/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.codec.prefixtree.decode.row; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.codec.prefixtree.PrefixTreeBlockMeta; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.SimpleMutableByteRange; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.vint.UFIntTool; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.vint.UVIntTool; /** * Position one of these appropriately in the data block and you can call its methods to retrieve * information necessary to decode the cells in the row. */ @InterfaceAudience.Private public class RowNodeReader { /************* fields ***********************************/ protected byte[] block; protected int offset; protected int fanIndex; protected int numCells; protected int tokenOffset; protected int tokenLength; protected int fanOffset; protected int fanOut; protected int familyOffsetsOffset; protected int qualifierOffsetsOffset; protected int timestampIndexesOffset; protected int mvccVersionIndexesOffset; protected int operationTypesOffset; protected int valueOffsetsOffset; protected int valueLengthsOffset; protected int tagOffsetsOffset; protected int nextNodeOffsetsOffset; /******************* construct **************************/ public void initOnBlock(PrefixTreeBlockMeta blockMeta, byte[] block, int offset) { this.block = block; this.offset = offset; resetFanIndex(); this.tokenLength = UVIntTool.getInt(block, offset); this.tokenOffset = offset + UVIntTool.numBytes(tokenLength); this.fanOut = UVIntTool.getInt(block, tokenOffset + tokenLength); this.fanOffset = tokenOffset + tokenLength + UVIntTool.numBytes(fanOut); this.numCells = UVIntTool.getInt(block, fanOffset + fanOut); this.familyOffsetsOffset = fanOffset + fanOut + UVIntTool.numBytes(numCells); this.qualifierOffsetsOffset = familyOffsetsOffset + numCells * blockMeta.getFamilyOffsetWidth(); this.tagOffsetsOffset = this.qualifierOffsetsOffset + numCells * blockMeta.getQualifierOffsetWidth(); // TODO : This code may not be needed now..As we always consider tags to be present if(blockMeta.getTagsOffsetWidth() == 0) { // Make both of them same so that we know that there are no tags this.tagOffsetsOffset = this.qualifierOffsetsOffset; this.timestampIndexesOffset = qualifierOffsetsOffset + numCells * blockMeta.getQualifierOffsetWidth(); } else { this.timestampIndexesOffset = tagOffsetsOffset + numCells * blockMeta.getTagsOffsetWidth(); } this.mvccVersionIndexesOffset = timestampIndexesOffset + numCells * blockMeta.getTimestampIndexWidth(); this.operationTypesOffset = mvccVersionIndexesOffset + numCells * blockMeta.getMvccVersionIndexWidth(); this.valueOffsetsOffset = operationTypesOffset + numCells * blockMeta.getKeyValueTypeWidth(); this.valueLengthsOffset = valueOffsetsOffset + numCells * blockMeta.getValueOffsetWidth(); this.nextNodeOffsetsOffset = valueLengthsOffset + numCells * blockMeta.getValueLengthWidth(); } /******************** methods ****************************/ public boolean isLeaf() { return fanOut == 0; } public boolean isNub() { return fanOut > 0 && numCells > 0; } public boolean isBranch() { return fanOut > 0 && numCells == 0; } public boolean hasOccurrences() { return numCells > 0; } public int getTokenArrayOffset(){ return tokenOffset; } public int getTokenLength() { return tokenLength; } public byte getFanByte(int i) { return block[fanOffset + i]; } /** * for debugging */ protected String getFanByteReadable(int i){ return Bytes.toStringBinary(block, fanOffset + i, 1); } public int getFamilyOffset(int index, PrefixTreeBlockMeta blockMeta) { int fIntWidth = blockMeta.getFamilyOffsetWidth(); int startIndex = familyOffsetsOffset + fIntWidth * index; return (int) UFIntTool.fromBytes(block, startIndex, fIntWidth); } public int getColumnOffset(int index, PrefixTreeBlockMeta blockMeta) { int fIntWidth = blockMeta.getQualifierOffsetWidth(); int startIndex = qualifierOffsetsOffset + fIntWidth * index; return (int) UFIntTool.fromBytes(block, startIndex, fIntWidth); } public int getTagOffset(int index, PrefixTreeBlockMeta blockMeta) { int fIntWidth = blockMeta.getTagsOffsetWidth(); int startIndex = tagOffsetsOffset + fIntWidth * index; return (int) UFIntTool.fromBytes(block, startIndex, fIntWidth); } public int getTimestampIndex(int index, PrefixTreeBlockMeta blockMeta) { int fIntWidth = blockMeta.getTimestampIndexWidth(); int startIndex = timestampIndexesOffset + fIntWidth * index; return (int) UFIntTool.fromBytes(block, startIndex, fIntWidth); } public int getMvccVersionIndex(int index, PrefixTreeBlockMeta blockMeta) { int fIntWidth = blockMeta.getMvccVersionIndexWidth(); int startIndex = mvccVersionIndexesOffset + fIntWidth * index; return (int) UFIntTool.fromBytes(block, startIndex, fIntWidth); } public int getType(int index, PrefixTreeBlockMeta blockMeta) { if (blockMeta.isAllSameType()) { return blockMeta.getAllTypes(); } return block[operationTypesOffset + index]; } public int getValueOffset(int index, PrefixTreeBlockMeta blockMeta) { int fIntWidth = blockMeta.getValueOffsetWidth(); int startIndex = valueOffsetsOffset + fIntWidth * index; int offset = (int) UFIntTool.fromBytes(block, startIndex, fIntWidth); return offset; } public int getValueLength(int index, PrefixTreeBlockMeta blockMeta) { int fIntWidth = blockMeta.getValueLengthWidth(); int startIndex = valueLengthsOffset + fIntWidth * index; int length = (int) UFIntTool.fromBytes(block, startIndex, fIntWidth); return length; } public int getNextNodeOffset(int index, PrefixTreeBlockMeta blockMeta) { int fIntWidth = blockMeta.getNextNodeOffsetWidth(); int startIndex = nextNodeOffsetsOffset + fIntWidth * index; return (int) UFIntTool.fromBytes(block, startIndex, fIntWidth); } public String getBranchNubLeafIndicator() { if (isNub()) { return "N"; } return isBranch() ? "B" : "L"; } public boolean hasChildren() { return fanOut > 0; } public int getLastFanIndex() { return fanOut - 1; } public int getLastCellIndex() { return numCells - 1; } public int getNumCells() { return numCells; } public int getFanOut() { return fanOut; } public byte[] getToken() { // TODO pass in reusable ByteRange return new SimpleMutableByteRange(block, tokenOffset, tokenLength).deepCopyToNewArray(); } public int getOffset() { return offset; } public int whichFanNode(byte searchForByte) { if( ! hasFan()){ throw new IllegalStateException("This row node has no fan, so can't search it"); } int fanIndexInBlock = Bytes.unsignedBinarySearch(block, fanOffset, fanOffset + fanOut, searchForByte); if (fanIndexInBlock >= 0) {// found it, but need to adjust for position of fan in overall block return fanIndexInBlock - fanOffset; } return fanIndexInBlock + fanOffset;// didn't find it, so compensate in reverse } public void resetFanIndex() { fanIndex = -1;// just the way the logic currently works } public int getFanIndex() { return fanIndex; } public void setFanIndex(int fanIndex) { this.fanIndex = fanIndex; } public boolean hasFan(){ return fanOut > 0; } public boolean hasPreviousFanNodes() { return fanOut > 0 && fanIndex > 0; } public boolean hasMoreFanNodes() { return fanIndex < getLastFanIndex(); } public boolean isOnLastFanNode() { return !hasMoreFanNodes(); } /*************** standard methods **************************/ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("fan:" + Bytes.toStringBinary(block, fanOffset, fanOut)); sb.append(",token:" + Bytes.toStringBinary(block, tokenOffset, tokenLength)); sb.append(",numCells:" + numCells); sb.append(",fanIndex:"+fanIndex); if(fanIndex>=0){ sb.append("("+getFanByteReadable(fanIndex)+")"); } return sb.toString(); } }