/* * The Unified Mapping Platform (JUMP) is an extensible, interactive GUI * for visualizing and manipulating spatial features with geometry and attributes. * * Copyright (C) 2003 Vivid Solutions * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * For more information, contact: * * Vivid Solutions * Suite #1A * 2328 Government Street * Victoria BC V8T 5G5 * Canada * * (250)385-6040 * www.vividsolutions.com */ package com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.cursortool.editing; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeSet; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryCollection; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon; import com.vividsolutions.jts.util.Assert; import com.vividsolutions.jump.I18N; import com.vividsolutions.jump.feature.Feature; import com.vividsolutions.jump.feature.FeatureUtil; import com.vividsolutions.jump.geom.CoordUtil; import com.vividsolutions.jump.util.CollectionUtil; import com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.model.FenceLayerFinder; import com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.model.Layer; import com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.model.Task; import com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.EditTransaction; import com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.GeometryEditor; import com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.LayerViewPanel; import com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.cursortool.Animations; import com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.plugin.VerticesInFencePlugIn; public class SnapVerticesOp { public static final String INSERT_VERTICES_IF_NECESSARY_KEY = SnapVerticesOp.class.getName() + " - INSERT_VERTICES_IF_NECESSARY"; private final static String NO_TARGET_VERTICES_IN_FENCE_WARNING = I18N.get("ui.cursortool.editing.SnapVerticesOp.fence-contains-no-vertices-of-the-selected-feature-part-or-linestring"); public SnapVerticesOp() {} private Collection featuresInFence(Layer layer, Geometry fence, LayerViewPanel panel) { Collection featuresInFence = (Collection) panel.visibleLayerToFeaturesInFenceMap(fence).get(layer); if (featuresInFence == null) { return new ArrayList(); } return featuresInFence; } /** * @return null if the geometries have no vertices in the fence */ public Coordinate pickTarget( Geometry targetGeometry, Geometry fence, Coordinate suggestedTarget) throws Exception { Collection verticesInFence = VerticesInFencePlugIn.verticesInFence(targetGeometry, fence, true).getCoordinates(); if (verticesInFence.isEmpty()) { return null; } return CoordUtil.closest(verticesInFence, suggestedTarget); } /** * @param insertVerticesIfNecessary whether to insert vertices into * editable features with line segments (but not vertices) inside the fence */ public boolean execute( Geometry fence, Collection editableLayers, boolean rollingBackInvalidEdits, final LayerViewPanel panel, Task task, Coordinate suggestedTarget, Feature targetFeature, boolean insertVerticesIfNecessary) throws Exception { Map editableLayerToFeaturesInFenceMap = editableLayerToFeaturesInFenceMap(editableLayers, fence, panel); Collection editableFeatures = CollectionUtil.concatenate(editableLayerToFeaturesInFenceMap.values()); if (editableFeatures.isEmpty()) { panel.getContext().warnUser(I18N.get("ui.cursortool.editing.SnapVerticesOp.fence-contains-no-features-from-editable-layers")); return false; } if (VerticesInFencePlugIn .verticesInFence(targetFeature.getGeometry(), fence, true) .getCoordinates() .isEmpty() && VerticesInFencePlugIn .verticesInFence(FeatureUtil.toGeometries(editableFeatures), fence, true) .isEmpty()) { panel.getContext().warnUser(NO_TARGET_VERTICES_IN_FENCE_WARNING); return false; } Geometry targetGeometry = targetFeature.getGeometry(); List transactions = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator i = editableLayers.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Layer editableLayer = (Layer) i.next(); Collection featuresInFence = (Collection) editableLayerToFeaturesInFenceMap.get(editableLayer); EditTransaction transaction = new EditTransaction( featuresInFence, I18N.get("ui.cursortool.editing.SnapVerticesOp.snap-vertices-together"), editableLayer, rollingBackInvalidEdits, false, panel); transactions.add(transaction); if (insertVerticesIfNecessary) { insertVerticesIfNecessary(transaction, suggestedTarget, fence); //Target geometry may have had a vertex inserted. [Jon Aquino] if (featuresInFence.contains(targetFeature)) { targetGeometry = transaction.getGeometry(targetFeature); } } } final Coordinate target = pickTarget(targetGeometry, fence, suggestedTarget); if (target == null) { //Can get here if targetFeature is not on the editable layer. [Jon Aquino] panel.getContext().warnUser(NO_TARGET_VERTICES_IN_FENCE_WARNING); return false; } boolean geometryChanged = moveVertices(transactions, fence, target); if (!geometryChanged) { return true; } return EditTransaction.commit(transactions, new EditTransaction.SuccessAction() { public void run() { try { indicateSuccess(target, panel); } catch (Throwable t) { panel.getContext().warnUser(t.toString()); } } }); } private boolean moveVertices(List transactions, Geometry fence, final Coordinate target) { boolean geometryChanged = false; for (Iterator i = transactions.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { EditTransaction transaction = (EditTransaction) i.next(); for (int j = 0; j < transaction.size(); j++) { Geometry proposedGeometry = (Geometry) transaction.getGeometry(j); move( VerticesInFencePlugIn .verticesInFence(proposedGeometry, fence, false) .getCoordinates(), target); try { proposedGeometry = geometryEditor.removeRepeatedPoints(proposedGeometry); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Assert.isTrue( e.getMessage().toLowerCase().indexOf("point") > -1 && e.getMessage().toLowerCase().indexOf(">") > -1, "I assumed that we would get here only if too few points " + "were passed into the Geometry constructor [Jon Aquino]"); proposedGeometry = new Point( target, proposedGeometry.getPrecisionModel(), proposedGeometry.getSRID()); } transaction.setGeometry(j, proposedGeometry); } //Brute force check to see whether we should skip showing the animated //indicator [Jon Aquino] geometryChanged = geometryChanged || !coordinatesEqual(transaction, fence); } return geometryChanged; } private Map editableLayerToFeaturesInFenceMap( Collection editableLayers, Geometry fence, final LayerViewPanel panel) { Map editableLayerToFeaturesInFenceMap = new HashMap(); for (Iterator i = editableLayers.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Layer editableLayer = (Layer) i.next(); Assert.isTrue(editableLayer.isEditable()); editableLayerToFeaturesInFenceMap.put( editableLayer, featuresInFence(editableLayer, fence, panel)); } return editableLayerToFeaturesInFenceMap; } private boolean coordinatesEqual(EditTransaction transaction, Geometry fence) { for (int i = 0; i < transaction.size(); i++) { Feature originalFeature = transaction.getFeature(i); Geometry newGeometry = transaction.getGeometry(i); if (!coordinatesEqual(VerticesInFencePlugIn .verticesInFence(originalFeature.getGeometry(), fence, true) .getCoordinates(), VerticesInFencePlugIn .verticesInFence(newGeometry, fence, true) .getCoordinates())) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean coordinatesEqual(List a, List b) { if (a.size() != b.size()) { return false; } TreeSet A = new TreeSet(a); TreeSet B = new TreeSet(b); if (A.size() != B.size()) { return false; } Iterator Ai = A.iterator(); Iterator Bi = B.iterator(); while (Ai.hasNext()) { if (!Ai.next().equals(Bi.next())) { return false; } } return true; } private void indicateSuccess(Coordinate target, LayerViewPanel panel) throws NoninvertibleTransformException { Point2D center = panel.getViewport().toViewPoint(CoordUtil.toPoint2D(target)); Animations.drawExpandingRing(center, false, Color.green, panel, null); } private void move(Collection verticesToMove, Coordinate target) { for (Iterator i = verticesToMove.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Coordinate vertexToMove = (Coordinate) i.next(); vertexToMove.setCoordinate(target); } } private int insertVerticesIfNecessary( final EditTransaction transaction, final Coordinate target, final Geometry fence) throws NoninvertibleTransformException { //Trick: Wrap count in array to avoid "must be declared final" warnings. [Jon Aquino] final int[] verticesInserted = new int[] { 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < transaction.size(); i++) { //GeometryEditor is being used in two ways here. GeometryEditor#edit //recurses through GeometryCollection/Polygon elements (if any). //GeometryEditor#insertVertex does the vertex insertion on each //Geometry or GeometryCollection/Polygon element. [Jon Aquino] transaction .setGeometry( i, geometryEditor .edit( transaction.getGeometry(i), new GeometryEditor.GeometryEditorOperation() { public Geometry edit(Geometry geometry) { if (geometry instanceof Polygon) { //Wait for the individual LinearRings to come in. [Jon Aquino] return geometry; } if (geometry instanceof GeometryCollection) { return geometry; } if (!fence.intersects(geometry)) { //A part of the feature that doesn't lie inside the fence. [Jon Aquino] return geometry; } if (!VerticesInFencePlugIn .verticesInFence(geometry, fence, true) .getCoordinates() .isEmpty()) { return geometry; } verticesInserted[0] = verticesInserted[0] + 1; //Important to pass in the fence, so that vertex isn't inserted into //a segment that doesn't intersect the fence. [Jon Aquino] Geometry newGeometry = geometryEditor.insertVertex(geometry, target, fence); Assert.isTrue(newGeometry != null); return newGeometry; } })); } return verticesInserted[0]; } private GeometryEditor geometryEditor = new GeometryEditor(); }