package; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.provider.BaseColumns; import; public class DbNoteProperty { public static final String TABLE = "note_properties"; public static final String[] CREATE_SQL = new String[] { "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TABLE + " (" + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + "note_id INTEGER," + "position INTEGER," + "property_id INTEGER," + "UNIQUE(note_id, position, property_id))", "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + "note_id" + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + "note_id" + ")", // TODO: Create util method to construct this kind of string "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + "position" + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + "position" + ")", "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + "property_id" + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + "property_id" + ")", }; public static final String DROP_SQL = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE; public interface Columns { String POSITION = "position"; String NOTE_ID = "note_id"; String PROPERTY_ID = "property_id"; } public static class Column implements Columns, BaseColumns {} public static long getOrInsert(SQLiteDatabase db, long noteId, int position, long propertyId) { long id = DatabaseUtils.getId( db, TABLE, "note_id = " + noteId + " AND position = " + position + " AND property_id = " + propertyId, null); if (id == 0) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("note_id", noteId); values.put("position", position); values.put("property_id", propertyId); id = db.insertOrThrow(TABLE, null, values); } return id; } }