package; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import; import; import; public class CycleVisibilityAction implements Action { private static final String TAG = CycleVisibilityAction.class.getName(); private long bookId; public CycleVisibilityAction(long bookId) { this.bookId = bookId; } @Override public int run(SQLiteDatabase db) { boolean unfoldedNotesExist = unfoldedNotesExist(db, bookId); if (unfoldedNotesExist) { foldAllNotes(db, bookId); } else { unFoldAllNotes(db, bookId); } return 0; } /** Check if unfolded notes exist. */ private boolean unfoldedNotesExist(SQLiteDatabase db, long bookId) { String selection = DatabaseUtils.whereUncutBookNotes(bookId) + " AND " + GenericDatabaseUtils.whereNullOrZero(DbNote.Column.IS_FOLDED); Cursor cursor = db.query(DbNote.TABLE, DatabaseUtils.PROJECTION_FOR_COUNT, selection, null, null, null, null); try { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { if (cursor.getLong(0) > 0) { return true; } } return false; } finally { cursor.close(); } } private static void unFoldAllNotes(SQLiteDatabase db, long bookId) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(DbNote.Column.IS_FOLDED, 0); values.put(DbNote.Column.FOLDED_UNDER_ID, 0); String selection = DbNote.Column.BOOK_ID + " = " + bookId; db.update(DbNote.TABLE, values, selection, null); } public static void foldAllNotes(SQLiteDatabase db, long bookId) { String minLevel = "(SELECT min(" + DbNote.Column.LEVEL + ") FROM " + DbNote.TABLE + " WHERE " + DatabaseUtils.whereUncutBookNotes(bookId) + ")"; /* Fold under parent all except for top level notes. */ db.execSQL("UPDATE " + DbNote.TABLE + " SET " + DbNote.Column.FOLDED_UNDER_ID + " = " + DbNote.Column.PARENT_ID + " WHERE " + DatabaseUtils.whereUncutBookNotes(bookId) + " AND " + DbNote.Column.LEVEL + " > " + minLevel); /* Set folded flag. */ db.execSQL("UPDATE " + DbNote.TABLE + " SET " + DbNote.Column.IS_FOLDED + " = 1" + " WHERE " + DatabaseUtils.whereUncutBookNotes(bookId)); } @Override public void undo() { } }