package; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class MoveNotesAction implements Action { private static final String TAG = MoveNotesAction.class.getName(); private long bookId; private Long id; private int direction; public MoveNotesAction(ContentValues values) { bookId = values.getAsLong(ProviderContract.Move.Param.BOOK_ID); id = values.getAsLong(ProviderContract.Move.Param.IDS); direction = values.getAsInteger(ProviderContract.Move.Param.DIRECTION); } @Override public int run(SQLiteDatabase db) { NotePosition selectedNotePosition = DbNote.getPosition(db, id); NotePlace notePlace = null; if (direction == -1) { /* Move up - paste above previous sibling. */ Cursor cursor = db.query( DbNote.TABLE, new String[] { DbNote.Column._ID, DbNote.Column.LEVEL }, DatabaseUtils.whereUncutBookNotes(bookId) + " AND " + DbNote.Column.RGT + " < " + selectedNotePosition.getLft(), null, null, null, DbNote.Column.RGT + " DESC"); try { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { long prevNoteId = cursor.getLong(0); long prevNoteLevel = cursor.getLong(1); if (prevNoteLevel == selectedNotePosition.getLevel()) { notePlace = new NotePlace(bookId, prevNoteId, Place.ABOVE); } } } finally { cursor.close(); } } else { /* Move down - paste below next sibling. */ Cursor cursor = db.query( DbNote.TABLE, new String[] { DbNote.Column._ID, DbNote.Column.LEVEL }, DatabaseUtils.whereUncutBookNotes(bookId) + " AND " + DbNote.Column.LFT + " > " + selectedNotePosition.getRgt(), null, null, null, DbNote.Column.LFT); try { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { long nextNoteId = cursor.getLong(0); long nextNoteLevel = cursor.getLong(1); if (nextNoteLevel == selectedNotePosition.getLevel()) { notePlace = new NotePlace(bookId, nextNoteId, Place.BELOW); } } } finally { cursor.close(); } } if (notePlace != null) { ContentValues values; /* Delete affected notes from ancestors table. */ String w = "(SELECT " + DbNote.Column._ID + " FROM " + DbNote.TABLE + " WHERE " + DatabaseUtils.whereDescendantsAndNote(bookId, selectedNotePosition.getLft(), selectedNotePosition.getRgt()) + ")"; String sql = "DELETE FROM " + DbNoteAncestor.TABLE + " WHERE " + DbNoteAncestor.Column.NOTE_ID + " IN " + w; if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d("SQL", sql); db.execSQL(sql); /* Cut note and all its descendants. */ long batchId = System.currentTimeMillis(); values = new ContentValues(); values.put(DbNote.Column.IS_CUT, batchId); db.update(DbNote.TABLE, values, DatabaseUtils.whereDescendantsAndNote(bookId, selectedNotePosition.getLft(), selectedNotePosition.getRgt()), null); /* Paste. */ values = new ContentValues(); values.put(ProviderContract.Paste.Param.BATCH_ID, batchId); values.put(ProviderContract.Paste.Param.NOTE_ID, notePlace.getNoteId()); values.put(ProviderContract.Paste.Param.SPOT, notePlace.getPlace().toString()); new PasteNotesAction(values).run(db); DatabaseUtils.updateBookMtime(db, bookId); } return 0; } @Override public void undo() { } }