package; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.text.TextUtils; import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Database migration. * * All database schema updates and ugly fixes in one place. * * All names are hardcoded on purpose in case they are changed, so that values of constants * such as TITLE or LFT can simply be updated. It makes DatabaseSchema clean and always current. * * Eventually we can start removing these updates. If user didn't update the app for a long * time, it should be safe to assume he doesn't need the data and can just re-install the app. * So this mess can be removed over time. */ public class DatabaseMigration { private static final String TAG = DatabaseMigration.class.getName(); private static final int DB_VER_1 = 130; private static final int DB_VER_2 = 131; private static final int DB_VER_3 = 132; private static final int DB_VER_4 = 133; private static final int DB_VER_5 = 134; private static final int DB_VER_6 = 135; private static final int DB_VER_7 = 136; private static final int DB_VER_8 = 137; private static final int DB_VER_9 = 138; private static final int DB_VER_10 = 139; static final int DB_VER_CURRENT = DB_VER_10; /** * Start from the old version and go through all changes. No breaks. */ public static void upgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, Runnable notifyUserIfSlow) { /* Simulate slow upgrade. */ //; // try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } switch (oldVersion) { case DB_VER_1: db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE books ADD COLUMN title"); // TITLE case DB_VER_2: db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE books ADD COLUMN is_indented INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); // IS_INDENTED db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE books ADD COLUMN used_encoding TEXT"); // USED_ENCODING db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE books ADD COLUMN detected_encoding TEXT"); // DETECTED_ENCODING db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE books ADD COLUMN selected_encoding TEXT"); // SELECTED_ENCODING case DB_VER_3: /* Views-only updates */ case DB_VER_4: /* Folding notes implemented. */ if (notifyUserIfSlow != null) {; notifyUserIfSlow = null; } db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE notes ADD COLUMN parent_id"); // PARENT_ID db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_notes_is_visible ON notes(is_visible)"); // LFT db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_notes_parent_position ON notes(parent_position)"); // RGT db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_notes_is_collapsed ON notes(is_collapsed)"); // IS_FOLDED db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_notes_is_under_collapsed ON notes(is_under_collapsed)"); // FOLDED_UNDER_ID db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_notes_parent_id ON notes(parent_id)"); // PARENT_ID db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_notes_has_children ON notes(has_children)"); // DESCENDANTS_COUNT convertNotebooksFromPositionToNestedSet(db); case DB_VER_5: fixOrgRanges(db); case DB_VER_6: /* Properties moved from content. */ if (notifyUserIfSlow != null) {; notifyUserIfSlow = null; } for (String sql : DbNoteProperty.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); for (String sql : DbPropertyName.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); for (String sql : DbPropertyValue.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); for (String sql : DbProperty.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); movePropertiesFromBody(db); case DB_VER_7: encodeRookUris(db); case DB_VER_8: for (String sql : DbNoteAncestor.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); populateNoteAncestors(db); case DB_VER_9: migrateOrgTimestamps(db); } } private static void migrateOrgTimestamps(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE org_timestamps RENAME TO org_timestamps_prev"); for (String sql : DbOrgTimestamp.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); Cursor cursor = db.query( "org_timestamps_prev", new String[] { "_id", "string" }, null, null, null, null, null); try { for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { long id = cursor.getLong(0); String string = cursor.getString(1); OrgDateTime orgDateTime = OrgDateTime.getInstance(string); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("_id", id); DbOrgTimestamp.toContentValues(values, orgDateTime); db.insert("org_timestamps", null, values); } } finally { cursor.close(); } db.execSQL("DROP TABLE org_timestamps_prev"); } private static void populateNoteAncestors(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL("INSERT INTO note_ancestors (book_id, note_id, ancestor_note_id) " + "SELECT n.book_id, n._id, a._id FROM notes n " + "JOIN notes a on (n.book_id = a.book_id AND a.is_visible < n.is_visible AND n.parent_position < a.parent_position) " + "WHERE a.level > 0"); } private static void movePropertiesFromBody(SQLiteDatabase db) { Cursor cursor = db.query("notes", new String[] { "_id", "content" }, null, null, null, null, null); try { for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { long noteId = cursor.getLong(0); String content = cursor.getString(1); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(content)) { StringBuilder newContent = new StringBuilder(); List<String[]> properties = getPropertiesFromContent(content, newContent); if (properties.size() > 0) { int pos = 0; for (String[] property: properties) { long nameId = DbPropertyName.getOrInsert(db, property[0]); long valueId = DbPropertyValue.getOrInsert(db, property[1]); long propertyId = DbProperty.getOrInsert(db, nameId, valueId); DbNoteProperty.getOrInsert(db, noteId, pos, propertyId); } /* Update content and its line count */ ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("content", newContent.toString()); values.put("content_line_count", MiscUtils.lineCount(newContent.toString())); db.update("notes", values, "_id = " + noteId, null); } } } } finally { cursor.close(); } } public static List<String[]> getPropertiesFromContent(String content, StringBuilder newContent) { List<String[]> properties = new ArrayList<>(); final Pattern propertiesPattern = Pattern.compile("^\\s*:PROPERTIES:(.*?):END: *\n*(.*)", Pattern.DOTALL); final Pattern propertyPattern = Pattern.compile("^:([^:\\s]+):\\s+(.*)\\s*$"); Matcher m = propertiesPattern.matcher(content); if (m.find()) { for (String propertyLine:"\n")) { Matcher pm = propertyPattern.matcher(propertyLine.trim()); if (pm.find()) { // Add name-value pair properties.add(new String[] {, }); } } newContent.append(; } return properties; } private static void convertNotebooksFromPositionToNestedSet(SQLiteDatabase db) { Cursor cursor = db.query("books", new String[] { "_id" }, null, null, null, null, null); try { for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { long bookId = cursor.getLong(0); convertNotebookFromPositionToNestedSet(db, bookId); updateParentIds(db, bookId); } } finally { cursor.close(); } } private static void convertNotebookFromPositionToNestedSet(SQLiteDatabase db, long bookId) { /* Insert root note. */ ContentValues rootNoteValues = new ContentValues(); rootNoteValues.put("level", 0); rootNoteValues.put("book_id", bookId); rootNoteValues.put("position", 0); // TODO: Remove db.insertOrThrow("notes", null, rootNoteValues); Cursor cursor = db.query( "notes", null, "book_id = " + bookId, null, null, null, "position"); try { updateNotesPositionsFromLevel(db, cursor); } finally { cursor.close(); } } private static void updateParentIds(SQLiteDatabase db, long bookId) { String parentId = "(SELECT _id FROM notes AS n WHERE " + "book_id = " + bookId + " AND " + "n.is_visible < notes.is_visible AND " + "notes.parent_position < n.parent_position ORDER BY n.is_visible DESC LIMIT 1)"; db.execSQL("UPDATE notes SET parent_id = " + parentId + " WHERE book_id = " + bookId + " AND is_cut = 0 AND level > 0"); } private static void updateNotesPositionsFromLevel(SQLiteDatabase db, Cursor cursor) { Stack<NotePositionWithId> stack = new Stack<>(); int prevLevel = -1; long sequence = OrgNestedSetParser.STARTING_VALUE - 1; for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { NotePositionWithId note = new NotePositionWithId(); = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(DbNote.Column._ID)); note.position = DbNote.positionFromCursor(cursor); if (prevLevel < note.position.getLevel()) { /* * This is a descendant of previous thisNode. */ /* Put the current thisNode on the stack. */ sequence += 1; note.position.setLft(sequence); stack.push(note); } else if (prevLevel == note.position.getLevel()) { /* * This is a sibling, which means that the last thisNode visited can be completed. * Take it off the stack, update its rgt value and announce it. */ NotePositionWithId nodeFromStack = stack.pop(); sequence += 1; nodeFromStack.position.setRgt(sequence); calculateAndSetDescendantsCount(nodeFromStack.position, 1); updateNotePositionValues(db, nodeFromStack); /* Put the current thisNode on the stack. */ sequence += 1; note.position.setLft(sequence); stack.push(note); } else { /* * Note has lower level then the previous one - we're out of the set. * Start popping the stack, up to and including the thisNode with the same level. */ while (!stack.empty()) { NotePositionWithId nodeFromStack = stack.peek(); if (nodeFromStack.position.getLevel() >= note.position.getLevel()) { stack.pop(); sequence += 1; nodeFromStack.position.setRgt(sequence); calculateAndSetDescendantsCount(nodeFromStack.position, 1); updateNotePositionValues(db, nodeFromStack); } else { break; } } /* Put the current thisNode on the stack. */ sequence += 1; note.position.setLft(sequence); stack.push(note); } prevLevel = note.position.getLevel(); } /* Pop remaining nodes. */ while (! stack.empty()) { NotePositionWithId nodeFromStack = stack.pop(); sequence += 1; nodeFromStack.position.setRgt(sequence); calculateAndSetDescendantsCount(nodeFromStack.position, 1); updateNotePositionValues(db, nodeFromStack); } } private static class NotePositionWithId { long id; NotePosition position; } private static int updateNotePositionValues(SQLiteDatabase db, NotePositionWithId note) { if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Updating " + + " with: " + note.position); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); DbNote.toContentValues(values, note.position); return db.update(DbNote.TABLE, values, DbNote.Column._ID + " = " +, null); } private static void calculateAndSetDescendantsCount(NotePosition node, int gap) { int n = (int) (node.getRgt() - node.getLft() - gap) / ( 2 * gap ); node.setDescendantsCount(n); } /** * 1.4-beta.1 misused insertWithOnConflict due to * * * org_ranges ended up with duplicates having -1 for * start_timestamp_id and end_timestamp_id. * * Delete those, update notes tables and add a unique constraint to the org_ranges. */ private static void fixOrgRanges(SQLiteDatabase db) { String[] notesFields = new String[] { "scheduled_range_id", "deadline_range_id", "closed_range_id", "clock_range_id" }; Cursor cursor = db.query( "org_ranges", new String[] { "_id", "string" }, "start_timestamp_id = -1 OR end_timestamp_id = -1", null, null, null, null); try { /* Go through all invalid entries. */ for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { long id = cursor.getLong(0); String string = cursor.getString(1); String validTimestampId = "(start_timestamp_id IS NULL OR start_timestamp_id != -1) AND (end_timestamp_id IS NULL OR end_timestamp_id != -1)"; String validEntry = "(SELECT _id FROM org_ranges WHERE string = " + android.database.DatabaseUtils.sqlEscapeString(string) + " and " + validTimestampId + ")"; for (String field: notesFields) { db.execSQL("UPDATE notes SET " + field + " = " + validEntry + " WHERE " + field + " = " + id); } } } finally { cursor.close(); } db.execSQL("DELETE FROM org_ranges WHERE start_timestamp_id = -1 OR end_timestamp_id = -1"); db.execSQL("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_org_ranges_string ON org_ranges(string)"); } /** * file:/dir/file * file:/dir/ */ private static void encodeRookUris(SQLiteDatabase db) { Cursor cursor = db.query("rook_urls", new String[] { "_id", "rook_url" }, null, null, null, null, null); try { for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { long id = cursor.getLong(0); String uri = cursor.getString(1); String encodedUri = MiscUtils.encodeUri(uri); if (! uri.equals(encodedUri)) { /* Update unless same URL already exists. */ Cursor c = db.query("rook_urls", new String[] { "_id" }, "rook_url = ?", new String[] { encodedUri }, null, null, null); try { if (!c.moveToFirst()) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("rook_url", encodedUri); db.update("rook_urls", values, "_id = " + id, null); } } finally { c.close(); } } } } finally { cursor.close(); } } }