package; import android.database.Cursor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.junit.Test; import; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue; public class ProviderTest extends OrgzlyTest { /** * Used in {@link} to get all available local books. */ @Test public void testQueryBooks() { shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-1", "* Note 1"); shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-2", "* Note 1\n** Note 2"); Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books(), null, null, null, null); assertEquals(2, cursor.getCount()); cursor.close(); } /** * Used in {@link} to get specific book. */ @Test public void testQueryBook() { shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-1", "* Note 1\n** Note 2"); Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.booksId(1), null, null, null, null); assertEquals(1, cursor.getCount()); cursor.close(); } /** * Used in {@link} to get notes for specific book. */ @Test public void testNotesForBook() { shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-1", "* Note 1\n** Note 2"); Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.booksIdNotes(1), null, null, null, null); assertEquals(2, cursor.getCount()); cursor.close(); } /** * Saving book to repo. */ @Test public void testSaveBook() throws IOException { shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-1", "* Note 1\n** Note 2"); shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo"); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); Book savedBook = shelf.saveBookToRepo("mock://repo", "", shelf.getBook(1), BookName.Format.ORG); VersionedRook vrook = savedBook.getLastSyncedToRook(); assertEquals("book-1", BookName.getInstance(context, vrook).getName()); assertEquals("mock://repo", vrook.getRepoUri().toString()); assertEquals("mock://repo/", vrook.getUri().toString()); assertTrue(vrook.getMtime() >= now); Book book = shelf.getBook(1); vrook = book.getLastSyncedToRook(); assertEquals("book-1", BookName.getInstance(context, vrook).getName()); assertEquals("mock://repo", vrook.getRepoUri().toString()); assertEquals("mock://repo/", vrook.getUri().toString()); assertTrue(vrook.getMtime() >= now); } @Test public void testLinkingBook() { shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-1", "Local content for book 1"); shelfTestUtils.setBookLink(1, "mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/"); Book book = shelf.getBook(1); assertNotNull(book.getLink()); assertNull(book.getLastSyncedToRook()); } // @Test // public void testPositionOfFirstAndLastNote() throws IOException { // setup.setupBook("book-name", ""); // Book book = shelf.getBook(1); // // for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // NotesHelper.insert(testContext, new Note(new OrgHead(1), book.getId()), null); // } // // assertEquals("Number of inserted notes should be 10", 10, NotesHelper.getCount(testContext, book.getId())); // // Note firstNote = NotesHelper.getNote(testContext, 1); // Note lastNote = NotesHelper.getNote(testContext, 10); // // assertEquals("Position of first note should be 1", 1, firstNote.getPosition()); // assertEquals("Position of last note should be 10", 10, lastNote.getPosition()); // } // // public void testNoBooksFromScratch1() { // assertEquals("There should be no books", 0, shelf.getBooks().size()); // } @Test public void testNoBooksFromScratch2() { assertEquals("There should be no books", 0, shelf.getBooks().size()); } @Test public void testCreatingFirstEmptyBook() throws IOException { shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", ""); Book book = shelf.getBook(1); assertEquals("There should be one book", 1, shelf.getBooks().size()); assertEquals("Book should have id 1", 1, book.getId()); assertEquals("Book should not contain any notes", 0, NotesClient.getCount(context, book.getId())); } @Test public void testCreatingNotes() throws IOException { Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "* Note"); NotePosition root, note1, note2; note1 = NotesClient.getNote(context, 1).getPosition(); root = NotesClient.getNote(context, 2).getPosition(); assertEquals(1, NotesClient.getCount(context, book.getId())); assertNotNull(root); assertEquals(1, root.getLft()); assertEquals(6, note1.getLft()); assertEquals(11, note1.getRgt()); assertEquals(16, root.getRgt()); Note note = new Note(); note.getPosition().setBookId(book.getId()); NotesClient.create(context, note, null); note1 = NotesClient.getNote(context, 1).getPosition(); root = NotesClient.getNote(context, 2).getPosition(); note2 = NotesClient.getNote(context, 3).getPosition(); assertEquals(2, NotesClient.getCount(context, book.getId())); assertNotNull(note2); assertTrue(root.getLft() < note1.getLft()); assertTrue(note1.getLft() < note1.getRgt()); assertTrue(note1.getRgt() < note2.getLft()); assertTrue(note2.getLft() < note2.getRgt()); assertTrue(note2.getRgt() < root.getRgt()); } @Test public void testGetFirstNoteIdForBook() throws IOException { shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "* Note 1\n* Note 2\n* Note 3"); Book book = shelf.getBook(1); assertEquals(1, NotesClient.getFirstNoteId(context, book.getId())); /* Delete the first note. */ NotesClient.delete(context, new long[]{1L}); assertEquals(2, NotesClient.getFirstNoteId(context, book.getId())); /* Delete all other notes. */ NotesClient.delete(context, new long[]{2L, 3L}); assertEquals(0, NotesClient.getFirstNoteId(context, book.getId())); } }