package; import android.os.SystemClock; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.List; import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat; import static; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.notNullValue; /** * Tests the ListWIdget with the UI-Automator framework * tested on an Nexus 5 Emulator with Android 25 * Must have an instance of the ListWidget on the Homescreen, when starting this test * Also the default version of Getting Started with Orgzly must be the only notebook */ public class ListWidgetTest { private static final String HEADER_FILTER = "com.orgzly:id/list_widget_header_filter"; private static final String HEADER_ADD = "com.orgzly:id/list_widget_header_add"; private static final String ITEM_DONE = "com.orgzly:id/item_list_widget_done"; private static final String ITEM_TITLE = "com.orgzly:id/item_list_widget_title"; private UiDevice device; @Before public void addWidget() throws Exception { device = UiDevice.getInstance(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation()); device.pressHome(); device.pressHome(); } @Test public void testSelectFilterAndMarkDone() throws Exception{ findObject(By.res(HEADER_FILTER)).click(); findObject(By.text("i.todo")).click(); assertThat(findObject(By.res(HEADER_FILTER)).getText(), is("To Do")); List<UiObject2> doneButtons = findObjects(By.res(ITEM_DONE)); doneButtons.get(0).click(); SystemClock.sleep(100); assertThat(findObjects(By.res(ITEM_DONE)).size(), is(doneButtons.size() - 1)); } @Test public void testAddButton() throws Exception{ findObject(By.res(HEADER_ADD)).click(); assertThat(findObject(By.text("New note")), notNullValue()); } @Test public void openNote() throws Exception { findObject(By.res(ITEM_TITLE)).click(); assertThat(findObject(By.text("Getting Started with Orgzly")), notNullValue()); } private UiObject2 findObject(BySelector by) { return device.wait(Until.findObject(by), 1000); } private List<UiObject2> findObjects(BySelector by) { return device.wait(Until.findObjects(by), 1000); } }