package com.eas.grid.columns; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import com.eas.bound.ModelCheck; import com.eas.bound.ModelCombo; import com.eas.bound.ModelDecoratorBox; import com.eas.core.HasPublished; import com.eas.core.Utils; import com.eas.core.XElement; import com.eas.core.Utils.JsObject; import com.eas.grid.GridColumn; import com.eas.grid.GridSection; import com.eas.grid.ModelGrid; import com.eas.grid.RenderedCellContext; import com.eas.grid.cells.CellHasReadonly; import com.eas.grid.cells.CellRenderer; import com.eas.grid.cells.CheckBoxCell; import com.eas.grid.cells.RenderedEditorCell; import com.eas.grid.cells.TreeExpandableCell; import com.eas.grid.rows.PathComparator; import com.eas.ui.PublishedCell; import com.eas.ui.EventsPublisher; import com.eas.widgets.WidgetsUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class ModelColumn extends GridColumn<JavaScriptObject, Object> implements FieldUpdater<JavaScriptObject, Object>, ChangesHost, HasPublished { protected String field; protected String sortField; protected ModelDecoratorBox<? extends Object> editor; protected ModelGrid grid; protected double minWidth = 15; protected double maxWidth = Integer.MAX_VALUE; protected double designedWidth = 75; protected double widthDelta; protected boolean readonly; protected boolean visible = true; protected boolean selectOnly; protected Comparator<JavaScriptObject> comparator; protected JavaScriptObject published; protected JavaScriptObject onRender; protected JavaScriptObject onSelect; protected ModelColumn(Cell<Object> aCell) { super(aCell); } public ModelColumn() { super(new TreeExpandableCell<JavaScriptObject, Object>(null)); setFieldUpdater(this); setDefaultSortAscending(true); setPublished(JavaScriptObject.createObject()); } public static String renderDecorated(SafeHtmlBuilder rendered, String aId, PublishedCell aCell, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) { return StyleIconDecorator.decorate(rendered.toSafeHtml(), aId, aCell, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE, sb); } protected Cell<Object> getTargetCell() { return ((TreeExpandableCell<JavaScriptObject, Object>) getCell()).getCell(); } public Comparator<JavaScriptObject> getComparator() { return comparator; } public ModelGrid getGrid() { return grid; } public void setGrid(ModelGrid aValue) { if (grid != aValue) { if (grid != null && grid.getSortHandler() != null) { grid.getSortHandler().setComparator(this, null); } grid = aValue; if (grid != null) { if (grid.getSortHandler() != null) { if (isSortable()) { grid.getSortHandler().setComparator(this, comparator); } else { grid.getSortHandler().setComparator(this, null); } } grid.setColumnWidth(this, getWidth(), Style.Unit.PX); if (visible) grid.showColumn(this); else grid.hideColumn(this); } } } public String getField() { return field; } public void setField(String aValue) { if (field == null ? aValue != null : !field.equals(aValue)) { field = aValue; comparator = new PathComparator(sortField != null && !sortField.isEmpty() ? sortField : field, true); if (grid != null && grid.getSortHandler() != null) { grid.getSortHandler().setComparator(this, comparator); } } } public String getSortField() { return sortField; } public void setSortField(String aValue) { if (sortField == null ? aValue != null : !sortField.equals(aValue)) { sortField = aValue; comparator = new PathComparator(sortField != null && !sortField.isEmpty() ? sortField : field, true); if (grid != null && grid.getSortHandler() != null) { grid.getSortHandler().setComparator(this, comparator); } } } public double getMinWidth() { return minWidth; } public void setMinWidth(double aValue) { minWidth = aValue; } public double getMaxWidth() { return maxWidth; } public void setMaxWidth(double aValue) { maxWidth = aValue; } @Override public boolean isChanged(JavaScriptObject anElement) { return false; } @Override public Object getValue(JavaScriptObject anElement) { if (anElement != null && field != null && !field.isEmpty()) { return Utils.getPathData(anElement, field); } else return null; } @Override public void update(int aIndex, JavaScriptObject anElement, Object value) { if (anElement != null && field != null && !field.isEmpty() && !readonly && grid.isEditable()) { Utils.setPathData(anElement, field, Utils.toJs(value)); } } public boolean isVisible() { return visible; } public void setVisible(boolean aValue) { if (visible != aValue) { visible = aValue; ((TreeExpandableCell<JavaScriptObject, Object>) getCell()).setVisible(aValue); if (grid != null) { if (visible) { grid.showColumn(this); } else { grid.hideColumn(this); } grid.onResize(); } } } public void updateVisible(boolean aValue) { if (visible != aValue) { visible = aValue; ((TreeExpandableCell<JavaScriptObject, Object>) getCell()).setVisible(aValue); } } public double getDesignedWidth() { return designedWidth; } public double getWidth() { return designedWidth + widthDelta; } public void setWidth(double aValue) { if (getWidth() != aValue) { designedWidth = aValue; widthDelta = 0; if (grid != null) { grid.setColumnWidth(this, getWidth(), Style.Unit.PX); } } } public void updateWidth(double aValue) { if (getWidth() != aValue) { widthDelta = Math.max(0, aValue - designedWidth); } } public boolean isReadonly() { return readonly; } public void setReadonly(boolean aValue) { readonly = aValue; } @Override public boolean isSortable() { return super.isSortable(); } @Override public void setSortable(boolean aValue) { super.setSortable(aValue); if (grid != null && grid.getSortHandler() != null) { if (aValue) { grid.getSortHandler().setComparator(this, comparator); } else { grid.getSortHandler().setComparator(this, null); } } } public boolean isSelectOnly() { return selectOnly; } public void setSelectOnly(boolean aValue) { selectOnly = aValue; } public JavaScriptObject getOnRender() { return onRender; } public void setOnRender(JavaScriptObject aValue) { if (onRender != aValue) { onRender = aValue; if (editor != null) { editor.setOnRender(onRender); } } } public JavaScriptObject getOnSelect() { return onSelect; } public void setOnSelect(JavaScriptObject aValue) { if (onSelect != aValue) { onSelect = aValue; if (editor != null) { editor.setOnSelect(onSelect); } } } public ModelDecoratorBox<? extends Object> getEditor() { return editor; } protected boolean gridRedrawQueued; protected void enqueueGridRedraw() { gridRedrawQueued = true; Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { if (gridRedrawQueued) { gridRedrawQueued = false; if (grid != null) { grid.redraw(); } } } }); } public void setEditor(ModelDecoratorBox<? extends Object> aEditor) { if (editor != aEditor) { if (editor != null) { editor.setOnRender(null); editor.setOnSelect(null); if (editor instanceof ModelCombo) { ((ModelCombo) editor).setOnRedraw(null); } } editor = aEditor; if (editor != null) { editor.setOnRender(onRender); editor.setOnSelect(onSelect); if (editor instanceof ModelCombo) { ((ModelCombo) editor).setOnRedraw(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { enqueueGridRedraw(); } }); } } if (editor instanceof ModelCheck) { ((TreeExpandableCell<JavaScriptObject, Object>) getCell()).setCell(new CheckBoxCell() { @Override public void onBrowserEvent( context, Element parent, Object value, NativeEvent event, ValueUpdater<Object> valueUpdater) { String type = event.getType(); if (BrowserEvents.CHANGE.equals(type) && (readonly || !grid.isEditable())) { InputElement input = parent.<XElement>cast().firstChildByTagName("input").cast(); boolean checked = input.isChecked(); input.setChecked(!checked); } else super.onBrowserEvent(context, parent, value, event, valueUpdater); } @Override public void render( context, Object aValue, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) { try { if (getEditor() instanceof ModelDecoratorBox<?>) { ModelDecoratorBox<Object> modelEditor = (ModelDecoratorBox<Object>) getEditor(); aValue = modelEditor.convert(Utils.toJava(aValue)); } super.render(context, aValue, sb); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(ModelColumn.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } }); } else { ((TreeExpandableCell<JavaScriptObject, Object>) getCell()).setCell(new RenderedEditorCell<Object>(editor) { @Override protected void renderCell( context, Object value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) { try { if (editor instanceof ModelDecoratorBox<?>) { ModelDecoratorBox<Object> modelEditor = (ModelDecoratorBox<Object>) getEditor(); value = modelEditor.convert(Utils.toJava(value)); } super.renderCell(context, value, sb); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(ModelColumn.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } @Override public void startEditing( context, Element aBoxPositionTemplate, Element aBoxParent, Object value, ValueUpdater<Object> valueUpdater, Runnable onEditorClose) { try { if (getEditor() instanceof ModelDecoratorBox<?>) { ModelDecoratorBox<Object> modelEditor = (ModelDecoratorBox<Object>) getEditor(); value = modelEditor.convert(Utils.toJava(value)); } grid.setActiveEditor(getEditor()); super.startEditing(context, aBoxPositionTemplate, aBoxParent, value, valueUpdater, onEditorClose); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.getLogger(ModelColumn.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } }); RenderedEditorCell<Object> cell = (RenderedEditorCell<Object>) getTargetCell(); cell.setReadonly(new CellHasReadonly() { @Override public boolean isReadonly() { return readonly || !grid.isEditable(); } }); cell.setOnEditorClose(new RenderedEditorCell.EditorCloser() { @Override public void closed(Element aTable) { grid.setActiveEditor(null); final GridSection<?> toFocus = GridSection.getInstance(aTable); if (toFocus != null) { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { toFocus.setFocus(true); } }); } } }); cell.setRenderer(new CellRenderer<Object>() { @Override public boolean render(Context context, String aId, Object value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) { JavaScriptObject onRender = ModelColumn.this.getOnRender() != null ? ModelColumn.this.getOnRender() : ModelColumn.this.getGrid().getOnRender(); if (onRender != null) { if (editor instanceof ModelDecoratorBox<?>) { ModelDecoratorBox<Object> modelEditor = (ModelDecoratorBox<Object>) getEditor(); value = modelEditor.convert(Utils.toJava(value)); } String display = null; Object oldValue = ((HasValue<Object>) editor).getValue(); ((HasValue<Object>) editor).setValue(value); try { display = ((HasText) editor).getText(); } finally { // We have to take care about old value because // of edited cell while grid rendering. ((HasValue<Object>) editor).setValue(oldValue); } SafeHtmlBuilder lsb = new SafeHtmlBuilder(); PublishedCell cellToRender = calcContextPublishedCell(ModelColumn.this.getPublished(), onRender, context, ModelColumn.this.getField(), display); if (cellToRender != null) { if (cellToRender.getDisplay() != null) display = cellToRender.getDisplay(); } if (display == null) lsb.append(SafeHtmlUtils.fromTrustedString(" ")); else lsb.append(SafeHtmlUtils.fromString(display)); grid.complementPublishedStyle(cellToRender); String decorId = renderDecorated(lsb, aId, cellToRender, sb); if (cellToRender != null) { if (context instanceof RenderedCellContext) { ((RenderedCellContext) context).setPublishedCell(cellToRender); } ModelColumn.bindDisplayCallback(cellToRender, decorId); ModelColumn.bindIconCallback(cellToRender, decorId); } return true; } else { return false; } } }); } } } public static PublishedCell calcContextPublishedCell(JavaScriptObject aThis, JavaScriptObject aOnRender, context, String aField, String aDisplay) { if (aOnRender != null) { Object key = context.getKey(); JavaScriptObject renderedElement = key instanceof JavaScriptObject ? (JavaScriptObject) key : null; if (renderedElement != null) { Object data = aField != null && !aField.isEmpty() ? Utils.getPathData(renderedElement, aField) : null; PublishedCell cell = WidgetsUtils.publishCell(data, aDisplay); JsArrayMixed args = JavaScriptObject.createArray().cast(); args.push(EventsPublisher.publishOnRenderEvent(aThis, null, null, renderedElement, cell)); aOnRender.<JsObject> cast().apply(aThis, args); return cell; } } return null; } protected static void bindDisplayCallback(final PublishedCell aCell, final String aTargetElementId) { aCell.setDisplayCallback(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Element identifiedTextSection = Document.get().getElementById(aTargetElementId); if (identifiedTextSection != null) { aCell.styleToElementBackgroundToTd(identifiedTextSection); String toRender = aCell.getDisplay(); if (toRender == null) toRender = " "; identifiedTextSection.setInnerSafeHtml(SafeHtmlUtils.fromTrustedString(toRender)); } } }); } protected static void bindIconCallback(final PublishedCell aCell, final String aTargetElementId) { aCell.setIconCallback(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Element identifiedTextSection = Document.get().getElementById(aTargetElementId); if (identifiedTextSection != null) { ImageElement iconSection = (ImageElement) identifiedTextSection.getPreviousSiblingElement(); if (iconSection != null) { if (aCell.getIcon() != null) { iconSection.setSrc(aCell.getIcon().getSafeUri().asString()); } else { iconSection.setSrc(null); } } } } }); } @Override public JavaScriptObject getPublished() { return published; } @Override public void setPublished(JavaScriptObject aValue) { if (published != aValue) { published = aValue; } } public void sort() { grid.addSort(this, true); } public void sortDesc() { grid.addSort(this, false); } public void unsort() { grid.unsortColumn(this); } }