package com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.plugin.analysis; import java.util.*; import com.vividsolutions.jump.task.*; import com.vividsolutions.jump.workbench.ui.GenericNames; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.*; import com.vividsolutions.jump.feature.*; /** * Exceutes a spatial query with a given mask FeatureCollection, source FeatureCollection, * and predicate. * Ensures result does not contain duplicates. * * @author Martin Davis * @version 1.0 */ public class SpatialQueryExecuter { private FeatureCollection maskFC; private FeatureCollection sourceFC; // private GeometryPredicate predicate; private FeatureCollection queryFC; private boolean complementResult = false; private boolean allowDuplicatesInResult = false; private boolean isExceptionThrown = false; private Geometry geoms[] = new Geometry[2]; private Set resultSet = new HashSet(); private boolean createNewLayer = true; public SpatialQueryExecuter(FeatureCollection maskFC, FeatureCollection sourceFC) { this.maskFC = maskFC; this.sourceFC = sourceFC; } /** * Sets whether duplicate features are allowed in the result set. * * @param isAllowDuplicates true if duplicates are allowed */ public void setAllowDuplicates(boolean isAllowDuplicates) { this.allowDuplicatesInResult = isAllowDuplicates; } /** * Sets whether the result set should be complemented * * @param complementResult true if the result should be complemented */ public void setComplementResult(boolean complementResult) { this.complementResult = complementResult; } /** * Gets the featurec collection to query. * This may be indexed if this would improve performance. * * @param func * @return */ private void createQueryFeatureCollection(GeometryPredicate pred) { boolean buildIndex = false; if (maskFC.size() > 10) buildIndex = true; if (sourceFC.size() > 100) buildIndex = true; if (pred instanceof GeometryPredicate.DisjointPredicate) buildIndex = false; if (buildIndex) { queryFC = new IndexedFeatureCollection(sourceFC); } else { queryFC = sourceFC; } } private Iterator query(GeometryPredicate pred, double[] params, Geometry gMask) { Envelope queryEnv = gMask.getEnvelopeInternal(); // special hack for withinDistance if (pred instanceof GeometryPredicate.WithinDistancePredicate) { queryEnv.expandBy(params[0]); } boolean useQuery = true; if (pred instanceof GeometryPredicate.DisjointPredicate) useQuery = false; Iterator queryIt = null; if (useQuery) { Collection queryResult = queryFC.query(queryEnv); queryIt = queryResult.iterator(); } else { queryIt = queryFC.iterator(); } return queryIt; } public boolean isExceptionThrown() { return isExceptionThrown; } public FeatureCollection getResultFC() { return new FeatureDataset(sourceFC.getFeatureSchema()); } private boolean isInResult(Feature f) { return resultSet.contains(f); } /** * Computes geomSrc.func(geomMask) * * @param monitor * @param func * @param params * @param resultFC */ public void execute(TaskMonitor monitor, GeometryPredicate func, double[] params, FeatureCollection resultFC ) { createQueryFeatureCollection(func); int total = maskFC.size(); int count = 0; for (Iterator iMask = maskFC.iterator(); iMask.hasNext(); ) {, total, GenericNames.FEATURES); if (monitor.isCancelRequested()) return; Feature fMask = (Feature); Geometry gMask = fMask.getGeometry(); Iterator queryIt = query(func, params, gMask); for (; queryIt.hasNext(); ) { Feature fSrc = (Feature); // optimization - if feature already in result no need to re-test if (isInResult(fSrc)) continue; Geometry gSrc = fSrc.getGeometry(); geoms[0] = gSrc; geoms[1] = gMask; boolean isInResult = isTrue(func, gSrc, gMask, params); if (isInResult) { if (allowDuplicatesInResult) { addToResult(fSrc, resultFC); } else { resultSet.add(fSrc); } } } } if (! allowDuplicatesInResult) { if (complementResult) { loadComplement(resultFC); } else { loadResult(resultFC); } } } private void loadComplement(FeatureCollection resultFC) { for (Iterator i = sourceFC.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Feature f = (Feature); if (! resultSet.contains(f)) { addToResult(f, resultFC); } } } private void loadResult(FeatureCollection resultFC) { for (Iterator i = resultSet.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Feature f = (Feature); addToResult(f, resultFC); } } private void addToResult(Feature f, FeatureCollection resultFC) { // Code modified by the Sunburned Surveyor to allow // the creation of "normal" selections if a new // layer isn't being created for the features // selected as part of the spatial analysis. if(this.createNewLayer == true) { Feature fResult = f.clone(true); resultFC.add(fResult); } else { resultFC.add(f); } } private boolean isTrue(GeometryPredicate func, Geometry geom0, Geometry geom1, double[] params) { try { return func.isTrue(geom0, geom1, params); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { // simply eat exceptions and report them by returning null isExceptionThrown = true; } return false; } // Code added by the Sunburned Surveyor to allow // the creation of "normal" selections if a new // layer isn't being created for the features // selected as part of the spatial analysis. // // This method is currently called by the SpatialQueryPlugIn object. /** * Sets a boolean flag that indicates if features selected as part of the * spatial analysis should be placed on a new layer, or should be selected * in the source layer. */ public void setCreateNewLayer(boolean argCreateNewLayer) { this.createNewLayer = argCreateNewLayer; } // Code added by the Sunburned Surveyor to allow // the creation of "normal" selections if a new // layer isn't being created for the features // selected as part of the spatial analysis. /** * Returns a boolean flag that indicates if features selected as part of the * spatial analysis should be placed on a new layer, or should be selected * in the source layer. */ public boolean getCreateNewLayer() { return this.createNewLayer; } }