/** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NavigableSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.classification.InterfaceStability; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.filter.Filter; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.io.TimeRange; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.access.Permission; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.security.visibility.Authorizations; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; /** * Used to perform Get operations on a single row. * <p> * To get everything for a row, instantiate a Get object with the row to get. * To further narrow the scope of what to Get, use the methods below. * <p> * To get all columns from specific families, execute {@link #addFamily(byte[]) addFamily} * for each family to retrieve. * <p> * To get specific columns, execute {@link #addColumn(byte[], byte[]) addColumn} * for each column to retrieve. * <p> * To only retrieve columns within a specific range of version timestamps, * execute {@link #setTimeRange(long, long) setTimeRange}. * <p> * To only retrieve columns with a specific timestamp, execute * {@link #setTimeStamp(long) setTimestamp}. * <p> * To limit the number of versions of each column to be returned, execute * {@link #setMaxVersions(int) setMaxVersions}. * <p> * To add a filter, call {@link #setFilter(Filter) setFilter}. */ @InterfaceAudience.Public @InterfaceStability.Stable public class Get extends Query implements Row, Comparable<Row> { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(Get.class); private byte [] row = null; private int maxVersions = 1; private boolean cacheBlocks = true; private int storeLimit = -1; private int storeOffset = 0; private TimeRange tr = new TimeRange(); private boolean checkExistenceOnly = false; private boolean closestRowBefore = false; private Map<byte [], NavigableSet<byte []>> familyMap = new TreeMap<byte [], NavigableSet<byte []>>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR); /** * Create a Get operation for the specified row. * <p> * If no further operations are done, this will get the latest version of * all columns in all families of the specified row. * @param row row key */ public Get(byte [] row) { Mutation.checkRow(row); this.row = row; } /** * Copy-constructor * * @param get */ public Get(Get get) { this.filter = get.getFilter(); this.cacheBlocks = get.getCacheBlocks(); this.maxVersions = get.getMaxVersions(); this.storeLimit = get.getMaxResultsPerColumnFamily(); this.storeOffset = get.getRowOffsetPerColumnFamily(); this.tr = get.getTimeRange(); this.checkExistenceOnly = get.isCheckExistenceOnly(); this.closestRowBefore = get.isClosestRowBefore(); this.familyMap = get.getFamilyMap(); for (Map.Entry<String, byte[]> attr : get.getAttributesMap().entrySet()) { setAttribute(attr.getKey(), attr.getValue()); } } public boolean isCheckExistenceOnly() { return checkExistenceOnly; } public Get setCheckExistenceOnly(boolean checkExistenceOnly) { this.checkExistenceOnly = checkExistenceOnly; return this; } public boolean isClosestRowBefore() { return closestRowBefore; } public Get setClosestRowBefore(boolean closestRowBefore) { this.closestRowBefore = closestRowBefore; return this; } /** * Get all columns from the specified family. * <p> * Overrides previous calls to addColumn for this family. * @param family family name * @return the Get object */ public Get addFamily(byte [] family) { familyMap.remove(family); familyMap.put(family, null); return this; } /** * Get the column from the specific family with the specified qualifier. * <p> * Overrides previous calls to addFamily for this family. * @param family family name * @param qualifier column qualifier * @return the Get objec */ public Get addColumn(byte [] family, byte [] qualifier) { NavigableSet<byte []> set = familyMap.get(family); if(set == null) { set = new TreeSet<byte []>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR); } if (qualifier == null) { qualifier = HConstants.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; } set.add(qualifier); familyMap.put(family, set); return this; } /** * Get versions of columns only within the specified timestamp range, * [minStamp, maxStamp). * @param minStamp minimum timestamp value, inclusive * @param maxStamp maximum timestamp value, exclusive * @throws IOException if invalid time range * @return this for invocation chaining */ public Get setTimeRange(long minStamp, long maxStamp) throws IOException { tr = new TimeRange(minStamp, maxStamp); return this; } /** * Get versions of columns with the specified timestamp. * @param timestamp version timestamp * @return this for invocation chaining */ public Get setTimeStamp(long timestamp) throws IOException { try { tr = new TimeRange(timestamp, timestamp+1); } catch(IOException e) { // This should never happen, unless integer overflow or something extremely wrong... LOG.error("TimeRange failed, likely caused by integer overflow. ", e); throw e; } return this; } /** * Get all available versions. * @return this for invocation chaining */ public Get setMaxVersions() { this.maxVersions = Integer.MAX_VALUE; return this; } /** * Get up to the specified number of versions of each column. * @param maxVersions maximum versions for each column * @throws IOException if invalid number of versions * @return this for invocation chaining */ public Get setMaxVersions(int maxVersions) throws IOException { if(maxVersions <= 0) { throw new IOException("maxVersions must be positive"); } this.maxVersions = maxVersions; return this; } /** * Set the maximum number of values to return per row per Column Family * @param limit the maximum number of values returned / row / CF * @return this for invocation chaining */ public Get setMaxResultsPerColumnFamily(int limit) { this.storeLimit = limit; return this; } /** * Set offset for the row per Column Family. This offset is only within a particular row/CF * combination. It gets reset back to zero when we move to the next row or CF. * @param offset is the number of kvs that will be skipped. * @return this for invocation chaining */ public Get setRowOffsetPerColumnFamily(int offset) { this.storeOffset = offset; return this; } @Override public Get setFilter(Filter filter) { super.setFilter(filter); return this; } /* Accessors */ /** * Set whether blocks should be cached for this Get. * <p> * This is true by default. When true, default settings of the table and * family are used (this will never override caching blocks if the block * cache is disabled for that family or entirely). * * @param cacheBlocks if false, default settings are overridden and blocks * will not be cached */ public Get setCacheBlocks(boolean cacheBlocks) { this.cacheBlocks = cacheBlocks; return this; } /** * Get whether blocks should be cached for this Get. * @return true if default caching should be used, false if blocks should not * be cached */ public boolean getCacheBlocks() { return cacheBlocks; } /** * Method for retrieving the get's row * @return row */ @Override public byte [] getRow() { return this.row; } /** * Method for retrieving the get's maximum number of version * @return the maximum number of version to fetch for this get */ public int getMaxVersions() { return this.maxVersions; } /** * Method for retrieving the get's maximum number of values * to return per Column Family * @return the maximum number of values to fetch per CF */ public int getMaxResultsPerColumnFamily() { return this.storeLimit; } /** * Method for retrieving the get's offset per row per column * family (#kvs to be skipped) * @return the row offset */ public int getRowOffsetPerColumnFamily() { return this.storeOffset; } /** * Method for retrieving the get's TimeRange * @return timeRange */ public TimeRange getTimeRange() { return this.tr; } /** * Method for retrieving the keys in the familyMap * @return keys in the current familyMap */ public Set<byte[]> familySet() { return this.familyMap.keySet(); } /** * Method for retrieving the number of families to get from * @return number of families */ public int numFamilies() { return this.familyMap.size(); } /** * Method for checking if any families have been inserted into this Get * @return true if familyMap is non empty false otherwise */ public boolean hasFamilies() { return !this.familyMap.isEmpty(); } /** * Method for retrieving the get's familyMap * @return familyMap */ public Map<byte[],NavigableSet<byte[]>> getFamilyMap() { return this.familyMap; } /** * Compile the table and column family (i.e. schema) information * into a String. Useful for parsing and aggregation by debugging, * logging, and administration tools. * @return Map */ @Override public Map<String, Object> getFingerprint() { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); List<String> families = new ArrayList<String>(); map.put("families", families); for (Map.Entry<byte [], NavigableSet<byte[]>> entry : this.familyMap.entrySet()) { families.add(Bytes.toStringBinary(entry.getKey())); } return map; } /** * Compile the details beyond the scope of getFingerprint (row, columns, * timestamps, etc.) into a Map along with the fingerprinted information. * Useful for debugging, logging, and administration tools. * @param maxCols a limit on the number of columns output prior to truncation * @return Map */ @Override public Map<String, Object> toMap(int maxCols) { // we start with the fingerprint map and build on top of it. Map<String, Object> map = getFingerprint(); // replace the fingerprint's simple list of families with a // map from column families to lists of qualifiers and kv details Map<String, List<String>> columns = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); map.put("families", columns); // add scalar information first map.put("row", Bytes.toStringBinary(this.row)); map.put("maxVersions", this.maxVersions); map.put("cacheBlocks", this.cacheBlocks); List<Long> timeRange = new ArrayList<Long>(); timeRange.add(this.tr.getMin()); timeRange.add(this.tr.getMax()); map.put("timeRange", timeRange); int colCount = 0; // iterate through affected families and add details for (Map.Entry<byte [], NavigableSet<byte[]>> entry : this.familyMap.entrySet()) { List<String> familyList = new ArrayList<String>(); columns.put(Bytes.toStringBinary(entry.getKey()), familyList); if(entry.getValue() == null) { colCount++; --maxCols; familyList.add("ALL"); } else { colCount += entry.getValue().size(); if (maxCols <= 0) { continue; } for (byte [] column : entry.getValue()) { if (--maxCols <= 0) { continue; } familyList.add(Bytes.toStringBinary(column)); } } } map.put("totalColumns", colCount); if (this.filter != null) { map.put("filter", this.filter.toString()); } // add the id if set if (getId() != null) { map.put("id", getId()); } return map; } //Row @Override public int compareTo(Row other) { // TODO: This is wrong. Can't have two gets the same just because on same row. return Bytes.compareTo(this.getRow(), other.getRow()); } @Override public int hashCode() { // TODO: This is wrong. Can't have two gets the same just because on same row. But it // matches how equals works currently and gets rid of the findbugs warning. return Bytes.hashCode(this.getRow()); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } Row other = (Row) obj; // TODO: This is wrong. Can't have two gets the same just because on same row. return compareTo(other) == 0; } @Override public Get setAttribute(String name, byte[] value) { return (Get) super.setAttribute(name, value); } @Override public Get setId(String id) { return (Get) super.setId(id); } @Override public Get setAuthorizations(Authorizations authorizations) { return (Get) super.setAuthorizations(authorizations); } @Override public Get setACL(Map<String, Permission> perms) { return (Get) super.setACL(perms); } @Override public Get setACL(String user, Permission perms) { return (Get) super.setACL(user, perms); } @Override public Get setConsistency(Consistency consistency) { return (Get) super.setConsistency(consistency); } @Override public Get setReplicaId(int Id) { return (Get) super.setReplicaId(Id); } @Override public Get setIsolationLevel(IsolationLevel level) { return (Get) super.setIsolationLevel(level); } }