package; import android.content.ContentProviderOperation; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.OperationApplicationException; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.os.RemoteException; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; import com.orgzly.R; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; /** * Local books storage * * FIXME: Turned into much more over time. */ public class Shelf { private static final String TAG = Shelf.class.getName(); private Context mContext; private LocalStorage mLocalStorage; public Shelf(Context context) { mContext = context; mLocalStorage = new LocalStorage(context); } public List<Book> getBooks() { return BooksClient.getAll(mContext); } public Book getBook(long id) { return BooksClient.get(mContext, id); } public Book getBook(String name) { return BooksClient.get(mContext, name); } /** * Creates a new empty book. * * @param name name of the book */ public Book createBook(String name) throws IOException { return BooksClient.insert(mContext, new Book(name)); } /** * Creates new dummy book - temporary incomplete book * (before remote book has been downloaded, or linked etc.) */ private Book createDummyBook(String name) throws IOException { return BooksClient.insert(mContext, new Book(name, "", 0, true)); } /** * Loads book from resource. */ public Book loadBookFromResource(String name, BookName.Format format, Resources resources, int resId) throws IOException { InputStream is = resources.openRawResource(resId); try { return loadBookFromStream(name, format, is); } finally { is.close(); } } public Book loadBookFromStream(String name, BookName.Format format, InputStream inputStream) throws IOException { /* Save content to temporary file. */ File tmpFile = getTempBookFile(); try { MiscUtils.writeStreamToFile(inputStream, tmpFile); return loadBookFromFile(name, format, tmpFile); } finally { tmpFile.delete(); } } /** * Imports {@code File} to database under specified book name. * Overwrites existing book with the same name. */ // TODO: Separately update book here - we don't want to update its mtime if loaded from resource for example. public Book loadBookFromFile(String name, BookName.Format format, File file) throws IOException { return loadBookFromFile(name, format, file, null, null); } public Book loadBookFromFile(String name, BookName.Format format, File file, VersionedRook vrook) throws IOException { return loadBookFromFile(name, format, file, vrook, null); } public Book loadBookFromFile(String name, BookName.Format format, File file, VersionedRook vrook, String selectedEncoding) throws IOException { Uri uri = BooksClient.loadFromFile(mContext, name, format, file, vrook, selectedEncoding); notifyDataChanged(mContext); return BooksClient.get(mContext, ContentUris.parseId(uri)); } public void setBookStatus(Book book, String status, BookAction action) { BooksClient.updateStatus(mContext, book.getId(), status, action); } // TODO: Do in Provider under transaction public void deleteBook(Book book, boolean deleteLinked) throws IOException { if (deleteLinked) { Repo repo = RepoFactory.getFromUri(mContext, book.getLink().getRepoUri()); if (repo != null) { repo.delete(book.getLink().getUri()); } } NotesClient.deleteFromBook(mContext, book.getId()); BooksClient.delete(mContext, book.getId()); notifyDataChanged(mContext); } // TODO: This is used in tests, check if we are even deleting these books. public File getTempBookFile() throws IOException { return mLocalStorage.getTempBookFile(); } /** * Returns full string content of the book in format specified. Used by tests. */ public String getBookContent(String name, BookName.Format format) throws IOException { Book book = getBook(name); if (book != null) { File file = getTempBookFile(); try { writeBookToFile(book, format, file); return MiscUtils.readStringFromFile(file); } finally { file.delete(); } } return null; } public File exportBook(long bookId, BookName.Format format) throws IOException { /* Get book from database. */ Book book = getBook(bookId); /* Get file to write book to. */ File file = mLocalStorage.getExportFile(book, format); /* Write book. */ writeBookToFile(book, format, file); return file; } /** * Writes content of book from database to specified file. * TODO: Do in Provider under transaction */ public void writeBookToFile(final Book book, BookName.Format format, File file) throws IOException { /* Use the same encoding. */ String encoding = book.getUsedEncoding(); if (encoding == null) { encoding = Charset.defaultCharset().name(); } final PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(file, encoding); try { String prefValue = AppPreferences.separateNotesWithNewLine(mContext); OrgParserSettings parserSettings = OrgParserSettings.getBasic(); if (mContext.getString(R.string.pref_value_separate_notes_with_new_line_always).equals(prefValue)) { parserSettings.separateNotesWithNewLine = OrgParserSettings.SeparateNotesWithNewLine.ALWAYS; } else if (mContext.getString(R.string.pref_value_separate_notes_with_new_line_multi_line_notes_only).equals(prefValue)) { parserSettings.separateNotesWithNewLine = OrgParserSettings.SeparateNotesWithNewLine.MULTI_LINE_NOTES_ONLY; } else if (mContext.getString(R.string.pref_value_separate_notes_with_new_line_never).equals(prefValue)) { parserSettings.separateNotesWithNewLine = OrgParserSettings.SeparateNotesWithNewLine.NEVER; } parserSettings.separateHeaderAndContentWithNewLine = AppPreferences.separateHeaderAndContentWithNewLine(mContext); final OrgParserWriter parserWriter = new OrgParserWriter(parserSettings); out.write(parserWriter.whiteSpacedFilePreface(book.getPreface())); NotesClient.forEachBookNote(mContext, book.getName(), new NotesClient.NotesClientInterface() { @Override public void onNote(Note note) { out.write(parserWriter.whiteSpacedHead( note.getHead(), note.getPosition().getLevel(), book.getOrgFileSettings().isIndented())); } }); } finally { out.close(); } } public void setNotesScheduledTime(Set<Long> noteIds, OrgDateTime time) { NotesClient.updateScheduledTime(mContext, noteIds, time); notifyDataChanged(mContext); } public void setNotesState(Set<Long> noteIds, String state) { NotesClient.setState(mContext, noteIds, state); notifyDataChanged(mContext); } public Note getNote(long id) { return NotesClient.getNote(mContext, id); } public List<OrgProperty> getNoteProperties(long id) { return NotesClient.getNoteProperties(mContext, id); } public Note getNote(String title) { return NotesClient.getNote(mContext, title); } public int updateNote(Note note) { int result = NotesClient.update(mContext, note); notifyDataChanged(mContext); return result; } public Note createNote(Note note, NotePlace target) { /* Create new note. */ Note insertedNote = NotesClient.create(mContext, note, target); BooksClient.setModifiedTime(mContext, note.getPosition().getBookId(), System.currentTimeMillis()); notifyDataChanged(mContext); return insertedNote; } public String[] getAllTags(long bookId) { return NotesClient.getAllTags(mContext, bookId); } public void toggleFoldedState(long noteId) { NotesClient.toggleFoldedState(mContext, noteId); } public void promoteNotes(long bookId, Set<Long> noteIds) { BooksClient.promote(mContext, bookId, noteIds); } public int promoteNotes(long bookId, long noteId) { Set<Long> noteIds = new HashSet<>(); noteIds.add(noteId); return BooksClient.promote(mContext, bookId, noteIds); } public void demoteNotes(long bookId, Set<Long> noteIds) { BooksClient.demote(mContext, bookId, noteIds); } public int demoteNotes(long bookId, long noteId) { Set<Long> noteIds = new HashSet<>(); noteIds.add(noteId); return BooksClient.demote(mContext, bookId, noteIds); } public int cut(long bookId, long noteId) { Set<Long> noteIds = new HashSet<>(); noteIds.add(noteId); return cut(bookId, noteIds); } public int cut(long bookId, Set<Long> noteIds) { int result = NotesClient.cut(mContext, bookId, noteIds); notifyDataChanged(mContext); return result; } public NotesBatch paste(long bookId, long noteId, Place place) { NotesBatch batch = NotesClient.paste(mContext, bookId, noteId, place); notifyDataChanged(mContext); return batch; } public int delete(long bookId, Set<Long> noteIds) { int result = NotesClient.delete(mContext, bookId, noteIds); notifyDataChanged(mContext); return result; } /** * Recreate all tables. */ public void clearDatabase() { DbClient.recreateTables(mContext); /* Clear last sync time. */ AppPreferences.lastSuccessfulSyncTime(mContext, 0L); notifyDataChanged(mContext); } /** * Compares every local book with every remote one and calculates the status for each link. * * @return number of links (unique book names) * @throws IOException */ public Map<String, BookNamesake> groupAllNotebooksByName() throws IOException { if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Collecting all local and remote books ..."); Map<String, Repo> repos = ReposClient.getAll(mContext); List<Book> localBooks = getBooks(); List<VersionedRook> versionedRooks = getBooksFromAllRepos(repos); /* Group local and remote books by name. */ Map<String, BookNamesake> namesakes = BookNamesake.getAll(mContext, localBooks, versionedRooks); /* If there is no local book, create empty "dummy" one. */ for (BookNamesake namesake : namesakes.values()) { if (namesake.getBook() == null) { Book book = createDummyBook(namesake.getName()); namesake.setBook(book); } namesake.updateStatus(repos.size()); } return namesakes; } public Map<String, Repo> getAllRepos() { return ReposClient.getAll(mContext); } /** * Goes through each repository and collects all books from each one. */ public List<VersionedRook> getBooksFromAllRepos(Map<String, Repo> repos) throws IOException { List<VersionedRook> result = new ArrayList<>(); if (repos == null) { repos = getAllRepos(); } for (Repo repo: repos.values()) { /* Each repository. */ List<VersionedRook> libBooks = repo.getBooks(); for (VersionedRook vrook : libBooks) { /* Each book in repository. */ result.add(vrook); } } CurrentRooksClient.set(mContext, result); return result; } /** * Passed {@link} is NOT updated after load or save. * * FIXME: Hardcoded BookName.Format.ORG below */ public BookAction syncNamesake(final BookNamesake namesake) throws IOException { String repoUrl; String fileName; BookAction bookAction = null; switch (namesake.getStatus()) { case NO_CHANGE: bookAction = new BookAction(BookAction.Type.INFO, namesake.getStatus().msg()); break; case BOOK_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_OR_MORE_ROOKS_EXIST: case DUMMY_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_MULTIPLE_ROOKS: case NO_BOOK_MULTIPLE_ROOKS: case ONLY_BOOK_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_MULTIPLE_REPOS: case BOOK_WITH_LINK_AND_ROOK_EXISTS_BUT_LINK_POINTING_TO_DIFFERENT_ROOK: case CONFLICT_BOTH_BOOK_AND_ROOK_MODIFIED: case CONFLICT_BOOK_WITH_LINK_AND_ROOK_BUT_NEVER_SYNCED_BEFORE: case CONFLICT_LAST_SYNCED_ROOK_AND_LATEST_ROOK_ARE_DIFFERENT: case ONLY_DUMMY: bookAction = new BookAction(BookAction.Type.ERROR, namesake.getStatus().msg()); break; /* Load remote book. */ case NO_BOOK_ONE_ROOK: case DUMMY_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_ROOK: loadBookFromRepo(namesake.getRooks().get(0)); bookAction = new BookAction(BookAction.Type.INFO, namesake.getStatus().msg(UriUtils.friendlyUri(namesake.getRooks().get(0).getUri()))); break; case BOOK_WITH_LINK_AND_ROOK_MODIFIED: loadBookFromRepo(namesake.getLatestLinkedRook()); bookAction = new BookAction(BookAction.Type.INFO, namesake.getStatus().msg(UriUtils.friendlyUri(namesake.getLatestLinkedRook().getUri()))); break; case DUMMY_WITH_LINK: loadBookFromRepo(namesake.getLatestLinkedRook()); bookAction = new BookAction(BookAction.Type.INFO, namesake.getStatus().msg(UriUtils.friendlyUri(namesake.getLatestLinkedRook().getUri()))); break; /* Save local book to repository. */ case ONLY_BOOK_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_REPO: /* Save local book to the one and only repository. */ repoUrl = getAllRepos().entrySet().iterator().next().getValue().getUri().toString(); fileName = BookName.fileName(namesake.getBook().getName(), BookName.Format.ORG); saveBookToRepo(repoUrl, fileName, namesake.getBook(), BookName.Format.ORG); bookAction = new BookAction(BookAction.Type.INFO, namesake.getStatus().msg(UriUtils.friendlyUri(repoUrl))); break; case BOOK_WITH_LINK_LOCAL_MODIFIED: repoUrl = namesake.getBook().getLastSyncedToRook().getRepoUri().toString(); fileName = BookName.getFileName(mContext, namesake.getBook().getLastSyncedToRook().getUri()); saveBookToRepo(repoUrl, fileName, namesake.getBook(), BookName.Format.ORG); bookAction = new BookAction(BookAction.Type.INFO, namesake.getStatus().msg(UriUtils.friendlyUri(repoUrl))); break; case ONLY_BOOK_WITH_LINK: repoUrl = namesake.getBook().getLink().getRepoUri().toString(); fileName = BookName.getFileName(mContext, namesake.getBook().getLink().getUri()); saveBookToRepo(repoUrl, fileName, namesake.getBook(), BookName.Format.ORG); bookAction = new BookAction(BookAction.Type.INFO, namesake.getStatus().msg(UriUtils.friendlyUri(repoUrl))); break; } if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Syncing " + namesake + ": " + bookAction); return bookAction; } /** * Downloads remote book, parses it and stores it to {@link Shelf}. * @return book now linked to remote one * @throws IOException */ public Book loadBookFromRepo(Rook rook) throws IOException { Book book; Repo repo = RepoFactory.getFromUri(mContext, rook.getRepoUri()); if (repo == null) { throw new IOException("Unsupported repository URL \"" + rook.getRepoUri() + "\""); } File tmpFile = getTempBookFile(); try { /* Download from repo. */ VersionedRook vrook = repo.retrieveBook(rook.getUri(), tmpFile); String fileName = BookName.getFileName(mContext, vrook.getUri()); BookName bookName = BookName.fromFileName(fileName); /* Store from file to Shelf. */ book = loadBookFromFile(bookName.getName(), bookName.getFormat(), tmpFile, vrook); } finally { tmpFile.delete(); } return book; } /** * Exports {@code Book}, uploads it to repo and link it to newly created * {@link}. * * @return {@link Book} * @throws IOException */ public Book saveBookToRepo(String repoUrl, String fileName, Book book, BookName.Format format) throws IOException { Repo repo = RepoFactory.getFromUri(mContext, repoUrl); if (repo == null) { throw new IOException("Unsupported repository URL \"" + repoUrl + "\""); } VersionedRook uploadedBook; File tmpFile = getTempBookFile(); try { /* Write to temporary file. */ writeBookToFile(book, format, tmpFile); /* Upload to repo. */ uploadedBook = repo.storeBook(tmpFile, fileName); } finally { /* Delete temporary file. */ tmpFile.delete(); } book.setLastSyncedToRook(uploadedBook); BooksClient.saved(mContext, book.getId(), uploadedBook); return book; } public int updateBookSettings(Book book) { return BooksClient.updateSettings(mContext, book); } public void renameBook(Book book, String name) throws IOException { String oldName = book.getName(); /* Make sure there is no notebook with this name. */ if (getBook(name) != null) { throw new IOException("Notebook with that name already exists"); } /* Make sure link's repo is the same as sync book repo. */ if (book.getLink() != null && book.getLastSyncedToRook() != null) { if (! book.getLink().getUri().equals(book.getLastSyncedToRook().getUri())) { String s = BookSyncStatus.ROOK_AND_VROOK_HAVE_DIFFERENT_REPOS.toString(); setBookStatus(book, s, new BookAction(BookAction.Type.ERROR, s)); return; } } /* Do not rename if there are local changes. */ if (book.getLastSyncedToRook() != null) { if (book.isModifiedAfterLastSync()) { throw new IOException("Notebook is not synced"); } } /* Prefer link. */ if (book.getLastSyncedToRook() != null) { VersionedRook vrook = book.getLastSyncedToRook(); Repo repo = RepoFactory.getFromUri(mContext, vrook.getRepoUri()); VersionedRook movedVrook = repo.renameBook(vrook.getUri(), name); book.setLastSyncedToRook(movedVrook); BooksClient.saved(mContext, book.getId(), movedVrook); } if (BooksClient.updateName(mContext, book.getId(), name) != 1) { String msg = mContext.getString(R.string.failed_renaming_book); setBookStatus(book, null, new BookAction(BookAction.Type.ERROR, msg)); throw new IOException(msg); } setBookStatus(book, null, new BookAction(BookAction.Type.INFO, mContext.getString(R.string.renamed_book_from, oldName))); } public Uri addRepoUrl(String url) { return ReposClient.insert(mContext, url); } public int updateRepoUrl(long id, String url) { return ReposClient.updateUrl(mContext, id, url); } public int deleteRepo(long id) { return ReposClient.delete(mContext, id); } public void shiftState(long id, int direction) { Note note = NotesClient.getNote(mContext, id); shiftState(note, direction); } public void shiftState(Note note, int direction) { String currentState = note.getHead().getState(); ArrayList<String> array = new ArrayList<>(); array.add(null); array.addAll(AppPreferences.todoKeywordsSet(mContext)); array.addAll(AppPreferences.doneKeywordsSet(mContext)); CircularArrayList<String> allStates = new CircularArrayList<>(array.toArray(new String[array.size()])); int currentIndex = allStates.indexOf(currentState); int nextIndex = currentIndex + direction; String nextState = allStates.get(nextIndex); Set<Long> noteIds = new HashSet<>(); noteIds.add(note.getId()); if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Setting state for " + note.getHead().getTitle() + " to " + nextState + ": " + currentIndex + " -> " + nextIndex + " (" + allStates.size() + " total states)"); setNotesState(noteIds, nextState); } public void deleteFilters(Set<Long> ids) { // TODO: Send a single request. */ for (long id: ids) { FiltersClient.delete(mContext, id); } } public void createFilter(Filter filter) { FiltersClient.create(mContext, filter); } public void updateFilter(long id, Filter filter) { FiltersClient.update(mContext, id, filter); } public void moveFilterUp(long id) { FiltersClient.moveUp(mContext, id); } public void moveFilterDown(long id) { FiltersClient.moveDown(mContext, id); } public void cycleVisibility(Book book) { BooksClient.cycleVisibility(mContext, book); } public void setLink(Book book, String repoUrl) { if (repoUrl == null) { BooksClient.removeLink(mContext, book.getId()); } else { String fileName; /* Use file name used in last sync, if last sync exists. */ if (book.getLastSyncedToRook() != null) { fileName = BookName.getFileName(mContext, book.getLastSyncedToRook().getUri()); } else { fileName = BookName.fileName(book.getName(), BookName.Format.ORG); } Uri rookUri = Uri.parse(repoUrl).buildUpon().appendPath(fileName).build(); BooksClient.setLink(mContext, book.getId(), repoUrl, rookUri.toString()); } } public void setStateToDone(long noteId) { Set<String> doneStates = AppPreferences.doneKeywordsSet(mContext); String firstState = doneStates.iterator().hasNext() ? doneStates.iterator().next() : null; if (firstState != null) { Set<Long> ids = new TreeSet<>(); ids.add(noteId); setNotesState(ids, firstState); } } public static void notifyDataChanged(Context context) { if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); ReminderService.notifyDataChanged(context); context.sendBroadcast(new Intent(AppIntent.ACTION_LIST_WIDGET_UPDATE)); } public interface ReParsingNotesListener { void noteParsed(int current, int total, String msg); } /** * Using current states configuration, update states and titles for all notes. * Keywords that were part of the title can become states and vice versa. * Affected books' mtime will *not* be updated. * * @return Number of modified notes. */ public int reParseNotesStateAndTitles(ReParsingNotesListener listener) throws IOException { int modifiedNotesCount = 0; ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> ops = new ArrayList<>(); /* Get all notes. */ Cursor cursor = mContext.getContentResolver().query( ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes(), null, null, null, null); try { int current = 0; int total = 0; OrgParser.Builder parserBuilder = new OrgParser.Builder() .setTodoKeywords(AppPreferences.todoKeywordsSet(mContext)) .setDoneKeywords(AppPreferences.doneKeywordsSet(mContext)); OrgParserWriter parserWriter = new OrgParserWriter(); /* Get total number of notes for displaying the stats. */ if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { total = cursor.getCount(); } for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { current++; /* Get current heading string. */ Note note = NotesClient.fromCursor(cursor); /* Skip root node. */ if (note.getPosition().getLevel() == 0) { continue; } OrgHead head = note.getHead(); String headString = parserWriter.whiteSpacedHead(head, note.getPosition().getLevel(), false); /* Re-parse heading using current setting of keywords. */ OrgParsedFile file = parserBuilder .setInput(headString) .build() .parse(); if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Note " + note + " parsed has " + file.getHeadsInList().size() + " notes"); if (file.getHeadsInList().size() != 1) { throw new IOException("Got " + file.getHeadsInList().size() + " notes after parsing \"" + headString + "\""); } OrgHead newHead = file.getHeadsInList().get(0).getHead(); /* Update if state, title or priority are different. */ if (! TextUtils.equals(newHead.getState(), head.getState()) || ! TextUtils.equals(newHead.getTitle(), head.getTitle()) || ! TextUtils.equals(newHead.getPriority(), head.getPriority())) { modifiedNotesCount++; ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.TITLE, newHead.getTitle()); values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.STATE, newHead.getState()); values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.PRIORITY, newHead.getPriority()); ops.add(ContentProviderOperation .newUpdate(ContentUris.withAppendedId(ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes(), cursor.getLong(0))) .withValues(values) .build() ); } if (listener != null) { listener.noteParsed(current, total, "Updating notes..."); } } } finally { cursor.close(); } if (listener != null) { listener.noteParsed(0, 0, "Updating database..."); } /* * Apply batch. */ try { mContext.getContentResolver().applyBatch(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, ops); } catch (RemoteException | OperationApplicationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } notifyDataChanged(mContext); return modifiedNotesCount; } // TODO: Used by tests only for now public Map<String, BookNamesake> sync() { try { Map<String, BookNamesake> nameGroups = groupAllNotebooksByName(); for (BookNamesake group : nameGroups.values()) { BookAction action = syncNamesake(group); setBookStatus(group.getBook(), group.getStatus().toString(), action); } return nameGroups; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }