/** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver; import static org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.StripeStoreFileManager.OPEN_KEY; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue.KVComparator; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.testclassification.SmallTests; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category; import org.mockito.Mockito; @Category(SmallTests.class) public class TestStripeStoreFileManager { private static final HBaseTestingUtility TEST_UTIL = new HBaseTestingUtility(); private static final Path BASEDIR = TEST_UTIL.getDataTestDir(TestStripeStoreFileManager.class.getSimpleName()); private static final Path CFDIR = HStore.getStoreHomedir(BASEDIR, "region", Bytes.toBytes("cf")); private static final byte[] KEY_A = Bytes.toBytes("aaa"); private static final byte[] KEY_B = Bytes.toBytes("bbb"); private static final byte[] KEY_C = Bytes.toBytes("ccc"); private static final byte[] KEY_D = Bytes.toBytes("ddd"); private static final KeyValue KV_A = new KeyValue(KEY_A, 0L); private static final KeyValue KV_B = new KeyValue(KEY_B, 0L); private static final KeyValue KV_C = new KeyValue(KEY_C, 0L); private static final KeyValue KV_D = new KeyValue(KEY_D, 0L); @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { FileSystem fs = TEST_UTIL.getTestFileSystem(); if (!fs.mkdirs(CFDIR)) { throw new IOException("Cannot create test directory " + CFDIR); } } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { FileSystem fs = TEST_UTIL.getTestFileSystem(); if (fs.exists(CFDIR) && !fs.delete(CFDIR, true)) { throw new IOException("Cannot delete test directory " + CFDIR); } } @Test public void testInsertFilesIntoL0() throws Exception { StripeStoreFileManager manager = createManager(); MockStoreFile sf = createFile(); manager.insertNewFiles(al(sf)); assertEquals(1, manager.getStorefileCount()); Collection<StoreFile> filesForGet = manager.getFilesForScanOrGet(true, KEY_A, KEY_A); assertEquals(1, filesForGet.size()); assertTrue(filesForGet.contains(sf)); // Add some stripes and make sure we get this file for every stripe. manager.addCompactionResults(al(), al(createFile(OPEN_KEY, KEY_B), createFile(KEY_B, OPEN_KEY))); assertTrue(manager.getFilesForScanOrGet(true, KEY_A, KEY_A).contains(sf)); assertTrue(manager.getFilesForScanOrGet(true, KEY_C, KEY_C).contains(sf)); } @Test public void testClearFiles() throws Exception { StripeStoreFileManager manager = createManager(); manager.insertNewFiles(al(createFile())); manager.insertNewFiles(al(createFile())); manager.addCompactionResults(al(), al(createFile(OPEN_KEY, KEY_B), createFile(KEY_B, OPEN_KEY))); assertEquals(4, manager.getStorefileCount()); Collection<StoreFile> allFiles = manager.clearFiles(); assertEquals(4, allFiles.size()); assertEquals(0, manager.getStorefileCount()); assertEquals(0, manager.getStorefiles().size()); } private static ArrayList<StoreFile> dumpIterator(Iterator<StoreFile> iter) { ArrayList<StoreFile> result = new ArrayList<StoreFile>(); for (; iter.hasNext(); result.add(iter.next())); return result; } @Test public void testRowKeyBefore() throws Exception { StripeStoreFileManager manager = createManager(); StoreFile l0File = createFile(), l0File2 = createFile(); manager.insertNewFiles(al(l0File)); manager.insertNewFiles(al(l0File2)); // Get candidate files. Iterator<StoreFile> sfs = manager.getCandidateFilesForRowKeyBefore(KV_B); sfs.next(); sfs.remove(); // Suppose we found a candidate in this file... make sure L0 file remaining is not removed. sfs = manager.updateCandidateFilesForRowKeyBefore(sfs, KV_B, KV_A); assertTrue(sfs.hasNext()); // Now add some stripes (remove L0 file too) MockStoreFile stripe0a = createFile(0, 100, OPEN_KEY, KEY_B), stripe1 = createFile(KEY_B, OPEN_KEY); manager.addCompactionResults(al(l0File), al(stripe0a, stripe1)); // If we want a key <= KEY_A, we should get everything except stripe1. ArrayList<StoreFile> sfsDump = dumpIterator(manager.getCandidateFilesForRowKeyBefore(KV_A)); assertEquals(2, sfsDump.size()); assertTrue(sfsDump.contains(stripe0a)); assertFalse(sfsDump.contains(stripe1)); // If we want a key <= KEY_B, we should get everything since lower bound is inclusive. sfsDump = dumpIterator(manager.getCandidateFilesForRowKeyBefore(KV_B)); assertEquals(3, sfsDump.size()); assertTrue(sfsDump.contains(stripe1)); // For KEY_D, we should also get everything. sfsDump = dumpIterator(manager.getCandidateFilesForRowKeyBefore(KV_D)); assertEquals(3, sfsDump.size()); // Suppose in the first file we found candidate with KEY_C. // Then, stripe0 no longer matters and should be removed, but stripe1 should stay. sfs = manager.getCandidateFilesForRowKeyBefore(KV_D); sfs.next(); // Skip L0 file. sfs.remove(); sfs = manager.updateCandidateFilesForRowKeyBefore(sfs, KV_D, KV_C); assertEquals(stripe1, sfs.next()); assertFalse(sfs.hasNext()); // Add one more, later, file to stripe0, remove the last annoying L0 file. // This file should be returned in preference to older L0 file; also, after we get // a candidate from the first file, the old one should not be removed. StoreFile stripe0b = createFile(0, 101, OPEN_KEY, KEY_B); manager.addCompactionResults(al(l0File2), al(stripe0b)); sfs = manager.getCandidateFilesForRowKeyBefore(KV_A); assertEquals(stripe0b, sfs.next()); sfs.remove(); sfs = manager.updateCandidateFilesForRowKeyBefore(sfs, KV_A, KV_A); assertEquals(stripe0a, sfs.next()); } @Test public void testGetSplitPointEdgeCases() throws Exception { StripeStoreFileManager manager = createManager(); // No files => no split. assertNull(manager.getSplitPoint()); // If there are no stripes, should pick midpoint from the biggest file in L0. MockStoreFile sf5 = createFile(5, 0); sf5.splitPoint = new byte[1]; manager.insertNewFiles(al(sf5)); manager.insertNewFiles(al(createFile(1, 0))); assertEquals(sf5.splitPoint, manager.getSplitPoint()); // Same if there's one stripe but the biggest file is still in L0. manager.addCompactionResults(al(), al(createFile(2, 0, OPEN_KEY, OPEN_KEY))); assertEquals(sf5.splitPoint, manager.getSplitPoint()); // If the biggest file is in the stripe, should get from it. MockStoreFile sf6 = createFile(6, 0, OPEN_KEY, OPEN_KEY); sf6.splitPoint = new byte[1]; manager.addCompactionResults(al(), al(sf6)); assertEquals(sf6.splitPoint, manager.getSplitPoint()); } @Test public void testGetStripeBoundarySplits() throws Exception { /* First number - split must be after this stripe; further numbers - stripes */ verifySplitPointScenario(5, false, 0f, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10); verifySplitPointScenario(0, false, 0f, 6, 3, 1, 1, 2); verifySplitPointScenario(2, false, 0f, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2); verifySplitPointScenario(0, false, 0f, 5, 4); verifySplitPointScenario(2, false, 0f, 5, 2, 5, 5, 5); } @Test public void testGetUnbalancedSplits() throws Exception { /* First number - split must be inside/after this stripe; further numbers - stripes */ verifySplitPointScenario(0, false, 2.1f, 4, 4, 4); // 8/4 is less than 2.1f verifySplitPointScenario(1, true, 1.5f, 4, 4, 4); // 8/4 > 6/6 verifySplitPointScenario(1, false, 1.1f, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2); // 7/6 < 8/5 verifySplitPointScenario(1, false, 1.1f, 3, 6, 1, 1, 2, 2); // 9/6 == 9/6 verifySplitPointScenario(1, true, 1.1f, 3, 8, 1, 1, 2, 2); // 11/6 > 10/7 verifySplitPointScenario(3, false, 1.1f, 2, 2, 1, 1, 4, 3); // reverse order verifySplitPointScenario(4, true, 1.1f, 2, 2, 1, 1, 8, 3); // reverse order verifySplitPointScenario(0, true, 1.5f, 10, 4); // 10/4 > 9/5 verifySplitPointScenario(0, false, 1.4f, 6, 4); // 6/4 == 6/4 verifySplitPointScenario(1, true, 1.5f, 4, 10); // reverse just in case verifySplitPointScenario(0, false, 1.4f, 4, 6); // reverse just in case } /** * Verifies scenario for finding a split point. * @param splitPointAfter Stripe to expect the split point at/after. * @param shouldSplitStripe If true, the split point is expected in the middle of the above * stripe; if false, should be at the end. * @param splitRatioToVerify Maximum split imbalance ratio. * @param sizes Stripe sizes. */ private void verifySplitPointScenario(int splitPointAfter, boolean shouldSplitStripe, float splitRatioToVerify, int... sizes) throws Exception { assertTrue(sizes.length > 1); ArrayList<StoreFile> sfs = new ArrayList<StoreFile>(); for (int sizeIx = 0; sizeIx < sizes.length; ++sizeIx) { byte[] startKey = (sizeIx == 0) ? OPEN_KEY : Bytes.toBytes(sizeIx - 1); byte[] endKey = (sizeIx == sizes.length - 1) ? OPEN_KEY : Bytes.toBytes(sizeIx); MockStoreFile sf = createFile(sizes[sizeIx], 0, startKey, endKey); sf.splitPoint = Bytes.toBytes(-sizeIx); // set split point to the negative index sfs.add(sf); } Configuration conf = HBaseConfiguration.create(); if (splitRatioToVerify != 0) { conf.setFloat(StripeStoreConfig.MAX_REGION_SPLIT_IMBALANCE_KEY, splitRatioToVerify); } StripeStoreFileManager manager = createManager(al(), conf); manager.addCompactionResults(al(), sfs); int result = Bytes.toInt(manager.getSplitPoint()); // Either end key and thus positive index, or "middle" of the file and thus negative index. assertEquals(splitPointAfter * (shouldSplitStripe ? -1 : 1), result); } private static byte[] keyAfter(byte[] key) { return Arrays.copyOf(key, key.length + 1); } @Test public void testGetFilesForGetAndScan() throws Exception { StripeStoreFileManager manager = createManager(); verifyGetAndScanScenario(manager, null, null); verifyGetAndScanScenario(manager, KEY_B, KEY_C); // Populate one L0 file. MockStoreFile sf0 = createFile(); manager.insertNewFiles(al(sf0)); verifyGetAndScanScenario(manager, null, null, sf0); verifyGetAndScanScenario(manager, null, KEY_C, sf0); verifyGetAndScanScenario(manager, KEY_B, null, sf0); verifyGetAndScanScenario(manager, KEY_B, KEY_C, sf0); // Populate a bunch of files for stripes, keep L0. MockStoreFile sfA = createFile(OPEN_KEY, KEY_A); MockStoreFile sfB = createFile(KEY_A, KEY_B); MockStoreFile sfC = createFile(KEY_B, KEY_C); MockStoreFile sfD = createFile(KEY_C, KEY_D); MockStoreFile sfE = createFile(KEY_D, OPEN_KEY); manager.addCompactionResults(al(), al(sfA, sfB, sfC, sfD, sfE)); verifyGetAndScanScenario(manager, null, null, sf0, sfA, sfB, sfC, sfD, sfE); verifyGetAndScanScenario(manager, keyAfter(KEY_A), null, sf0, sfB, sfC, sfD, sfE); verifyGetAndScanScenario(manager, null, keyAfter(KEY_C), sf0, sfA, sfB, sfC, sfD); verifyGetAndScanScenario(manager, KEY_B, null, sf0, sfC, sfD, sfE); verifyGetAndScanScenario(manager, null, KEY_C, sf0, sfA, sfB, sfC, sfD); verifyGetAndScanScenario(manager, KEY_B, keyAfter(KEY_B), sf0, sfC); verifyGetAndScanScenario(manager, keyAfter(KEY_A), KEY_B, sf0, sfB, sfC); verifyGetAndScanScenario(manager, KEY_D, KEY_D, sf0, sfE); verifyGetAndScanScenario(manager, keyAfter(KEY_B), keyAfter(KEY_C), sf0, sfC, sfD); } private void verifyGetAndScanScenario(StripeStoreFileManager manager, byte[] start, byte[] end, StoreFile... results) throws Exception { verifyGetOrScanScenario(manager, true, start, end, results); verifyGetOrScanScenario(manager, false, start, end, results); } @Test @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void testLoadFilesWithRecoverableBadFiles() throws Exception { // In L0, there will be file w/o metadata (real L0, 3 files with invalid metadata, and 3 // files that overlap valid stripes in various ways). Note that the 4th way to overlap the // stripes will cause the structure to be mostly scraped, and is tested separately. ArrayList<StoreFile> validStripeFiles = al(createFile(OPEN_KEY, KEY_B), createFile(KEY_B, KEY_C), createFile(KEY_C, OPEN_KEY), createFile(KEY_C, OPEN_KEY)); ArrayList<StoreFile> filesToGoToL0 = al(createFile(), createFile(null, KEY_A), createFile(KEY_D, null), createFile(KEY_D, KEY_A), createFile(keyAfter(KEY_A), KEY_C), createFile(OPEN_KEY, KEY_D), createFile(KEY_D, keyAfter(KEY_D))); ArrayList<StoreFile> allFilesToGo = flattenLists(validStripeFiles, filesToGoToL0); Collections.shuffle(allFilesToGo); StripeStoreFileManager manager = createManager(allFilesToGo); List<StoreFile> l0Files = manager.getLevel0Files(); assertEquals(filesToGoToL0.size(), l0Files.size()); for (StoreFile sf : filesToGoToL0) { assertTrue(l0Files.contains(sf)); } verifyAllFiles(manager, allFilesToGo); } @Test public void testLoadFilesWithBadStripe() throws Exception { // Current "algorithm" will see the after-B key before C key, add it as valid stripe, // and then fail all other stripes. So everything would end up in L0. ArrayList<StoreFile> allFilesToGo = al(createFile(OPEN_KEY, KEY_B), createFile(KEY_B, KEY_C), createFile(KEY_C, OPEN_KEY), createFile(KEY_B, keyAfter(KEY_B))); Collections.shuffle(allFilesToGo); StripeStoreFileManager manager = createManager(allFilesToGo); assertEquals(allFilesToGo.size(), manager.getLevel0Files().size()); } @Test public void testLoadFilesWithGaps() throws Exception { // Stripes must not have gaps. If they do, everything goes to L0. StripeStoreFileManager manager = createManager(al(createFile(OPEN_KEY, KEY_B), createFile(KEY_C, OPEN_KEY))); assertEquals(2, manager.getLevel0Files().size()); // Just one open stripe should be ok. manager = createManager(al(createFile(OPEN_KEY, OPEN_KEY))); assertEquals(0, manager.getLevel0Files().size()); assertEquals(1, manager.getStorefileCount()); } @Test public void testLoadFilesAfterSplit() throws Exception { // If stripes are good but have non-open ends, they must be treated as open ends. MockStoreFile sf = createFile(KEY_B, KEY_C); StripeStoreFileManager manager = createManager(al(createFile(OPEN_KEY, KEY_B), sf)); assertEquals(0, manager.getLevel0Files().size()); // Here, [B, C] is logically [B, inf), so we should be able to compact it to that only. verifyInvalidCompactionScenario(manager, al(sf), al(createFile(KEY_B, KEY_C))); manager.addCompactionResults(al(sf), al(createFile(KEY_B, OPEN_KEY))); // Do the same for other variants. manager = createManager(al(sf, createFile(KEY_C, OPEN_KEY))); verifyInvalidCompactionScenario(manager, al(sf), al(createFile(KEY_B, KEY_C))); manager.addCompactionResults(al(sf), al(createFile(OPEN_KEY, KEY_C))); manager = createManager(al(sf)); verifyInvalidCompactionScenario(manager, al(sf), al(createFile(KEY_B, KEY_C))); manager.addCompactionResults(al(sf), al(createFile(OPEN_KEY, OPEN_KEY))); } @Test public void testAddingCompactionResults() throws Exception { StripeStoreFileManager manager = createManager(); // First, add some L0 files and "compact" one with new stripe creation. StoreFile sf_L0_0a = createFile(), sf_L0_0b = createFile(); manager.insertNewFiles(al(sf_L0_0a, sf_L0_0b)); // Try compacting with invalid new branches (gaps, overlaps) - no effect. verifyInvalidCompactionScenario(manager, al(sf_L0_0a), al(createFile(OPEN_KEY, KEY_B))); verifyInvalidCompactionScenario(manager, al(sf_L0_0a), al(createFile(OPEN_KEY, KEY_B), createFile(KEY_C, OPEN_KEY))); verifyInvalidCompactionScenario(manager, al(sf_L0_0a), al(createFile(OPEN_KEY, KEY_B), createFile(KEY_B, OPEN_KEY), createFile(KEY_A, KEY_D))); verifyInvalidCompactionScenario(manager, al(sf_L0_0a), al(createFile(OPEN_KEY, KEY_B), createFile(KEY_A, KEY_B), createFile(KEY_B, OPEN_KEY))); StoreFile sf_i2B_0 = createFile(OPEN_KEY, KEY_B); StoreFile sf_B2C_0 = createFile(KEY_B, KEY_C); StoreFile sf_C2i_0 = createFile(KEY_C, OPEN_KEY); manager.addCompactionResults(al(sf_L0_0a), al(sf_i2B_0, sf_B2C_0, sf_C2i_0)); verifyAllFiles(manager, al(sf_L0_0b, sf_i2B_0, sf_B2C_0, sf_C2i_0)); // Add another l0 file, "compact" both L0 into two stripes StoreFile sf_L0_1 = createFile(); StoreFile sf_i2B_1 = createFile(OPEN_KEY, KEY_B); StoreFile sf_B2C_1 = createFile(KEY_B, KEY_C); manager.insertNewFiles(al(sf_L0_1)); manager.addCompactionResults(al(sf_L0_0b, sf_L0_1), al(sf_i2B_1, sf_B2C_1)); verifyAllFiles(manager, al(sf_i2B_0, sf_B2C_0, sf_C2i_0, sf_i2B_1, sf_B2C_1)); // Try compacting with invalid file (no metadata) - should add files to L0. StoreFile sf_L0_2 = createFile(null, null); manager.addCompactionResults(al(), al(sf_L0_2)); verifyAllFiles(manager, al(sf_i2B_0, sf_B2C_0, sf_C2i_0, sf_i2B_1, sf_B2C_1, sf_L0_2)); // Remove it... manager.addCompactionResults(al(sf_L0_2), al()); // Do regular compaction in the first stripe. StoreFile sf_i2B_3 = createFile(OPEN_KEY, KEY_B); manager.addCompactionResults(al(sf_i2B_0, sf_i2B_1), al(sf_i2B_3)); verifyAllFiles(manager, al(sf_B2C_0, sf_C2i_0, sf_B2C_1, sf_i2B_3)); // Rebalance two stripes. StoreFile sf_B2D_4 = createFile(KEY_B, KEY_D); StoreFile sf_D2i_4 = createFile(KEY_D, OPEN_KEY); manager.addCompactionResults(al(sf_B2C_0, sf_C2i_0, sf_B2C_1), al(sf_B2D_4, sf_D2i_4)); verifyAllFiles(manager, al(sf_i2B_3, sf_B2D_4, sf_D2i_4)); // Split the first stripe. StoreFile sf_i2A_5 = createFile(OPEN_KEY, KEY_A); StoreFile sf_A2B_5 = createFile(KEY_A, KEY_B); manager.addCompactionResults(al(sf_i2B_3), al(sf_i2A_5, sf_A2B_5)); verifyAllFiles(manager, al(sf_B2D_4, sf_D2i_4, sf_i2A_5, sf_A2B_5)); // Split the middle stripe. StoreFile sf_B2C_6 = createFile(KEY_B, KEY_C); StoreFile sf_C2D_6 = createFile(KEY_C, KEY_D); manager.addCompactionResults(al(sf_B2D_4), al(sf_B2C_6, sf_C2D_6)); verifyAllFiles(manager, al(sf_D2i_4, sf_i2A_5, sf_A2B_5, sf_B2C_6, sf_C2D_6)); // Merge two different middle stripes. StoreFile sf_A2C_7 = createFile(KEY_A, KEY_C); manager.addCompactionResults(al(sf_A2B_5, sf_B2C_6), al(sf_A2C_7)); verifyAllFiles(manager, al(sf_D2i_4, sf_i2A_5, sf_C2D_6, sf_A2C_7)); // Merge lower half. StoreFile sf_i2C_8 = createFile(OPEN_KEY, KEY_C); manager.addCompactionResults(al(sf_i2A_5, sf_A2C_7), al(sf_i2C_8)); verifyAllFiles(manager, al(sf_D2i_4, sf_C2D_6, sf_i2C_8)); // Merge all. StoreFile sf_i2i_9 = createFile(OPEN_KEY, OPEN_KEY); manager.addCompactionResults(al(sf_D2i_4, sf_C2D_6, sf_i2C_8), al(sf_i2i_9)); verifyAllFiles(manager, al(sf_i2i_9)); } @Test public void testCompactionAndFlushConflict() throws Exception { // Add file flush into stripes StripeStoreFileManager sfm = createManager(); assertEquals(0, sfm.getStripeCount()); StoreFile sf_i2c = createFile(OPEN_KEY, KEY_C), sf_c2i = createFile(KEY_C, OPEN_KEY); sfm.insertNewFiles(al(sf_i2c, sf_c2i)); assertEquals(2, sfm.getStripeCount()); // Now try to add conflicting flush - should throw. StoreFile sf_i2d = createFile(OPEN_KEY, KEY_D), sf_d2i = createFile(KEY_D, OPEN_KEY); sfm.insertNewFiles(al(sf_i2d, sf_d2i)); assertEquals(2, sfm.getStripeCount()); assertEquals(2, sfm.getLevel0Files().size()); verifyGetAndScanScenario(sfm, KEY_C, KEY_C, sf_i2d, sf_d2i, sf_c2i); // Remove these files. sfm.addCompactionResults(al(sf_i2d, sf_d2i), al()); assertEquals(0, sfm.getLevel0Files().size()); // Add another file to stripe; then "rebalance" stripes w/o it - the file, which was // presumably flushed during compaction, should go to L0. StoreFile sf_i2c_2 = createFile(OPEN_KEY, KEY_C); sfm.insertNewFiles(al(sf_i2c_2)); sfm.addCompactionResults(al(sf_i2c, sf_c2i), al(sf_i2d, sf_d2i)); assertEquals(1, sfm.getLevel0Files().size()); verifyGetAndScanScenario(sfm, KEY_C, KEY_C, sf_i2d, sf_i2c_2); } @Test public void testEmptyResultsForStripes() throws Exception { // Test that we can compact L0 into a subset of stripes. StripeStoreFileManager manager = createManager(); StoreFile sf0a = createFile(); StoreFile sf0b = createFile(); manager.insertNewFiles(al(sf0a)); manager.insertNewFiles(al(sf0b)); ArrayList<StoreFile> compacted = al(createFile(OPEN_KEY, KEY_B), createFile(KEY_B, KEY_C), createFile(KEY_C, OPEN_KEY)); manager.addCompactionResults(al(sf0a), compacted); // Next L0 compaction only produces file for the first and last stripe. ArrayList<StoreFile> compacted2 = al(createFile(OPEN_KEY, KEY_B), createFile(KEY_C, OPEN_KEY)); manager.addCompactionResults(al(sf0b), compacted2); compacted.addAll(compacted2); verifyAllFiles(manager, compacted); } @Test public void testPriority() throws Exception { // Expected priority, file limit, stripe count, files per stripe, l0 files. testPriorityScenario(5, 5, 0, 0, 0); testPriorityScenario(2, 5, 0, 0, 3); testPriorityScenario(4, 25, 5, 1, 0); // example case. testPriorityScenario(3, 25, 5, 1, 1); // L0 files counts for all stripes. testPriorityScenario(3, 25, 5, 2, 0); // file to each stripe - same as one L0 file. testPriorityScenario(2, 25, 5, 4, 0); // 1 is priority user, so 2 is returned. testPriorityScenario(2, 25, 5, 4, 4); // don't return higher than user unless over limit. testPriorityScenario(2, 25, 5, 1, 10); // same. testPriorityScenario(0, 25, 5, 4, 5); // at limit. testPriorityScenario(-5, 25, 5, 6, 0); // over limit! testPriorityScenario(-1, 25, 0, 0, 26); // over limit with just L0 } private void testPriorityScenario(int expectedPriority, int limit, int stripes, int filesInStripe, int l0Files) throws Exception { final byte[][] keys = { KEY_A, KEY_B, KEY_C, KEY_D }; assertTrue(stripes <= keys.length + 1); Configuration conf = TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration(); conf.setInt("hbase.hstore.blockingStoreFiles", limit); StripeStoreFileManager sfm = createManager(al(), conf); for (int i = 0; i < l0Files; ++i) { sfm.insertNewFiles(al(createFile())); } for (int i = 0; i < filesInStripe; ++i) { ArrayList<StoreFile> stripe = new ArrayList<StoreFile>(); for (int j = 0; j < stripes; ++j) { stripe.add(createFile( (j == 0) ? OPEN_KEY : keys[j - 1], (j == stripes - 1) ? OPEN_KEY : keys[j])); } sfm.addCompactionResults(al(), stripe); } assertEquals(expectedPriority, sfm.getStoreCompactionPriority()); } private void verifyInvalidCompactionScenario(StripeStoreFileManager manager, ArrayList<StoreFile> filesToCompact, ArrayList<StoreFile> filesToInsert) throws Exception { Collection<StoreFile> allFiles = manager.getStorefiles(); try { manager.addCompactionResults(filesToCompact, filesToInsert); fail("Should have thrown"); } catch (IOException ex) { // Ignore it. } verifyAllFiles(manager, allFiles); // must have the same files. } private void verifyGetOrScanScenario(StripeStoreFileManager manager, boolean isGet, byte[] start, byte[] end, StoreFile... results) throws Exception { verifyGetOrScanScenario(manager, isGet, start, end, Arrays.asList(results)); } private void verifyGetOrScanScenario(StripeStoreFileManager manager, boolean isGet, byte[] start, byte[] end, Collection<StoreFile> results) throws Exception { start = start != null ? start : HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW; end = end != null ? end : HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW; Collection<StoreFile> sfs = manager.getFilesForScanOrGet(isGet, start, end); assertEquals(results.size(), sfs.size()); for (StoreFile result : results) { assertTrue(sfs.contains(result)); } } private void verifyAllFiles( StripeStoreFileManager manager, Collection<StoreFile> results) throws Exception { verifyGetOrScanScenario(manager, false, null, null, results); } // TODO: replace with Mockito? private static MockStoreFile createFile( long size, long seqNum, byte[] startKey, byte[] endKey) throws Exception { FileSystem fs = TEST_UTIL.getTestFileSystem(); Path testFilePath = StoreFile.getUniqueFile(fs, CFDIR); fs.create(testFilePath).close(); MockStoreFile sf = new MockStoreFile(TEST_UTIL, testFilePath, size, 0, false, seqNum); if (startKey != null) { sf.setMetadataValue(StripeStoreFileManager.STRIPE_START_KEY, startKey); } if (endKey != null) { sf.setMetadataValue(StripeStoreFileManager.STRIPE_END_KEY, endKey); } return sf; } private static MockStoreFile createFile(long size, long seqNum) throws Exception { return createFile(size, seqNum, null, null); } private static MockStoreFile createFile(byte[] startKey, byte[] endKey) throws Exception { return createFile(0, 0, startKey, endKey); } private static MockStoreFile createFile() throws Exception { return createFile(null, null); } private static StripeStoreFileManager createManager() throws Exception { return createManager(new ArrayList<StoreFile>()); } private static StripeStoreFileManager createManager(ArrayList<StoreFile> sfs) throws Exception { return createManager(sfs, TEST_UTIL.getConfiguration()); } private static StripeStoreFileManager createManager( ArrayList<StoreFile> sfs, Configuration conf) throws Exception { StripeStoreConfig config = new StripeStoreConfig( conf, Mockito.mock(StoreConfigInformation.class)); StripeStoreFileManager result = new StripeStoreFileManager(new KVComparator(), conf, config); result.loadFiles(sfs); return result; } private static ArrayList<StoreFile> al(StoreFile... sfs) { return new ArrayList<StoreFile>(Arrays.asList(sfs)); } private static ArrayList<StoreFile> flattenLists(ArrayList<StoreFile>... sfls) { ArrayList<StoreFile> result = new ArrayList<StoreFile>(); for (ArrayList<StoreFile> sfl : sfls) { result.addAll(sfl); } return result; } }