package com.eas.client; import com.eas.client.changes.Change; import com.eas.client.changes.EntitiesHost; import com.eas.client.dataflow.ColumnsIndicies; import com.eas.client.dataflow.JdbcFlowProvider; import com.eas.client.dataflow.StatementsGenerator; import com.eas.client.login.PlatypusPrincipal; import com.eas.client.metadata.Field; import com.eas.client.metadata.Fields; import com.eas.client.metadata.Parameter; import com.eas.client.metadata.Parameters; import com.eas.client.queries.ContextHost; import com.eas.client.queries.QueriesProxy; import com.eas.client.resourcepool.GeneralResourceProvider; import com.eas.client.resourcepool.ResourceUnavalableException; import com.eas.client.sqldrivers.SqlDriver; import com.eas.concurrent.CallableConsumer; import com.eas.concurrent.PlatypusThreadFactory; import com.eas.script.Scripts; import com.eas.util.StringUtils; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.sql.DataSource; /** * Two tier implementation of Client interface. * * @author mg */ public class DatabasesClient { public static final String BAD_LOGIN_MSG = "Login incorrect"; private static final String USERNAME_PARAMETER_NAME = "userName"; private static final String SELECT_BY_FIELD_QUERY = "select * from %s where Upper(%s) = :%s"; private static final String USER_QUERY_TEXT = String.format(SELECT_BY_FIELD_QUERY, ClientConstants.T_MTD_USERS, ClientConstants.F_USR_NAME, USERNAME_PARAMETER_NAME); private static final String USER_GROUPS_QUERY_TEXT = String.format(SELECT_BY_FIELD_QUERY, ClientConstants.T_MTD_GROUPS, ClientConstants.F_USR_NAME, USERNAME_PARAMETER_NAME); public static final String TYPES_INFO_TRACE_MSG = "Getting types info. DatasourceName %s"; public static final String USER_MISSING_MSG = "No user found (%s)"; // metadata protected Map<String, MetadataCache> mdCaches = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); protected boolean autoFillMetadata = true; // callback interface for context protected ContextHost contextHost; // datasource name used by default. E.g. in queries with null datasource name protected String defaultDatasourceName; protected QueriesProxy<SqlQuery> queries; protected final ThreadPoolExecutor jdbcProcessor; /** * * @param aDefaultDatasourceName * @param aAutoFillMetadata If true, metadatacache will be filled with * tables, keys and other metadata in schema automatically. Otherwise it * will query metadata table by table in each case. Default is true. * @param aMaxJdbcThreads * @throws Exception */ public DatabasesClient(String aDefaultDatasourceName, boolean aAutoFillMetadata, int aMaxJdbcThreads) throws Exception { super(); jdbcProcessor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(aMaxJdbcThreads, aMaxJdbcThreads, 3L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(), new PlatypusThreadFactory("jdbc-", false)); jdbcProcessor.allowCoreThreadTimeOut(true); defaultDatasourceName = aDefaultDatasourceName; autoFillMetadata = aAutoFillMetadata; } public void shutdown() throws InterruptedException { jdbcProcessor.shutdown(); jdbcProcessor.awaitTermination(30L, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } public QueriesProxy<SqlQuery> getQueries() { return queries; } public void setQueries(QueriesProxy<SqlQuery> aQueries) { queries = aQueries; } public String getDefaultDatasourceName() { return defaultDatasourceName; } public void setDefaultDatasourceName(String aValue) throws Exception { setDefaultDatasourceName(aValue, true); } public void setDefaultDatasourceName(String aValue, boolean fireEvents) throws Exception { if (defaultDatasourceName == null ? aValue != null : !defaultDatasourceName.equals(aValue)) { defaultDatasourceName = aValue; } } public boolean isAutoFillMetadata() { return autoFillMetadata; } public DataSource obtainDataSource(String aDataSourceName) throws Exception { if (aDataSourceName == null) { aDataSourceName = defaultDatasourceName; } if (aDataSourceName != null && !aDataSourceName.isEmpty()) { Context initContext = new InitialContext(); try { // J2EE servers return (DataSource) initContext.lookup(aDataSourceName); } catch (NamingException ex) { try { // Apache Tomcat component's JNDI context Context envContext = (Context) initContext.lookup("java:/comp/env"); //NOI18N return (DataSource) envContext.lookup(aDataSourceName); } catch (NamingException ex1) { // Platypus standalone server or client return GeneralResourceProvider.getInstance().getPooledDataSource(aDataSourceName); } } } else { throw new NamingException("Datasource name missing."); } } /** * @param aContextHost <code>ConnectionPrepender</code> instance to be used * in flow providers, created by the client. */ public void setContextHost(ContextHost aContextHost) { contextHost = aContextHost; } /** * Factory method for DatabaseFlowProvider. Intended to incapsulate flow * provider creation in two tier or three tier applications. * * @param aDatasourceName * @param aEntityName * @param aSqlClause * @param aExpectedFields * @return FlowProvider created. * @throws Exception */ public PlatypusJdbcFlowProvider createFlowProvider(String aDatasourceName, String aEntityName, String aSqlClause, Fields aExpectedFields) throws Exception { return new PlatypusJdbcFlowProvider(this, aDatasourceName, aEntityName, obtainDataSource(aDatasourceName), (Runnable aTask) -> { startJdbcTask(aTask); }, getMetadataCache(aDatasourceName), aSqlClause, aExpectedFields, contextHost); } public String getSqlLogMessage(SqlCompiledQuery query) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Executing SQL query: "); sb.append(query.getSqlClause()); if (query.getParameters().getParametersCount() > 0) { sb.append(" {"); String delimiter = ""; for (int i = 1; i <= query.getParameters().getParametersCount(); i++) { Parameter param = query.getParameters().get(i); sb.append(delimiter).append(Integer.toString(i)).append('@').append(param.getValue() == null ? "null" : param.getValue().toString()); delimiter = ", "; } sb.append("}"); } return sb.toString(); } public static Map<String, String> getUserProperties(DatabasesClient aClient, String aUserName, Scripts.Space aSpace, Consumer<Map<String, String>> onSuccess, Consumer<Exception> onFailure) throws Exception { if (aUserName != null && aClient != null) { final SqlQuery q = new SqlQuery(aClient, USER_QUERY_TEXT); q.putParameter(USERNAME_PARAMETER_NAME, Scripts.STRING_TYPE_NAME, aUserName.toUpperCase()); SqlCompiledQuery compiled = q.compile(); CallableConsumer<Map<String, String>, ResultSet> doWork = (ResultSet r) -> { Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>(); ColumnsIndicies idxs = new ColumnsIndicies(r.getMetaData()); if ( { properties.put(ClientConstants.F_USR_NAME, aUserName); properties.put(ClientConstants.F_USR_CONTEXT, r.getString(idxs.find(ClientConstants.F_USR_CONTEXT))); properties.put(ClientConstants.F_USR_EMAIL, r.getString(idxs.find(ClientConstants.F_USR_EMAIL))); properties.put(ClientConstants.F_USR_PHONE, r.getString(idxs.find(ClientConstants.F_USR_PHONE))); properties.put(ClientConstants.F_USR_FORM, r.getString(idxs.find(ClientConstants.F_USR_FORM))); properties.put(ClientConstants.F_USR_PASSWD, r.getString(idxs.find(ClientConstants.F_USR_PASSWD))); } return properties; }; if (onSuccess != null) { try { compiled.<Map<String, String>>executeQuery(doWork, (Runnable aTask) -> { aSpace.process(aTask); }, onSuccess, onFailure); return null; } catch (Exception ex) { aSpace.process(() -> { onFailure.accept(ex); }); return null; } } else { return compiled.<Map<String, String>>executeQuery(doWork, null, null, null); } } else if (onSuccess != null) { aSpace.process(() -> { onSuccess.accept(new HashMap<>()); }); return null; } else { return null; } } private static class UserInfo { protected boolean strict = true; protected String userName; protected String password; protected Map<String, String> props; protected Set<String> roles; protected Consumer<PlatypusPrincipal> onSuccess; public UserInfo(String aUserName, String aPassword, Consumer<PlatypusPrincipal> aOnSuccess, boolean aStrict) { super(); userName = aUserName; password = aPassword; onSuccess = aOnSuccess; strict = aStrict; } public PlatypusPrincipal principal(String aUserName) { if (roles != null && props != null) { return new PlatypusPrincipal(aUserName, props.get(ClientConstants.F_USR_CONTEXT), roles, null); } else { return null; } } public void complete(Map<String, String> aProps, Set<String> aRoles) { if (aProps != null) { props = aProps; } if (aRoles != null) { roles = aRoles; } if (props != null && roles != null) { if (!strict || password.equals(props.get(ClientConstants.F_USR_PASSWD))) { onSuccess.accept(principal(userName)); } else { onSuccess.accept(null); } } } } public static PlatypusPrincipal credentialsToPrincipalWithBasicAuthentication(DatabasesClient aClient, String aUserName, String aPassword, Scripts.Space aSpace, Consumer<PlatypusPrincipal> aOnSuccess, Consumer<Exception> aOnFailure) throws Exception { final UserInfo ui = new UserInfo(aUserName, aPassword, aOnSuccess, true); if (aOnSuccess != null) { getUserProperties(aClient, aUserName, aSpace, (Map<String, String> userProperties) -> { ui.complete(userProperties, null); }, aOnFailure); getUserRoles(aClient, aUserName, aSpace, (Set<String> aRoles) -> { ui.complete(null, aRoles); }, aOnFailure); return null; } else { ui.props = getUserProperties(aClient, aUserName, null, null, null); ui.roles = getUserRoles(aClient, aUserName, null, null, null); if (aPassword.equals(ui.props.get(ClientConstants.F_USR_PASSWD))) { return ui.principal(aUserName); } else { return null; } } } public static PlatypusPrincipal userNameToPrincipal(DatabasesClient aClient, String aUserName, Scripts.Space aSpace, Consumer<PlatypusPrincipal> aOnSuccess, Consumer<Exception> aOnFailure) throws Exception { final UserInfo ui = new UserInfo(aUserName, null, aOnSuccess, false); if (aOnSuccess != null) { getUserProperties(aClient, aUserName, aSpace, (Map<String, String> userProperties) -> { ui.complete(userProperties, null); }, aOnFailure); getUserRoles(aClient, aUserName, aSpace, (Set<String> aRoles) -> { ui.complete(null, aRoles); }, aOnFailure); return null; } else { ui.props = getUserProperties(aClient, aUserName, null, null, null); ui.roles = getUserRoles(aClient, aUserName, null, null, null); return ui.principal(aUserName); } } public int executeUpdate(SqlCompiledQuery aQuery, Consumer<Integer> onSuccess, Consumer<Exception> onFailure) throws Exception { Callable<Integer> doWork = () -> { int rowsAffected = 0; DataSource dataSource = obtainDataSource(aQuery.getDatasourceName()); if (dataSource != null) { try (Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection()) { boolean autoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit(); try { connection.setAutoCommit(false); try (PreparedStatement stmt = connection.prepareStatement(aQuery.getSqlClause())) { Parameters params = aQuery.getParameters(); for (int i = 1; i <= params.getParametersCount(); i++) { Parameter param = params.get(i); int jdbcType = JdbcFlowProvider.calcJdbcType(param.getType(), param.getValue()); JdbcFlowProvider.assign(param.getValue(), i, stmt, jdbcType, null); } try { rowsAffected += stmt.executeUpdate(); connection.commit(); } catch (SQLException ex) { connection.rollback(); throw ex; } } } finally { connection.setAutoCommit(autoCommit); } } } return rowsAffected; }; if (onSuccess != null) { Scripts.Space space = Scripts.getSpace(); startJdbcTask(() -> { try { Integer affected =; space.process(() -> { onSuccess.accept(affected); }); } catch (Exception ex) { if (onFailure != null) { space.process(() -> { onFailure.accept(ex); }); } } }); return 0; } else { return; } } public MetadataCache getMetadataCache(String aDatasourceName) throws Exception { if (aDatasourceName == null) { aDatasourceName = defaultDatasourceName; } if (aDatasourceName != null) { if (!mdCaches.containsKey(aDatasourceName)) { MetadataCache cache = new MetadataCache(this, aDatasourceName); if (autoFillMetadata) { try { cache.fillTablesCacheByConnectionSchema(); } catch (ResourceUnavalableException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DatabasesClient.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, ex.getMessage()); } } mdCaches.put(aDatasourceName, cache); } return mdCaches.get(aDatasourceName); } else { return null; } } private void startJdbcTask(Runnable aTask) { Scripts.LocalContext context = Scripts.getContext(); if (context != null) { context.incAsyncsCount(); } jdbcProcessor.submit(() -> { Scripts.setContext(context); try {; } finally { Scripts.setContext(null); } }); } protected static class CommitProcess extends AsyncProcess<Integer, Integer> { public int rowsAffected; public CommitProcess(int aExpected, Consumer<Integer> aOnSuccess, Consumer<Exception> aOnFailure) { super(aExpected, aOnSuccess, aOnFailure); } @Override public void complete(Integer aRowsAffected, Exception aFailureCause) { rowsAffected += aRowsAffected != null ? aRowsAffected : 0; if (aFailureCause != null) { exceptions.add(aFailureCause); } if (++completed == expected) { doComplete(rowsAffected); } } } protected static class ApplyProcess extends AsyncProcess<ApplyResult, List<ApplyResult>> { public final List<ApplyResult> results = new ArrayList<>(); public ApplyProcess(int aExpected, Consumer<List<ApplyResult>> aOnSuccess, Consumer<Exception> aOnFailure) { super(aExpected, aOnSuccess, aOnFailure); } /** * * @param aApplyResult * @param aFailureCause */ @Override public void complete(ApplyResult aApplyResult, Exception aFailureCause) { if (aApplyResult != null) { results.add(aApplyResult); } if (aFailureCause != null) { exceptions.add(aFailureCause); } if (++completed == expected) { doComplete(results); } } } public int commit(Map<String, List<Change>> aChangeLogs, Consumer<Integer> onSuccess, Consumer<Exception> onFailure) throws Exception { Callable<Integer> doWork = () -> { int rowsAffected = 0; List<ApplyResult> results = new ArrayList<>(aChangeLogs.size()); try { for (Map.Entry<String, List<Change>> logEntry : aChangeLogs.entrySet()) { results.add(apply(logEntry.getKey(), logEntry.getValue())); } for (ApplyResult r : results) { r.connection.commit(); rowsAffected += r.rowsAffected; } return rowsAffected; } catch (Exception ex) { for (ApplyResult r : results) { r.connection.rollback(); } throw ex; } finally { for (ApplyResult r : results) { r.connection.setAutoCommit(r.autoCommit); r.connection.close(); } } }; if (onSuccess != null) { Scripts.Space space = Scripts.getSpace(); startJdbcTask(() -> { try { int affected =; space.process(() -> { onSuccess.accept(affected); }); } catch (Exception ex) { if (onFailure != null) { space.process(() -> { onFailure.accept(ex); }); } } }); return 0; } else { return; } } protected static class ApplyResult { public final int rowsAffected; public final Connection connection; public final boolean autoCommit; public ApplyResult(int aRowsAffected, Connection aConnection, boolean aAutoCommit) { super(); rowsAffected = aRowsAffected; connection = aConnection; autoCommit = aAutoCommit; } } protected ApplyResult apply(final String aDatasourceName, List<Change> aLog) throws Exception { int rowsAffected; MetadataCache mdCache = getMetadataCache(aDatasourceName); if (mdCache == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(UNKNOWN_DATASOURCE_IN_COMMIT, aDatasourceName)); } SqlDriver driver = mdCache.getDatasourceSqlDriver(); if (driver == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format(UNSUPPORTED_DATASOURCE_IN_COMMIT, aDatasourceName)); } assert aLog != null; DataSource dataSource = obtainDataSource(aDatasourceName); Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection(); boolean autoCommit = connection.getAutoCommit(); connection.setAutoCommit(false); try { List<StatementsGenerator.StatementsLogEntry> statements = new ArrayList<>(); // This structure helps us to avoid actuality check for queries while // processing each statement in transaction. Thus, we can avoid speed degradation. // It doesn't break security, because such "unactual" lookup takes place ONLY // while transaction processing. final Map<String, SqlQuery> entityQueries = new HashMap<>(); for (Change change : aLog) { StatementsGenerator generator = new StatementsGenerator(new EntitiesHost() { @Override public Parameter resolveParameter(String aEntityName, String aParamName) throws Exception { if (aEntityName != null) { SqlQuery query = query(aEntityName); if (query != null && query.getEntityName() != null) { Parameter p = query.getParameters().get(aParamName); return p; } else { return null; } } else { return null; } } @Override public Field resolveField(String aEntityName, String aFieldName) throws Exception { if (aEntityName != null) { SqlQuery query = query(aEntityName); Fields fields; if (query != null && query.getEntityName() != null) { fields = query.getFields(); } else {// It seems, that aEntityName is a table name... fields = mdCache.getTableMetadata(aEntityName); } if (fields != null) { Field resolved = fields.get(aFieldName); String resolvedTableName = resolved != null ? resolved.getTableName() : null; resolvedTableName = resolvedTableName != null ? resolvedTableName.toLowerCase() : ""; if (query != null && query.getWritable() != null && !query.getWritable().contains(resolvedTableName)) { return null; } else { return resolved; } } else { Logger.getLogger(DatabasesClient.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, "Cant find fields for entity id:{0}", aEntityName); return null; } } else { return null; } } private SqlQuery query(String aEntityName) throws Exception { SqlQuery query; if (queries != null) { query = entityQueries.get(aEntityName); if (query == null) { query = queries.getQuery(aEntityName, null, null, null); if (query != null) { entityQueries.put(aEntityName, query); } } } else { query = null; } return query; } }, ClientConstants.F_USR_CONTEXT, contextHost != null ? contextHost.preparationContext() : null, mdCache, driver); change.accept(generator); statements.addAll(generator.getLogEntries()); } rowsAffected = riddleStatements(statements, connection); return new ApplyResult(rowsAffected, connection, autoCommit); } catch (Exception ex) { connection.rollback(); connection.setAutoCommit(autoCommit); connection.close(); throw ex; } } protected static final String UNKNOWN_DATASOURCE_IN_COMMIT = "Unknown datasource: %s. Can't commit to it."; protected static final String UNSUPPORTED_DATASOURCE_IN_COMMIT = "Unsupported datasource: %s. Can't commit to it."; public void tableChanged(String aDatasourceName, String aTable) throws Exception { MetadataCache cache = getMetadataCache(aDatasourceName); cache.refreshTableMetadata(aTable); } public void tableRemoved(String aDatasourceName, String aTable) throws Exception { MetadataCache cache = getMetadataCache(aDatasourceName); cache.removeTableMetadata(aTable); } public void tableAdded(String aDatasourceName, String aTable) throws Exception { MetadataCache cache = getMetadataCache(aDatasourceName); cache.refreshTableMetadata(aTable); } public String getConnectionSchema(String aDatasourceName) throws Exception { DataSource ds = obtainDataSource(aDatasourceName); if (ds != null) { try (Connection conn = ds.getConnection()) { return schemaByConnection(conn); } } else { return null; } } public String getConnectionDialect(String aDatasourceName) throws Exception { DataSource ds = obtainDataSource(aDatasourceName); try (Connection conn = ds.getConnection()) { return dialectByConnection(conn); } } public SqlDriver getConnectionDriver(String aDatasourceName) throws Exception { DataSource ds = obtainDataSource(aDatasourceName); try (Connection conn = ds.getConnection()) { return SQLUtils.getSqlDriver(dialectByConnection(conn)); } } protected static Set<String> getUserRoles(DatabasesClient aClient, String aUserName, Scripts.Space aSpace, Consumer<Set<String>> onSuccess, Consumer<Exception> onFailure) throws Exception { CallableConsumer<Set<String>, ResultSet> doWork = (ResultSet rs) -> { Set<String> roles = new HashSet<>(); ColumnsIndicies idxs = new ColumnsIndicies(rs.getMetaData()); int roleNameColumnIndex = idxs.find(ClientConstants.F_GROUP_NAME); while ( { roles.add(rs.getString(roleNameColumnIndex)); } return roles; }; final SqlQuery q = new SqlQuery(aClient, USER_GROUPS_QUERY_TEXT); q.putParameter(USERNAME_PARAMETER_NAME, Scripts.STRING_TYPE_NAME, aUserName.toUpperCase()); SqlCompiledQuery compiled = q.compile(); if (onSuccess != null) { compiled.<Set<String>>executeQuery(doWork, (Runnable aTask) -> { aSpace.process(aTask); }, (Set<String> aRoles) -> { onSuccess.accept(aRoles); }, onFailure); return null; } else { return compiled.<Set<String>>executeQuery(doWork, null, null, null); } } private int riddleStatements(List<StatementsGenerator.StatementsLogEntry> aStatements, Connection aConnection) throws Exception { int rowsAffected = 0; if (!aStatements.isEmpty()) { List<StatementsGenerator.StatementsLogEntry> errorStatements = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> errors = new ArrayList<>(); for (StatementsGenerator.StatementsLogEntry entry : aStatements) { try { rowsAffected += entry.apply(aConnection); } catch (Exception ex) { errorStatements.add(entry); errors.add(ex.getMessage()); Logger.getLogger(DatabasesClient.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, ex.getMessage()); } } if (errorStatements.size() == aStatements.size()) { throw new SQLException(StringUtils.join(System.getProperty(ClientConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR_PROP_NAME), errors.toArray(new String[]{}))); } else if (errorStatements.size() < aStatements.size()) { rowsAffected += riddleStatements(errorStatements, aConnection); } } return rowsAffected; } public static String dialectByConnection(Connection aConnection) throws SQLException { String dialect = SQLUtils.dialectByUrl(aConnection.getMetaData().getURL()); if (dialect == null) { dialect = SQLUtils.dialectByProductName(aConnection.getMetaData().getDatabaseProductName()); } return dialect; } public static String schemaByConnection(Connection aConnection) throws SQLException { String dialect = dialectByConnection(aConnection); SqlDriver driver = SQLUtils.getSqlDriver(dialect); if (driver != null) { String getSchemaClause = driver.getSql4GetConnectionContext(); if (getSchemaClause != null) { try (Statement stmt = aConnection.createStatement()) { try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(getSchemaClause)) { if ( && rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount() > 0) { return rs.getString(1); } } } } else { return null; } } else { Logger.getLogger(GeneralResourceProvider.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, String.format("Can't obtain sql driver for %s", aConnection.toString())); } return null; } public void initUsersSpace(String aDatasourceName) throws Exception { if (aDatasourceName == null) { aDatasourceName = defaultDatasourceName; } initUsersSpace(obtainDataSource(aDatasourceName)); } public static void initUsersSpace(DataSource aSource) throws Exception { try (Connection lconn = aSource.getConnection()) { boolean autoCommit = lconn.getAutoCommit(); try { lconn.setAutoCommit(false); String dialect = dialectByConnection(lconn); SqlDriver driver = SQLUtils.getSqlDriver(dialect); driver.initializeUsersSpace(lconn); } finally { lconn.setAutoCommit(autoCommit); } } } public static void initVersioning(DataSource aSource) throws Exception { try (Connection lconn = aSource.getConnection()) { boolean autoCommit = lconn.getAutoCommit(); try { lconn.setAutoCommit(false); String dialect = dialectByConnection(lconn); SqlDriver driver = SQLUtils.getSqlDriver(dialect); driver.initializeVersion(lconn); } finally { lconn.setAutoCommit(autoCommit); } } } }