package; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath; import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jump.I18N; import com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.GUIUtil; import com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.Viewport; import com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.images.IconLoader; import; /** * @author Paul Austin */ public abstract class SegmentDownhillArrowStyle extends LineStringSegmentStyle { private final static double SMALL_ANGLE = 10; private final static double MEDIUM_ANGLE = 30; private final static double MEDIUM_LENGTH = 10; private final static double LARGE_LENGTH = 15; private boolean filled; private double finAngle; protected double finLength; public SegmentDownhillArrowStyle(String name, String iconFile, double finAngle, double finLength, boolean filled) { super(I18N.get(SegmentDownhillArrowStyle.class.getName() + "." + name), IconLoader.icon(iconFile)); this.finAngle = finAngle; this.finLength = finLength; this.filled = filled; } /** * @param tail the tail of the whole arrow; just used to determine angle * @param finLength required distance from the tip to each fin's tip */ private GeneralPath arrowhead(Point2D shaftTip, Point2D shaftTail, double finLength, double finAngle) { GeneralPath arrowhead = new GeneralPath(); Point2D finTip1 = fin(shaftTip, shaftTail, finLength, finAngle); Point2D finTip2 = fin(shaftTip, shaftTail, finLength, -finAngle); arrowhead.moveTo((float)finTip1.getX(), (float)finTip1.getY()); arrowhead.lineTo((float)shaftTip.getX(), (float)shaftTip.getY()); arrowhead.lineTo((float)finTip2.getX(), (float)finTip2.getY()); return arrowhead; } private Point2D fin(Point2D shaftTip, Point2D shaftTail, double length, double angle) { double shaftLength = shaftTip.distance(shaftTail); Point2D finTail = shaftTip; Point2D finTip = GUIUtil.add(GUIUtil.multiply(GUIUtil.subtract(shaftTail, shaftTip), length / shaftLength), finTail); AffineTransform affineTransform = new AffineTransform(); affineTransform.rotate((angle * Math.PI) / 180, finTail.getX(), finTail.getY()); return affineTransform.transform(finTip, null); } protected void paint(Coordinate terminal, Coordinate next, Viewport viewport, Graphics2D graphics) throws Exception { Point2D startPoint = viewport.toViewPoint(new Point2D.Double(terminal.x, terminal.y)); Point2D endPoint = viewport.toViewPoint(new Point2D.Double(next.x, next.y)); if (terminal.z != next.z && !Double.isNaN(terminal.z) && !Double.isNaN(next.z)) { if (terminal.z < next.z) { paint(startPoint, endPoint, viewport, graphics); } else { paint(endPoint, startPoint, viewport, graphics); } } } protected void paint(Point2D terminal, Point2D next, Viewport viewport, Graphics2D graphics) throws NoninvertibleTransformException { if (terminal.equals(next)) { return; } graphics.setColor(lineColorWithAlpha); graphics.setStroke(stroke); Point2D middle = new Point(); middle.setLocation((terminal.getX() + next.getX()) / 2.0, (terminal.getY() + next.getY()) / 2.0); GeneralPath arrowhead = arrowhead(middle, next, finLength, finAngle); if (filled) { arrowhead.closePath(); graphics.fill(arrowhead); } graphics.draw(arrowhead); } public static class Open extends SegmentDownhillArrowStyle { public Open() { super("Open", "ArrowMidOpen.gif", MEDIUM_ANGLE, MEDIUM_LENGTH, false); } } public static class Solid extends SegmentDownhillArrowStyle { public Solid() { super("Solid", "ArrowMidSolid.gif", MEDIUM_ANGLE, MEDIUM_LENGTH, true); } } public static class NarrowSolidMiddle extends SegmentDownhillArrowStyle { public NarrowSolidMiddle() { super("SolidNarrow", "ArrowMidSolidNarrow.gif", SMALL_ANGLE, LARGE_LENGTH, true); } } }