package org.openjump.core.rasterimage; import java.awt.image.DataBuffer; import java.awt.image.DataBufferDouble; import java.awt.image.Raster; import java.awt.image.SampleModel; import java.awt.image.WritableRaster; import; import; import; import; public class GridAscii { public GridAscii(String ascFullFileName){ this.ascFullFileName = ascFullFileName; readHeader(); } public GridAscii(String ascFullFileName, GridAscii gridAscii2){ this.ascFullFileName = ascFullFileName; this.nCols = gridAscii2.getnCols(); this.nRows = gridAscii2.getnRows(); this.xllCorner = gridAscii2.getXllCorner(); this.yllCorner = gridAscii2.getYllCorner(); this.cellSize = gridAscii2.getCellSize(); this.noData = gridAscii2.getNoData(); } public GridAscii(String ascFullFileName, int nCols, int nRows, boolean origCorner, double xllOrig, double yllOrig, double cellSize, double noData, String byteOrder){ this.ascFullFileName = ascFullFileName; this.nCols = nCols; this.nRows = nRows; this.origCorner = origCorner; if(origCorner){ this.xllCorner = xllOrig; this.yllCorner = yllOrig; }else{ this.xllCorner = xllOrig - 0.5*cellSize; this.yllCorner = yllOrig - 0.5*cellSize; } this.cellSize = cellSize; this.noData = noData; } public final int readHeader(){ try{ BufferedReader buffRead = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(ascFullFileName)); String line = null; String[] lines = null; int nDecimalsXll = 0; int nDecimalsYll = 0; int nDecimalsCellSize = 0; String[] header = new String[6]; for(int l=0; l<6; l++){ line = buffRead.readLine(); lines = line.split(" +"); if(lines[0].trim().toLowerCase().equals("ncols")){ header[0] = lines[1]; } if(lines[0].trim().toLowerCase().equals("nrows")){ header[1] = lines[1]; } if(lines[0].trim().toLowerCase().equals("xllcorner")){ header[2] = lines[1]; origCorner = true; nDecimalsXll = lines[1].length() - lines[1].lastIndexOf(".") - 1; } if(lines[0].trim().toLowerCase().equals("yllcorner")){ header[3] = lines[1]; origCorner = true; nDecimalsYll = lines[1].length() - lines[1].lastIndexOf(".") - 1; } if(lines[0].trim().toLowerCase().equals("xllcenter")){ header[2] = lines[1]; origCorner = false; nDecimalsXll = lines[1].length() - lines[1].lastIndexOf(".") - 1; } if(lines[0].trim().toLowerCase().equals("yllcenter")){ header[3] = lines[1]; origCorner = false; nDecimalsYll = lines[1].length() - lines[1].lastIndexOf(".") - 1; } if(lines[0].trim().toLowerCase().equals("cellsize")){ header[4] = lines[1]; nDecimalsCellSize = lines[1].length() - lines[1].lastIndexOf(".") - 1; } if(lines[0].trim().toLowerCase().equals("nodata_value")){ header[5] = lines[1]; } } buffRead.close(); nCols = Integer.parseInt(header[0]); nRows = Integer.parseInt(header[1]); xllCorner = Double.parseDouble(header[2]); yllCorner = Double.parseDouble(header[3]); cellSize = Double.parseDouble(header[4]); noData = Double.parseDouble(header[5]); // From corner to center, if needed if(!origCorner){ xllCorner = xllCorner + 0.5 * cellSize; yllCorner = yllCorner + 0.5 * cellSize; } return 0; }catch(Exception ex){ return 1; } } public int readGrid(){ int ret = readHeader(); if(ret != 0) return 1; double valSum = 0; double valSumSquare = 0; minVal = Double.MAX_VALUE; maxVal = -minVal; try{ BufferedReader buffRead = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(ascFullFileName)); // Skip header for(int l=0; l<=5; l++){ buffRead.readLine(); } // Read remaining part of grids String dtmLine = null; String[] dtmLines = null; int col = 0; int row = 0; // Read DTM int line = 0; int cell = 0; cellCount = 0; dataArray = new double[nCols*nRows]; while((dtmLine = buffRead.readLine()) != null){ dtmLine = dtmLine.trim(); dtmLines = dtmLine.split(" +"); for(int c=0; c<dtmLines.length; c++){ // row = (cell/nCols); // col = cell - (row * nCols) + 1; dataArray[cell] = Double.parseDouble(dtmLines[c]); // ras[col][row] = Double.parseDouble(dtmLines[c]); if(dataArray[cell] != noData) { valSum += dataArray[cell]; valSumSquare += (dataArray[cell] * dataArray[cell]); cellCount++; if(dataArray[cell] < minVal){minVal = dataArray[cell];} if(dataArray[cell] > maxVal){maxVal = dataArray[cell];} if((int)dataArray[cell] != dataArray[cell]) isInteger = false; } cell++; } line++; } buffRead.close(); meanVal = valSum / cellCount; stDevVal = Math.sqrt(valSumSquare/cellCount - meanVal*meanVal); // Create raster SampleModel sampleModel = RasterFactory.createBandedSampleModel(DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT, nCols, nRows, 1); DataBuffer db = new DataBufferDouble(dataArray, nCols*nRows); java.awt.Point point = new java.awt.Point(); point.setLocation(xllCorner, yllCorner); raster = RasterFactory.createRaster(sampleModel, db, point); return 0; }catch(Exception ex){ return 1; } } public void setHeaderEqualTo(GridAscii gridAscii){ this.nCols = gridAscii.getnCols(); this.nRows = gridAscii.getnRows(); this.xllCorner = gridAscii.getXllCorner(); this.yllCorner = gridAscii.getYllCorner(); this.cellSize = gridAscii.getCellSize(); this.noData = gridAscii.getNoData(); this.origCorner = gridAscii.origCorner; } public boolean isSpatiallyEqualTo(GridAscii gridAscii2){ boolean isEqual = true; if(nCols != gridAscii2.getnCols()) isEqual = false; if(nRows != gridAscii2.getnRows()) isEqual = false; if(origCorner != gridAscii2.getOrigCorner()) isEqual = false; if(xllCorner != gridAscii2.getXllCorner()) isEqual = false; if(yllCorner != gridAscii2.getYllCorner()) isEqual = false; if(cellSize != gridAscii2.getCellSize()) isEqual = false; if(noData != gridAscii2.getNoData()) isEqual = false; return isEqual; } public getPlanarImage (){ try{ // Create sample model SampleModel sampleModel = RasterFactory.createBandedSampleModel(DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT, nCols, nRows, 1); // Create tiled image TiledImage tiledImage = new TiledImage(0, 0, nCols, nRows, 0, 0, sampleModel, null); // Create writebaleraster WritableRaster wraster = tiledImage.getWritableTile(0,0); // Set raster data wraster.setPixels(0, 0, nCols, nRows, dataArray); // Set image raster tiledImage.setData(wraster); return tiledImage; }catch(Exception ex){ System.out.println(ex); return null; } } public int getnCols() { return nCols; } public void setnCols(int nCols) { this.nCols = nCols; } public int getnRows() { return nRows; } public void setnRows(int nRows) { this.nRows = nRows; } public double getXllCorner() { return xllCorner; } public void setXllCorner(double xllCorner) { this.xllCorner = xllCorner; } public double getYllCorner() { return yllCorner; } public void setYllCorner(double yllCorner) { this.yllCorner = yllCorner; } public boolean getOrigCorner(){ return origCorner; } public void setOrigCorner(boolean origCorner){ this.origCorner = origCorner; } public double getCellSize() { return cellSize; } public void setCellSize(double cellSize) { this.cellSize = cellSize; } public double getNoData() { return noData; } public void setNoData(double noData) { this.noData = noData; } public Raster getRaster(){ return raster; } public void setRas(Raster raster){ this.raster = raster; cellCount = 0; DataBuffer db = raster.getDataBuffer(); for(int e=0; e<db.getSize(); e++){ if(db.getElemFloat(e) != noData) cellCount++; } } public double getMinVal(){ return minVal; } public double getMaxVal(){ return maxVal; } public double getMeanVal(){ return meanVal; } public double getStDevVal(){ return stDevVal; } public long getCellCount(){ return cellCount; } public boolean isInteger(){ return isInteger; } private String ascFullFileName = null; private boolean origCorner = false; private int nCols = 0; private int nRows = 0; private double xllCorner = 0; private double yllCorner = 0; private double cellSize = 0; private double noData = -9999; private double[] dataArray = null; private Raster raster = null; private long cellCount = 0; private double minVal = Double.MAX_VALUE; private double maxVal = -Double.MAX_VALUE; private double meanVal = 0; private double stDevVal = 0; private boolean isInteger = true; }