package org.myrobotlab.control; import java.awt.dnd.DropTarget; import javax.swing.JPanel; /** * source modified from: * */ /** * * @author LunDev (github), Ma. Vo. (MyRobotlab) */ public class ServoOrchestratorGUI_middlemiddle_rootpanel extends JPanel { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final ServoOrchestratorGUI_middlemiddle_main demo; ServoOrchestratorGUI_middlemiddle_rootpanel(ServoOrchestratorGUI_middlemiddle_main demo) { super(); // Need to keep reference so can later communicate with drop listener this.demo = demo; // Again, needs to negotiate with the draggable object this.setTransferHandler(new ServoOrchestratorGUI_middlemiddle_transferhandler()); // Create the listener to do the work when dropping on this object! this.setDropTarget(new DropTarget(ServoOrchestratorGUI_middlemiddle_rootpanel.this, new ServoOrchestratorGUI_middlemiddle_droptargetlistener(ServoOrchestratorGUI_middlemiddle_rootpanel.this))); } public ServoOrchestratorGUI_middlemiddle_main getDragAndDropPanelMain() { return demo; } }