package; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Orgzly-specific {@link GenericDatabaseUtils}. */ public class DatabaseUtils { private static final String TAG = DatabaseUtils.class.getName(); public static final String[] PROJECTION_FOR_ID = new String[] { "_id" }; public static final String[] PROJECTION_FOR_COUNT = new String[] { "count(*)" }; public static final String WHERE_EXISTING_NOTES = "(" + DbNote.Column.IS_CUT + " = 0" + " AND " + DbNote.Column.LEVEL + " > 0" + ")"; // Root note is a dummy note with level 0 public static final String WHERE_VISIBLE_NOTES = "(" + WHERE_EXISTING_NOTES + " AND " + GenericDatabaseUtils.whereNullOrZero(DbNote.Column.FOLDED_UNDER_ID) + ")"; public static String whereUncutBookNotes(long bookId) { return "(" + DbNote.Column.BOOK_ID + " = " + bookId + " AND " + WHERE_EXISTING_NOTES + ")"; } public static String whereAncestors(long bookId, long lft, long rgt) { return "(" + whereUncutBookNotes(bookId) + " AND " + DbNote.Column.LFT + "< " + lft + " AND " + rgt + " < " + DbNote.Column.RGT + ")"; } public static String whereAncestorsAndNote(long bookId, long id) { return "(" + whereAncestors(bookId, String.valueOf(id)) + " OR (" + DbNote.Column._ID + " = " + id + "))"; } public static String whereAncestors(long bookId, String ids) { String sql = "(" + DbNote.Column._ID + " IN (SELECT DISTINCT b." + DbNote.Column._ID + " FROM " + DbNote.TABLE + " a, " + DbNote.TABLE + " b WHERE " + "a." + DbNote.Column.BOOK_ID + " = " + bookId + " AND " + "b." + DbNote.Column.BOOK_ID + " = " + bookId + " AND " + "a." + DbNote.Column._ID + " IN (" + ids + ") AND " + "b." + DbNote.Column.LFT + " < a." + DbNote.Column.LFT + " AND a." + DbNote.Column.RGT + " < b." + DbNote.Column.RGT + "))"; if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "whereAncestors: " + sql); return sql; } public static String ancestorsIds(SQLiteDatabase db, long bookId, long noteId) { Cursor cursor = db.query( DbNote.TABLE, new String[] { "group_concat(" + DbNote.Column._ID + ", ',')" }, DatabaseUtils.whereAncestors(bookId, String.valueOf(noteId)), null, null, null, null); try { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { return cursor.getString(0); } } finally { cursor.close(); } return null; } public static String whereDescendants(long bookId, long lft, long rgt) { return "(" + whereUncutBookNotes(bookId) + " AND " + lft + " < " + DbNote.Column.LFT + " AND " + DbNote.Column.RGT + " < " + rgt + ")"; } public static String whereDescendantsAndNote(long bookId, long lft, long rgt) { return "(" + whereUncutBookNotes(bookId) + " AND " + lft + " <= " + DbNote.Column.LFT + " AND " + DbNote.Column.RGT + " <= " + rgt + ")"; } public static String whereDescendantsAndNotes(long bookId, String ids) { return DbNote.Column._ID + " IN (SELECT DISTINCT d." + DbNote.Column._ID + " FROM " + DbNote.TABLE + " n, " + DbNote.TABLE + " d WHERE " + "d." + DbNote.Column.BOOK_ID + " = " + bookId + " AND " + "n." + DbNote.Column.BOOK_ID + " = " + bookId + " AND " + "n." + DbNote.Column._ID + " IN (" + ids + ") AND " + "d." + DbNote.Column.IS_CUT + " = 0 AND " + "n." + DbNote.Column.LFT + " <= d." + DbNote.Column.LFT + " AND d." + DbNote.Column.RGT + " <= n." + DbNote.Column.RGT + ")"; } public static long getId(SQLiteDatabase db, String table, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { Cursor cursor = db.query(table, DatabaseUtils.PROJECTION_FOR_ID, selection, selectionArgs, null, null, null); try { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { return cursor.getLong(0); } else { return 0; } } finally { cursor.close(); } } /** * Sets modification time for notebook to now. */ public static int updateBookMtime(SQLiteDatabase db, long bookId) { return DatabaseUtils.updateBookMtime(db, DbBook.Column._ID + "=" + bookId, null); } /** * Sets modification time for selected notebooks to now. */ public static int updateBookMtime(SQLiteDatabase db, String where, String[] whereArgs) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(DbBook.Column.MTIME, System.currentTimeMillis()); return db.update(DbBook.TABLE, values, where, whereArgs); } /** * Increments note's lft and rgt to make space for new notes. * * @return available lft and rgt which can be occupied by new notes. */ public static long[] makeSpaceForNewNotes(SQLiteDatabase db, int numberOfNotes, NotePosition targetNotePosition, Place place) { // TODO: Book ID not checked long lft; int level; int spaceRequired = numberOfNotes * 2; String selection; String bookSelection = whereUncutBookNotes(targetNotePosition.getBookId()); switch (place) { case ABOVE: selection = bookSelection + " AND " + DbNote.Column.LFT + " >= " + targetNotePosition.getLft(); GenericDatabaseUtils.incrementFields(db, DbNote.TABLE, selection, spaceRequired, ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.LFT); selection = bookSelection + " AND " + DbNote.Column.RGT + " > " + targetNotePosition.getLft(); GenericDatabaseUtils.incrementFields(db, DbNote.TABLE, selection, spaceRequired, ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.RGT); lft = targetNotePosition.getLft(); level = targetNotePosition.getLevel(); break; case UNDER: selection = bookSelection + " AND " + DbNote.Column.LFT + " > " + targetNotePosition.getRgt(); GenericDatabaseUtils.incrementFields(db, DbNote.TABLE, selection, spaceRequired, ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.LFT); selection = bookSelection + " AND " + DbNote.Column.RGT + " >= " + targetNotePosition.getRgt(); GenericDatabaseUtils.incrementFields(db, DbNote.TABLE, selection, spaceRequired, ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.RGT); lft = targetNotePosition.getRgt(); level = targetNotePosition.getLevel() + 1; break; case BELOW: selection = bookSelection + " AND " + DbNote.Column.LFT + " > " + targetNotePosition.getRgt(); GenericDatabaseUtils.incrementFields(db, DbNote.TABLE, selection, spaceRequired, ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.LFT); // Container notes - update their RGT. selection = bookSelection + " AND " + DbNote.Column.RGT + " > " + targetNotePosition.getRgt(); GenericDatabaseUtils.incrementFields(db, DbNote.TABLE, selection, spaceRequired, ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.RGT); lft = targetNotePosition.getRgt() + 1; level = targetNotePosition.getLevel(); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported paste relative position " + place); } return new long[] { lft, level }; } public static void updateDescendantsCount(SQLiteDatabase db, String where) { Cursor cursor = db.query( DbNote.TABLE, new String[] { DbNote.Column._ID, DbNote.Column.LFT, DbNote.Column.RGT, DbNote.Column.BOOK_ID }, where, null, null, null, null); try { for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { long id = cursor.getLong(0); long lft = cursor.getLong(1); long rgt = cursor.getLong(2); long bookId = cursor.getLong(3); if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Updating descendants for note #" + id + " (" + lft + "-" + rgt + ")"); String descendantsCount = "(SELECT count(*) FROM " + DbNote.TABLE + " WHERE " + whereDescendants(bookId, lft, rgt) + ")"; String sql = "UPDATE " + DbNote.TABLE + " SET " + DbNote.Column.DESCENDANTS_COUNT + " = " + descendantsCount + " WHERE " + DbNote.Column._ID + " = " + id; if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, sql); db.execSQL(sql); } } finally { cursor.close(); } } public static long getPreviousSiblingId(SQLiteDatabase db, NotePosition n) { Cursor cursor = db.query( DbNote.TABLE, PROJECTION_FOR_ID, DatabaseUtils.whereUncutBookNotes(n.getBookId()) + " AND " + DbNote.Column.LFT + " < " + n.getLft() + " AND " + DbNote.Column.PARENT_ID + " = " + n.getParentId(), null, null, null, DbNote.Column.LFT + " DESC"); try { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { return cursor.getLong(0); } } finally { cursor.close(); } return 0; } }