package com.vividsolutions.jump.datastore.postgis; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import; import com.vividsolutions.jump.datastore.DataStoreMetadata; import com.vividsolutions.jump.datastore.SpatialReferenceSystemID; import com.vividsolutions.jump.datastore.jdbc.JDBCUtil; import com.vividsolutions.jump.datastore.jdbc.ResultSetBlock; public class PostgisDSMetadata implements DataStoreMetadata { private final WKBReader reader = new WKBReader(); private PostgisDSConnection conn; private Map sridMap = new HashMap(); public PostgisDSMetadata( PostgisDSConnection conn ) { this.conn = conn; } public String[] getDatasetNames() { final List datasetNames = new ArrayList(); // Spatial tables only. JDBCUtil.execute( conn.getConnection(), "SELECT DISTINCT f_table_schema, f_table_name FROM geometry_columns", new ResultSetBlock() { public void yield( ResultSet resultSet ) throws SQLException { while ( ) { String schema = resultSet.getString( 1 ); String table = resultSet.getString( 2 ); if ( !schema.equalsIgnoreCase( "public" ) ) { table = schema + "." + table; } datasetNames.add( table ); } } } ); return ( String[] ) datasetNames.toArray( new String[]{} ); } public Envelope getExtents( String datasetName, String attributeName ) { final Envelope[] e = new Envelope[]{null}; // // Use find_extent - sometimes estimated_extent was returning null // String sql = ""; //find_extent needs schema and table as separate arguments or it fails with "relation does not exist" if(datasetName.indexOf('.') != -1) { String[] parts = datasetName.split("\\.", 2); sql = "SELECT AsBinary(find_extent( '" + parts[0] + "', '" + parts[1] +"', '" + attributeName + "' ))"; } else { sql = "SELECT AsBinary(find_extent( '" + datasetName + "', '" + attributeName + "' ))"; } JDBCUtil.execute( conn.getConnection(), sql, new ResultSetBlock() { public void yield( ResultSet resultSet ) throws Exception { if ( ) { byte[] bytes = ( byte[] ) resultSet.getObject( 1 ); if ( bytes != null ) { Geometry geom = bytes ); if ( geom != null ) { e[0] = geom.getEnvelopeInternal(); } } } } } ); return e[0]; } public SpatialReferenceSystemID getSRID(String tableName, String colName) throws SQLException { String key = tableName + "#" + colName; if (!sridMap.containsKey(key)) { // not in cache, so query it String srid = querySRID(tableName, colName); sridMap.put(key, new SpatialReferenceSystemID(srid)); } SpatialReferenceSystemID srid = (SpatialReferenceSystemID) sridMap .get(key); return srid; } private String querySRID(String tableName, String colName) { final StringBuffer srid = new StringBuffer(); // Changed by Michael Michaud 2010-05-26 (throwed exception for empty tableName) // String sql = "SELECT getsrid(" + colName + ") FROM " + tableName + " LIMIT 1"; String[] tokens = tableName.split("\\.", 2); String schema = tokens.length==2?tokens[0]:"public"; String table = tokens.length==2?tokens[1]:tableName; String sql = "SELECT srid FROM geometry_columns where (f_table_schema = '" + schema + "' and f_table_name = '" + table + "')"; // End of the fix JDBCUtil.execute(conn.getConnection(), sql, new ResultSetBlock() { public void yield(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException { if ( { srid.append(resultSet.getString(1)); } } }); return srid.toString(); } public String[] getGeometryAttributeNames( String datasetName ) { final List geometryAttributeNames = new ArrayList(); String sql = "SELECT f_geometry_column FROM geometry_columns " + geomColumnMetadataWhereClause( "f_table_schema", "f_table_name", datasetName ); JDBCUtil.execute( conn.getConnection(), sql, new ResultSetBlock() { public void yield( ResultSet resultSet ) throws SQLException { while ( ) { geometryAttributeNames.add( resultSet.getString( 1 ) ); } } } ); return ( String[] ) geometryAttributeNames.toArray( new String[]{} ); } public String[] getColumnNames( String datasetName ) { String sql = "SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns " + geomColumnMetadataWhereClause( "table_schema", "table_name", datasetName ); ColumnNameBlock block = new ColumnNameBlock(); JDBCUtil.execute( conn.getConnection(), sql, block ); return block.colName; } private String geomColumnMetadataWhereClause( String schemaCol, String tableCol, String tableName ) { // [mmichaud 2011-07-24] Fixed a bug related to tables having common // names in public schema and another schema int dotPos = tableName.indexOf( "." ); String schema = "public"; String table = tableName.toLowerCase(); if (dotPos != -1) { schema = tableName.substring( 0, dotPos ).toLowerCase(); table = tableName.substring( dotPos + 1 ).toLowerCase(); } return "WHERE lower(" + schemaCol + ") = '" + schema + "'" + " AND lower(" + tableCol + ") = '" + table + "'"; } private static class ColumnNameBlock implements ResultSetBlock { List colList = new ArrayList(); String[] colName; public void yield( ResultSet resultSet ) throws SQLException { while ( ) { colList.add( resultSet.getString( 1 ) ); } colName = ( String[] ) colList.toArray( new String[0] ); } } }