocation = surface.getLocation(); surface.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() { @Override public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) { formLocation = surface.getLocation(); } @Override public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { formSize = new Dimension(surface.getSize().width - windowDecorSize.width, surface.getSize().height - windowDecorSize.height); } }); surface.revalidate(); surface.repaint(); showingFormsChanged(); } else { surface.setVisible(true); } } public void displayAsInternalFrame(DesktopPane aDesktop) throws Exception { if (surface == null) { close(null); JInternalFrame internalFrame = new PlatypusInternalFrame(this) { @Override public void doDefaultCloseAction() { try { super.doDefaultCloseAction(); } catch (ClosedManageException ex) { // no op } } }; internalFrame.addInternalFrameListener(new WindowClosingReflector()); internalFrame.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // configure frame internalFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(defaultCloseOperation); internalFrame.setFrameIcon(icon); internalFrame.setTitle(title); internalFrame.setResizable(resizable); internalFrame.setClosable(true); internalFrame.setIconifiable(true); internalFrame.setMaximizable(true); internalFrame.getContentPane().add(view, BorderLayout.CENTER); // add window listener // for unknown reasons, control events are also working windowHandler.setHandlee(internalFrame); // JSObject windowOpenedHandler = windowHandler.getHandlers().get(WindowEventsIProxy.windowOpened); windowHandler.getHandlers().remove(WindowEventsIProxy.windowOpened); try { showingForms.put(formKey, this); aDesktop.add(internalFrame); internalFrame.setVisible(true); Insets decorInsets = internalFrame.getInsets(); windowDecorSize = new Dimension(decorInsets.left + decorInsets.right, + decorInsets.bottom); if (formSize != null) { internalFrame.setSize(formSize.width + windowDecorSize.width, formSize.height + windowDecorSize.height); } else if (designedViewSize != null) { internalFrame.setSize(designedViewSize.width + windowDecorSize.width, designedViewSize.height + windowDecorSize.height); } else { internalFrame.pack(); } formSize = new Dimension(internalFrame.getSize().width - windowDecorSize.width, internalFrame.getSize().height - windowDecorSize.height); if (formLocation != null && !locationByPlatform) { internalFrame.setLocation(formLocation); } } finally { windowHandler.getHandlers().put(WindowEventsIProxy.windowOpened, windowOpenedHandler); } surface = internalFrame; formLocation = surface.getLocation(); surface.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() { @Override public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) { formLocation = surface.getLocation(); } @Override public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { formSize = new Dimension(surface.getSize().width - windowDecorSize.width, surface.getSize().height - windowDecorSize.height); } }); windowHandler.windowOpened(null); showingFormsChanged(); } else { surface.setVisible(true); } } public Object displayAsDialog(final JSObject onOkModalResult) throws Exception { if (surface == null) { close(null); JDialog dialog = new JDialog() { @Override protected void processWindowEvent(WindowEvent e) { try { if (e.getID() == WindowEvent.WINDOW_OPENED) { Insets decorInsets = surface.getInsets(); windowDecorSize = new Dimension(decorInsets.left + decorInsets.right, + decorInsets.bottom); if (formSize != null) { surface.setSize(formSize.width + windowDecorSize.width, formSize.height + windowDecorSize.height); } else if (designedViewSize != null) { surface.setSize(designedViewSize.width + windowDecorSize.width, designedViewSize.height + windowDecorSize.height); } else { ((JDialog) surface).pack(); } formSize = new Dimension(surface.getSize().width - windowDecorSize.width, surface.getSize().height - windowDecorSize.height); if (formLocation != null && !locationByPlatform) { surface.setLocation(formLocation); } formLocation = surface.getLocation(); surface.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() { @Override public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) { formLocation = surface.getLocation(); } @Override public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { if (surface != null && surface.isVisible()) { formSize = new Dimension(surface.getSize().width - windowDecorSize.width, surface.getSize().height - windowDecorSize.height); } } }); showingForms.put(formKey, Form.this); surface.revalidate(); surface.repaint(); showingFormsChanged(); } super.processWindowEvent(e); } catch (ClosedManageException ex) { // no op } } }; //dialog.addWindowListener(new WindowClosingReflector()); dialog.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // configure dialog dialog.setDefaultCloseOperation(defaultCloseOperation); dialog.setIconImage(icon != null ? icon.getImage() : null); dialog.setTitle(title); dialog.setResizable(resizable); dialog.setUndecorated(undecorated); if (dialog.isUndecorated()) { dialog.setOpacity(opacity); } checkUndecorated(dialog); dialog.setLocationByPlatform(locationByPlatform); dialog.getContentPane().add(view, BorderLayout.CENTER); dialog.setModalityType(ModalityType.APPLICATION_MODAL); // add window listener // for unknown reasons, control events are also working windowHandler.setHandlee(dialog); // surface = dialog; dialog.setVisible(true); final Object selected = closeCallbackParameter; surface = null; closeCallbackParameter = null; if (onOkModalResult != null) { try {, new Object[]{selected}); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(Form.class .getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return selected; } else { return null; } } /* public void displayOnContainer(java.awt.Container aTarget) throws Exception { if (surface == null) { close(null); if (aTarget.getLayout() != null) {// TODO: remove this code when script moving/resizing will be clear. aTarget.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); } if (aTarget.getLayout() instanceof BorderLayout) { aTarget.add(view, BorderLayout.CENTER); } surface = aTarget; windowDecorSize = new Dimension(); windowHandler.windowOpened(new WindowEvent(new JFrame(), WindowEvent.WINDOW_OPENED)); aTarget.invalidate(); view.invalidate(); aTarget.validate(); aTarget.repaint(); if (surface.getLayout() == null) { if (formSize != null) { view.setSize(formSize); } else if (designedViewSize != null) { view.setSize(designedViewSize); } formSize = view.getSize(); if (formLocation != null) { view.setLocation(formLocation); } } designedViewSize = view.getSize(); formLocation = view.getLocation(); surface.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() { @Override public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) { formLocation = surface.getLocation(); } @Override public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { formSize = surface.getSize(); designedViewSize = surface.getSize(); } }); } } */ private static final String CLOSE_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * Closes this form.\n" + " * @param obj an object to be passed as a result of a selection into <code>showModal</code> callback handler function.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(params = {"obj"}, jsDoc = CLOSE_JSDOC) public void close(Object aSelected) { if (surface != null) { try { if (surface instanceof Window) { windowHandler.windowClosing(new WindowEvent(((Window) surface), WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING)); ((Window) surface).dispose(); } else if (surface instanceof JInternalFrame) { windowHandler.internalFrameClosing(new InternalFrameEvent(((JInternalFrame) surface), WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING)); ((JInternalFrame) surface).dispose(); } else { windowHandler.windowClosing(new WindowEvent(new JFrame(), WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING)); windowHandler.windowClosed(new WindowEvent(new JFrame(), WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSED)); view.invalidate(); surface.remove(view); surface.validate(); surface.repaint(); } surface = null; closeCallbackParameter = aSelected; } catch (ClosedManageException ex) { // no op } } } private static final String MINIMIZE_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * Minimizes this form.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = MINIMIZE_JSDOC) public void minimize() { if (surface != null) { if (surface instanceof JFrame) { ((JFrame) surface).setExtendedState(JFrame.ICONIFIED); } else if (surface instanceof JInternalFrame) { JInternalFrame aFrame = (JInternalFrame) surface; try { if (aFrame.isMaximum()) { aFrame.setMaximum(false); } if (!aFrame.isIcon() && aFrame.isIconifiable()) { aFrame.setIcon(true); } } catch (Exception e) { } } } } private static final String MAXIMIZE_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * Maximizes this form.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = MAXIMIZE_JSDOC) public void maximize() { if (surface != null) { if (surface instanceof JFrame) { ((JFrame) surface).setExtendedState(JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH); } else if (surface instanceof JInternalFrame) { JInternalFrame aFrame = (JInternalFrame) surface; try { if (aFrame.isIcon()) { aFrame.setIcon(false); } if (!aFrame.isMaximum() && aFrame.isMaximizable()) { aFrame.setMaximum(true); aFrame.toFront(); } } catch (Exception e) { } } } } private static final String RESTORE_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * Restores this form state.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = RESTORE_JSDOC) public void restore() { if (surface != null) { if (surface instanceof JInternalFrame) { JInternalFrame aFrame = (JInternalFrame) surface; try { if (aFrame.isMaximum()) { aFrame.setMaximum(false); } if (aFrame.isIcon()) { aFrame.setIcon(false); } } catch (Exception e) { } aFrame.toFront(); } else if (surface instanceof JFrame) { ((JFrame) surface).setExtendedState(JFrame.NORMAL); ((JFrame) surface).toFront(); } } } private static final String TO_FRONT_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * Moves form to the front position.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = TO_FRONT_JSDOC) public void toFront() { if (surface != null) { if (surface instanceof JInternalFrame) { try { ((JInternalFrame) surface).setIcon(false); } catch (Exception e) { } ((JInternalFrame) surface).toFront(); } else if (surface instanceof JFrame) { ((JFrame) surface).toFront(); } } } private static final String GET_MINIMIZED_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * <code>true</code> if this form is minimized.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = GET_MINIMIZED_JSDOC) public boolean getMinimized() { if (surface != null) { if (surface instanceof JInternalFrame) { JInternalFrame aFrame = (JInternalFrame) surface; return aFrame.isIcon(); } else if (surface instanceof JFrame) { JFrame aFrame = (JFrame) surface; return aFrame.getExtendedState() == JFrame.ICONIFIED; } } return false; } private static final String IS_MAXIMIZED_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * <code>true</code> if this form is maximized.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = IS_MAXIMIZED_JSDOC) public boolean getMaximized() { if (surface != null) { if (surface instanceof JInternalFrame) { JInternalFrame aFrame = (JInternalFrame) surface; return aFrame.isMaximum() && !aFrame.isIcon(); } else if (surface instanceof JFrame) { JFrame aFrame = (JFrame) surface; return aFrame.getExtendedState() == JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH; } } return false; } private static final String LEFT_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * The distance for this form to the parent container's left side.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = LEFT_JSDOC) @Undesignable public int getLeft() { if (surface != null) { return surface.getLocation().x; } else if (formLocation != null) { return formLocation.x; } else { return 0; } } @ScriptFunction public void setLeft(int aValue) { if (surface != null) { surface.setLocation(aValue, surface.getLocation().y); } else if (formLocation != null) { formLocation.x = aValue; } locationByPlatform = false; } private static final String TOP_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * The distance for this form to the parent container's top side.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = TOP_JSDOC) @Undesignable public int getTop() { if (surface != null) { return surface.getLocation().y; } else if (formLocation != null) { return formLocation.y; } else { return 0; } } @ScriptFunction public void setTop(int aValue) { if (surface != null) { surface.setLocation(surface.getLocation().x, aValue); } else if (formLocation != null) { formLocation.y = aValue; } locationByPlatform = false; } private static final String WIDTH_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * The form's width.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = WIDTH_JSDOC) @Undesignable public int getWidth() { if (surface != null) { return surface.getWidth() - windowDecorSize.width; } else if (formSize != null) { return formSize.width; } else { return designedViewSize.width; } } @ScriptFunction public void setWidth(int aValue) { if (surface != null) { surface.setSize(aValue + windowDecorSize.width, surface.getHeight()); } else { if (formSize == null) { formSize = new Dimension(); } formSize.width = aValue; } } private static final String HEIGHT_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * The form's height.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = HEIGHT_JSDOC) @Undesignable public int getHeight() { if (surface != null) { return surface.getHeight() - windowDecorSize.height; } else if (formSize != null) { return formSize.height; } else { return designedViewSize.height; } } @ScriptFunction public void setHeight(int aValue) { if (surface != null) { surface.setSize(surface.getWidth(), aValue + windowDecorSize.height); } else { if (formSize == null) { formSize = new Dimension(); } formSize.height = aValue; } } public Dimension getDesignedViewSize() { return designedViewSize; } public void setDesignedViewSize(Dimension aValue) { designedViewSize = aValue; } public int getDefaultCloseOperation() { return defaultCloseOperation; } public void setDefaultCloseOperation(int aValue) { defaultCloseOperation = aValue; if (surface instanceof JDialog) { ((JDialog) surface).setDefaultCloseOperation(defaultCloseOperation); } if (surface instanceof JInternalFrame) { ((JInternalFrame) surface).setDefaultCloseOperation(defaultCloseOperation); } if (surface instanceof JFrame) { ((JFrame) surface).setDefaultCloseOperation(defaultCloseOperation); } } private static final String ICON_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * The form's icon.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = ICON_JSDOC) public ImageIcon getIcon() { return icon; } @ScriptFunction public void setIcon(ImageIcon aValue) { icon = aValue; if (surface instanceof JDialog) { ((JDialog) surface).setIconImage(icon != null ? icon.getImage() : null); } if (surface instanceof JInternalFrame) { ((JInternalFrame) surface).setFrameIcon(icon); } if (surface instanceof JFrame) { ((JFrame) surface).setIconImage(icon != null ? icon.getImage() : null); } } private static final String TITLE_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * The form's title text.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = TITLE_JSDOC) public String getTitle() { return title; } @ScriptFunction public void setTitle(String aValue) { title = aValue; if (surface instanceof JDialog) { ((JDialog) surface).setTitle(title); } if (surface instanceof JInternalFrame) { ((JInternalFrame) surface).setTitle(title); } if (surface instanceof JFrame) { ((JFrame) surface).setTitle(title); } } private static final String RESIZABLE_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * <code>true</code> if this form is resizable.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = RESIZABLE_JSDOC) public boolean getResizable() { return resizable; } @ScriptFunction public void setResizable(boolean aValue) { resizable = aValue; if (surface instanceof JDialog) { ((JDialog) surface).setResizable(resizable); } if (surface instanceof JInternalFrame) { ((JInternalFrame) surface).setResizable(resizable); } if (surface instanceof JFrame) { ((JFrame) surface).setResizable(resizable); } } private static final String MAXIMIZABLE_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * <code>true</code> if this form is maximizable.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = MAXIMIZABLE_JSDOC) public boolean getMaximizable() { return maximizable; } @ScriptFunction public void setMaximizable(boolean aValue) { maximizable = aValue; if (surface instanceof JDialog) { //((JDialog) surface).setMaximizable(maximizable); } if (surface instanceof JInternalFrame) { ((JInternalFrame) surface).setMaximizable(maximizable); } if (surface instanceof JFrame) { //((JFrame) surface).setMaximizable(maximizable); } } private static final String CLOSABLE_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * <code>true</code> if this form is closable.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = MAXIMIZABLE_JSDOC) public boolean getClosable() { return closable; } @ScriptFunction public void setClosable(boolean aValue) { closable = aValue; if (surface instanceof JDialog) { //((JDialog) surface).setClosable(closable); } if (surface instanceof JInternalFrame) { ((JInternalFrame) surface).setClosable(closable); } if (surface instanceof JFrame) { //((JFrame) surface).setClosable(closable); } } private static final String MINIMIZABLE_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * <code>true</code> if this form is minimizable.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = MINIMIZABLE_JSDOC) public boolean getMinimizable() { return minimizable; } @ScriptFunction public void setMinimizable(boolean aValue) { minimizable = aValue; if (surface instanceof JDialog) { //((JDialog) surface).setMinimizable(minimizable); } if (surface instanceof JInternalFrame) { ((JInternalFrame) surface).setIconifiable(minimizable); } if (surface instanceof JFrame) { //((JFrame) surface).setMinimizable(minimizable); } } private static final String UNDECORATED_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * <code>true</code> if no decoration to be enabled for this form.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = UNDECORATED_JSDOC) public boolean getUndecorated() { return undecorated; } @ScriptFunction public void setUndecorated(boolean aValue) { undecorated = aValue; if (surface instanceof JDialog) { ((JDialog) surface).setUndecorated(undecorated); } if (surface instanceof JInternalFrame) { //((JInternalFrame) surface).setUndecorated(undecorated); } if (surface instanceof JFrame) { ((JFrame) surface).setUndecorated(undecorated); } } private static final String OPACITY_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * The opacity of the form.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = OPACITY_JSDOC) public float getOpacity() { return opacity; } @ScriptFunction public void setOpacity(float aValue) { opacity = aValue; if (surface instanceof JDialog) { ((JDialog) surface).setOpacity(opacity); } if (surface instanceof JInternalFrame) { ((JInternalFrame) surface).setOpaque(opacity > 0.5f); } if (surface instanceof JFrame) { ((JFrame) surface).setOpacity(opacity); } } private static final String ALWAYS_ON_TOP_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * Determines whether this window should always be above other windows.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = ALWAYS_ON_TOP_JSDOC) @Undesignable public boolean getAlwaysOnTop() { return alwaysOnTop; } @ScriptFunction() public void setAlwaysOnTop(boolean aValue) { alwaysOnTop = aValue; if (surface instanceof JDialog) { ((JDialog) surface).setAlwaysOnTop(alwaysOnTop); } if (surface instanceof JInternalFrame) { //((JInternalFrame) surface).setAlwaysOnTop(alwaysOnTop); } if (surface instanceof JFrame) { ((JFrame) surface).setAlwaysOnTop(alwaysOnTop); } } private static final String LOCATION_BY_PLATFORM_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * Determines whether this form should appear at the default location\n" + " * for the native windowing system or at the current location.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = LOCATION_BY_PLATFORM_JSDOC) public boolean getLocationByPlatform() { return locationByPlatform; } @ScriptFunction public void setLocationByPlatform(boolean aValue) { locationByPlatform = aValue; if (surface instanceof JDialog) { ((JDialog) surface).setLocationByPlatform(locationByPlatform); } if (surface instanceof JInternalFrame) { //((JInternalFrame) surface).setLocationByPlatform(locationByPlatform) } if (surface instanceof JFrame) { ((JFrame) surface).setLocationByPlatform(locationByPlatform); } } private static final String ON_WINDOW_OPENED_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * The handler function for the form's <i>before open</i> event.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = ON_WINDOW_OPENED_JSDOC) @EventMethod(eventClass = @Undesignable public JSObject getOnWindowOpened() { return windowHandler != null ? windowHandler.getHandlers().get(WindowEventsIProxy.windowOpened) : null; } @ScriptFunction public void setOnWindowOpened(JSObject aValue) { if (windowHandler != null) { windowHandler.getHandlers().put(WindowEventsIProxy.windowOpened, aValue); } } private static final String ON_WINDOW_CLOSING_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * The handler function for the form's <i>before close</i> event.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = ON_WINDOW_CLOSING_JSDOC) @EventMethod(eventClass = @Undesignable public JSObject getOnWindowClosing() { return windowHandler != null ? windowHandler.getHandlers().get(WindowEventsIProxy.windowClosing) : null; } @ScriptFunction() public void setOnWindowClosing(JSObject aValue) { if (windowHandler != null) { windowHandler.getHandlers().put(WindowEventsIProxy.windowClosing, aValue); } } private static final String ON_WINDOW_CLOSED_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * The handler function for the form's <i>after close</i> event.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = ON_WINDOW_CLOSED_JSDOC) @EventMethod(eventClass = @Undesignable public JSObject getOnWindowClosed() { return windowHandler != null ? windowHandler.getHandlers().get(WindowEventsIProxy.windowClosed) : null; } @ScriptFunction public void setOnWindowClosed(JSObject aValue) { if (windowHandler != null) { windowHandler.getHandlers().put(WindowEventsIProxy.windowClosed, aValue); } } private static final String ON_WINDOW_MINIMIZED_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * The handler function for the form's <i>after minimize</i> event.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = ON_WINDOW_MINIMIZED_JSDOC) @EventMethod(eventClass = @Undesignable public JSObject getOnWindowMinimized() { return windowHandler != null ? windowHandler.getHandlers().get(WindowEventsIProxy.windowIconified) : null; } @ScriptFunction public void setOnWindowMinimized(JSObject aValue) { if (windowHandler != null) { windowHandler.getHandlers().put(WindowEventsIProxy.windowIconified, aValue); } } private static final String ON_WINDOW_RESTORED_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * The handler function for the form's <i>after restore</i> event.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = ON_WINDOW_RESTORED_JSDOC) @EventMethod(eventClass = @Undesignable public JSObject getOnWindowRestored() { return windowHandler != null ? windowHandler.getHandlers().get(WindowEventsIProxy.windowRestored) : null; } @ScriptFunction public void setOnWindowRestored(JSObject aValue) { if (windowHandler != null) { windowHandler.getHandlers().put(WindowEventsIProxy.windowRestored, aValue); } } private static final String ON_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * The handler function for the form's <i>after maximize</i> event.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = ON_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED_JSDOC) @EventMethod(eventClass = @Undesignable public JSObject getOnWindowMaximized() { return windowHandler != null ? windowHandler.getHandlers().get(WindowEventsIProxy.windowMaximized) : null; } @ScriptFunction public void setOnWindowMaximized(JSObject aValue) { if (windowHandler != null) { windowHandler.getHandlers().put(WindowEventsIProxy.windowMaximized, aValue); } } private static final String ON_WINDOW_ACTIVATED_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * The handler function for the form's <i>after activate</i> event.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = ON_WINDOW_ACTIVATED_JSDOC) @EventMethod(eventClass = @Undesignable public JSObject getOnWindowActivated() { return windowHandler != null ? windowHandler.getHandlers().get(WindowEventsIProxy.windowActivated) : null; } @ScriptFunction public void setOnWindowActivated(JSObject aValue) { if (windowHandler != null) { windowHandler.getHandlers().put(WindowEventsIProxy.windowActivated, aValue); } } private static final String ON_WINDOW_DEACTIVATED_JSDOC = "" + "/**\n" + " * The handler function for the form's <i>after deactivate</i> event.\n" + " */"; @ScriptFunction(jsDoc = ON_WINDOW_DEACTIVATED_JSDOC) @EventMethod(eventClass = @Undesignable public JSObject getOnWindowDeactivated() { return windowHandler != null ? windowHandler.getHandlers().get(WindowEventsIProxy.windowDeactivated) : null; } @ScriptFunction public void setOnWindowDeactivated(JSObject aValue) { if (windowHandler != null) { windowHandler.getHandlers().put(WindowEventsIProxy.windowDeactivated, aValue); } } public JSObject[] getPublishedComponents() { Collection<JSObject> copy = new ArrayList<>(); copy.addAll(publishedComponents); publishedComponents.clear(); return copy.toArray(new JSObject[]{}); } }